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this is my nephew Hunter.
he is showing me the stain on his shirt.
he really wanted to be on the blog.
he could recite the address and everything.
every picture i took over christmas he would say "that's going on the blog!"

so here you go hunter.
love you bud.
i really enjoyed being with you and your family this christmas.
hope we get to visit your new house this year!
and maybe even see you race.

he's a swimmer.
when he was in kansas he raced and beat his old uncle craig….pretty easily i hear.
i was sorry to have missed seeing that.
keep working hard hunter…we are really proud of you.

and by the way….
her code was her graduating year.
just like you thought.  :)

Joki - It fires one type of shot right? then it swaps the type of ammo used. Then fires a diff shot. Then swaps the ammo back again and repeats.This is for those who use two types of ammo cause they are poor and cant afrofd to buy the top stuff and try to use crap ammo on crap shots and good ammo on good shots lol. Smart but rly quite useless

Tegan - Hahaha. Nice work Hunter- you got on the blog…looking not too bad if I say so myself. Oops, okay so that’s a little embarrassing :$

missanne - handsome fella.
sorry about the stain!

Amanda Rettke - I LOVE the name Hunter and would have chose it for my own child but hubbys best guy bud chose it for his kid. Dangit. Anywho… hope Hunter enjoys his new found fame. Think he’ll get a girlfriend out of it? Just wondering. he he
God bless-

kasey - thanks for sharing the pic. it reminds me of my son and what his shirt always looks like.

carissa - hey there Hunter!
so nice to meet you!
how fun!

traci - Hes a cutie!!!

Shannon Davis - This is Hunter’s mom and Craig’s big sister. Hunter will be excited to see himself. In anwsers to your questions about the hat — yes, it is extremely cool to leave the barcode on the hat AND the big sticker that is on top of the hat as well. Go figure. Megan, we also had a great time this break (even though I dreaded coming). Thanks for posting “the Hunter” –he will get a big charge out of it — and will tell you “told you so on the graduating year”

maile - how funny! hi Hunter! I agree that it’s cute that he wants to be on your blog. Hope i’m that cool of an auntie someday too!

Darby - Hunter, Congrats on your debut as a blog star. This made me laugh out loud! Watch out… you may start being recognized in public!! I too, often get asked, “Is this going on the blog?!” 🙂

Sandy - Hi Hunter! You’re a star!
Troy, OH

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Hunter is a cutie! Then again…I haven’t seen any of your family that wasn’t!!!!! By the way Hunter…I am always dropping food on my shirt too!!!!!! Can’t take us anywhere, can they? Swim fast!!!!!

traci - hi hunter – welcome to the blogging world. now your famous.

danyele - hi hunter! you finally made it! welcome to star town!

Wendy - My husband is always wanting to “make the blahhhg” too. And if a drip on your shirt is all it takes, he’d be featured quite often.
Congrats hunter. And great hat!

katy - He sounds like my family…asking the same thing. Funny. Hi Hunter…glad you got to be featured w/ your big ‘ol pic. on the current post!! yay for you!

Rosemarie - What a cutie. And I love the tag on his hat.

MGF - FUN, that he wanted to a part of something that his aunt does.
Is leaving the barcodes on a hat a new trend? It maybe is a old trend that I missed- I may be out of touch with fashion. That I know is true.

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