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wednesday list

1.  wicket has taken a big space in our hearts over here.  she is a total spaz.  she leaps and jumps all over the place and she is fast!  everyone loves her so much already.



2.  i miss making things.  it's been forever.  i am just so busy.  that is the dumbest excuse.  i need to just do it.  no plan.  nothing… just start.  because it is what makes me feel the most like myself.  


3.  i am reading The Help.  i am not an awesome reader that pours through books and can't put them down…  but it is growing on me.  and i will be honest that i actually love that i have seen the movie so i can hear the voices in my head as i read it.  i can hear emma stone's low gritty voice.  i am pretty sure that is the opposite of what "real readers" say when reading a book that has been turned into a movie.  oh well.   i think i am finally outgrowing my A.D.D. or at least stablizing a lot more which is why i can read more than i could in the past.  but i am not a doctor so really who knows what the deal is!  


4.   i mentioned again about the sky during talby's ball game last night to her and she said "I KNOW! it's like so beautiful every single night!"  she is right.  kanasas just seems to ROCK OUT in june!


it was blinding but so pretty!!!  half cloudy.  half storm blowing in.  scorching hot.  sun setting.  it was just lovely.

5.  my friend kerry is a garage sale queen.  she finds all the good stuff!  look what she has found for me!


that means more awesome maps coming soon to the SHOP!!


6.  i get the night off so i am going to go enjoy some quiet time A L O N E.  i am quite ready for that.




Bree - I read the book after seeing the movie as well…and was SO GLAD I did! The book was better but having seen the movie helped it be even better since I was able to “see” and “hear” the characters. Glad to know I’m not the only one!

Sarah @Professional Doctorates - Wicket is so adorable. I can imagine that you guys just love that kitty to bits and pieces. I have fallen into a crafty funk lately as well. I just have not had the time to really create things. I miss it.

Jenny B. - I am the same way about books made into movies. I didn’t read any of the Harry Potter books until after I saw the first two movies. I loved that the movies did the hard work for me. 🙂 I love the audio versions of those books, too. It’s like watching the movies, only better since you get the whole story. 🙂 Anyway… not sure if you’re a Harry Potter fan, but just thought I’d share how I relate. Have fun with all those maps! You should use a few to make something for yourself. 🙂

misty tharp - would it be possible to get the cow print in a special listing in a 16×20?

Lisa - I LOVE Wicket! I just love orange kitties. We just got a new kitten for my son (no, really, it’s supposed to be his kitten!) and he is just so much fun to watch and to play with. Even my husband who proclaims to not like cats, can’t help but pick up the kitten and snuggle with it – I have proof – I took a picture of him while the kitten was snuggled up to his neck and they were both sleeping. 🙂 I love our Kansas skies, too! And watching them while sitting at the ballpark watching our son play ball is just some great summer fun. And I know what you mean about “needing” to create – I just found a free coloring sheet online of a beautiful design and I can hardly wait to get home tonight (after the ballgames) and get out my colored pencils!

Tracy - I loved The Help. If you’re going to read a book, that’s the one to read! Stick with it!!
Excited to see the new maps in the shop.
Hope you ENJOYed your evening!!

Jodi - I do the EXACT same thing with books! I love reading them after I see the movie. The Help was one of my favorites to read that way!

Kelly MB - Another Kansan here who is often amazed by the sky, especially when storms are rolling in! I am an avid reader… as in I read just about every single day. I am currently reading the Harry Potter books for the first time, after seeing all of the movies, and I agree.. because I did it in this order I can see and hear the characters much more clearly. When I read a book first and then watch the movie I am often disappointed that the characters are not how I pictured them in my head. And it never bothers me that the ending has been spoiled!

Dena - Enjoy ” The Help”. I loved the book; read that first, but was disappointed some in the movie as there is so much they didn’t include.

Lisa - Hi Meg, I rarely comment here because you get SOOO many that is seems like it would just get lost in the shuffle, BUT….don’t feel bad about your “ADD!” As a mother for 23 years so far, I believe you’ve just been too busy and distracted to fully concentrate on books. As with your crafting, reading is my outlet and when I am happiest. As my kids have gotten older I feel like I enjoy reading EVEN more. And even though I’m still “mothering” in some way every single day (my youngest is home from college for the summer), I truly treasure the escape that reading gives me. I’ll bet you will start to read more as the kids get older……

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Hope your enjoy your alone time. Maybe you will make something 😉

Kori - Loved The Help…in book and movie form. Reading is my favorite. 🙂

Rach - I’m with you on #2. I have a 2 and a 4 year old. I can’t even sew a hem without being interrupted. 🙂

Tiffany - 1) Who wouldn’t love that adorable face! Oh my. I need to find myself a kitten stat. Just to play with, not bring home. I’m pretty sure my hubby might kill me if I bring another cat home.
2)I’ve been using my kids’ nap/resting time in the afternoons to create recently. Mostly little things to decorate for my future sister-in-law’s wedding shower this weekend. I’ve made 3 different kinds of bunting. I blame you. I never heard of bunting before you! It’s fun creating!
3)I’m self proclaimed ADD too! It was always tough for me to focus on something like reading when I was younger too. Finally managing it well as an adult. If you like funny, check out Jennifer Lancaster’s memoirs. Laugh out loud funny!
4)That sky! Are you kidding me?! That’s amazingly beautiful! As you post about beautiful Kansas weather it has me cursing my ancestors that decided to hunker down in Minnesota.
5)Love me a good garage sale! Lucky you to have a friend help you out that way!

CathyC - That sky is incredible. It looks like a piece of heaven.

Kerri - I loved reading the The Help! Since I am a teacher, reading for pleasure has to wait until the summer! On my list to read is Bread and Wine and Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist, Kisses from Katie, Sparkly Green Earrings and A Little Salty to Cut The Sweet. That Kansas sky is gorgeous! I see an angel with her wings when I look at it!

Rhonda - Meg..
I wanted to tell you that I used your idea of a shaving cream battle at my son’s ‘end of 2nd grade’ class party. It was amazing. (I got the idea from one of your posts last summer.)I am guilty of using ideas , and never following up with giving thanks to those who deserve it! So Thank You! I love your blog.. thank you for sharing your many talents. Take Care
This is what the teacher wrote about the party.
Thank you to all of you who turned out for the incredible last day party! If you came, I am sure you are glad you did! I can say unequivocally that I have NEVER seen children have so much fun!!! That is spoken by one who has taught for 28 years (and had 3 sons)! Not ever: it was unrestrained joy! Every child experienced it. It was interesting to watch some children hold back for a while, and finally they couldn’t stand it, and joined in the fun.
I truly wish we could start the school year with such an experience. The children were all BFF’s by the end of the shaving cream extravaganza!

Heather Simnitt - The Help is one of my favorite books ever. Read it in less than 48 hours…and if I recall it’s like 500 pages, so that’s a lot of reading while I’m supposed to be training up some kids. I even invited their friends over to spend the night so they’d all be happy together and let me alone to finish reading it. Sick, huh?
And you are so right, the sunsets in Kansas are the most amazing I have seen in all the places we’ve been. Homegrown Kansas sunsets are the BEST!

Katie - I made the white chocolate mint Oreo dreamy creation from your Monday post with my kids this morning…it was ready by afternoon snack time. It is awesome! Thanks!

Terrie - I loved ‘The Help’! Hope you enjoy it as much.
I can’t start a book unless I have the time to finish.
I’m a read until it’s finished kind of person.
I try to stretch it out…I’m really trying. 🙂

tere - Sounds like a great Wednesday. And I have that Target purse…I mean bag…I love the color and all, but I don’t know, I can’t find a darn thing in it. Enjoy your alone time. xoxo

Janelle - I actually took the two maps I bought from your shop to the framers today! Beautiful white wood frame with burlap matte – can’t wait!

Allison - You could try listening to audio books while you craft or clean. I often listen to them (or podcasts) when I am working on my artwork and it is a great alternative to music. Most of the voices are excellent and add a whole new dimension to the story. I download them online and put them on my ipod, so it is super convenient (most libraries have a great selection as well). Hope this helps! Happy reading!

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