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who’s my favorite baby?


london was not happy to see me.
when i opened the car door to ride with them she was already crying. 
her little cheeks were all red and tears rolling down her face.
i looked at jenn and said "should we do this another day?"
we decided to try it anyway.
russ was passing london some smarties and that got some smiles.

after the terror of the shoulder ride was over….
we got some good shots.


pretty pretty girls.  
she warmed up a little but not her usual smiley self.
and she was not liking the shoulder ride….AT ALL!


but we thought it was kind of funny anyway.
she was being a little dramatic….

she is my favorite baby.
(i can say that because i don't have any more babies….boo hoo for me)

thanks russ and jenn.
i can't wait to see how we can upset miss london next time.
we made her cry on the hay bales…on the piano bench and now with those scary shoulder rides….
maybe we could put her on waffle next time?

gina - Gorgeous photos and that is one adorable baby- even screaming. 🙂

Robin Laws - brilliant! simply brilliant work! i love the sepia toned ones best, every single one of ’em! and she really is adorable isn’t she..when she smiles i mean 🙂

Tracy - Meg these shots are great as usual and TOO CUTE/FUNNY of little London crying – the last is my favorite and I agree, I think the Jenn could VERY easily pass as your sister – I wouldn’t have known any different had I not been reading your blog all this time. lol Thanks for sharing the great photos and I can’t wait to see the next ones! Hugs, Trac~ :o)

Amanda Rettke - Beautiful shots! Great looking family… do you have sunny skies everyday??????
Many blessigns-

traci - Cute shots…LOVE the first one even if she is crying. Ya know, Jen looks like she could be your sister!

Ali - The two crying shots are my favorites. So REAL and they have so much humor in them as well. 🙂 Wonderful photography, Meg.

a thorn among roses - i love this set of shots…the screaming baby while mom and dad r kissing crack me up. i would blow it up and put it on the wall! so fun! so how in the world is it still pretty where you live? it stinks here…snow and nasty wind!

Traci Thorson - adorable shots meg. even the crying ones are cute. love the one of her crying while her parents are kissing.

Marnie - The look on the Dad’s face in the first pic is PRICELESS! Thanks for sharing, needed a good giggle today! 🙂

Jeremie - Great pics! Question, does his bracelet have any special meaning? I like it! Also, Jenn favors you, are you guys related?
Beautiful family!!!!

Sandy - what a nice looking family. in the last picture it looks like she’s crying because she’s jealous daddy’s kissing mommy instead of her. 🙂 That is an adorably pose though…I love it with her on the shoulders and them kissing….she could have at least acted happy. 😉

sarah - aww, poor thing.
Great pictures though! I really enjoyed the one with Daddy and London wide mouthed at each other 🙂

carissa - OMGoodness… terrific shots… tears and all!
what a beautiful family!
great job Meg!

Kelly - put her on waffle! ha! Kelly

Lorilee - The photos are so cute. I think crying photos are fine. After all, it is REAL!

krista - this family made me smile today….

Sharla - You got a lot of cute shots – love all of them. The last one cracks me up!

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