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this week….

we have had a FULL week with more excitement still to come.

life skills being taught…. 




waffle was naughty and completely dorky as usual. 
he got on the couch while i was still home! 
how is he smart enough to know not to get on when craig is home and that i won't do anything?
it's crazy.
he slept with his leg up in the air for a long time.

ha ha haaaaaaa


read this in The Message this week….


"His love was not cautious but extravagant"  



the kids tried to dress up the chickens with american girl doll clothes.
but realized chickens don't have arms to make it work.
it was funny to try though. 




one of these days those chicks will be gone & we will know that they learned how to hot wire Barbie's car…





i like having lunch with my kids.
i wish i had done it with my older kids.
i didn't know that was a thing that people did.
your kids would love it if you showed up too. (with no other siblings… just you… and fast food) 


campfires are pretty much the best thing ever.
i have tried my best to keep all s'more ingredients stocked all all times at our house. 

mother's day was a very nice day.
i try very hard to keep expectations VERY low and that helps to keep the day flowing well.
i was treated to homemade cards by the little girls…. and cashed in that free coffee immediately. 

after church i went in my bedroom and shut the door and relaxed while my family made the entire lunch.
what a nice treat to come out to a completely set table AND food.

then i went straight back in my room while they cleaned it up. 

best mother's day i have had in many years. 





gardening this year in pots only….this is a huge relief to me.
the thought of gardening was LOOMING over me and i wasn't excited about it.
but this is perfect! 



lauren is done with high school.
it's so crazy how fast that passed!
we are so proud that she made it through with excellent grades and can't wait to see her future unfold.

her graduation is sunday afternoon.
it's been an emotional week….



this is what happens on a daily basis here.
if we don't do the dishes every 18-24 hours… it looks like this.
we even ate on paper plates that day!




i sported pigtails today.
after a 3 week break…. i went out for a run with my friends this morning.

it was short & sweet but felt so good to remember that i did still know how to run.  :)


as i drank my second cup of coffee i looked down and realized i was a rainbow of colors.


so… we have a very busy weekend filled with parties to attend & to give, basketball, shopping, cleaning, rainbow cake making, graduation cermony and grandparents coming.

what do you have going on in your life?



s - Love the kitchen sink pic…I keep up with the dishes but not so much the clutter and piles…sigh

misty - meg, you have to read this blog post
Kristen loves a rainbow as much as you 🙂 She is another fave blogger of mine & I messaged her about your blog too. I think you’ll love her sweet post

Rachel S - I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, and I have to tell you I’m addicted. I love how you show your real life, (with real messes in kitchens), the Scriptures, life with kids, the crafts (oh how I’d LOVE to be able to come to a craft weekend!!), the photos, etc. I have 3 kids and my oldest will graduate next year. It’s already hard on me, so I look forward to hearing how you make it through the change in seasons. So thank you for sharing your life with us! 🙂 Have a happy day!

miranda - Love your post today I laughed at those crazy chicks~~ and congrats on everything!!!!

Whitney - Oh my goodness, how is she old enough to graduate! They are growing up (too quickly) before our very eyes! Congratulations Lauren! Excited to see what the next step for her is!

mary - Love that you showed your dishes. my three kids are under five and this is how my kitchen looks after 24 hours of no doing dishes. Refreshing to see real life with kids. I used to panic when there would be a knock on the door when the kitchen looked like this, I am learning more and more that this is real life and it is good to share real life with people. Thanks for being real it helps me continue to be authentic too.

Victoria - Congratulations on the graduate! I know you guys must be proud.
Loving the littles dressing the chickens up in clothes!

Mindy - Oh, those chicken pictures make my heart happy – and the verse from the message makes it happier yet!

Connie - Congratulations to your daughter!! Thanks for the honest picture of your kitchen….nice to know I’m not alone!

Kari - congrats to lauren! that is great…
glad to see mine is not the only kitchen that looks like that 🙂 my oldest is playing 60 baseball games this year – youngest playing also – add in all the other end of the year stuff with a dance recital in there too and it’s been CRAZY! have a great weekend!

Vera - My three year old boy (who happened to be naked at the time) saw the chickens in the car and said “MOMMY! Get my clothes on! I want to go to that family’s house!” 🙂

colleen - Such a great post… I love the part about keeping expectations low on mother’s day so you can enjoy it. Congrats to your oldest graduating from high school.. how wonderful that she let you announce it on the blog… 12 years of school done.. not a small achievement for her or for you.
Love your spirit as well as your ability to “roll” with whatever life gives you!

Barb - Hi Meg, could you please tell me what translation of the Bible you have? Thanks for the beautiful post! Barb

Tiffany - I love that you and your family love those chickens so much! I’m so glad you had a nice Mother’s Day too. Congratulations to Lauren! What a beautiful young woman (must take after her mama!).
Hubby is gone on a 4-wheeling weekend, so I’ve got the single parent gig going on. I hope to plant our flowers tomorrow, and hit up the Children’s Museum Sunday. Not nearly as exciting as your weekend, but I love my family time!
I hope you enjoy yours this weekend too!

Kori - Animal teeth always crack me up!
I had lunch with my son weekly if not a couple times a week when he was younger and loved it…it was a great way (better than volunteering in class, I think) to meet more of his friends and see what *really* goes on at lunch – both with the kids and the playground staff. He loved when I got there to stay and hated when I tried to make it a ‘going out’ lunch…he wanted to eat and then be able to run off to play, not be stuck with me in a car!!
Hope you have time to catch your breath in the coming days…

Michelle from Australia - My Dad has shingles 🙁 My daughter who has been vaccinated against chicken pox got them this week. Blisters, itchiness and one upset girl who couldn’t go to school. My son goes into hospital next Monday for surgery. We asked him what he wanted for a treat dinner the night before his operation. He said SMORES. We had them at Yosemite NP last year. So I went out and got ingredients as close to SMORES as you could find in Australia. And we are all ready for SMORES tonight and tomorrow. Here’s hoping we get through next week with God’s help and grace.

Tiffany - My son just turned 17, i am mentally wigging out about graduation next year. Dogs are smart! Waffle had got your #. Please photograph the Chicken Run, hilarious. Its so hard not to vent with your girls, but God is right there is a dofference between venting and back-biting, sigggh. How did none of your kids get your eyes? They are striking! Enjoy your weekend, im off to have another malibu-bu. TGIF.

Jennifer - Love all your pictures…and that Waffle….he is a hoot! 🙂

Sara Torbett - What a lovely post! The chicken pictures and Waffle’s close-up made me laugh :). Congrats to Lauren! I imagine it’s a bittersweet time for you…..I hope all your graduation festivities are lovely (I’d be bawling like a baby…..I’m tearing up at the thought even and I still have two tiny babies! Oh dear)
Your flowers are gorgeous…and who has time for massive flowerbeds when there are crafts to make and meals to cook? We don’t-we use flower pots too. 🙂 This weekend we’re getting some family pics made..wish me luck (two babies under two)

Kerry @ Made For Real - That looks like our dog. Exactly! Love the potted plants and love having an older set and younger set of kids as well : )

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - WOW, Congratulations Lauren! Seriously where does the time go?! My oldest(9) is at a two day sleepover and Im getting ready to take my baby girl(ahem…7) to gymnastics. I remember the days of crying in the church nursery thinking “I’m NEVER gonna sit in another adult service ever again…I’ll be here FOREVER!!!” I blinked and those days are gone. But yet theres so much great stuff to look forward to also.
Have a wonderful weekend! Keep the tissues close by.

Amy - I try to eat with my boys at least once a month at school. Of course, little sister is usually with me. But they love that. One likes to go off campus, one likes to have it brought to him and eat in the cafeteria. Hilarious. But it’s always fun. Of course, despite saying I’d shoot for once a month, I think this second semester I did it twice. And that includes this week. {ouch} By the way, love that pic of Lauren. She’s beautiful!!!

Hanny Norton-van der Valk - congratulations to Lauren, well done. Here in the UK it is still quite cold and just put the heating on to warm it up a bit. Also still having a lot of rain. We were hoping to go sailing tomorrow, but the winds will be too strong, so I probably will do a bit of gardening. I hope your weather is a lot better. Have a lovely time Sunday, you must be so proud of your daughter.

amy jupin - i’m totally tripping that lauren is graduating.
waffle is a dork and i love him.
annie looks like she’s in middle school and i want it all to stop.
the growing, the maturing, the time slipping by so quickly.
love you meg.

sally - Awww, your daughter is so beautiful!! Congrats to her and so happy we got to see her. 😉 I’m sure you are proud! I just read depressing news in the local newspaper about the economy and I came here and now I am smiling and Happy!! That is why I LOVE your blog…I leave happy!! 🙂

Shelly Massey - My happy moment this week was when the canvas of your wet watercolors photo arrived here! HAPPY DAY! I smile every time I walk by it. Thank you!

Janelle - I adore your messy kitchen picture. Wish more people would share those 😉

Heather Simnitt - My eye caught “basketball.” Basketball? In May? Really? It’s all baseball and soccer around here now. And recitals – oh the recitals! Last week piano, this week ballet. After that it’s all planning for vacay. It’s T-11 days! So READY!!!

shar y - Oh, how I cried when my first child graduated. Happy and sad all at the same time.
And, the chickens in the Barbie car, funniest thing I have seen all week. What a hoot!

Nancy - I love the honesty of your kitchen picture. I have been reading your blog forever but I am not much of a commenter. My youngest is graduating from HS and I have a grad party pin board –

Cathy - Hey..hey what are you doing taking pictures of MY kitchen.. he he.. our kitchen always looks like that.. I have to stop ask myself, “why when I fill the dishwasher are there still dishes left that won’t fit”

Jessica - High school graduation, how exciting!!! Congrats to Lauren!

Tonya - Congrates to you and your daughter. my oldest son just graduated from College. Take tissue with you to the ceramony!!!

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