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snow storm

on friday we were in a snow storm…

today annie wore flip flops to preschool because it was warm enough.
changes very quickly.

friday morning i went to the grocery store, the video store (7 videos to be snow bound)
the post office and walmart…i was preparing for the worst.
i did not want to leave again.
i was ready for a blizzard (and hoping for one)…even though it IS spring.

we got snow but no blizzard.
the kids' soccer games, dance classes and ball tournaments were cancelled.
our weekend went from packed with activities to calm and cozy.
it was one of those very pretty, big big flakes, blowing and snowing for hours kind of day on saturday.
then craig took them all sledding and i got some real piece and quiet.

these pics are from saturday evening while dinner was cooking inside.
no longer cold or blowing.
they worked almost an hour on this "snow fort".
that's big vision.
it never got taller than 18 inches but they didn't seem to notice.



it was one of the most relaxing weekends we have had in a long time.
i like that we were all here together with no plans and no need to go anywhere.
basketball…videos…sewing…sledding…cuddling…that's it.

now…lets get back to spring.

haydee Tau - There’s that cute shirt I so loved..I made a copy cat although not as cute as yours. My flowers were poufs instead. Thanks for daily inspiration.

adrienne - Meg-
I always look forward to checking out the latest on your happy things list. It is like a “table of contents” to the best magazine ever. Thanks for spreading the joy! Adrienne

Sandy - I saw Angie’s comment about being ready for some more pictures of Waffle and it reminded me to tell you that I’ve been thinking about getting a new dog (had to have mine put to sleep in February after 12 years with our family) and every time I imagine what he’ll look like… … … it’s Waffle!…or one that looks like Waffle! Shoot, I may even steal the name. I mean, that is, if you don’t mind. 🙂
Troy, OH

Mrs. - Meg, I am SOOO happy to see that Hanna coat on Annie. My girls (11 and 9) are this very year in their last Hanna, both are at the big 160 size and the oldest is tired of people telling her how much they like her coat. How did you deal when your oldest tired of the Hanna?


Kim - This is just “mid-West” weather! I love being at home and having a low key weekend, so I can totally relate!

karlene - how superbly delightful!!!

Jenny Wenzel - Hi there…I actually live in Wichita and went to Berean, you and your husband look so familiar…I graduated in 1993…it is funny because every now and then I see someone I know on your blog! Anyway…a question…do you have the recipe for the playdoh cookies you did a while ago…I went to the site you got them from and it has changed…I’d really love it! Thanks so much – Jenny Wilson Wenzel

Laura - thanks for sharing your snow storm, I gardened all weekend, and am looking forward to summer, already.
I LOVE Annie’s coat!
Her leggings are cool too!
Best- Laura

Laura Phelps - should have spent my weekend with you
took four kids for two days to disneyland for my daughters birthday
it was fun
and exhausting
more exhausting than fun…for me at least
time to make some coffee…
glad you found the time to do very little…

chas at the wild raspberry - it was a beautiful snow…big cottonball flakes coming down.
i love the way the sun was caught in that first picture…really lovely.

Staci - We were supposed to get at least 6 inches of snow….turned out to just be rain 🙁 We were sad 🙁 Ah well, I’m movin’ on to Spring!!!! Your right…those days when there’s not ten bazillion things on the schedule is SUPER nice 😉

Julie K. - Great pictures Megan! I love Annie’s sense of style. :o) I have a photography question for you … how did you get your snow to look white? Maybe it helped that the sun was out … I was taking snow pictures this weekend under cloudy skys and they kept coming out grey or blue! I finally converted one to black and white but even that doesn’t look totally white … what’s your trick?

Wendy - Cute leggings on Annie! Great pics.

Rach - I was wondering how you guys were doing when I heard about the storm. I knew there’d be snowy pictures at some points so thanks for posting them. They make me smile and realize how much I miss the snow some days. Damn this blasted sun all the time. 🙂

Jenn Thomas - It was fun to not be expected to do much this past weekend. London and I stayed in our pj’s ALL day on Saturday except when we went out to play in the snow – when we came back in we put them on again. Great pictures.

Keri - A weekend without an event to carpool to?? How perfect! The kids are adorable – love the pink cheeks!
You might find this hard to believe but I’ve never seen snow falling! I’m a Calif native & we don’t get snow here where I am, and while I’ve been to the snow, I’ve never been while it’s snowing. Can I come hang out there during your next blizzard? =)

Angie - Am thinking we are due for a picture of Waffle!

Trish - sounds like my kind of weekend 🙂 I don’t mind the snow if it would melt FAST!
our weekend was filled with all things at home… except Addie was puking her guts out 🙁 not exactly stress free!
Now she’s asking for spaghetti? at 10:30 in the morning, crazy girl!

Shana - Ditto sister! (okay, we only rented 5 movies!) The perfect weekend in my opinion.

kristi rediske - Love the pics-love the shirt and coat your daughter has on-do yo make those? So Cute.

Kellie - That’s why I love severe weather down south (as long as no damage is done) It’s a good excuse to hunker down and be still and enjoy the simple life!!!!! Glad to know ya’ll cancel things there when it snows too – I thought they only did that down south here where it only snows once every 5 years and everything shuts down for a little dusting!!!!

Jess - I love spring! I have been ready for spring since the first day of winter!!! And yes, YAY for relaxing weekends! I hope to have one this weekend, the kids start spring break!
I became addicted to your blog because of your photography and your love of color. Thanks again for the picnik link. I can’t believe that I’ve been in the dark about this site! I am having too much fun messin’ around with everything.

sandy toe - Those type of weekends bless my soul~
sandy toe

robyn Beckley Vining - we were hoping for a blizzard, too. nep. just a tiny little snowguy.
lo-hove that shirt on annie! did you make that? too cute!

robyn Beckley Vining - we were hoping for a blizzard, too. nep. just a tiny little snowguy.
lo-hove that shirt on annie! did you make that? too cute!

purejoy - even though snow in the spring can be a real mood killer, i think what’s great about a spring snow is just like you said. big chunky flakes, good packable snow, not bitter cold, and it’s gone. and you don’t have to look forward to 4 more months of that. it is really a recipe to stop and enjoy. loved the pix.

Steph - Meg, what fabulous photos as always! Your kids are adorable and always look like they are having so much fun! It sounds like you had my kind of weekend.
We had snow on Sunday, and we stayed inside in our jammies all day. It was heavenly! I made 3 loaves of bread and homemade cinnamon rolls and we just hung out and relaxed. I love days like that, because they are so rare with all of the kids’ activities.
I’m glad you had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. 🙂

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