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we have been doing nothing much since we came home from CA.

just hanging out.

talby's shot of her views at sonic.

scott left for camp…it's very quiet around here.


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"bye mom!  i 'm going on an IN-venture.  it's going to be long.  soooo….see ya!"

happy monday blog addicts.

tinycandi - I love this post! What an awesome way to capture the special little “everyday” moments that we take for granted too often. And you’re a wonderful photographer. Awesome post! I’ve enoyed reading about your California vacation, too. I haven’t been since I was 12 years old…but one day I hope to be able to take my daughters. 🙂

Ashley - Meg, Your kids have such kind faces. I love to see what you all are doing daily and of course what Annie is wearing always makes me smile.
If being addicted to whatever blog is wrong is wrong then I don’t wanna be right- LOL

Amy - I love all the pics. I love Cali!! I am going with my baby on an IN-venture next month. When are you opening your Etsy shop!!!
Amy Marinello Mumaw

Chasity - what a great fort you guys!!

Jesus Christ - well, first of all, if I can comment on Anna Maries comment….I have four kids, and STILL living in a rental…I don’t think anyone stops “dreaming”…thank goodness for that
you make doing nothing look really beautiful
and yes, I am a blog addict…and thank God for THAT…it could be sooooo much worse!!!!!!!
love the Waffle shot

Traci - meg, i honestly love all your photos, but i think your everyday shots are my favorite!!

Kelly - I was internet-less for a few days so I had fun catching up. It looks like you guys have had a great realaxing start to summer.
I also wanted to tell you that I love your happy things list on your sidebar. They do indeed make me happy. And then make me feel like I need to buy things.

Staci - Just “hangin’ out is always good to me 🙂 My most favorite days of Summer actually!!!! I can admit it…yep, I’m an addict 🙂 Does that make you my dealer?? hee hee! A very good dealer I must say!!!!

Penny - Seeing the pictures makes me think of when our girls were little. What fun, forts! My girls are college (2) and High school (1) age now. Miss those days! Love the picture of Waffle. We all love that dog. We also have a litter of 9 goldendoodle pups. We hope they will all be as wonderful as Waffle. Check them out.

meaghan easterhaus - i love your creative camera angles. i need to get better at that!

Sarah - Pigtails, Uno and bubbles…love them.

a thorn among roses - love love love the dog and ice cream shot!!!

Amber - so “addicted” i had to run out and get my own copy of the infamous issue of Country Living!! I love that magazine anyway…so it was a good excuse to grab one at the grocery store.
love your blog. it inspires me!!

Hillary @ The Other Mama - Love, love ALL the pics! Adorable! And a perfect representation of summer!

Kyleigh - Oh blimey… I think I’m a blog addict…!
Your pictures just get better and better, love it.
We’re having a lovely hot summer (so far) in the south of england – after rubbish and very WET summers for the last 2 years everyone is SO happy (despite everyone losing their jobs!!) Go sunshine! Go!

sandy toe - Hanging out is a good thing!
sandy toe

elizabeth - yeah–I loved the surprise of the “blog addict” comment. look who’s calling the kettle black, right?

Meredith - Beautiful photos as per usual – thanks for a great perspective on Monday. Do I detect a painting project in one of your living areas? Hope your Tuesday is just as delightful. Meredith xo.

alice - looks like a fun summer 🙂

Marla - Call Clara! She’s in Kansas right now with my parents @ 283-8988.

Christine - yes yes
i’m a blog addict!!!
o.k. i lOVE the picture of annie with the sun glasses!!!
truly made me smile!
thanks. 🙂

Katy Durec - I love your pictures, they are the perfect remedy for a boring, rainy Monday here in KY.
I recently cut my daughter some bangs and my sister (who led me to your blog) told me that with her bangs she resembles Annie. I take this as a great compliment! 🙂

Lazy Mom Leslie - I have said this before and thought it 800 more times than that! Will you please come and be my neighbor so I can feed you margaritas to document my life? With or without salt? Thank you.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Looks like wonderful summer fun. I love your dog. He is just the cutest!

Morgan - wow scotts hair is darker

C Rose - Ok, so I’m new to the blog stuff and have NO idea how I found yours. I love it though… I love your pictures! Really they are great!!! I am a mom of two and my husband and I are full time in the ministry… I always try to have everything perfect in the house, and my kids neatly dressed with matching everything from shoes to bows:) Now, looking at your pictures it refreshing to see that you can have everything together just, not perfect…
That sounds not so much like a compliment but, it totally is!!!! I love the way your kids dress and mostly I love seeing the love you have for life and FAMILY!!!!! It seems to be hard to come by these days…

Sandy - “blog addicts” – got a kick out of that! You know us as well as we know you. 🙂

adrienne - looks like home to me! waffle is seriously behaving while waiting for a lick of that ice cream cone, too cute!

Vera - Aaaw someone get the puppy some ice cream! Great pics!

Sara at Be Still and Know - looks like alotta summer fun going on around there! …..the indoor blanket fort definently should win a ‘fort contest’ …they have those right? Thanks for sharing so much happiness!

Georgia - Love the blog!!! it gets better and better! lol xxx

joy c. tilton - Ahh to be a kid again…summer, that delicious season where life is good. No school, no homework and the opportunity to have an ice cream cone unexpectedly!

Sara - Okay, I am the blog addict! ha! love your blog…love the pictures. Reminds me to chill out and not worry so much about getting stuff accomplished!


Michele renee - I found you from the Clover Lane site and enjoyed looking at your trip to Cali. My hubs and I went to Monterey and Carmel and Big Sur on honeymoon a long, long time ago, and I lived in Santa Monica from age 4 till 20. We are in Atlanta and finished road trip from here to St. Louis, thru Kansas (stayed in Manhattan and I hear there is a ball of twine above I-70 on I-24 about 2 hours west of there). And yes, the ball of twine from Vacation movie–which we quoted a million times. Then to Colorado to Estes park for the Rocky Mountain Park and then to SD for Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse and Badlands and then drove thru Iowa and St. Louis again (loved it) and home again. Mine have never been to Cali and that is next year! Love your photos and the one with the squirrel’s arms up? A riot!!

Jess - Great fort. The best part of summer is the “just hanggin’ out” part!
I am defiantly addicted to your blog!

Kathy - Fun, fun in the sun!! Great pictures you make playing Uno look good and colorful. Have a great week!

kaitlynsage - I love love love love your desk! Where did it come from? How does it look so great and old and modern all at the same time?

Molly Pearce - I wanna come play!!! Your summer looks like so much fun!!! Forts, side walk chalk and bubbles reminds me of my childhood!!!!
~Molly P

Jenn N - Hey, do I see “forts” with blankets over the furniture? My kids love doing this and I loved it as child too.

Anna Marie - I really want more kids and I really want to be able to stay home with them. I know it is probably hard and stressful at times but I would love to have what you have. You are so blessed. Not that I am not…it could still happen for me. Only one kiddo so far and living in a rental…I “dream” when I visit your blog. Thank you!

Lori - I love seeing your pictures 🙂 And, just hanging out sounds just perfect. Hope you’re enjoying it!

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