Masthead header


i am surrounded by piles.

in every single room of my house.








this is my least favorite pile.

i promised i would build the gingerbread house today so the kids could decorate it after school.
why do i promise stuff like that?
annie has been begging all morning to get started (since 7 AM)
i have my pounding monthly mega-headache that i always get
and i just can't wake up.

but christmas projects are moving right along.
i can't wait to show you some of the house and my new craft obsession.
i am addicted.

ready?  OK!!  
have a super great thursday……(said my best cheerleader voice)

Sarah @ Thriftydecorchick - Oh good Lord, I am with you. I am the Pile Queen — especially mail…paper, coupons, whatever. And the pile moves about five times till I finally deal with it. Love your site!

Sarah @ Thriftydecorchick - Oh good Lord, I am with you. I am the Pile Queen — especially mail…paper, coupons, whatever. And the pile moves about five times till I finally deal with it. Love your site!

Jamie Sampson - I am not alone, said with a huge sigh of relief.

a thorn among roses - so my hubs is the king of piles…no horizontal space for him bc he will fill it up! laundry…does it ever ever get done???

Trina - Well I have to say.. your piles are quite pretty!!!!! Can’t wait to see the craft.. I haven’t been very crafty lately!! Looking for some inspiration πŸ™‚

michelle allen - how can you make your piles even look good!
did you build your gingerbread house from scratch? i can’t wait to see the pictures! that is one of the projects i promised my kids this year too. it’s a good way to get rid of all the old candy sitting around : )
are those teacher gifts with the marshmellows? hope your headache disappeared. from the looks of the time i will probably be having one in the morning myself!

Ashley - I think you must be SuperMom with all you accomplish in one day. I feel like I do alot, then I visit your blog and am tired (and jealous) looking at your day! I am curious what the tins are being used for?

traci - only you could make all those piles look so inviting. love the magazines – i have piles of those here too. and lemonheads are my all time favorite. yum!!

Gini - I like pile number 3….oh, wait, I mean pile number 4…no make that pile number 5. I hear ya’, girl!

carissa - my laundry pile is BIGGER than your laundry pile!
wait a minute… that’s not good! πŸ™‚
you are doing GREAT…
well on your way to the finish line!

regina - I see piles but I see very pretty and fun piles!!!!

jennifer - The colors in your piles are so pretty. Even the laundry pile. There’s way too much brown and black in my mountain of a laundry pile.
I’m another one that really wants to know the how to on the cocoa baggies. They look too cute but I’m craft impaired so there’s no way I can figure out on my own what you’ve got going on there.
Can’t wait to see the rest of crafting addictions!

Lee Ann - But your piles are so pretty! πŸ™‚ Does your craft obesession involve the bottle caps?

Rach - Are you sure you aren’t the Energizer Bunny because you continue to amaze me with your daily projects. Maybe there are 30 hours in your day instead of 24. πŸ˜‰

Aubrey - You make piles look pretty. I love those little tins. I’ve never seen them before (why am I so ignorant?) but I bet you’re doing something fun with them. We did gingerbread houses from kits I bought after christmas on sale. Lazy, I know–but they don’t eat the gingerbread anyway.
I have the same laundry basket–only less full. Only because I haven’t washed it all yet and my husband folded some of it already. Maybe he’ll do all the Christams baking, too.

Tami - Wow r u kiddin me lol. I havent even put the tree up yet! Yikes!

sarah - At lest they are pretty piles, right?!

kasey - what happened to you taking a breaK?

adrienneK - i recently discovered your blog(through ohdeedoh, i was recently featured on the site as well) and i am in love with all your color!! i too would like to know more about the neat coa coa kits, they seem like a great idea:)

Laura - I, too, would like to know about the packages with the hot cocoa mix. I need Sunday School teacher gifts. I was thinking about baking; but, maybe you have a better idea there. If you get a chance, please share. And thanks for always making me smile and for being real. Gotta love that!

Queenie Bee - Looks like piles of FUN to me!…except that last one, of course. And you must (!) show us a better photo of what all is inside those hot chocolate bags! I think I need to steal that idea. πŸ™‚
Hey, any cute ideas for small gifts for 13 year-old cheerleaders? I just know you’re the right person tho ask!

Mary-Liz Shaw - Hi! I’m working on a Milwaukee newspaper story about designing and decorating children’s rooms. I saw your guest room/play room featured on Ohdeedoh and thought you might be willing to discuss your style for my article? Please email me. Thanks.

sara's art house - even your piles are cute!

Alyssa - if my piles looked like your beautiful piles, I would kiss the ground. Your piles kick my piles butt in a beauty contest.
The laundry piles is the kind of piles I have ALL over my house.
Can not wait to see your new project.

Jess - my washer and dryer are humming as I type….you MUST tell us about all those piles….now that you have teased us with this post…they do look fun! -jess

Shannan - Those piles (well, most) look mighty fun! Reminds me that I do actually need to go wrap the presents. It probably wouldn’t be as fun if I led the kids into our closet on Christmas morning and let them have a free-for-all with the giant Target bag of goodies.
Can’t wait to see those Christmas crafts!

Ali - Ditto, you have such pretty, pretty piles of stuff. πŸ™‚

ForeverFoldingLaundry - Oh, bless you for posting that picture of your laundry pile…it is the identical twin of mine. And I don’t want to touch it. I’m hoping some magical Christmas elf will come and make it all go away. It could happen, right?

April - Meg….what magazine says Come Home To Comfort on its spine ??
Oooh I love Mary’s Home Companion !!!
Good luck with your piles…..
have a happy day

julie - Okay, so it sort of doesn’t count if your piles are so pretty. Well, I suppose the last pic counts…. less pretty.
Looks like fun things are happening at your house!
I am mean and always send the gingerbread house kit over to the grandparents….
Fun memory for them. Less mess for me.

Jenn Thomas - I feel the same way but I don’t have as many piles as you do. Some of those piles look awful yummy and crafty. I guess many of us will be burning the midnight oil in the
next couple weeks. Hey my mom is coming maybe I could send her down to help πŸ™‚ but I think I will keep her for myself. Hang in there Meg!

meaghan easterhaus - oohhh…laundry for that many people…ouch!

Jen - I am right there with ya! Thanks for the laundry pic, just reminds us we are all in the same boat!
Hilarious on the cheer voice. I could hear you without even ever meeting you!

Liz - Yes, but your piles are pretty piles. πŸ™‚

Mandi - Christmas presents…wrapped…already?
I haven’t even begun shopping. shesh.

traci - Normally, Im not a big “piles” kinda gal, but I even LOVE your…well, except for the last one…LOL
PLEASE, dont tease us with telling us about your latest craft addiction and then showing us NIPPO!!!!

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