that could be my longest blog break to date.
totally accidental.
i was working my booty off on that 3rd floor room at The Craft House and then straight into camp and had no words left in me.
but i think i have some now again… thanks to several mornings of sleeping late.
i found this sunflower field several weeks ago and thought i would be able to go back for more photos.
because we all know how much i LOVE to photograph sunflowers!
but when i went back it was D E A D.
totally done.
so sad.
all i have is these phone pictures which will have to hold me over for another year.
Camp Create was crazy amazing.
i can’t wait to share about all the goodness.
but i am still trying to form my thoughts about it yet.
can we all just agree that raising humans is a big deal?!
especially the older they get and it’s tricky.
oy veh.
so many decisions.
so many ways we can mess up… or be awesome… or wish for a do-over… or step back and smile.
it’s so good and so hard all at once.
i love it everyday.
but sometimes i want to do it with a margarita in each hand.these sunflowers were bigger than my face!
the morning after camp was over i went back off of sugar again.
because it was time.
i had gotten so lazy/stressed that i was eating it ALL.
all the sugars.
so it’s over now.
and it’s hard!!!
but i like things like my pants fitting… not wearing spanx… not looking pregnant… etc.
so the sugar had to go.
i would love to say its permanent.
but i like cake so much…. i don’t know if i could do it.
or if i would want to.
i think it’s a moderation thing.
and because my birthday is coming soon!!!
so i’ve taken three days to recover from the last two weeks of work and i’ve decided that’s enough.
thursday – i’m comin’ for ya!
Lisa - Thanks for being real about parenting older kids. We are in the teen years with our oldest and it’s so fun on one hand but the mistakes she’s already made? Oy is right! 😜 Thankful she gets to learn about forgiveness and second chances with us cheering her on.
Jenny B. - My 40th is coming soon too. Are you having a hard time with leaving your 30’s? I am. I have never been bothered by age before, and I actually sort-of thought people who were bothered by it were superficial or just silly. I never understood why people always say life is short, but I’m starting to feel it. It’s not that I wish I could go back and live life differently, but I am not exactly looking forward to the future anymore. Getting older and fatter and grayer and more tired just doesn’t sound very exciting, you know? Anyway… Sorry to be Debbie Downer! I need to follow your lead and exercise and go outside and find something pretty to photograph. Oh, and not eat pie every night. 😉
Traci - Hi Meg, Awhile back you talked about some high wasted leggings you just loved. Could you send me the link on those so I can find them? Thanks!!
Jan - Will you share how you cook the chicken for your taco night? Looks yummy!
jamie - oh sugar. i just don’t have the willpower to stop eating it. but i would love to. so maybe someday. raising kids. just four hours ago my almost 20-year-old came home at 3:30am. i got up to go to the bathroom and knocked on her door and peeked in and said {are you just getting home? are you okay?}. she looked at me like i was an idiot. and lastly, there is a gigantic neverending field of sunflowers on the road i take into the nearby town where we do everything. i’ve been driving by it for seven years. people stop all along the road to take photos. this year the owners of the fields put up these obnoxious huge cardboard permanent marker signs {STAY OUT OF SUNFLOWERS} and {NO TRESPASSING}. i’ve never stopped or photographed them {it’s a busy country highway}. i know the field is owned by people. it’s their property. i get it. it was just sad to see such a thing after all these years. the joy those fields bring to people. it’s not like folks were cutting down half an acre and taking them home for vases. they would stand on the edge of the field and take a photo. i know. privately owned fields. but it still makes me sad.
Jen - You are so right about the sugars and you might have inspired me to do the same. Are you off just white sugar? Or fruit too? Giving up fruit always seems unhealthy to me, but I might do it if it makes my jeans a bit looser!
Stephanie - Definitely. Raising humans = huge deal.
Beautiful sunflowers!
Kathi - Raising humans is a BIG deal! I have 3 boys, 26,24,20. They are great guys, oldest is married. Many times I wished for a do over. I love the sunflower pictures, all we have here in Illinois is corn. Corn just doesn’t have a photogenic face 😉
Kristen K. - Ok, Birthday girl…when is the special day? Because I totally want to eat cake in your honor…wouldn’t want to miss it…you know, for you. I’d eat cake just for you. 🙂
tiffany day - omg totally agree about raising kids! and feeling like you mess it up everyday, wanting a do over ALL of it!! So stressful! In the throws of that right now! With you Meg! But you can do this! I am so thankful for grace!! And wine 😉
Tracy - Raising humans? Yes, so challenging! A nearby margarita and supportive husband/dad (who also loves to drinks margs with me!) are very helpful!
I have 4 teens, ages 16,16, 17 and 19! Quite an adventure even though they’re really great, well-behaved kids! Good luck to us both, Meg!
Love the sunflowers! I live in Leawood (burb of KC) and missed a beautiful field west of us, too!! 🙁
Lee Ann - I’ve missed you! But I knew you were busy.
I’m off sugar – again – too. No amount of exercise seems to keep me in my jeans if the sugar thing is out of control. And I wish I could “just do a little”, but lately I just can’t. Seems to be all or nothing. Maybe it has to do with being 40? 🙂
Lorri - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the sunflowers! And parenting? Oh gosh … pour me a margarita, too!
Beth Ann - “but sometimes i want to do it with a margarita in each hand” YES! PLEASE! My oldest in only 9 and in 4th grade, but I am already struggling! She keeps asking friend advice and dealing with drama – I feel entirely ill-equipped to provide advice because I am probably the worst at friendships – I have the whole “f-it, I don’t have time for this and don’t need it” mentality and just walk away. I just KNOW i would provide better advice if I walked around in life with a margarita in my hand!
Tiffany - Can we all just agree that raising humans is a big deal?! YES!