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friday friday!!!

i did not ever find my keys.

but my husband had one so i had five more made.

it will be at least a month before i end up in that position again.

we have our last Craft Weekend of 2012 today.
we have had 11 groups here this year!!
how awesome is that?!!
thank You Lord for such a cool way to spend a year. 








i think we are ready….girls will be here in a few minutes!

what are you doing this weekend?
please tell me about it.
are you making something…getting creative….baking…. watching a movie? (i want to see "Flight" soooooo bad!)

i can't wait to show you the crafts we are making tomorrow!!!

happy friday night!!!

Tiffany - We had the storm last weekend, so this weekend we had to put the house back together. I so wanted to make a Thankful tree or pennant for the fireplace, I didn’t get to that though. But u have to see Flight, Denzel is ah-mazing! Oh and the movie is good too. It is (and it isn’t) what you think. INTENSE. Very intense.

Ana - I spent all the weekend listening to U2 !! How good is that ?? Love U2 !!!

Michelle from australia - We are getting over jet lag. It is a long way from Australia to La and then to Vegas. But we are here after nearly two years of dreaming about it. Love it!!

Shairee - Ran the RAGNAR race – fantastic weekend!!!!!!

Jill @ 4 Fab Franklins - I had a Great time! Thank you again, and again, and again. *mwah!*
Oh, and the food! My Gosh! The food was Out Of This World Delish! Thank you all so very much.

colleen sullivan - I bought a rotary sander and am going to paint my laundry room cabinets (formerly in the kitchen) wyethe blue this week. This is very gutsy for me… you are very cool in that you are a mom, you nap, and you encourage others to create! Wish me luck!

April - I had a blast! Thank you soo much!

Jennibell - We actually had a wonderfulnweekendnplanned! We traveled out of state so I could stand up with a little girl who was a flower girl in my wedding……she was saying HER vows this weekend……funny how the circle of life works :). Sunday the kids were receiving their Christmas gift….to watch the Cincinnati Bengals play….it will be a full one….can’t wait for my chance to go to Craft Weekend….I put my name on the list in the very beginning…..

Jennifer Kasper - Loving the Photos!!! The beds look comfy, especially with kiddios and husband sometimes a mama needs a break!!! Thanks for the endless hours of inspiration and the “go to” recipies for this family of five. I am thankful I found your blog 4 years ago…. This weekend we had soccer and two birthday parties Saturday, and cleaning and laundry with some skateboarding, art and maybe a movie Sunday. We live in Maui so I love the farms and chipped paint you have. We rust and have bugs…

Lisa - What happy pictures! I had visions of spending all of Saturday in my craft room working away on Christmas gifts. Instead, after cleaning/supervising a play date/a parade/making dinner, I FINALLY made it to the craft room. Within minutes, I was trapped in there (with both children) when my youngest pulled the door knob off. Now I’m hoarse from yelling to my husband who was in the room farthest from me. And wearing headphones. There’s always tomorrow for crafting, right? 😉

Anna - We’re going to a holiday market and I hope to finish some Christmas outfits for my girls. Church and children’s choir on Sunday. Since its a 3 day weekend I hope to get some Christmas shopping alone on Monday!

Jen - I so love your pictures. I get so happy when a see a new post here! Hope you’re having an awesome, rockin’ craft weekend! No big plans here. Spending quality time with my two girls – dinner at Cracker Barrel last night, lots of outside play time (having beautiful Nov. weather in Ohio), library. Hubby’s been gone with the Army for the last eight days. They return him to us tomorrow. Yea!!!! I can’t wait to see him!

ChristineW -
Pray to the angels about finding your keys!! Believe me, it works!
Hope to be able to come for a craft weekend sometime. It looks like SO MUCH FUN!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Have fun at the craft weekend! I so wish I could afford to attend one of them! They look amazing! Do you know anyone in San Diego who does something similar?

Lisa - After telling one of the parents (& fellow crafter) at the school I work at about your Craft Weekends, she invited me over tomorrow for a crafting afternoon 🙂
I love seeing all the pictures of your craft weekend!

steph - oh man… i can’t WAIT ’til february!!!! 🙂
this makes me so very, very excited!
we are hunkering down at home for the weekend.
snow storm “expected”.
not sure if it’ll materialize or not but a cozy weekend in our house is what the doctor ordered.
already have baked some banana chocolate chip muffins.
you better believe it!!!
just… what will i choose to craft?
that’s the question!

tinaehb3 - Please don’t stop until I get picked, lol!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous time!!! And I love following along on instagram with all the cool updates that everyone posts 🙂 happy weekend!! p.s. off to watch our our midget football A team in a playoff game tonight… let’s go mules!!! You know you live in farm country when your school mascot is a mule, right?!? lol!!!

Gina - Your house is the HAPPIEST house evah!!! 🙂

Katie - Oooh, those dining chairs are killing me! Fabulous!
Our church is having our annual Bible conference this weekend, so I’m busy making desserts to bring. The sun is shining today, too, so I’m going to try and sneak a little outdoor time in :):

Angela Atkins - Finishing up a quilt. Watching my son’s soccer tournament (the last one of the season, finally), and watching an OU game. Making my plans for my advent giving days. Checking my computer constantly for any post from this craft weekend, jealous of the amazing group of women who are leading this group.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You don’t even know, Girl. You don’t even KNOW what I would give to be there right now, with so many of my favorite people!
Have fun. Count how many times Becky does her crazy laugh.

stephanie - the craft house looks so beautiful! i how i can partake in the festivities in the future!

Leadia Jarvis - wish I were there again. Do you need a helper???
Only see “flight” if you never, ever want to get on a plane again! LOL! But seriously, such a good and intense movie.
Just got home from dinner/wine with friends. I’m sure I’ll be knee-deep in kid activities the rest of the weekend. Have fun. I’m envious 🙁 - Drove by the house tonight on our way to the Bread Basket (the elders and wives got together for the German Buffet). The house was all lit up!! I told Al that you were having a craft weekend and had to explain what that was to him. Just showed him these pictures. Sounds like so much fun, Meg!

Sara Torbett - Glad you got another key-I kept wondering if you ever made it out of the farmhouse, lol. 🙂 your craft house is so happy! Hope you girls have a blast.this weekend I am hoping to go into labor, I’m 37 weeks pregnant with girl #2,lol :). And probably crafting while waiting! Do you ever read Artful Blogging or Sommerset Life? I love their mags.

Siobhan - Hanging with my peeps aka my children, be warned flight has nakedness lots of drug and alcohol abuse and is just so different than I was expecting, it ends well but it’s often difficult to watch.

Beth - I am unpacking from moving and getting ready for a Vault Denim party tomorrow!
Everything is so, so pretty! I want to live in the craft house…

Kelly - We are going to go check out a fun little local German restaurant tomorrow. Kelly

amanda - The craft house looks like it would feel like a big hug when you walk in. Is that weird?
I’ll be doing lots of Christmas knitting this weekend! Knitting and watching Parenthood on netflix – Bliss!

rebecca - Have fun at CW! Just went to see the movie Argo, it’s a must see. Why is it, I know how it will end and I’m still on the stinkin edge of my seat??? Tomorrow, work around the house and a facial and Sunday church!

Tanya - This weekend started with a no-school day with kiddos so we had a bday party for a cousin 🙂
Tomorrow I’m not creating anything myself but I *am* going to visit my mom and aunt at their first craft show of the season 🙂
Have a great last Craft Weekend of 2012!!

amy cornwell - I want you to come decorate my house. Let me know when you’re ready to come to Indiana 😉

Mary - how fantastic is your house, i ask?!?
my goodness! it just makes me happy!
have so much fun!!!

Molly B - Has any one ever cried upon arriving at Craft Weekend? ’cause I think I would–tears of joy!

Robin Canter - spending wkend at our ‘farm’ in north carolina – our retirement place in 2 years. not a working farm with animals – just lots of acreage. been cleaning out linen closet today and finding some vintage fabrics from years ago! super fun organizing it all. however, i’d rather be crafting in Kansas. 🙂

happygirl - Have a great craft weekend. Give Farmgirl Paints an extra hug from Happygirl. My favorite bloggers in one room. Bliss.

Caryn - I’m staying home and doing some sewing tomorrow… not sure if it will be for myself or my shop yet though 🙂 Also planning a crafty morning with some friends in a few weeks, thanks to the inspiration of Craft Weekend! Trying to figure out details so I can get my (vintage & thrifted) party invites in the snail mail on Monday morning, yay! Hope this Craft Weekend is awesome for you lovely ladies, can’t wait to read about it and see pics soon.

Mommyjulia - What a beautiful beautiful fun place you’ve created! I live all the white & all the colour 😉 this weekend I hope to craft! Yay! I’m making tree skirts for Christmas gifts. I’m also planning to attend a Christmas Bazaare, a Remembrance Day service, & also have a family work day outside. Brrr! Have a blessed craft weekend (with Ashley & Little One! How exciting!) Take lots of instagrams 🙂 I’ll be following.

April R - cookies
lots and lots of cookies being made 🙂

Naomi - It’s super duper cold here so I’m hoping to stay indoors and keep warm.
I just moved to Canada from the UK and I am seriously missing my sewing machine. I really really want to make some bunting to make my room pretty, and I’d love to tackle making my own quilt to keep me warm!
Hope your weekend is awesome 🙂

Lindsay - Inspired by a post I thought I saw here- or you linked to at some point- my husband and I are assembling bags of stuff for the homeless people we see on the corners who are standing with a sign, begging, etc. Just got back from Fred Meyer (like Wal Mart) with tons of travel size goodies, clean socks, protein bars, etc. A humbling start to our weekend, but as the temps here in Seattle drop below freezing tonight, I’m reminded how blessed we are and thankful we can share our blessings with others on a personal level. And I thank you Meg for being an inspiration.

Jen - i can’t believe this is your ‘job’!! not that it isn’t a lot of work (i’m sure it is) but what an amazing, fun way to ‘work’ right? have such a fun weekend!

KirstenP - Maybe I’ll finish raking leaves/blowing leaves in the yard this
weekend. Temps are supposed to be in the mid 60’s.
This afternoon I attended a Veterans Day program with other
veterans. Yep, I’m a vet – Air Force. Over 500 elem students
sang patriotic sons for us – some tear-jerking moments.

Kristin S - Thank you Meg for taking us along on your journey of following God’s calling in this unique way. Craft Weekends are a ministry!
Have a blast this weekend.
Praying for all of you.

kelly - Absolutely love seeing pics of the craft house. Can’t wait to see it in person! Making a chalkboard and some bunting w/ wood pendants!

Katey Deasy - I follow farmgirlpaints and of course you on instagram and I know she is there this weekend and I’m seeing both of your amazing pictures!!! my mom came over today for us to make these cute little vintage villages out of chipboard and glitter and old music paper. I hash-tagged a picture of OUR own #whatevercraftweekend. If we can’t be there at least we can craft!! Can’t wait for our turn to roll around!! Thanks for always being enthusiastic about the weekend. What a blessing for everyone.

Lynne - Flight is soooo good. The “flight” scene is so real, I almost cried out of nervousness-just like if I were on a plane! Go see it. Denzel should get an Oscar nomination!

janet c - putting down new vinyl plank flooring in my son’s room. then he can finally move in. your polka dot curtain look just like my polka dot sheets on my bed 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Your Craft House is sooo beautiful – thank you for showing us the pics each time. Have a wonderful weekend with the ladies!
I am going to make beach wreaths to sell in my friend’s online store, help a neighbor write his resume, make a book for my mom’s 80th birthday (a surprise), and try to catch up on Katie’s Comforters Guild’s blog postings and my own blog.
Blessings to you and your family, Meg!

Posey - Making my daughter some lined curtains, for her apartment. She lives in a really old apartment building, with altos of craftsman bungalow trim! Really cute

shiela - oooooooohhh those colors…so beautiful, pretty & just super lovely!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Groceries…purging clothing that we’ve saved up from child to child…wow, I’ve filled 4 garbage bags full to donate plus have plenty still in the totes!

alicia @ la famille - your house!! i mean…seriously! have so much fun this weekend!

Kirsten J - I am helping to man the booth at our local quilt show…showing sewing machines, but wishing I could sit and sew my own stuff. Or better yet, be at Craft Weekend with you!!!

tiffany gardner - would love to be there crafting. but you really encouraged me to do at least one crafty thing this weekend. just for me! thanks for ALWAYS doing that! you are great at encouraging. i know you are blessing those girls this weekend.

Jenn - Looks like you are set for an awesome weekend! Man I wish my husband was on board with polka dots and assorted rainbow colors all over the house…. Love seeing yours though! Have fun ladies :). This weekend I am taking my kiddos to a birthday party and Sunday we are hosting a “Friendsgiving” dinner at our house with a bunch of our favorite people! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so I figured why not have it twice? Plus that turkey in my freezer from last year’s post-holiday $0.15/lb sale needs to be eaten… 🙂

Gretchen P - I get to see Madonna in concert this weekend! so excited.

Terrie - I just love the craft house pics!!
So much color!! LOVE, Love, LOVE!!
Just got back from a photo walk with a friend.
Spent 4 hours this afternoon driving & walking around
stopping to take pics of whatever beauty our eyes saw.
Always so much fun…downloading pics now.
Making same friend a ‘Wall of Truth’…
(her son just went to overseas in the military)
…it’s a board full of encouraging scripture to lift her up when she is down.
Date night with the hubby tonight.
Have a great weekend!!! I’m sure it will be lots of fun!!

jen - I can’t believe you have had 11 groups this year!! wow! this weekend i am sticking home and getting things done…sewing some pillows and curtains…getting my december daily in order…chilling with my family…i hope it all goes according to plan! have a great time…i can’t wait to see what you ladies cook up!
take care.
{god i wish i could go to one of these!!!}
{ps i shared you and your craft weekend brilliance on my blog today….what a coincidence!}

elma - Oh how I wish I was with you!! I want a ruffle apron soooo bad. Have a wonder weekend:)

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