Masthead header

oh my.

this has been quite the interesting and GOOD few days.

i have so much to tell you.
so much to think of how i want to tell it.
and literally hundreds of pictures to show you.

for now…just this.


i will write more soon.

i HaVE to…there is SO much to tell you about.

Mandi - Ahh! A cliff hanger. Love them or hate them, they leave you wanting more!

Melanie - Just wanted to stop by and say hello. We have been very busy getting ready to move 800 miles from Florida and it has been hectic here. You know, I am moving to the cold weather and I just might think about that hot chocolate machine! Just kidding. I know you have enjoyed it and I loved giving it to you. I hope you are doing well.

Suzanne - so not funny.

Laura Phelps - Isn’t it amazing that even when you tell us NOTHING, you get over 40 people commenting?

jody - enough! let’s hear what you’ve got!

Tracy - I think I have checked back 5 or 6 times today….do you have some pics from the arts and crafts fair? Just a thought!

Patti - i think we can categorize this as cruel and unusual punishment.

Wendy - I have officially checked back here 4 times today, Dana M.!!! LOL! Pw and Meg are the only blogs I’d do that for. 🙂

Ashley Ann - I am holding my breath that it is pictures from the Cora Playground dedication. I have checking the Macs blog and yours waiting for a glimpse. If that isn’t the post you have in mind…please post on that soon. I wish I could have been there….

carissa... brown eyed fox - oh my word! ants in our pants! big FIRE ants!

Jess - Dana M.-I have checked 3 times today!
The suspense is killing me!
Oooh, is it the “extra” room? I’ve been dying to know what you decided to do with it!!!
I have an early bedtime here on the east coast, Megan. I will not be able to sleep for thinking of what could you have hundreds of pictures to show us!

Dana M. - I just want to know how many times has everyone checked back today to see if Megan has filled us in……Way to leave us hangin’!!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I think I have a clue…did you have some visitors? 😉 Can’t wait to see!

Amy B - GAH!!! So MEAN! Get back here and tell us already!

Becki Skol - Tease!!!

Sandy - can’t wait to hear and see!!

luisa - Ohhhhhhhhhh, it’s almost time for me to go to bed, I have to wait till tomorrow? 🙁
luisa – italy

Kelly O. - hmmmm…..

Sarah - Ooh yay! I can’t wait!

danyele - the colors make me happy, but my type a personality wants to untangle everything. sad.

Sarah - That’s cruel and unusual punishment. Pretty soon a rumor will start about #6 on it’s way. (I know…that has absolutely NOTHING to do with your teaser pics, so why would I even bring that up?)

Jamie - Can’t wait!!!

Tracy - I can’t believe you are being such a tease girl! Get on with it – I am not a patient person! LOL :o)

maureen - don’t tell me you are doing your own I-spy books:))

Wendy - O.k….. I’ve already done my errands for the morning and still no updates. I guess now I’ll *have* to do that darn yoga cd then maybe, just maybe I’ll get to read all about your news. 🙂

Michelle - You’re good at building suspense. : )

jennifer - Wow! Nothing like leaving us hanging here! 🙂
Can’t wait…

Anna Marie - Not funny.
We’re waiting. 😛

Kate - Oh, I love the mystery!! Can’t wait to hear more 🙂

Trina McNeilly - Looking forward to hearing all about it….. this is why i love your pictures….. what could be clutter or a mess is just beautiful!!!!! Have a gorgeous week! xx

Trish - Such a great picture of random yummies! I was the “crazy” lady that was going to drive to Kansas from Michigan on Saturday 🙂
Glad you had a wonderful time!

Julie K - Oh Megan, that is just plain mean!! 🙂

emily - i’m seriously envious of the bowl of sparkly things. 🙂 can’t wait to hear about your days!

Summer - My four year old would have a hayday! Looks like all things fancy.

Nina - way to leave us hanging Meg!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Can’t wait:)

Nicole - You have us all wondering . . . . i had to laugh about your comment with the kids being “wack” in the bleachers. We went to our neices volleyball game a week ago and it was INSANE, it was like those pop up games where you hit one down and the other pops up. AHH!
We had a GREAT weekend, still recooping. I’ll post some pics later today hopefully. You would have LOVED it all!! THe details and creativity were amazing, very vintage!

erica - lol way to keep everyone on their toes!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Hello? We’re waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiting!

AnneYarbs79 - I’ve just starting coming over here from Clover Lane… You’ve got me hooked!
That looks like the inside of my daughter’s top dresser drawer- “treasures” she calls them… Can’t wait to see whats up!

Sarah V. - What happy colors for this dark Monday! Can’t wait to hear whats going on!!

adrienneK - what on EARTH is all that gorgeous stuff?!??!? oh goodness dont keep us waiting too long!! all that color just brightened up this rainy weather!!!

Jess - please, please, please, don’t keep us waiting long! thanks for the cheerie colors this monday morning!

ThePaperNote - can’t wait to hear…you’ve been busy, the senior photos awesome..Chicago/U2 wonderful…wow…, L

Joanna @ The Casa - I was settling in when I read you have so much to tell. Can’t wait to see what’s up!

rachel - Ooooh you’ve got me intrigued, write soon…..! 😀

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