i have a friend named Pam.
i have talked about her a lot over the years on this little space.
she took me all the way to africa for a week and changed my life.
then she sold everything she owned…car, furniture…everything.
and then she moved there with her family!
(pam….how do we have NO photos of just the two of us??)
(and boy do we look…HOT. literally. very sweaty)
her family has been back in the states again this past few months and are almost ready to return to Liberia.
selfishly… i want her to stay.
i want to have her around for long lunches and late night talks. (very late)
i want to spend time with her. i want to learn about faith and life from her.
i want to hear that laugh! (she has a fabulously loud, awesome laugh!)
but as much as i want that for me… i know it’s wrong.
she and her family have been called to go and share the gospel in Liberia.
and that is so obviously right.
they are meant to be there! it is THE PERFECT fit for them.
their hearts are alive for africa.
when you talk with them for five minutes you already know that they have servant hearts for africa.
God has called them and they are going.
this was part of their newsletter:
“We have a Clear Call to work with the people in Liberia. We will soon be returning to Liberia and make the big move to the interior of Liberia. God has broken our hearts for the people there – more than 98% of them are without the Gospel and with little chance of ever hearing of our Savior’s love. We are excited about God opening doors for us to work in Liberia. We have much to learn in the coming months and years, but our goal is to obey the Holy Spirit and love the people around us.”
Pam is an amazing cook.
i mean….she is absolutely A M A Z I N G!!
a few years ago she was sweet to me and let me share her cheesecake recipe on my blog.
she didn’t have to do that.
that was probably a pretty hard thing to do actually… she CREATED the recipe over several years!
it took her a long time to figure out all the perfect ingredients to make it just right.
and oh. my. goodness…. did she ever get it just right?!! YES!

if you haven’t made it yet…. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!
it is a user friendly recipe and it is by far the best cheesecake i have ever had.
and tons of people agree with me.
AND… this won’t be the last you see of Pam.
no way.
because i can’t wait to go visit, help, share, learn and GROW in Liberia too.
so really…this is just the beginning.
i am so proud to be your friend.
you are such an incredible inspiration to me.
what a gift God gave me in YOU.
if you love pam’s cheesecake let me know in the comments!
i would love to know what you have made it for… birthdays, holidays or just because!
Lisa - What a great idea to help raise money!!!
Tiffany - I’ve made it a few times now… For Thanksgiving and Easter. It is hands down, THE BEST! I want to propose to our craft weekend group that we need to do a virtual reunion through IG. That would be a good reason to make it again!
Skim - What an amazing family! Being on the other side of the world in Aus, how many ounces is in a packet of cream cheese in the US? Would love to make this cheesecake.
Terrie - You’ve convinced me…
I have like 3 different tried and true recipes…
But, I just HAVE to try Pam’s!
Making it for our K-State watch party tomorrow!
Can’t wait to let you know how much we LOVE it…
’cause…I KNOW we will!
You’ve never let me down yet!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - I WISH I could have met Pam! One day… 🙂
Pam – Your cheesecake rocked my knee socks off.
I love your heart and your willingness to GO.
Johnsie Buller - I am Pam’s mother-in-law and I have eaten some of her cheese cake. It is wonderful, like everything else she makes. I have never made her cheese cake but I will now. Johnsie
Susan - Best ten dollars I have spent. Meg you are indeed a good friend. I only wished you lived near me. Take Care.
Sandy - I had to buy a springform pan to make Pam’s Cheesecake!! Thanks to her and you for sharing it on your blog. I made it for my daughter before she left for Chile to study and do mission work last semester. She made a wonderful Chilean friend while there who will be visiting our family here in the states in December. Pam’s Cheesecake will definitely be on the menu again!!
Lisa - What a wonderful way to support Pam and her sweet family! I treasure my time spent with her at Craft Weekend 16. Making her cheesecake will always be a special way to remember her and the beautiful work she is doing in Africa. Thanks Meg!
Lisa - What a wonderful way to help Pam and her sweet family! I treasure my time spent with her at Craft Weekend 16. Making her cheesecake will always be a special way to remember her and the beautiful work she is doing in Africa. Thanks so much Meg!
Stephanie - I am SO gonna make this cheesecake. Thank you Pam! Thank you, Meg!
Cassie - Of course I had my first amazing slice at craft weekend and I knew being a cheesecake lover I had to make it! The first time I made it was for Easter and then Christmas and then Valentines day…I was finding any reason to make this and there was never a slice left over! Love love love! Thanks Pam for sharing this amazing dessert and good luck on your next journey to Africa!
Tina Wuthnow - LOVE PAM
Thanks for doing this Meg!!!!
CathyC - What an awesome friend you have Meg. What a calling!!!
I have made Pam’s cheesecake and it is amazing!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE it. (thank you Pam).
Kimberlee Jost - Love that Pam.
Amy Gubser - I am tearing up reading this. So blessed to know The Buller’s. I am definitely getting a print and hanging Pam’s cheesecake recipe in my kitchen so I can think of them and pray every time I see it. 🙂
Michelle Whitlow - I have made Pam’s cheesecake several timed and you’re right, it’s so easy. And OH MAN is it good!!!! Seriously, my family gobbles it up. Ok, I gobble up more than my fair share, too 😉
Jessica Johnson - We LOOOOVE that cheesecake. And we LOVE Africa more. You are a good friend, Meg.
Darcie - Uhhh… if this is the cheesecake that Kimberlee made at the last Craft Weekend too, then YES. It is the best I’ve had! Someone in our group said, “I don’t like cheesecake.” Someone else said, “This isn’t like cheesecake.” She said, “I won’t like it anyway.” I said, “YESS. You will.” She tried it… “This is NOT like regular cheesecake!” Agreed. I have yet to make it, but now I certainly will!
Lisa - I met Pam and her family a few weeks ago here in Oklahoma! What a wonderful family! They shared in church and it was awesome to see her passion, even from the short amount of time they had to share. I asked her afterwards if she was the Pam that knows you and the Pam that makes the cheesecake…small world!!
Dee Dee Burson - Hi Meg ! Some of our very good friends we go to church with started an orphanage in Liberia several years ago. He went there on a mission trip and fell hard for the precious children there. So he came home and downsized his whole life here and started Orphan Aid Liberia, You can find them on FB. Every month he feeds, clothes, educates 115 children there. It has been amazing to watch his ministry grow ! Best of luck to Pam and her family !
Jenny - Wanted to share a funny story about Pam’s Cheesecake….I had never made a cheesecake before in my 33 years and decided to give this recipe a try! I stayed up super late making it and it came out of the oven looking practically perfect. We were going to a friend’s house for dinner and I took the cheesecake to share. My husband carried it in and while he was walking in he tripped and dropped the cheesecake on the ground! My heart sank and if we hadn’t been around friends I would have had some ugly choice words for him! He knelt down, carefully saved as much of the cheesecake as possible and later that night, the 4 of us sat around and ate Pam’s Cheesecake for dessert, complete with some green grass garnish. I’ve made it several times since this first time and it’s just as delicious every time. Best wishes, Pam and may God Bless You and your family.
Tonya Upton - My sister-in-law was called to be a single missionary in Africa, and while she was there earlier this year, she met a hot missionary boy. They are getting married in one month – Yay! And I’m making Pam’s Cheesecake for their wedding. God’s plan is so awesome.
stephany - I am so thrilled to be able to help Pam and her family!
It was such a blessing to meet her at Craft Weekend 16…and eat the cheesecake that SHE made for us!
Thank you!