summer is flying by way too fast.
i have been spending lots of time tending to my flowers because i looooove my flowers!
and kittys.
and dogs.
and chickens.
i am not ready for school to start (and early mornings and games and more games)
i just want to chill here at home and do summer for like…6 more months.
is that so much to ask?!

Tam - Gorgeous pics!
teyonce - sometimes I am taken back by just how good an eye you have, you set up the perfect shots and get the best results! I always love your posts (all of them of course) but when you post just streams of pictures I find myself going back, happy to look at them all again. i forget how talented my friend is!
Nina Newswanger - Your photos are beautiful!!
KATHY - Beautiful pictures….can’t blame you for wanting to chill 🙂
Kathi - Beautiful pictures! I love your kittens 🙂
Kerri - Wow – your flowers look gorgeous! The heat has been so hard on mine; has really taken a toll on everything (I am in Ellsworth County, Kansas). Sweet kitties, too.
Jill - Love, love, love your patio and yard pictures! Say, will you do a post about your chickens sometime with the details of your coop, your feeders, etc? I’ve always wondered how you have it set up inside the coop.
Tina - Your flowers are so pretty!! And I’m totally with you, I do NOT want summer to end. My 5 kids went back today. Sad face. But on a positive note, at least I won’t get a million calls at work today wanting me to referee a fight from home. LOL.
Angela - Co-sign on not ready for school to start! Your flowers are gorgeous!