scott loves basketball.
it’s his thing. all the way. it’s what he does everyday.
it is his passion. so…. being a part of an undefeated team was pretty much the best thing in his life so far.
🙂this is during warm-ups of his Sub-State championship game.
here is a very focused group of soon-to-be sub state champions before their game.
i said “can i get a picture of you guys?” thinking they would all sit up, squeeze in & smile.
but they are boys. not girls. duh. this is what boys do.
at least they smiled!
the student section cracked us up all season long with their choices of outfits and signs.
as far as i know… the boys are wearing old school uniforms from the 90s (or 80’s?).scott for 3.
scott’s cheering section for Sub-State.
basketball games are really fun for the siblings too.
all their friends are there, running around and being crazy.
annie always comes home super sweaty from scott’s games from all the excitement.
and then they went onto STATE!
they won their first game, then their second and then it was the Championship.
we sat in the second row for the second and third games.
i loved being that close to the action.all the little kids were really into the game too… so cute isn’t it?
final score of the state championship game.
it was a super close game the whole time…. made it very intense to watch.
and then they WON!
the entire season undefeated. WOW.
please enjoy a bunch of blurry photos of H A P P Y basketball players.i never got a photo of our side’s crowd…. it was all full up to the red seats on our side.
they raised the trophy and then they were given medals for first place.
and JUST as MY SON was getting his medal… this lady walked right in front of me.
lovely shot i got of her armpit.
blerg.oh yeah… THE GIRLS TEAM WON STATE TOO!!!
there is seriously great basketball in our town!scott hears all about his dad’s basketball “career” every where he goes… but i have to at least mention that his dad’s team won the High School State Championship (that i was a cheerleader for…) in this gym AND his team also won the Jr. College National Championship in this gym exactly 20 years ago.
It is a very special place to all of us.
scott just made it more so.all five of scott’s grandparents made it to his game.
every single one of them.
and all the parents too.
they did a great job on a season of full on hard work!
FAMILY SELFIE with our state champion!!! it was such a fun season.
i loved every game i was able to attend.
i am so proud of the whole team… but mostly of scotty because he is mine. 🙂
Carrie Lea - AHH! Congratulations to Scott! This made me all emotional, reminded me of my brother’s senior football season, they were undefeated too, and won state. Good times, great memories!
I didn’t realize you lived in Hesston either! I knew you were in middle KS, just wasn’t sure where. My papaw grew up in Chase and my granny (his mama) lived in Lyons until she passed. We made that drive so many times! (I grew up in SE KS, Frontenac).
Amber - WOW! Congratulations! Super awesome- UNDEFEATED!!!!!
Jenna - This made me a little teary! Sooo cool. Congrats to Scott … He will cherish your photos too!
Kathi - That last family selfie says it all! I remember going to basketball games at NIU with my mom way back in the day when the basketball uniforms had those really short shorts! Now days it looks like the boys are wearing skirts:)There needs to be a happy medium.
Amy - SO RAD!! Makes me miss high school sports…kinda. I love that they play with so much heart. And undefeated. Awesome. Great way to end it for the seniors.
Lisa - That is so exciting! Congratulations to Scott and the team!
Valerie @ Chateau a la Mode - I got teared up reading your post. Love family stuff. Tugs at my heartstrings even when they aren’t mine. Love that Scott’s team won. Love that Lauren was there with all of you. Love that all those grandparents are still alive and able to attend the games…what a huge blessing. Love that the little kids are there supporting. And PS girlfirend….you looked skinny 😉
Jen - What a great memory for your family, and I LOVE your family selfie! Please, tell me how you get such great action shots! My son is just starting out in basketball (he’s 8) and for the life of me, I cannot get a shot that is not blurry! I would love to figure it out before he goes to high school 🙂
Jenn - YAY!
Lora - 🙂
Jenni - It has been so exciting as a follower to see his team make it this far!! As a former basketball player myself (so hilarious to my family now that I played something so sweaty) it brings back amazing memories. These are family memories you’ll have forever. It’ll come up at the Thanksgiving table until you are 90…remember that time we were state champions? Anyhoo…thanks so much for sharing such special parts of your family journey with us.
Tobi - Small world: I started following your blog before I realized where your kids went to school – my alma mater. Then, I saw their mascot on a T-shirt or something and it was easy to figure out – not many schools can boast farm machinery as their mascot. I love your blog because I love your blog, but it’s fun to celebrate a little Swather pride vicariously through you, too! Congrats!
P.S. I played bball 94-98. I’m pretty sure I recognize a few of the fans’ jerseys. Nothing makes you feel old like seeing your old uniforms being worn as “throw back” costumes by high schoolers! But I have pictures of my girlfriends and I in Swather throw backs that we were thrilled to find at a thrift store in Newton – I think they were from the 70s! Some things never change… (Like the HHS Singers dresses, amiright?) 🙂
kim - this is SO fun, meg! my hs went to states when i was a sophomore and i STILL remember it. it was so exciting.
i imagine its just infinitely more exciting being the proud mom of one of the stars. 🙂 i love all of this! 🙂
Gina - Awesomeness! You look fabulous. I’ve been doing Marta’s 21 day fix too and love it. Thanks for your inspiration to change.
Kristi Rediske - That is so exciting-there is nothing in this world than watching your own kids doing what they love and watching all the enjoyment in it. All the hard work to get to this place and all the family support, I love seeing it, thanks for sharing and posting, love all the pictures. I am a grandmother now, miss having my kids in those activities, but the little grandkiddos are starting now, so fun. I did notice in the picture how great you are looking, you looked great before but you look so healthy and like you are beaming!
Jen - How exciting for your whole family! I really like the family selfie. 🙂
Laurie M. - How exciting. This must be at the sports arena in Hutch? Did your husband play for the Blue Dragons? I’ve been away for almost 20 yrs but I remember those years being exciting ones for KU and HCC fans.
Cassandra - Congrats Scott & the team!! Being that my husband & I are both from a small town & he played college ball & coached small town high school basketball I enjoy this a lot. Nothing quite like high school basketball 🙂
Jenny B. - Ope, nevermind! I looked it up on Wikipedia. 🙂
Jenny B. - This is SO terrific! What a cool story about the gym too! I have to ask… what are “swathers?”
Tiffany - Oh my, I’m not a basketball person, but I loved reading that post! How exciting for Scott, his team, your family and your town!!
amy jupin - armpit lady…RUDE!
all of the other pictures are so fun.
and i loved the instagram updates too!
what a year they all had!
Sally - Megan,
That was awesome!! I love looking at pictures of the win! What an amazing season… Thanks for posting this!
Suzanne - My husband was an Indiana State Basketball Champion long before I knew him, and your post helped me to understand what it was like “back in the day”. We New Englanders (where I grew up) are just not as b-ball crazy as you Midwesterners! 😉 Congrats to Scott! So exciting!!
miss lynn - this post made me super happy!
weepy, even!
what a great memory making moment.
just so happy for you all.
Kristin S - The armpit shot… oh no!!!
The family selfie… awesome.