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my friends

let's take a break from the vacation slideshow shall we? yeah….we're only halfway through!  


these kids are so sweet.

their parents are in our small group…so i get to hold the baby often.
but he's growing so fast.
here are his newborn pictures if you don't recognize him.  

so we met up at the park for a kids photo session.
youngest to oldest….
i asked her to give me some attuitude…she did.


and then we did just sisters….

then we did brothers…
don't you just want to smoosh him up in your arms?
those pudgy fingers and the double chin are too cute!

then all together…
i liked them both.
you can see on Nash (big brother) that he has some bumps and scrapes.
his mom got out of the car that day and said "a mosquito got in our house and attacked him!
he didn't have these bumps an hour ago!"
there had to be 10 bites and some were on face…even his nose.
poor little guy.
i said "well…now he looks like he's ALL boy" 

and their mom should be given an award.
she was behind me the whole time being SUPER SILLY getting her kids to smile.
way to go missy!
your hard work paid off….hope you love these!

Karina - These make me want to have a fourth child…almost! Adorable!!! I also love the sisters shots best.

Chasity - it’s so unfair that the double chin works so well for babies and loses it’s cuteness somewhere along the way! 😉
have a wonderful day.

Cate O'Malley - The one of the little boy giving his brother a kiss gave me goosebumps – great snaps, as always!

kate - he’s adoooorable.
oh babies and their double chins, nothing’s better.
ready for more cali! bring it on!

Donna - Love the last one where the two boys both have their fingers in their mouths!

artbyanya - I love the black and white one, the brotherly kiss, the best. Your photos are amazing, I love them all.

Sharla - Ooh, I love the ones of them laying down in the grass and looking up and all of them in the wagon. I’m collecting ideas! 🙂

Lisa K in FL - Those are so sweet! Could those boys look any more alike?! I hope Missy enjoys nibbling on all that baby pudge 🙂

sandy toe - Very cute kids!
sandy toe

Mod Girl - My favorite shot is the sisters in color, it’s beautiful. I love how their eyes are all lit up. Nice work!

brooke - what gorgeous children!! seriously adorable! great photos!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Just awesome pics! You rock and those kids are super cute!

kaitlynsage - I want to have babies specifically so that I can make them wear overalls. It may have to do with my southern genes, but I’m fairly ok with that.
Those pictures are fantastic.

Ruth - Love that brother picture! Great job!

Shana - I’m going to sneak over to Missy’s house and take that Nash home with me! They are all adorable…just feel the need to make him silly at the worst times (sorry Missy).

Kathy - Great shots you really captured the cuteness in them.

Erin - Beautiful pictures! I love outdoor pictures! What cuties!

A pocket full of posies... - Oh my goodness!!! Pure sweetness!!! and I would have to hold that baby the whole time too… Precious!!! Great job! 🙂

Sarah - Great pictures! LOVE the wagon pics especially! With 4 kids one was bound to have some type of facial injury.

Amanda Jo - This children are adorable!! Great photos!!!

Vera - Those are some mighty cute kids! Great pictures!

Wendy - Lovely pics, as always! Those kiddos are adorable. And yes, I could just squish up that baby boy!

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