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we have sweet little 8 year old in the house! 

we brought treats to school.  
"8" shaped donuts.  :) 

i found her shirt at the children's place….she wore it proudly. 


when i got to her classroom they were making posters for an election.
her group's poster said "Do It Our Way…VOTE for P.J. Day!"
so cute.


some of annie's work up at school…


we went to Sonic after school for an ice cream treat while we waited on big brothers.


in the evening she had her birthday party!
10 little 7 & 8 year olds came out to play.


oh my.


she is all set with Lego Friends.  
her friends brought her such sweet gifts.  

they roasted hot dogs and ate chips and go-gurt.

(can i just say again I LOVE LIVING HERE!? cause…. i do.)

no surprise… the boys were ALL about roasting the hot dogs themselves.


we have speakers set up in the barn so talby had her iPod hooked up and DJed for us all evening
all of annie's favorites….a repeat of taylor swift, selena gomez and the Biebs.  
with Dynamite every three songs repeated again.
she gave a little lip sync concert.

there was a dance party/freeze tag/basketball game going on too.
we made s'mores instead of birthday cake.


it was such a nice night.
she loved having her friends…loved being outside…running around crazy.

later after craig and i cleaned up i found her upstairs in her room alone playing with her new legos.
i said "did you have fun at your party?"
she said "YES…but i am so WORN OUT!!!"

ha ha ha

today is her actual birthday.
she has changed her mind 10 times about what she wants to do.
could make for an interesting day.


Andrea - What a great party! How fun and I love the flad bunting on the barn? Did you make it? Is it easy?

Michelle - Happy birthday Annie! She is a cutie, and it looks like she had an awesome party!
Everytime I see pictures of the barn, it makes me envious. 🙂 I love old barns. That is one of my requirements if my family ever moves again–more land and a big, old barn.

Leadia Jarvis - Okay, I’m sold. I’ll come be your neighbor. Your “little” girl has gotten so big. It looks like she’s had a pretty perfect time turning 8.

sharron - she is getting so big. i kept thinking talby is eight then i realized NO it is little annie!!! oh my goodness. where is the time going??? her birthday looked so fabulous and just traditionally FUN!!! if i were a hipster i would use that word organic…lol ’cause that is what it was good ‘ole meg ideas and old fashioned fun!!! love the pennants on the barn and the fun times annie and her firends had! tfs!
happy eighth year annie!!

danielle burkleo - what a perfect birthday party for your sweet girl! happy birthday annie!

Amandrine - Joyeux anniversaire jolie Annie…Happy birthday Annie !

Jenn - Meg – I LOVE your blog. Just the rainbow colors make me happy.
Where are the curved benches from? THey are perfect!!!!

Kristin S - Seriously, Meg, posts like this make me want to move to the country. Sigh.
Best fire pit ever.
Best s’more basket ever too.
You are great parents!

Whitney - She has grown up so fast! What a great party… love the bunting! But my favorite decoration- that tablecloth on the presents table (with the fruit.) Where did you get it?! I love it…

Lori Austin - Well I guess Annie and I are birthday buddies! 🙂
Only I have 30 years on her. Ha!
Looks like she had a super fun party.
My daughter will be turning 8 in April – love the donut idea for school.

tami - Awh happy birthday to your angel!

Alisa - I just want to come over to your house and roast a hot dog and have a visit. The pennant bunting just made the whole party…love.

Sandy - lip sync Annie = Talby twin!! Happy Birthday sweet Annie! I’ve been following your blog since she was 3! Where has the time gone??

domesticali - Happy Birthday Annie! Nice to see my 8yo boy is like every other all the world over – fire=awesome. Must be the caveman in them!

Lora - hApPY b*DAy ANniE… Looks like the perfect party! Love the pic of her in front of the barn.

Terrie G - 🙂 Happy Bday Celebrating this weekend!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That pretty barn’s about to give me a little tear…
Happy Birthday, Annie!

Dara - happy! I love this post. I think because she is the same age as my daughter! (well mine is still 7, but also a 2nd grader!)

Margo - Looks like lots of fun and I am in love with your white barn and that awesome bunting!!

Jaimie - Looks like the perfect party!
Happy Birthday to your Annie!
She’s adorable…Hope she enjoyed her day!

Darcie L. - That white paint-peeling barn with bright bunting… be still my heart. It looks so cute. And s’mores, what a great cake! Was the lip synch inside the barn? Cause whoa. I would make that into a playroom so fast… and craft room/warehouse. So glad you love living there! We live in the country too and we love it!

Tasha - awesome birthday and THANKS for the birthday tee link…had to scoop one up for an upcoming 6th birthday 🙂

Jen - Happy Birthday, Annie!!! It looks like she had a great time. Good job, mom! My friend’s son, Henry, turned 8 today, too. 🙂 My sweet Katy was 8 in September. 2004 was a good year!

mary beth - What a fun party! It was so fun to see Jake in the pictures..we miss him! Glad he has found such sweet friends!

Verna Lantz - Hey, only special people have a birthday on November 3rd. I should know, I am one of them. (If only I were 8) Hope she had the most wonderful of days. I know her party looks like tons and tons of fun.

Stephanie - Happy birthday to a girl with such a cute little face. I loved your birthday outside scenery pics. Oh to live in Kansas again!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Happy birthday sweet Annie!

Alicia W. - Happy birthday Annie! My girl Adri just turned 8 yesterday if you need a pen pal 🙂

Melissa Brent - Happy birthday to Annie. It looks like she has had a fabulous one. My two sons and I all have November birthdays (mine is tomorrow-the 40th one!)

Tiffany - Oh my, that entire day just looks so sweet and fun! That’s the kind of party I’d want to have and I’m 31! And I’m all over those birthday treats! 🙂 Happy Birthday Annie!

Wendy - hApPy BiRtHdAy AnNiE!!!

April R - Happy Birthday Annie 🙂

Kathleen - Hot dog roasts and s’mores are the best birthday party….we did that for our son’s 7th birthday this summer. Looks like a good time was had by all !

lorel - what a great party! happy birthday Annie!

Kate - Happy Birthday sweet Annie!

amy cornwell - Happy birthday Annie! I’m glad she had a wonderful party…sounds fantastically fun!

lindsay - happy birthday annie!! she is so cute and FUN! 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Happy Birthday to you both!! Such a sweet big girl, sounds like a perfect party to me. : )

Ana - What a great party. So relaxed and fun! I want to live out in the country! The doughnuts were cute too!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Oh I can’t even tell you how much I love this post! And I can’t believe how grown up Annie is looking too. When did that happen? I think this is truly the perfect party for big “little” kids. I will hopefully do this for my girls in the next year or two. Happy Birthday Annie!

Leah - Happy Birthday to Annie! Time goes by so fast. My little one turns 5 in six days. It’s hard to believe! These blogs are so great for looking back at the memories.

Christina - She’s adorable! I remember when she was five! And the Dynamite comment cracked me up. 🙂
haha I see another commenter mentioning her when she was five…for some reason that sticks out in our minds. 🙂

Amy @littleforalittlewhile - Happy Birthday sweet girl!

alicia @ la famille - sooooooo fun!!!! i love it! happy day, annie 🙂
you totally need to hold some legendary parties in that barn. i’m thinking christmas with a hired horse and sleigh, mountains of sugar cookies, charlie brown christmas lights all over, christmas tunes blaring.
a show! like a craft show…can you see all the awesome booths?? i can. oh, and i am one of them 😉 if i can ever get my act together and make some stuff to fill up my shop. being pregnant with your 4th kinda puts a damper on that stuff.
these are just some suggestions…think about it 😉

KirstenP - Looks like an awesome party – and much warmer than my neck of the woods.
I love the photo of Annie cradling her Sonic drink! So pretty, so grown up.

Tracy - Happy Birthday Annie!!! Hope you decide on something special to do today 🙂

Sophie - EIGHT? Wasn’t she five like… yesterday? Gosh, she’s looking so much more like her big sisters as the grows up!

Tanya H - Dynomite is my kids favorite. I oould handle it being played less…… LOL. Your set up is awesome! Perfect for a party! Looks like an excellent evening!

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