nancy m -Your new space is pretty, but the posts have no dates? at least I cant find them. I quickly hit the “345” button to see your first post. Cool that you were able to move the entire thing, but I would like to see the dates on the posts. Welcome to your new home on the web.
Kristen-We just got home from Chicago, and it was AWESOME!!!! But we drove with our 4 kiddos from Philadelphia…two days of close-up lovin’ in the minivan…oh yeah… But it was worth every moment…love the bean, the pizza, the public gathering spots, the art, the river, the everything. So glad you’re having a great trip! 🙂
nancy m - Your new space is pretty, but the posts have no dates? at least I cant find them. I quickly hit the “345” button to see your first post. Cool that you were able to move the entire thing, but I would like to see the dates on the posts. Welcome to your new home on the web.
Kristen - We just got home from Chicago, and it was AWESOME!!!! But we drove with our 4 kiddos from Philadelphia…two days of close-up lovin’ in the minivan…oh yeah… But it was worth every moment…love the bean, the pizza, the public gathering spots, the art, the river, the everything. So glad you’re having a great trip! 🙂
Viktoria - This is so much fun!