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charity: water


my friend amy told me about this organization called 
charity: water.

i think it's awesome.
the statistics will make you feel sick.
you will feel sad, selfish and disgusted.

but we can do something.  
we can't all go to africa or liberia.
but we probably can all give $20 for clean water for a whole village.

can you even BEGIN to imagine this?
we wouldn't let our kids touch that water…let alone use it.  
or DRINK IT?!!


the founder is scott harrison.  
he is 33….like me.
he changed everything and went to serve the poor…totally UN-like me.

you can give through their site….badge in the sidebar.
you can give through jody's site   (i think….)

but just give.  
if you have any extra this christmas…

just give water.


and if you have the time you can watch this.

Rachel - What a great cause. Thanks for sharing.

Art Cant Hurt - Wow – it makes me feel guilty that I showered today. Such a waste of good water.
Thanks for continuously putting your ‘public platform’ to good use! Your blog is truly tidbits of inspiration!
Take care Duerksen family!

pam - thanks for posting this Meg!! i can’t tell you how much I appreciate you getting the word out. I might just HUG you next time I see you. 🙂 (ha ha)

traci - thanks meg. something we all take for granted.

Aubrey - I feel so guilty–and so glad we have fresh, clean, running water all the time.

Robin Laws - you are a good soul megan. this is such a heartfelt post and full of compassion.
XOX you are dear to me. thanks for this and so much more.

The Rauths - it’s scary. i did a post that i think would interest you too.

melissa @ the inspired room - Aw, this is amazing. Thanks for sharing the need. heart wrenching.
Thanksgiving blessings to you,

Ann Marie - Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m going to look into it more…I have a September birthday, and so does my son, two brothers, my dad, and two sisters-in-law. We could raise a bunch of money!

Ashley - Great post…crazy how much we take for granted and how little it takes to make a life saving difference in someone’s life. Seriously, when are you coming to Okla. so we can grab a Starbucks and roam through a craft store together?

Sharla - Thanks Megan, this is a great cause. I’ve put the information on my blog (and linked to yours).

amy j. - Tears on my face, too… because I know how many people read Jody’s blog, and I know how many people read your blog, and now, all those people together, knowing about this… wow. Only $20. Or even $10. (Look for info on Jody’s blog about $10 Fridays) What a huge difference a few moms can make in the world. Thank you, thank you, for sharing this.

Amanda - I think its great you are so gung ho about this… your eagerness excitement is contagious…
I will definitely offer up some prayers for this nobel cause.
God bless-

Shana - I have had dreams about this since I went on the website a few weeks ago. It is now “one of my favorite things”. I may not be Oprah, but I think everyone needs to know about this.

Lanny Stanard - Tears, are rolling down my face! Thank You Megan…
BiG hUgS! Lanny

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