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a little tour…

we went to my parents for the Fourth of July this year.
it was a beautiful day!

we went to the pool for a few hours.
i even took a little short nap on the lounge chair!
that never happens.

we had a yummy meal that my mom made for us.
while she was working on the grill i took a little photo tour of my parent's yard.





















it's always relaxing sitting outside at my parents.
they have worked hard to make their yard so pretty.
there are birds everywhere and butterflies.

we ate our delicious summer meal complete with my mom's famous margaritas.




then we headed out for the fireworks show downtown.



which turned out to be quite an adventure filled with too many total weird things to list.
but it ended with me calling 911 for an elderly man who fell down in the dark and was bleeding all over.
it was such a crazy 4th!


then…. we left these three with grandma & grandpa for a couple days.

mr. duerksen and i drove home after the fireworks show because waffle was at home.
we were so tired… i was trying so hard not to fall asleep… and did fall asleep a couple times.
we cranked up 80s & 90s and were singing loud trying to keep ourselves awake.
and laughing a lot.

time together JUST US is refreshing.
we need it.
it is so nice to have a conversation uninterrupted & not have to think about the everyday things like chores and dishes and making dinner even for a short time.
and also because i super like hanging out with him!

scott is due back from his youth group trip any minute.
and life is back to normal.

and that is good too.




Saundra Fowler - Hi Meg, I have followed your blog for years and I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your gorgeous pictures along with just about everything you do! Your style is so so cool! I have especially noticed how your photos have improved so much over the years. They are stunning! Did you happen to take one of Ashley”s Snapshot courses? I have been wanting to for a long time!

misty tharp - love that margarita recipe. I remember when I was getting stuff to make it for the 1st time {right after you posted the recipe} I was at the liquor store & I was telling them about beer being an ingredient & they were like, “beer in a margarita?? are you nuts??” and now, everywhere you go, the margaritas with the bottle of beer turned upside down in them are all the rage 🙂 I love how everything you do is cool before it’s ‘cool’ {i.e.: martha stewart rainbow cake}

Carol S. - Gorgeous, beautiful, colorful and relaxing backyard. The apple sure doesn’t call far from the tree! Thanks for sharing pics from this special day. I recently moved 9 hours with my family for husbands work and was happy to be back in Chicago last week to see my mom and dad and family. Sitting around yacking with family is the best treat. My mom outlasted both my husband and I and played poker with my boys till 11pm. They said the next day. “Grandma’s the bomb!” and I want to be like her someday! Inspired to get some more color for my garden today. Thanks Meg.

Kimberly Dial - I’d love hanging out in that yard too! Very lovely! Thanks for sharing 🙂

lorel - beautiful – one of my favorite places in the world.

Lorraine Richie - It may be a Harry Lauder Walking Stick Tree, they are so neat!!

Cindy - Do you know what kind of tree that is? The one with the twisty vines and leaves. It is fantastic!

D. Jean - Love the birdhouse. Very cute and it looked like a fun time.

Tracy - Your parents yard is beautiful!! Looks like a wonderful 4th!
So jealous of you alone time with Mr D. So important! My husband and I need some for sure.

Lori H - It is easy to see where you got your love of color! Love their outdoor space.

Tiffany - Beautiful, it looks welcoming and cozy. The margaritas though, they look famous and relaxing.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - I LOVE the 4th. Yours looks like it was fun. Glad you ad time with your mister 😉

KirstenP - Meg, your mom’s yard is beautiful and so colorful!
I loved the close-up photo of the shiny, slender, curving leaves
on the willow(?)tree. You could win an award with that photo!

Jen - Your pictures make my eyes happy. All of them are so beautiful – their yard is lovely.
Meg, I want to thank you. I really dislike shopping for clothes for me, but I needed to pick up some new items for my closet. I took our advice and if I saw anything that was even remotely a possibility, I tried it on. And you know what?! Success! I even got a lot of va va va voom from hubby when I did a fashion show for him. Thanks for the encouragement!

Lindsay H - I love her yard! So colorful. 🙂

Stephanie - It is easy to see where you get your eye from, Meg. Your mom’s yard is gorgeous! - Dawn – I was the wedding coordinator for your wedding. I am the Director of Congregational Care now! Meg is my youngest daughter! Fun, huh!

Dawn - FUMC downtown? Is she the wedding lady?

Dawn - WAIT. A. Minute. I know your mom from somewhere… church maybe?

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