the trampoline has been set up once again.
this old thing has served us so well.
annie asked “can we just get a new one?” and both sean and talby shouted “NO!!! This one is perfect! It bounces so high!!”
everyone is enjoying our new back yard.
we are hoping to put invisible fencing in SOON because i need some peace of mind with these two crazies.can you get a little closer please?
that’s better.
i pretty much said i am not gardening this year.
i just want to see what comes up… what kind of sun/wind/water this house gets….
but then the flowers start blooming and the colors start to pop…
and i find myself thinking about going to the nursery later.all this sun and warm weather makes moods much lighter.
people stay at the table longer when we eat outside.
sponge bob is replaced by games of catch and bike rides to sonic.
s’mores and campfires make up bedtime routines instead of “just one more show please mom?”
we spend more time together we are outside.
summer is so close!
the pool opens in 2 weeks!
there was even some talk about camping this summer? Β oh my.
why does that make me start sweating?
i LOVED it as a kid.
so we should probably provide them with some memories like that.
i guess.
hmmmm…. still sweaty.
1. do you love or hate camping?
2. are you a gardener? Β flower or vegetable or both?
3. can you smell stanley’s breath through your screen?
meredith - Love camping! We are so excited because we are moving from a condo with no yard to a house with a big back yard. We plan on a camping night or two with the fire pit that the precious owners put in! π Our only child is 14 months, wish us luck. At least the door to the house will be close by. π
Defiantly a gardener but totally understand not doing anything this year. I am going to pot some tomatoes, herbs and maybe some flowers for fun but other than that, I totally agree. Why? Wait til next year and have the ultimate plan.
I can smell Stanley’s breath, tell him it’s not too bad. π
Lisa - I love camping!!! It really is so fun. All those things you mentioned about being outside and lingering at the table longer? Those happen camping. Ideally if you could borrow or rent a trailer or rv, it’s better for sleeping. But even tent camping is a blast. I’m high maintenance with my sleep so make sure you have a good air mattress or cot. Good luck!!!
Jenn - love camping
we went a lot as a kid and we just took our kids for the first time this past weekend
gardener…..veggie (sometimes) would love to be a flower gardener but they usually die
Jenn - i love camping. we did it alot as a kid and we actually just went this weekend. it was our first time to camp with our kids (tent camp at least)
we had such a great time
gardener……veggie (sort of)
would love to be a flower gardener but they usually die.
Kristin - My husband & I grew up camping, and continued after we got married. Best trip ever was to the Tetons with our kids. We haven’t had much time to family camp in recent years because my husband & son camp with Scouts once/month. I did get to camp once with them last year, and will again in June. THAT’S an experience…being the only mom with all of those males. Using the facilities (there AREN’T any) is interesting!
I garden…both flowers & veggies. Love, love, love being out in my garden.
Debby Benson - I LOVED camping as a kid. We went over every 3 day weekend and vacation. I grew up in Cali so it was usually Sequoia, Yosemite, & Lake Tahoe. Even the beach a couple of times. Nowadays, as an *old* lady, all I think about is the dirt and pit toilets lol. I’ve gotten too soft.
Gardening….I love the idea, but I’m afraid of flying buzzing things. i’m sure the neighbors would love the daily laugh of my gardening. “Hey, there’s our crazy neighbor running around slapping her head and screaming again!!” Kansas has some GIANT flying things. They skeer me.
And Stanley…I can smell his sweet puppy breath. It’s delicious! π
Karina - I hate camping! Give me a few days at a rustic cottage – the shower can be on the outside, all meals can be on a bbq – but for heaven’s sake let me have a bed to fall into at night! I like having a wild garden – I will pull up the worst weeds, like dandelions and those prickly monsters that sprout under the trampoline, but that is about the extent of my gardening. OK, I came here for inspiration and now I feel very unaccomplished, at least as far as the great outdoors go. However, that photo of four of you and your husband smooching your happy face makes up for it! (Now please get back inside and tell me how you painted your banisters. π )
Tanya H - I loooved camping as a kid! It was always a favorite thing! I’ve gone two whole nights (separate nights) as a mom and um…not so much… it’s a TON of work and stresses me out. And my kids are way too old for me to be that stressed! π
I’ve planted flowers but I wouldn’t say that makes me any kind of gardener… I am hoping to plant a few veggies this summer…like…this week… π
And really, I love that pic of the four of you all squished in and happy! π
Stephanie - I loved camping as a kid! But now we live in Florida. Land of endless summers and bus sized bugs of every kind. No way would I go camping here in the summer. The late fall here is perfect camping weather and our kids have done it quite a bit in our backyard.
I am a veggie gardener mostly, but also have some fruit trees. I dream of having an orchard.
Stanley is SO cute. I have not had a dog since I was 3, but my kids are dying to have one. I think I am giving in. When I see your happy pups I think “it can’t be that bad…..right?”. π
layla bb solms - love camping (never go, husband hates)
gardener – of flowers – in training
I wish I could smell Stanley’s breath! I LOVE dogs. we have a cat; I love him, but I need a dog. I would hug and squeeze and roll around in the grass with Stanley!
our trampoline has bounced its last behind; when school’s out in a few weeks, our kids will be disassembling it. the end of an era. boo hoo.
Amy Woods - 1. Lβ₯ve camping! As long as it’s in an RV. We used to tent camp, but now I’m 41, and I want some A/C when I’m sleeping!
2. kinda both…well, mostly I pick out pretty flowers and help hubby plant and then forget about watering them. Luckily my 16 year old son is excellent at remembering to water! And the veggie garden…I’m more into the harvesting, but I help out the hubs and son with each step. π
3. No…could you have him smile a little bigger? π
Necole@seriouslysassymama - I love camping. We are planning something for this summer. I like to plant flowers, but living in Texas, there is always a drought, water restrictions, and everything dies. My flowers in the front flower bed are still blooming, and that makes me happy.
Jennifer B. - I love camping! My family had a small pop-up camper when I was a kid, and I begged my husband to keep it when my parents decided to get rid of it. At the time, we didn’t have a good spot for it or a car to tow it.
So now my 4-year-old son and I camp in a tent, and it’s a little more work, but I still love it. And he is growing to love it too! I keep it super simple and we only go for about 2 nights. Air mattress is a must-have for me. And I just bought us a new tent so we’ll have a little more room to spread out.
Your kids would LOVE it, and I bet they could entertain themselves while you relax/read/photograph. You might even find a place where you could rent an RV if you wanted to take a longer vacation.
As for gardening, I love the planting. Not much on the upkeep. I usually garden all Mother’s Day weekend, but we had other stuff going on this year. I just planted a bunch of container flowers to put by my front steps. The rest will have to wait. And I really wanted to try vegetables this year, but a bad sprain put a crimp in that plan. Maybe next year?
KATIE NC - what happened to Spanky’s kittens? and the chickens, when are they moving over to the new house?
Rebecca - Camping, in my opinion, is a Holliday Inn Express….Stanley…I can definitely smell your stinky breath. You need a Greenie!
I’m not a gardener either..I wish i was!
Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - What an awesome location and yard you have!! Seems so big and not surrounded by multiple other houses on top of each other!
Kristen K. - I consider myself to be “the queen of all things INDOORS” :-), but I married an Eagle Scout…so how did I think I was going to avoid camping? Our 4 kiddos are Scouts, so they camp a bit with them…but we go tent camping about 4 times / year, summer through fall. And I HATE HATE HATE to admit it, but we have made so many amazing memories by being together, unplugged, under the stars out in nature. I just wish that nature didn’t have so many bugs, poison ivy, and rocks that jump out of nowhere to trip us! You and your family are amazing, and God will be camping with you, too – I say, add it to your summer bucket list, and bail if it’s too crazy! (and bring a cot or air mattress…the ground is HARD!) π
Wendy - I have a vintage aqua and white trailer … kids love it just as much as I do. It is a lot a work, but makes some wonderful memories. ADVICE: Keep things simple and electricity is a must.
Meg - The last pic of Stanley. Oh my gosh. Love it! You totally need that as a print in your shop!
Tiffany - Meg, I just love catching up on your blog. You always put a smile on my face or make me laugh! Stanley is cute!
Chris - I love all these happy pics! Your new yard is so pretty.
Nikki - I have yet to camp with my kids. I loved it when I was a kid too! Except, I grew up in Colorado and it got super cold at night, that part I remember not liking. We just moved to Hawaii, though (military) and I find myself much more eager to camp here because the weather is good, even in the middle of the night. So maybe this is the year to get those camping memories going!
Andrea @ This Pug Life - I’m mostly a vegetable gardener. It still amazes me that a tiny little seed turns into a huge plant and produces FOOD all summer. I guess I’m easily amazed/amused. π
Jenn - I only camp in a camper, no tents. I would love to be a veggie gardener, I’m not really a gardener at all. I plant around twice a year and that’s enough for this gal! I’m not a huge fan of the summer heat…it gets really hot down here in Texas, but I am looking forward to no homework and easy breezy nights.
Tracy - Oh no! I’m sweating thinking about camping, too!! Luckily my husband feels the same wayβ¦phew! Strength in numbers over here. Good luck with that!!
Marsha Kern - Your new yard looks beautiful! Looks like your pets are adjusting to the new place. Gardening all the way flowers and veggies both-it is may favorite, my idea of crafting. Have a great day.
Suzelle - fabulous photos !!!
Seamingly Sarah - I like camping, but camping with kids is such a hassle. They hate going to do it, yet rave about when we finally go back home. I don’t get it.
I LOVE to grow vegetables and fruit. I even got into fruit trees/bushes. We were so lucky to have bought a house with two apple trees that are young enough to train and prune properly! And we put in two blueberry bushes and there were already strawberries growing everywhere AND two rhubarb bushes!!! So excited for the fruit this summer. The only thing that doesn’t seem to want to grow for me is spinach. Go figure.
And doggy breath, yet another reason I couldn’t handle a dog right now. =)
martha - Camping is for Boy Scouts!! Only!!! π
katie p - I grew up camping and really loved it and still do, BUT I really enjoy it when I can get in a good nights sleep. So if that means a camper, or an air mattress then so be it! Some say that’s not real camping and my response to that is, who cares π
Lydia Davis - I grew up camping every summer with my family, and I met my (then) future husband on a big group camping trip! We just took our 7 month old daughter on her first camping trip last weekend, and she loved every minute of it! Take them. It’ll be worth it. π
Laura H - Wonderful pictures filled with so much happiness!
I like camping for about the first 20 minutes, then I start to whine, and look for my Oprah magazine….
I love flowers, but they do not love me! I have been planting lots of succulents this year, and a fairy garden π
Your dogs are so stinkin cute!! Also the kitties! Were these your outdoor kitties? You brought them with? That is so awesome!! xo
Happy Mothers Day to you!
Heather S. - Hate camping. I’m a hotel girl. In fact, forget the hotel and book me a nice condo please. I love to work hard and play hard all day, in the outdoors even. But then the night falls and I want a nice long shower and a cozy bed and air conditioning if the humidity is high.
Total gardener here. Flowers only. Vegetables dn’t bring me the joy my flowers do.
The breath – pretty sure it’s kitty breath I’m getting a whiff of right now, but that would be from the fur ball in my lap.
Jessica Johnson - I only camp in cabins. With showers.
And Waffle and Lincoln are twins.
Debbie - Hate camping. I’ll take Hilton over a tent any day.
Yes to gardening. Flowers and vegetables. We run our community garden after my dad started it years ago and passed away last summer. Our local rotary built a huge greenhouse on the property in his honor and we have no idea what to do with it π But there’s nothing better than home grown tomatoes!
Dog breath ranks higher than the wet dog smell for me. Ewwwww.
Great pictures and I’m loving the current Midwest weather. I’ll appreciate it even more poolside two weeks from today!
Jenny B. - I remember when Sean’s only birthday request was to have the trampoline set up at the farm house. π Your yard makes me want to move to Kansas. I do not love camping. I loved it as a kid, but now… not so much. Usually, the boys go, and then I drive out for the campfire, and then drive back home to sleep in my own bed. π I am not a gardener, but my husband decided he wanted to become a peanut farmer, so we now have cultivated earth in our used-to-be landscaping beds in the front yard. Peanut seeds (which are just peanuts, I think?) arrived in the mail last week, and he’s planting them sometime this week. So… we’ll see how that goes! π
Shannon - I LOVE camping. Its my favorite! Did you know that at the major KS lakes you can rent a cabin? They are super cute, well stocked. It may be too late to get one for weekends during the summer, but I highly recommend them for your first trip! They are super reasonably priced and you get the “camping” experience without too much roughing it!
Shannon - My husband got us all set up to camp as a family two years ago when we were living in Colorado. I was skeptical….we have 4 kids (5th due any day!). BUT…after we got our routine down…and I decided to take flannel sheets, pillows & a down comforter for MY air mattress, I was a much happier camper! π And, wine…and coffee. Seriously, the comforter can roll up as small as a sleeping bag, so why not?! The kids LOVE the whole experience. In fact, one of our last camping trips was near Kenosha Pass where you had posted pics of your kids in a makeshift fort that my kids randomly happened to play in the very next day! Find a nice place with toilets nearby…and you should try it!
Laura - Love camping – not with a 2 year old though! In my heart I am a grower – in reality, not so much! I wish I could rub behind his ears! But seeing that picture of the girls on the trampoline – that is killer – it makes me wonder how long I’ve been reading, they look SO big! Putting away the exclamation marks now! π
Becky - Our last attempt at camping (in the backyard, mind you :)) was fraught with disaster. Vomiting, sleeplessness, crying, coming in in at 5 a.m. We’ll stick to a camp out in the living room this summer π
I wish I liked camping. I wish I wanted to like camping! Maybe someday…
Rhonda - I’ve read your blog for years, and think this is my first comment. Hi friend! I only check two blogs every day, and yours is one. π I hate camping. It’s probably my dad’s fault because he took our family “camping” in a big motorhome with every luxury. We tell our son, “Camping is for other people.” We’ve also told our son playing soccer is for other children. Living in Oregon, a mom needs to purchase a wetsuit to sit through soccer season. We love basketball. It doesn’t rain in the gym. I love to flower garden, and dabble in vegetables…enough to make salsa or pico de gallo. If you lived next door, I’d bring you fresh salsa. Happy Mother’s Day!
Julie - I love summer camping – especially when the weather is hot and sunny the whole time, and we can spend long days at the beach, swimming and boogie boarding. I don’t like midnight treks to the toilet though.
I am a gardener – flowers and vegetable – as we are coming into winter in New Zealand, I don’t get a lot of sun on my garden, so it is not as pretty or prolific as my summer garden.
Love your family shots, you always look like you have so much fun together, and are all so happy.
Ka - I do love camping, but it is a lot of work. But the memories are worth it. My wish is for a camper, so I can store my camping stuff in it. Then, just hit the store and go.
I thought about a garden, but I like Bountiful Baskets ( and we live so close to hutterites and they sell their produce locally. Why work so hard. HA!
Enjoy the sun. I got a sunburn yesterday and it’s raining today.
april R - lol Jenni “I only camp for Jesus”
Guess I have to do some camping to find out if I like it or if I’m on Jenni’s team π
I love gardening but haven’t had a chance to try veggies yet, we move a lot.
and I can imagine Stanley’s doggie-ness bc mine does the same thing right in everyone’s face
yeah summer π
Lisa - Love, love camping and our older children ADORE camping. We have found in our state (Vermont) that the state run campgrounds are cleaner, more natural and overall less expensive. Wonderful memories for kids!
Rachel S - I loved camping as a kid, now it just feels like work, which makes me feel guilty. But give me a fire in our yard with s’mores any night and that kinda feels like camping. π I really wish I had a green thumb. I love looking at everyone else’s awesome landscaping and dream of someday having that. Today is our first REALLY nice day here in northern Wisconsin. Spring was so late in coming – and now I’m ready for summer! Two weeks till I host our first graduation party. Tell me I will survive and it will all work out!
Barbara (WA) - I hate camping. Mostly a flower gardener. I’m a cat person so I love the photo of the kitties π
Jenni - I told my husband yesterday, “I only camp for Jesus”. For real, the only time I can do it is for a big purpose, like a mission trip. Otherwise, book me a Marriott!