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all the things.

so much goes on everyday.
i know it’s true at your house as well.
we are at games several nights a week… JV and middle school and high school.
there’s church on wednesday nights.
and annie’s games on saturdays.
but i sure do like all of it.IMG_6164IMG_5292IMG_6547scott had a catch at the homecoming game a few weeks back that was really fun and wild.
he even made it on the local news  🙂IMG_4478

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the catch was lots of fun for Scott but in that game the highlight for MOM was when Sean was sent into the game while Scott was still on the field!
up till then they were playing at separate times… if sean went in it was because the score was so high they took the seniors out and started playing the underclassmen.
but in that game… BOTH my boys played together for a long time.
i am LOVING IT!!!
i love to have them both out there together – freshman and senior.
heart eyes! heart eyes! heart eyes!
i still have no idea what is going on… but that is probably not going to change.
my brain can only hold so much & i don’t think football rules/stats/plays are going to be moving in there anytime soon.

subject change:  i cleaned my closet out. it was redonk and i couldn’t wait another minute. 4 bags donated… everything organized…. i was so happy to have it done.closetthe left side was my finished product until i found the perfect shoe holders for my space.
I got 2 of the ClosetMaid Stackable 15 Cube Organizer and stood them up the longer way to fit between my box of cardigans and my box of heels that i MAY wear again but probably won’t ever actually wear again.
and i hung my boots on hangers?!!closet2and shortly after kicking it in my closet – i took over the craft room/catch everything room at the Craft House.craftroompeople keep asking if i am reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up but i am not.
this is all just out of my need for some decluttering.
too much junk and stuff… and apparently that what that book talks about.
it seems like everyone is reading it!
maybe i should read it too?

IMG_6156IMG_5110talby’s team did fabulous in volleyball this season.
i cannot believe they are done already! it’s her favorite sport.
i know that every year they just just get better and better… i can’t wait to watch her smash it as a high schooler!IMG_5312
annie’s 5th grade team – adorable!
talby helped out with the coaching a little bit and really loved that too.IMG_6587IMG_5613
fall has hit us in kansas. it’s warm in the afternoon but chilly in the morning and evenings.
i think the leaves will go crazy by next week.orangeIMG_6828meIMG_7170last night we had Snack Dinner.
what’s in the fridge/freezer/pantry?  pull it all out… snack dinner!quatroIMG_6813this is a scene from real life right here.
dinner is started… people are talking & eating… boys fresh from football practice – no shirts… messy table… all the good stuff.dogswaffle and stanley are majorly dorky dogs. they love treats more than anything. they can get some air!unoi saw these magnets and was cracking up!PicMonkey CollageIMG_6231tresthe Craft house paint job continues. craig and our boys are changing out the purple for navy. i can’t believe we lasted ten years in a purple trimmed out house?! ten years is enough. navy trim for the win… in two years when it’s done. jay kay. it’s a huge job though… definitely going to take quite a while.  chairi found this chair last week at our thrift shop.
it was soft… comfy… in mint condition… and only $20. sold. it’s living at the Craft House.
i am dreaming up making a personal creative studio in the big room on the 3rd floor and that is where i want that chair. 🙂FullSizeRender 13FullSizeRender 14beautiful isn’t it?   HA HA HA!
i can see all the potential there though.
another project that will take lots of work but i love dreaming about it.

Ayca - I simply love your striped mug! It’s so you 🙂

KWolff - I’m pretty sure you just summed up my entire world in one post. Football, soccer, band, volleyball, choir, work, home improvement projects…that’s all I have going on these days. Sometimes I honestly feel like I have to think hour by hour instead of day by day. My boss laughs at me because she never knows what I’ll be doing at the end of the day. I know that I will look back on it someday and miss it all. So I’m doing my best now to enjoy it, even on the days/nights that it’s pouring rain and the short people are cranky.
Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one! 🙂

mollie's mom - When we pull out whatever is in the fridge we say we are having CORN. What’s for dinner? CORN! Clean Out Refrigerator Night!!
And I loooove that big empty attic space… the potential!!

Erica - I’m love your blog! Never commented before but have to know where you bought your red shoes?!

Julie - Oh that studio space – drooling here -it will look absolutely fabulous.

amy jupin - these are my favorite posts.
i dig the random.
that’s where the real is.
and i miss you like a crazy person.

Leslie - Hello- Thanks for always posting such great stuff. I look forward to your happy colorful pictures, the inspiration it gives, and the real life element. So many blogs are pretty and staged, it’s nice to see teenager life in action. 🙂 And that chair! Oh man, if ONLY I could find those treats at my thrift stores. I keep telling my husband I want to fly to Kansas to go thrift shopping. He thinks I’m nuts. 🙂

Jan - Meg,

Love, love, love your posts. I would love to hear in a post how maintenance has been for you after the diet plan you followed with those containers. Are you still doing that or what are you eating these days? You look fabulous. I have lost weight before but never ever maintained it. I always put it right back on. I would love to hear your story or tips.

Tiffany - Great catch, talk about timing!

Jen - I just love you and look forward to your posts. Thank you for spreading joy, for keeping it real, for keeping it colorful, for being awesome. I saw my cousin and her husband this summer. Her husband is the one whose grandparents used to own the craft house and where his dad grew up. Do you know what the Dody family used to use that 3rd floor for?!

Tiffany Day - you are amazing and delightful!
love peaking into your life!!


Katie Skiff - This is why I love your blog. Ypur life sounds just like mine. Ha. I think I may actually know what they are doing at fotball, and they make some crazy call that never gets explaine. Lol.

Diane - I read your blog every single day – LOVE IT!! So beautiful, inspiring and real. THANK YOU! I don’t normally comment but had to today. I LOVE FOOTBALL. So I just had to say, that was an AWESOME, AWESOME catch!! It’s like be pulled an Odell Beckham!! Awesome job, kiddo!!!

Suzanne - Love the cleaning of the closet – it is on my list to do this week. But I need to finish recovering 3 more (had 7 total) camper cushions and make 3 roman shades. I think cleaning sounds more appealing especially since neither of the sewing projects are for me. Anyway, desperate question – please! What are the leggings you buy? Cannot find where you put it in your previous posts. Thanks a ton!

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