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another field trip.

i haven't been on a field trip in many  many years…and this year i went on TWO.

i realized long ago that i am not a field trip kind of mom.
i am also not a PTO kind of mom.
or a room mom or a fundraiser president kind of mom.

it's just not me.

i can't even go to meetings at church.
i can't stand that kind of stuff…i can't sit still…i can't listen.
i would skip all kids' programs if i could.
but i can't.

what was i talking about…oh yes…the second field trip.
i went on sean's field trip this year too.
he looked right at me and asked me to go.
"please mom…i really want you to…we'll have lots of fun."

how can i say no to that?

as they were walking to the the bus his teacher said "sean said you'd be riding with him"
"HA! sorry charlie…no way.  see ya there!"
the bus?   that's taking it too far.  
i rode with my friend….and then we were late because we were searching for starbucks.

that's the kind of mom i am.

the field trip was actually really good.
Exploration Place is a very cool place.
i have never been since we'd moved here so i was happy to go for only $3.50.

it was the perfect place for sean.
lots of hands on but also lots of of thinking involved.
and a paper airplane exhibit?   
that's heaven for sean.


they are inside a wind machine.
there is a big weather area…tornados and wind…erosion…
my favorite part was the real tornado made of smoke (?) that the kids could try to break up.

there was a maze exhibit…another challenge sean enjoys.

this room was an entire miniature town. 
we stayed in here the longest…studying the details.
it must have taken a thousand hours to build this.
each little person is like half an inch tall?
that merry-go-round was maybe 3 inches?  
the giant bubble maker is always fun.
he stuck with it until it worked.
other kids ran up and tried it once or twice and then left but he stayed till he got it.
that is just SO sean.

i'm glad i went.
doesn't mean i will go again….but i AM glad i went this time.
it's nice to feel wanted by your kids.
because i am now aware of quickly it can change.
but maybe…just maybe…for sean it won't change?
he'll always want me to go places with him?

hey…i can dream.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You captured the day perfectly. Looked like so much fun.

Heather - I love your honesty. Oh, hell, I think I just love you. 😉

melissa @ the inspired room - I’m not that kind of mom either. No wonder I like you. I am going on a field trip though in a couple of weeks. Luckily, I can drive my own car. I am definitely not a ride in the back of the bus field because I am the room mom kind of mom. 🙂

pambuller - what a great day!
2 field trips this year…maybe PTO president next year??? 🙂 (i’m laughing out loud here)

Jeana - i’m not that kinda mom either. i just don’t enjoy stuff like that. and meetings?! i dread them, our son has ARD meetings anytime anything changes with him…you would think i would be used to them by now, but no. anyways, love the blog and pics as usual!

Ryanne Toland - Whoa, awesome pics. One day your children will appreciate all of the wonderful memories you have captured.

lynn bray - Thank you, thank you, thank you for your honesty! I am not that mom- nor was I that kid– never stuck with group activities, especially those that involved meetings (think: Girl Scouts). Looks like you had a fun time though- gives me hope for when the field trips start in the next few years. My oldest is in kindergarten so we don’t do many field trips yet, although we did go see a performance of Pinnocchio in December. That story seriously creeps me, but I went because she wanted me to… not a great time, but not unbearable either. 🙂 Have a good day!

jerusalem G - I am really bad at all that stuff too – glad to know I am not alone! The Starbucks thing cracks me up – totally would happen to me too. I bet Sean will want you to do lots of things with him always. Very cool.

princesslasertron - I wanted to build tiny cities when I grew up

ang - You nailed it!!! I’ve been a teacher for 15 years and mom for 11. I totally dread field trips and PTO meetings. When I would attend field trips as a “mom”, I ended up with the rowdiest kids in the class. I’m glad to hear I’m not alone!!! This place does look awesome. Is it in Wichita?

Lazy Mom Leslie - I’ve done two field trips this year too. I had to ride on the bus for the one this week. I’m glad I went, but I don’t like them either.

Jody - OK, I lurk here often and have heard only wonderful things from Pam about you. This particular blog is giving me so much freedom.
Thank you. 🙂 I with you on this one.

Trish - looks like fun. i giggled when you said you were late cause of Starbucks 🙂 That would be me too!

MGF - nice to spend time with just one child- full attention

marci - I agree, field trips aren’t my cup of tea either. And I’m a teacher, so that’s really bad. LOL!

Kate - I am so, so, so glad I am not the only mom like that. Whew. And not the only one obsessed w/ Starbucks! Love your pics – rock on.


Sharri - Hello Megan, I am new to your blog and enjoy it very much. Does Sean want to fly airplanes?

Ruth - You are a wonderful mother going through with that!! The giant bubble thing does look awesome though…
I just posted a froggy video and it made me think of your header! Is that a sign I spend too much time online?!
Ah… “whatever” 🙂

michelle - Hi Meg…I am writing to you here b/c I couldn’t find where your email was. I had purchased (at least I think I paid) a rainbow shirt (5t) for Cora’s playground. I know you just got some things sent out but I have been gone for a week and haven’t received it. I just wanted to make sure I DID pay for it. I would not put it past myself to mean to and then not. I was buying up difft things for Cora and thought I had them all paid for…if not please let me know. Thanks so much~and I love your work!!Michelle

Sarah - You are funny! If someone asks me to do something at school, I say, “Only if you absolutely promise me there will be NO meetings about it.” I can’t stand girls + meetings. I don’t have time for it, and I can get it done without gabbing on and on about it forever. Field trips remind me of warm fruit punch and hot bologna sandwiches on a bus…which = barf. But looks like you had fun…what a neat place.

Lori Danelle - at least you’re honest with yourself! silly to set expectations for yourself that you really don’t want to obtain and then feel bad when you don’t. 🙂
Also, I think that a field trip definitely requires Starbuck’s, even if it does cause you to be late. Sacrifices must be made!!

3 Peas in a Pod - So funny you blogged about this. I went on a kindergarten field trip yesterday. The place was called Imagine That and it was great. I was responsible for my son and 3 other boys. 2 of the boys were a set of twins who looked identical and I kept messing up their names. I’m not so sure I’m the field trip kind of mom either. I was glad I went but it was madness for 3 hours and the bus trip? Yea glad you missed that. Full of 45 excited 5-6 year olds. Glad I usually have an excuse of younger siblings and can’t normally do things like this. Teachers are grossly underpaid!!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - Thank you!!! I thought something was wrong with me. Now I know that there are moms out there that I admire (um…YOU!) who feel the same way I do! Phew…

sassafrasanne - Looks like a blast! And I bet Sean was so glad to have you there with him.
Sometimes the fieldtrips can be a drag, but that place looks like alot of fun!
🙂 glad you could enjoy it together!
**hoping this doesn’t get spammified**

sandy toe - I loved field trips as a teacher but not so much as a parent!
sandy toe

Staci - I hope your Sean always wants you there too 🙂

Jen Christians - Although, I stalk your blog, I don’t always comment, and not because I don’t want to either… just that kind of person, it takes time you know… 🙂 the REASON I HAD to comment on this one is simply put, I wanted to be THAT kind of mom, PTO, fundraiser, feild trip, you know what I mean… but recently found out that I am not THAT kind of mom either. SO happy for your honesty… REALLY! you made my day… I think secretly there are more moms like us though! OH, and since I am commenting and taking the time to do so, I thought I would tell you that I LOVE your blog, LOVE your pictures, LOVE your idea…ALL of it truly you make my day…

Angela Conklin - I use to think my youngest would build us a log cabin and we would all live in it together…because that’s what he always told us. He’s married. Has a house of his own. 🙁 Go on field trips.

Jennifer From Texas - Thanks for being truthful about the whole field trip, program and PTO thing. I feel the same and feel so guilty about it. I am new reader and love your honesty !!

Kelly - This place looks SO cool! Kelly

Grace - Glad to know there are other moms out there who are just like me! I prefer to be left alone to my creativity and enjoy my children at home. Not at school, not on field trips. However, I do love bringing in baked goods for the class for special occasions!

Michele - I’m not that mom either….even though I was a first grade teacher back in the day before kids….awesome you were looking for starbucks-now I don’t feel so guilty. I am not alone. Hey, check your spam folder…there may be an email from me…about dogs.

Laura - I introduced myself to Annie’s teacher by saying, “Hi, I am Laura, Annie’s mom, and I am the uninvolved parent”. True story.
LOVE that you were late looking for Starbucks.

Mrs. Jones - I’m that kind of mom, too. I *hate* meetings, event planning, buses and all that stuff.
And you’re right, they grow up and move on way too fast. And then no more field trips. 🙁

Wendy - That place looks like a blast! I love stuff like that. I’d go to places like that before I had a kiddo and people would look at me like I was weird. Yeah, it’s good to have a little one to go with now. Congrats on having a son who wants you around! That’s the best.

adrienne - That place looks awesome! I’m the same way though, the whole PTV and school party thing, not for me. Good to know I’m not alone 🙂

Mandi - This place seems so awesome…
And to give you some hope, I am 22 and I have ALWAYS wanted my mom around!

Mindy Harris - I’ve been to Exploration Place only a couple of times, but each time I spend awhile with the miniature train set/town. I absolutely LOVE it.
How precious that your Sean wanted you there.

amy (not corey) - Did you see Carlos and Dana’s house in the little miniature town? It’s there!

Brooke - that place looks amazing! and it looks like sean had an awesome time…and i loved that he asked you to go…so cute.

chas at the wild raspberry - what a cool place!
i live for field trips {but i’m a homeschooling mom so the noise level can’t compare}

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