chickens are super weird.
and also very tame… and enjoyable to watch or interact with.
right now i am trying to introduce them to stanley without him chasing them through the yard.
on this particular day i moved their water to a new spot.
you would think they never had water in their entire lives before this.
so silly.our black and white chicken is the prettiest but she likes people the least of all of them.
then spanky decided it WAS the best water in the whole world and she had to have some too!
see how tame they are… they share! 🙂
then i was working on tricks… getting them to jump for a piece of food.
so funny to watch!
i posted a video on IG in september of annie doing this trick with them.
for these pictures it was only me outside so while sitting on the step i held my camera with my knees and got the focus where i wanted it and then with my left hand i held the treat in the air and with my right hand i pushed the button to take the pictures when they jumped.
i think the jumping pictures are hilarious!

Josy - So funny! #jumpingchickens should be a new hashtag!
Susan W - Jumping chickens — hilarious! Love those photos! Looks like Spanky wants to be in the Ladies club. So we really can all just get along- why can’t it always be that easy?
Thanks for the smile you gave me and for sharing all that you do!
Your a blessing!
phyllis - hahahaaaa!!!! so very cute!!! I have 11 chickens, mostly bantams and they are my precious babies. We do lots of things but I had not thought of jumping photos! Maybe you can capture a chest bump!
maryp - Here’s something stupid: I don’t like the black and white chickens because I think that they look so pretty and soft and cuddly, which makes me want to hug them for 45 minutes…but I know that they wouldn’t like that and that makes me sad.
I’m full of logic like that.
Karen Gerstenberger - You’re right – the jumping pictures ARE hilarious! Thanks for sharing.
Mindy - Oh how I love your “ladies” and the jumping pictures just made my day – fantastic!
Dianne - I laughed way too hard at the jumping chicken pictures. You should put them on a canvas!!!
Julie - Oh, I want some chickens so bad! Our next house is going to be an acreage with plenty of space for roaming chickens! Their poop is perhaps the best part — great fertilizer! My only little hangup is that they always look so mad, what with their down-turned beaks. It makes me a little frightened, they look so feisty all the time. 😉
Michele - I can’t stop laughing at the jumping pictures!!
Jackie - I don’t think I have ever given much thought to a jumping chicken, too funny!
Jan - Chickens are funny. We had them years ago and my son loved to feed them and gather the eggs. Your pictures make me miss them!
Mj - Hilarious! Who would have thought jumping chickens!
Michelle Whitlow - Wow, they have gotten BIG!!! How old are they now??
Ruth - Those pictures are hilarious. But how do you deal with the chicken poop? Does it track in on your shoes? Are your chickens potty-trained? 🙂
Tiffany - I am fascinated. I am a self proclaimed CITY girl (Philly), I now live in the ‘burbs. I an floored that you have chickens for pets. Floored that you own SIX chickens. I am looking at these pictures searching for the buffalo wing parts (sad but true). Wondering what you do with all the eggs? Wondering if they need to be entertained? What temperatures do they like? Do they get cold? What do they eat? Why are they so tame? So many questions. Fascinated I tell you. Thank you world wide web for opening up my little bitty world.
Susan - We had a hen an a rooster raised from eggs (school project) for about 6 months and they were so much fun! Our rooster would sit in my husband’s lap and loved to have under his chin scratched! I miss those days but we live in the city and the neighbors were getting tired of the 5:00 wake up call!
dana - They look like they’re having a tea party at the table. 🙂 What kind is your black girl? Our prettiest chicken is the least friendly, too…until this week when she FINALLY at 9 months old started laying. She saved her feathers by days.
Necole@seriouslysassymama - I love chickens. I am about to go eat some right now. (Sorry, not really funny, but funny just the same.) My husband wants some so bad, but you have to have more than 3 acres where we live to have them, which I think is dumb because people have dogs.
julie - Thanks for my first laugh of the morning! Great shots.!
KirstenP - The jumping pictures ARE hilarious!!!! Thanks for adding a chuckle to my snowy, very cold day!