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one week.

i have been on this  Running Journey for over two years now…maybe even three!
it's still hard but not as hard as it was.
i still get mad at not being as strong as i wish i was (aka…didn't work out enough to get strong)
i still get annoyed when others seem to enjoy it more than i do.
but i do enjoy it… when i am done.

i really like that i have good friends to run with me.

i KNOW i wouldn't have kept running if there was not accountability and reward with them. 

we have run a few races and maybe lost a few pounds.

we have run probably hundreds of miles together by now. 

we have strengthened our friendships (it's amazing what you can talk about while running 5 miles)

we have gotten much stronger in our two years.

we no longer need bathroom breaks…even on long runs. 


in six days we will run our first HALF MARATHON.
13.1 miles.

and for 6 months i have cringed when i said that.
scared of failing.

but this past week the Lord changed my heart.
i have a new outlook and i literally have done a 180 about it.
it was time to change my focus.
off of ME and onto God. 

"You were bought at a price. So glorify God in your Body"
                                  1 Corinthians 6:20 (NASB) 

and the same verse in a different translation….

"God owns the whole works. So let people see God in 
 and through your body."  

                           1 Corinthians 6:20 (The Message)

i love that…the whole works!
like a cheesbuger with everything on it.


so now i am feeling different.
i am not afraid.
i know i will not fail.
I know i am not alone.
even if i end up physically alone at the race… i am never alone.
I have Jesus in me.

"Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that
 God’s Spirit lives in you?"
                                       1 Cor. 3:16

what in the world is there to be afraid of???
i am filled with the Spirit!
He's got me.


i have felt full of gratitude when i think about the race the past few days.

grateful for a body that CAN move (even as slow as mine does).

thankful for the friends that run with me.

blessed with a body that is healthy and it is a GIFT.

i may not be a size 5.
i may not be fast.

but i am blessed. 

"I appeal to you therefore, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship"  
                                         Romans 12:1 

i am using this week to prepare spiritually as well as physically for the race.

offering myself again to God.
"here i am Lord.  use me how you want. whatever you have for me i want to do."

because running a race with thousands of people 2 weeks after a terrorist attack at a race is a little scary….at a memorial race for past terrorist attack?
but really no matter what happens
God has me in his hands.
and i have peace in that.

"Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
    you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
    before I’d even lived one day."
                            Psalm 139: 17-22 

how could i read that and ever worry?
i will not be fearful.
i will worship in adoration.




two more things:

1. we will revisit the subject of raising teenagers again.
thanks for hearing my heart.


2. the winner for the Lisa Leonard giveaway is:

Bree said…

I would love to buy the jumble of charms necklace with our sweet kiddos names 🙂


email me Bree for the details! Congratulations!!



misty - I’m just now catching up on all of my blog reading! LOVE THIS!

Rachel - Hi Meg, I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but have never sent a comment…I wanted to thank you today though because I really needed to hear these words for myself, for something I’m going through right now and wanted to let you know how much these words helped me! Good luck with the half marathon, I’m a runner as well but have never done anything longer than a 5k…you are an inspiration and I can’t wait to hear how it went…doesn’t matter how long it takes you, when you’re done you will forever be able to say “I ran a half marathon!”

Amy M. - Meg, Thank you for these verses. I’ve read most of them before, but they hit me in a powerful way today. My son was recently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and God is just as sovereign as He always has been. Those verses ring so true–no matter what the challenge before us. Thanks for the sweet reminder! Enjoy crossing the finish line and completing your fabulous goal with your encouraging friends!!

Carrie - You can do it! I am part of a race organizing committee (3 states, 6 cities, 1 run! Wahoo! Mother Road Marathon!) and I have the utmost respect for runners! I would try it but I am terrified of how it would hurt my fibro body. But runner’s are awesome. They encourage and uplift and even though it isn’t a team sport they are a team! I know you can do this and I am so happy for you for your attitude shift! Love it when God does that!
I hope you enjoy the OKC Memorial Run! Go MEG!

Melissa - Ps. Best of luck!! You are gonna rock this, momma!

Melissa - This spoke to my heart today. I haven’t been eating healthy like I want to, thus I’ve gained weight, which makes me feel bad about myself, which then in turn makes me eat bad. Vicious cycle huh? So, thanks for sharing this. I ran the Marine Corp 10K last October in memory of my cousin who was killed in Afghanistan last June, and to prepare for it I obviously had to run and eat well…since finishing the race I guess it just all took a backseat to life. God does not want that for me.

candicemclean - LOVE. Thanks for sharing.

beth - that is awesome, run like the wind!

Lindsey - Good luck on your race! You will rock it!

Lisa - You can do it! Who cares if you’re in the last group – you’ve still conquered not only the race but any self-doubt you might have had. Best of luck to you!

Heather in Ohio - You go girl! You’ve got this! I did my first half marathon in November and am doing a 10K in 12 days. Eek. But I remember praying and feeling the momentum of those around me at my half and when I crossed the finish line, wow, what a moment! GOOD LUCK! Have fun! You’ve trained, and that’s the hard part … now RUN RUN RUN! Thanks for your inspiration and those scriptures – love it! “Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”

stephany @ home is what you make it - I started running a couple of years ago, too.
I had a few health issues (shingles and pneumonia) that slowed me down the last two springs, but this spring I am HEALTHY!
I run with my dog down to a beautiful park near our home…along a river.
It’s therapy for me.
I don’t even listen to music (I do if I am running on the treadmill at our health club, though)…I just listen to the sounds around me and let my mind wander.

Holly - You have this! I am reading Made To Crave and my lesson that hit home was that we cannot follow after God with a divided heart. We have to totally give up those things we desire more than Him. The Israelites wandered in the desert 40 years and never let go of their own desires so that they could grasp what God had in store for them…. the Promised Land full of so many wonderful things God had planned for them. You’ve let go of your fears and insecurity and grasped His blessings! He IS with you and will run alongside you helping you with each and every step.

Valerie - Awesome Meg, just awesome. Bless you.

cindergo - You have worked hard for this and you will LOVE how you feel when you cross that finish line. I weigh 230lbs and ran a half marathon a couple of years ago. I was in the last group to finish and you know what? I FINISHED! One of the proudest moments of my life!
If I can do it….I KNOW that you can! Celebrate!!!!

Stephanie - Love the encouraging words of this post! I am running my first marathon next Saturday & I am soaking up these reminders! I run to glorify God…who healed my legs 6 years ago! Praise Him! You will never forget this half-marathon day! So run that ye might obtain the prize! Amen. God be with you.

Donje - You go girl! That is awesome!!!

Becky McArthur - I know how you feel – when Robyn and I trained for our half marathon 2 years ago, we kept on saying “why doesn’t this feel like it gets easier?!” I wish I loved running more. I wish I was faster. But I love knowing that I accomplished running that whole 13.1 miles!
You will do great! You have trained. You’ve put in the time. Think of how amazing you will feel as you cross that finish line! Have fun while you’re out there 😉

Carol S. - Go, go, go. I “trained” for a 5K a few years back, did it and hung up my running shoes. So I sort of get it. Love your quotes, especially the last one from book of Psalms. I heard at a womens’ church retreat that Psalms is the most poetic book of the bible and many believe it was written by women. After reading that quote, yup, it’s just beautiful and I’m suspicious the author was a she. God bless you Meg, go, go, go!

Christy - I’m running next weekend too! My first half. I loved your words! So encouraging!!!

Tiffany - I’m so glad God has worked in you and you are now in a more positive place with this race. It will be great! YOU will be great!

Vanessa - You are going to do great because you have friends and The Lord with you the whole way! OKC was my first half marathon and I will never forget it. I hope you get to feel the power of the opening ceremonies at the memorial before the race. The weather was horrible so we missed a lot that wasn’t done, but just the prayer was powerful. Enjoy the vendors when you get there! There is so much cool running gear to ooh and Hahn over. Have a great time . .and gorilla hill really isn’t that bad!

Angela A - So excited for you–and that you will be so close in OK! But I will be out of town closer to Ashley. Will be thinking of you and some of my friends brave enough to do this. I got a cold, couldn’t breathe enough to run, and now have to start from zero again. Thanks for the encouragement to get back out there!

Laura Kelley - I absolutely love this post. It totally speaks to my runners’ heart. And for 1/2s I write scripture on my forearms…just seems fitting when taking on a running task like 13+ miles 🙂 Can’t wait to hear how well you do…the finish like is always completely stellar.


tracy dickinson - love this! i started running at the beginning of this year and just did a 10k a couple of weeks ago. i plan to do a half in november! good luck at your race! i am sure you will do awesome!

Lisa - This is a beautifully awesome post!
One serious Q I have for you though: how did you overcome the need to take bathroom breaks??
I love to know that secret.

Kristin S - That posted before I was done.
I needed that reminder tonight.
He has me.

Kristin S - He has you!!!

sharon - Thanks goodness for using God’s lens in all things. Thank you.
But –
The question still remains.
How do you not need potty breaks anymore? What gives?? And furthermore, -How
can I get there??!

Liesl - Congratulations to you for meeting a goal you set for yourself! Just think how proud you and your running mates will feel afterwards!! You go girl!

Amy K. - HOORAY!!!! I am so uplifted reading this after a long cruddy day.

Nikki - Thank you for this. I’m not a runner at all but I will be walking Bloomsday, a huge 12K race with 50,000 participants in 2 weeks. I’m nervous about it but I’m doing it to honor the memory of someone very dear to me. I walked 6 miles a week ago for a friend who has MS and I felt so good after. I know I can do this and your words give me strength and joy and hope as my event gets closer!

Stacy - I’m thrilled for you! And 13.1 will be no problem for you all—this from a NON RUNNER who did a marathon (and after crossing the finish line promptly threw my running shoes in the trash to never run again!). Whoo-hoo!
I love the verse in Isaiah:
But they hthat wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shoull mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint.
I raise my training shoes to you with hopes and prayers that you will have eagle wings upon your feet and you’ll not grow weary!

Ashley E - Meg!! I’m running in the same marathon and it’s my first half too! Maybe the stars will align and I’ll “run” into you! 🙂 Which pace group are you going with? Best of luck!!!

Tracy Fisher - simply beautiful!!! congrats. -tracy

Ko. S - You will rock this lady! I love your heart, your willingness to always share your faith, and how you have just kept treking on! Looking forward to reading about the post race recap!~

Heather Simnitt - Oh sister – I hear ya! I am a recovering asthmatic. Yes, I will always have asthma, but I am working on increasing my lung capacity and to stop being a person who uses my asthma as an excuse to not run. I began two summers ago running from mailbox to mailbox in my neighborhood (lots are 3 acres, so short sprints). Last summer I got up to running 1.5 miles without stopping to walk. Then over the fall/winter I walked with a friend multiple days a week. A friend who is a runner…who just hadn’t been running. She’s wanting to get back into running…so she’s taking me with her. 😉 Today we ran 1.25 miles without walking…and I TALKED the WHOLE TIME! This is beyond huge for me. I am dreaming of a 5K. I am actually dreaming of my whole family doing a 5K. My hubby can do it easy, but I think my oldest may have asthma as well…she complains of shortness of breath and a tight chest, so we’ll look into that.
But – I LOVE running. I mean, I love the feeling I get when I run. And I dream about running – in a good way. My hope, prayer, plan is that I will be a real runner someday – you know, like I can wear a shirt that says “I’d rather be running” – and mean it.
Best wishes and blessings to you as you look forward to your race. Those verses are awesome reminders. And you know, I have A LOT of jams on my iPod, but ultimately the ones that help me when it’s tough are the ones that uplift God and remind me that He’s the strength I need when I am weak.

Maria - I understand….I ran a race on Saturday (5K) five days after Boston….But I felt stronger if that makes any sense (and I posted a better time from the race I did on Good Friday). YOU CAN DO THIS! God Bless you and I envy you for doing a 1/2 marathon. I have been running 5K’s for 10 years, and I’m not sure if I can do a longer one!

Lisa M. - That is awesome!! Thank you so much for your words. I often pray when I’m running and I am always thanking God for my legs that work, my heart that pumps blood, for my lungs that allow me to breathe, for my entire body that allows me to run! Thank you for all of these verses…I will defintely be re-reading them often.
Good luck in your race. You will be amazing!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Good luck with your race. God only gave us one body, and we need to show him respect by taking care of it.

steph - oh meg… my heart goes out to you.
races are so much more about the mind than the body.
at least for me they are.
you KNOW you can run 13.1 miles… but can you do what you trained to do?
these blasted races.
it’s such a crazy crazy thing.
but you are SO SO right… focus on Christ.
not on yourself.
no matter what, he’s got you!
you WILL finish and you WILL do your best.
just use the time to worship.
you are worshipping him with your body when you run the race.
remember that!
when it gets hard, focus on him.
it will get hard… but keep your eyes on him.
it will be emotional!
that’s sometimes the best, and the worst part about it.
but i find all my half marathons to be very spiritual.
God has taught me something each and every time.
little tip…
don’t be afraid to NOT use your music.
only put on your music when you absolutely have to.
it’ll give you something to look forward to.
and believe me when i say… the sound of thousands of feet hitting the pavement in the first mile is music to your ears!
it’ll give you such momentum.
so turn off the music… til it’s vital to continue.
it’s worked like magic for me every race!
thinking and praying for you this week as you mentally prepare for 13.1.
love you, girl!

CathyC - awesome.

Molly - I have done a half and a 20k. Both have been deeply spiritual for me. I have an 8 month old so I haven’t been running lately. Your post makes me want to get back out and running. You are so right…this body is a gift.

Sheena - I did my first Half Marathon in November 2012 in San Antonio, TX and I loved it! It was definitely hard at first but in the end 100% worth it!! Good Luck and I am sure you are going to do FANTASTIC!!!

Rachel Schindler - What an inspirational post at least for me. I hate running too, but I do it for my health and needed to read this. Love your thoughts on God and running. And by the way, what shoes do you run with? If my feet didn’t hurt so bad, I would probably run more (haha). Wishful thinking. Again, thank you for posting this.

beki - Wonderful post! You’re gonna do awesome!!
This is exactly what I needed to read today. I few weeks ago I started running. And I’m already starting to doubt myself. Your words just picked me up 🙂

Katie - I ran a half marathon last April. It was really hard and the weather was terrible (35 degrees and sleet/rain). But I did it and no one can take it away from me. I am glad I did it. It is amazing to be out in God’s creation and hearing him and talking with him.

Melissa - Love these verses! How perfect. you will do amazing!! I just ran a half yesterday and am feeling VERY sore today so dreading the fact I am running another half in Lincoln NE in two weeks – these bible verses inspired me to look at it differently. Thank you.

Nicole - I can understand so much how you’re feeling, especially that dread part. I signed up for a 5k a month and a half ago and I’m dreading it. I’m afraid of failure, too. It’s in August, so I know I have time to keep training, but the time in between then and now scares me. You’ll be in my thoughts!

Ana - I am grateful to have met you through your blog and your words.
Love, Ana

Kathy - I LOVE this! I have run off and on for about 2 years but never really enjoyed it till about 6 wks ago when I found a partner — she is training for a half and I just run with her on the shorter days {like 4-5 miles max} … I have grown so much since running with her and now look forward to the runs. Having a partner makes ALL the difference! Best of luck on your half, can’t wait to hear all about it!! =)
Blessings, Kathy K

robin - This post ALONE gives God the Glory, and you haven’t even run yet. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.

Jennifer - You got this! Your body will go anywhere you mind takes it 😉 good luck

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