well we are at the end of the year already?
it feels super weird to me.
and like everyone else… this past week of celebrating has been a blur.
but for the most part it’s been the good kind of blur.
we decorated gingerbread houses.
i cheated a little and bought them pre-built from the bakery at target.
but what matters is we did it.
and even BEFORE christmas this year?!
the most fun addition this year was the Air Head Extremes rainbow stripe candy!
and the Alpha Bits cereal was a good idea but it turns out there are hardly any N’s or S’s which is annoying.
they have so many jokes and voices and stories together that make each other laugh constantly.
and they were cracking each other up this day.
(of course they fight too but it’s so much more fun to capture them laughing)
we had several family christmases… and i took a few pictures at my parents because my dad got me a wide angle lens!
it’s so fun to play around with!
my mom made a big dinner for us all!
cousins in their new socks!
and then my kiddos in new jammies on christmas morning.
sleepy faces ready for breakfast and gifts.
we pulled off surprising talby with this piano!!
craig and the boys went and loaded it up… hid it behind a bunch of other things in the garage till christmas eve.
then pushed inside after talby went to bed.
i did no work other than find it… i am so grateful for strong men.
i googled around and found out it’s over 100 years old!
it sounds great to us and talby remembers so much from her lessons in the past – i was shocked!
craig found a ping pong table to go over the pool table.
and now there is a ping pong championship on the line!
every family does christmas in their own way… your gifts, traditions or ideas may be different from ours and that is O K!
we do one gift of something they want (like a kindle or new phone or speakers or a piano)
and then “stockings”
and somewhere along the way… the actual stockings became gift bags.
and i got some beautiful gifts too from lots of lovely people in my life.
i felt quite spoiled.
this year my kids hit a new phase in their sibling life.
they EACH picked meaningful things for each other.
ALL of them.
i was so proud to watch them open gifts from each other… and see their faces when the brother or sister liked it.
that’s the good stuff.
and you guys!!!
my mailbox has been BURSTING with christmas cards from YOU!
i read every one of them and announced the state (or country) when we opened them.
annie was my helper.
it was really sweet and i appreciate all of them.
reading all your notes made me remember why i love blogging.
and refreshed to keep going.
t h a n k y o u.
Rachel - I have the Nikon version of that lens and love it. It is making shooting our renovation so much easier! Glad you are having so much fun with it.
Juli - Meg, where did you find the afghan laying across your chair/couch? The colors are fabulous. Please don’t tell me it is vintage. The vintage ones I find are never that pretty! Thank you!
Kristine - I sent a card but no note! Yikes. I’m qtsmom on Instagram! It was the rejoice card with two teenage boys- The Clines!
Duh! I was just so giddy about sending a card to my fave blogger!
On another note, the look on your face looking at Annie and Olaf…so hilarious!
Thanks for sharing your family Christmas traditions!
Happy New Year!
Tabitha - Fantastic gifts! Can you tell me where you got Talby’s “Love” shirt? It’s awesome!
jennibell - You are such a FUN mom — yea! You truly inspire me to be “better” (more available, more fun) and your blog helps with the ideas because they just don’t come to me easily/naturally.
Happy 2015 Meg!
Andrea @ This Pug Life - Fly Away Home was one of my favorite movies – brings back memories!
Kelsey - Another request for the horse (unicorn?) hat source! I love it and Googled to no avail last night.
Amy - It looks like a great Christmas! Gingerbread houses are such a fun tradition.
Blessings to you and your sweet family in the New Year!
Library Momma - Meg! Lovely ideas. When did you start doing gifts this way? This is very enticing to me as we are trying to teach our young children life is family, experiences, traditions, not “stuff.” Santa is till alive and well in our house so this is slightly a delicate balance.
Amber - It looks like you had a lovely Christmas! I’m curious how you handle gifts between siblings. I’m preggo with my fourth and I’m just not sure how to handle it. My kids are too young to have the kind of money to purchase gifts on their own. It’s a struggle I have right now to keep a handle on how much we spend and yet teach them to enjoy giving as much (or more) than getting. I. Not really sure they can make each other something yet either. Or maybe a scribbled picture is enough? I’d love your two cents. Happy New Year!
Janine - Gorgeous piano. PLEASE do not paint it! I know you love painting everything but give restoring the wood a try. A simple first step is to clean it with Murphy’s oil soap and then make your own mixture of equal parts lemon juice and olive oil and polish it up. You will be amazed at how gorgeous the wood looks after that. And if it still looks worn out after that, then resort to paint *shudder*!!
Katherine - I, too, want to know where to find a hat like Annie’s!
Gevay - Happy New Year!
Dawn - Funny how stocking gifts can get away from you. Stocking shopping is the most fun. It looks like you had a Merry Christmas. Happy New Year!
Meredith - Hi Meg! Happy New Year’s Eve! Could you please tell me where you found Talby’s ‘be awesome today’ sign? Thanks!
Lori - I’m happy you got so many cards and had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year to you!
Amy - It looks like your family knows you well! Where did you find Annie’s horse hat? My daughter bought her own horse this year and would flip for that hat!
Tiffany - Loving the Ping Pong Tabletop, such a good idea for indoor fun that helps you get off your bum.
mary - bravo on how you do your presents!
i think that is how it should be done, my mom tried that way
years ago and some very spoiled siblings had an all out fit
and yes after they were in their 20’s.
happy new year to you and your whole family meg!
jamie - LOVE THIS! i need to add so many things to my amazon wish list! and can we talk about the {annie} soundtrack? i love it!