i had to make sure i got my work out in today before i could write this post with a clear conscience.
back in december i found Marta.
on Instagram i saw she was starting a 30 day nutritional group… and in a split second i signed up.
i had no idea what a nutritional group was.
i just said YES.
and i will admit that i took the same group two months in a row because
1. it was very interesting
2. i started it over the holidays so i wasn’t fully paying attention
3. i didn’t do ANYTHING she said the first round.
that’s right. i did nothing.
but i read her words… and got to see her heart right out there caring for each of us in the group.
and i began to really think about my nutrition.
so round 2 i started trying a few of her suggestions… baby steps right?
and then i joined the 21 Day Fix group.
i was hooked!
Marta is my girl.
she has got it goin’ on!
i love her encouragement and positive attitude… it’s contagious!
i thought it would be fun to interview her here on the blog!
because i want YOU to get to know her too.
so i asked her a bunch of random questions… here goes:
– top five things in your grocery cart?
Many people motivate me every single day- my husband, my daughters, my sisters, other people in the fitness world– however, I’d say what motivates me most is not being able to meet my mom’s father. He died of a massive heart attack at age 44. 2 months prior to my mom’s wedding to my dad. This has stuck with me so much over my entire lifetime. Most eight years olds probably don’t dwell on the fact they never got to meet their mom’s dad. I did. For whatever reason. I felt so connected to him and still do to this day. I imagined him. What he was like. Why my mom was the way she was because of him. I thought, how sad that he didn’t get to see my mom get married and walk her down the aisle. How tragic. And unfair. But this created in me, a reason to honor MY body and my life. I know we can’t control everything. But I can control what I eat which impacts my health which impacts my life and how long I may live. I’m only 34 and not many 34 year olds think this way. But I do and always will.
When I have a slump of a week like filled with hectic schedule and CANDY. I re-group and motivate myself to be BETTER. FEEL BETTER. LIVE BETTER. This motivates me. My grandpa, whom I’ve never met, has touched me and impacted MY life so much. What a crazy concept. But he is a big reason I do what I do and am who I am. And he’s impacting what kind of mom I am and what kind of children I am raising. This is all “the big picture” of life in my opinion.
Other things motivate me as well. Wanting to feel my best, look my best, be energetic, be a role-model. But overall, we must all connect to our inner-self and figure out our main goals in life and then make a plan to achieve them.
– what did you eat for lunch today?
so here are four facts i wanted to share:
1. Marta and her 3 sisters are ALL Fitness Coaches!
Isn’t that something amazing?!!
you can read their group blog for advice, recipes, information & inspiration… FOUR FIT SISTERS.
2. Marta is a a Beachbody Coach.
It is free to sign up on BB for a coach…. takes about 30 seconds.
when you do sign up, there are no high pressure sales or constant emails.
but what there IS is information, education & HELP with questions about everything.
when you order BB programs like the 21 Day Fix, Turbo Fire or Shakeology through your coach, of course your coach gets a percentage of that sale… but that is the perk of being a coach!
if you don’t sign up under a coach… BB gets ALL the money and you don’t get the care from Marta, a hard working mama trying to help so many women take back their health.
to me it is a no brainer.
sign up for free to have her as a coach and she tells you when all the sales are going to be, what new programs are coming out & answers questions you may have.
She can tell you which programs are her favorites too.
3. Marta has special nutritional groups that she runs each month dealing with all kinds of health issues.
you get daily questions and information that is fascinating.
i have learned SO MUCH this past 5 months.
i have changed my eating habits completely.
and i feel so good!!!
for real…. it has been awesome.
she starts a SUGAR DETOX group next week. (all the details can be found HERE )
i am enrolling.
and afraid.
but ready… please join with me so we can hold each other’s hands through it.
4. Follow her on Instagram.
because she is FUN!!!
handstands? black eyes? fire alarms and burnt bacon?
it’s all there along with the fitness inspiration.
i know so many of you out there don’t feel your best.
trust me… I KNOW.
you are tired, worn down & discouraged.
it is time to get strong…physically and emotionally.
do it for YOU!
who else is going to take care of you?
she gets it.
the end.
i just started the 21 day fix workouts again,
but hey Marta… when those are done how about we try this record i found?
thank for continuing to help me reach my goals MARTA!!
maybe someday we will have a handstand challenge?!
just kidding!
do YOU have questions for me about any of this?
leave them and i will try to answer them IN THE COMMENTS so everyone can participate.
Louise - I joined the 14 day sugar detox starting Monday. I’m so excited and nervous at the same time. Meg – thanks so much for being such an inspiration…and for sharing who inspires you. Marta is amazing. AND — so are YOU! 🙂 You look beautiful by the way! Well – you always have looked beautiful, but I really do see your total body transformation. You inspire me.
Kathy P - Which website do I watch for any upcoming nutritional groups from Marta? I’m not really interested in the sugar detox (I know I won’t do it — but if there is ever just a chocolate detox, it would be helpful 🙂 ), but would like to know what some of the other groups are. So do I check in on Four Fit Sisters or Beachbody or somewhere else? (I’m not on Facebook or Instagram, Pinterest yes!). Thanks.
Kelly - Hi Meg…..just saw this morning on TV with Montel Williams a show about/selling the 21 DAY FIX PROGRAM…..was that one of Marta’s sisters?? I so need to do something and you look like you have made some good progress following this plan. you are my inspiration !! thanks, Kelly–NYC
Jen Rausch - Sooooo I read about you starting the 21 Day Fix a while ago. Then, one of my FB friends (who is a BB coach) started a group and your blog gave me the courage to try it. My husband and I have kept it up (that stinker has lost 50 pounds!!) and I am even RUNNING now! We have changed our lifestyle so much that I just signed up to be a BB coach! I am so excited for this part of our journey!
Leann - Hi! Wondering if I get up in the morning before I have to leave for work, (leaving for work at 5:15am, wake up time is normally 3:30am) should you eat before you do? And if so, how long do you wait before working out?
Amy Woods - EEEkkkk! I want to join in, but I’m scared. Because I’m like REALLY FAT!…Not just kinda overweight….we are talking MEGA! ugh!
Amanda - Thanks for sharing Meg! You look so great. And I bet you feel even better!!
Are you still running or do you mainly do the videos?
Leslie - Hi. Because I need the motivation would you be able to do a before and current post- where you post how much you’ve lost (pounds, inches, jean size, whatever you feel comfortable with). And then a before and after photo? I need some motivation. I already eat a mostly clean diet (except the sugar in my coffee) and I have a health condition the very much limits the exercise I can do. So I’m stuck in this rut. I’ll share so that I’m not asking you to do what I won’t do— I’m a size 8 (5’4″ 147lbs) but I have a stomach that says “3 kids in 4 years”. My goal is to maintain at 140lbs and be toned and not have tummy pooch. But those 7 pounds just will not stay off. I lose two, gain 1, lose 3 gain 4, lose 1, gain 1….. Thanks for being an inspiration!
Amy Purvis - I’ve signed up too! Nervous as spit….I like my cookie butter after my long runs…and sugar in my coffee….and Pam’s cheesecake! 🙂
meg duerksen - KELLI – it has gotten higher somewhat but it is worth it to me. knowing that i am eating healthy foods and not just processed cheap convenience foods is worth the money.
LEEANN – i am think ing about the Pump too! the 21Fix helps you with the nutrition side of health too. and the workouts are do-able. it’s a great place to start. I have had a shakeology shake almost everyday for 3 months now. i like the chocolate and the vanilla. the strawberry wasn’t my favorite… but not bad either. i think when you order the 21fix with the Shakeoloy, that the shakeology is on auto renewal. but you just unsubscribe if you don’t want that. but ask marta to be sure.
Lee Ann - I think I’m about ready to bite the bullet. I think I’ll go for the 21 day fix – but I’ve also read so much about the Les Mis pump. I lift weights so I think that appeals to me – but I can’t do both right now.
Do you like the shakes? What flavors? Are you locked in a contract? Just the one time payment for the fix?
Heather - I am in my second group with Marta thanks to you! I started with PUMP because the 21 Day Fix was still back ordered. Now I’m doing the fix and while I love the pump workouts the fix is awesome for helping me get a handle on my nutrition again! I’m kicking myself for not signing up right away when I saw your original post about it. Anyway, thanks for the inspiration and motivation and encouragement! I owe a lot to Marta and YOU!
Kelli - I am curious if you have noticed a huge difference in your grocery budget and have you changed the eating habits of your entire family?
Cindy Singer - I just started her group this week!!!
Laura - After I saw that you did 21 day fix, I looked into the whole thing and did the Les Mills Pump Challenge with Haley.It was so great! I highly recommend the Les Mills Pump. I used to work out at the gym (elliptical and weights) but this has toned me more than that ever did.
Seriously Sassy Mama - Oh how I love this post. I was just talking with a friend about getting a trainer at the gym. I have a tendency to do things like workout then go pick up chick fil a because I had to pee, and could not longer hold it. I want to make sure I am doing the best workouts for me and my body.
Barbara (WA) - Hi Meg, My 21 Day Fix box arrived and now I know exactly why you were shocked at how small the containers were – they are tiny!! I haven’t had time yet to figure it all out but I have an online coach (a friend on my sons’s). Wish me luck! I want to be slimmer but more importantly stronger!
Makila - Hi Meg! I am currently in a 21 Day fix group with Marta. I saw last week you were giving up wheat. Is your whole family doing this? Did you go back to dairy? Just curious to ask someone who has done fix with Marta!
Thank you!
Caroline - Meg – you have been such an inspiration! I’m doing it – just signed up for the sugar detox!!!!!!!!!!
Amy Mumaw - I have done a 30 day challenge with Marta and became so interested that I became a coach under her! I love it! I am in training and can’t wait!! I am also doing the sutra detox! We can do it together bc I am VERY AFRAID !!! Sugar is my drug of choice , lol
We can support each other!!! I love MARTA
meg duerksen - ALICIA…. there is no doubt it is hard to work out with little ones at home, especially if you are home schooling! 1. the obvious option… get up before they do. (but let’s get real… you were probably up twice in the night to deal with at least one of them right?)
2. do you have a PE program in Homeschool? can it include push ups, sit-ups, planking, jogging, walking etc? 3. do you have a YMCA with childcare? that was my sanity when my kids were little. 56 minutes to myself watching oprah on the treadmill.
4. just workout right there while your kids do their school work. they can handle it. it’s good for them to see you make your health a priority. so if it’s while they are doing their reading… then so be it.
just some thoughts.
also… when they get older it DOES get easier. and in about 2 more years you may get a full nights sleep a few times a week and you will be a DIFFERENT woman completely. 🙂
Alicia @ La Famille - I have heard of her before and she looks SO fun! Thanks for pointing her out again. The sugar detox sounds so good! I had baby #4 about one year ago and I have lost all my baby weight (Yay!) BUT I still don’t feel FIT. I used to exercise all the time but I just really don’t know WHEN to do it?? Since you have a whole bunch of kids, do you have any suggestions for this?? I also homeschool, and their ages range from 12-1, so that’s a bit different than you…but maybe you have some insight. I’m frustrated because I love to exercise…I used to run all the time and do tons of races. I love to use kettlebells and lift weights. I just feel SO tired all time and don’t know when to squeeze it in. SOS.
CassM - Meg, I JUST signed up for the Sugar Detox today …. nerrrrr-vous ….
Mainly b/c I have little faith that I’ll stick with it. Sad, but true.
So, excited you’re on board with that one as well so I can follow your journey too.
I’m 40 in November. Feel as though I should be finally ‘together’ and ‘myself’ by that point … after 3 babies in 4 years and well, just, LIFE. Oh, and poor food choices and no exercise and a definite sugar addiction …. right, after those things. But I’m giving myself some grace to know that I don’t have to have it all together by the big 4-0 (so that I can properly celebrate and actually achieve a goal) … but that I need instead just to START NOW. Start for real. Start for life. I could go on for paragraphs … (Home with 3 littles all day, I’m starved for conversation, ha!)
Anyways, Meg, I know you hear this a lot as I’ve read it before … but you are most assuredly my fave. From one stranger to another, y’know. Never left a comment before … I kinda hate being one of the masses, in all things … but oddly enough this post got me out here to say hi. Ha! For real. Thanks for all things. I really, really, really truly learn a lot from you.
I’ll think of you as I’m miserable from the Day 1 detox headache, yeah? 🙂
melissa shepard - I second everything Meg said!!! I too did 2 groups w marta. She is fabulous… amazing.. and gorgeous… and REAL! I just started the 21 day fix.. hope my results aee as amazing as yours are ,Meg! You look soo awesome. I have enjoyed watching and reading about your fitness journey the past mths. So encouraging!! Thanks for sharing…. and girls…SIGN UP w MARTA. YOU WONT BE SORRY!!!