are you getting close to the end of your shopping list?
i am down to stocking stuffers.
and then the wrapping of the gifts.
as long as i can put on a christmas movie and wrap all by myself then i don’t mind that job at all.
i made a little list in my head of things i have loved to receive as gifts from people.
so this is not a wish list because i already have them.
but maybe there is something you need to get for someone yet and this list will give you an idea?
any of the beautiful mugs from Anthropologie
Keurig Coffee Maker
nine year olds can make their mother’s coffee all over the world thanks to this baby.
pretty & colorful washi tape (photo from
Heated Mattress Pad
(best gift ever!!!!)
new robe… new pajamas… new slippers
martha stewart glitter.
SINGER Heavy Duty Sewing Machine
Craft Weekend has 4 of these machines. i really like them!
gift cards to Starbucks!
anything from Katie Daisy on Etsy
i received a KitchenAid Mixer 10 years ago as a christmas gift from mr. duerksen.
it is still one of the best gifts i have been given.
but mine is white.
i always love new lipstick… and i think MAC lipstick smells good too.
Kisses from Katie Humans of New York
Tattoos on the Heart
these are three books that i love.
i sent my dad the Humans of NY and i read the whole thing at thanksgiving. 🙂
it’s such a cool concept to me!
everyone would love a cute infinity scarf!
(these are from Gap, JCPenney & Ann Taylor)
Rainbow Knife Set
i got these for christmas last year and i LOVE them!
and OF COURSE… everyone would love a super fun picture from my shop in their home!
it would such a fun gift to give!
Use the code JINGLEBELLS10 for 10% off anything in my shop now through Dec. 31.
what did i miss on the list?
what would you have put on this list of your favorite things you have been given or love?
Patti Mullican - You are not alone in the decorating department. The tree is up and the mantle is decorated, but that’s about it. All my energy has gone into school since I am a first year teacher. Your last minute gift ideas helped generate some ideas for me and your cow print is actually on personal Christmas wish list. Take good care and enjoy the season!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Those knives!
Specifically, the small green one.
I like your list. Wanna wrap gifts together?
Alice H - I love the Vera Bradley Zip ID cases for $12. I add a gift card to it and present is done! I also like buying the Chick-Fil-A calendar and giving it with a gift card.
Adrienne - I just ordered two prints! One is the close of the gum balls that I love so much. I’ve looked at it so many times. The other is flowers in the wind and i plan to use it this spring 🙂 Excited!
Tracey Garcia - I got a cobalt blue kitchen aid years ago as a gift from my husband. And I love it! But, on black Friday when the Mr. and I were out shopping I saw the turquoise one!! But, given the cost of these babies, it really isn’t feasible to get one in each of the cool colors they now come in. 🙁
Probably one of my favorite gifts, and shows my total nerdiness, is a label maker that my oldest son bought me two years ago for Christmas. I had been wanting one forever and I LOVE it!!!
April R - …I haven’t really started yet. And this is really inspiring…sometimes I think I wander over here to get a spark and splash of color and inspiration no matter what time of year it is!
Happy Christmas all 🙂
Michelle Whitlow - I got a Kitchenaid mixer from my hubby for Christmas, too…about 13 yrs ago. Of course, back then they pretty much only had white. It’s hard to justify buying another one just because you want a new color!! They’re definitely a GREAT gift to get!
Btw, would love to know where you got those great red dishes/mugs that I’ve seen on your site before with the white polka dots! I’d like to add that to my Christmas list 🙂
Kathleen Mahoney - All great ideas! I received your “Back to Work” coffee mug print in the mail last week and can’t wait to find the perfect frame for hanging in my home office! Highly recommend this to anyone still out there shopping….. 🙂
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Mindy - Great list! Those Anthro mugs are so cute. My KitchenAid (black) is one of my most used all time best gifts too. I missed the boat on “Humans” as I haven’t heard of it but will be checking it out. Anyone who gets one of your lovely prints for Christmas is lucky gal!
Laura Oyler - Pretty sure I love everything on this list…..except the coffee maker! I’m gonna have to look into the heated mattress pad thing. I have a heated blanket, but sometimes it just isn’t enough!
DebZorn - You have a very comprehensive list. I’m going to check out “Humans” because of all the positive comments. My favorite gift was, and always will be, the birth of my first child. She came into the world whole, healthy, with pink cheeks and a ton of hair, on Christmas Eve. I’ve had the joy of loving her and calling her my daughter for 39 years! Thanks for sharing – always.
Janelle - Thanks Meg! I immediately went to order Humans of New York for my father for Christmas. Just thought I’d let your readers know…they are sold out at Amazon. I was hopeful that they would get more in stock for Christmas but after checking out the Humans of New York blog he indicated that probably wouldn’t happen but to check out Barnes and Noble. They literally just got a new shipment in today so if your readers want it for Christmas they should check out Barnes and Noble. Thanks for the ideas…I ordered Tattoos on the Heart for my dad as well 😉
Tiffany - I want to gift Humans of New York to the world.
Jen - Love the rainbow knife set. That would look wonderful in our kitchen and we are in need of a new knife holder. Hmmmmm… The only other thing I would add to your list is this Heart Warmer Pillow from Bucky. I gave one to each of my girlfriends for Christmas and they have all said how much they enjoy them. Pop one in the microwave and instant warmth on a cold winter night. I love mine.
Meg - I LOVE Humans of New York! I started following the blog, and I’m getting the book for Christmas! Can’t wait to read it!
Bethany - Love this list! Last year I got a new sewing machine-it’s one of best gifts I’ve ever gotten. This year I’m excited to get some new boots. I already bought them on behalf of my husband, but have left them in the box until Christmas even though I’d love to start wearing them now.