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ice ice baby.

All right STOP. Collaborate and listen.

(dorkiest title E V E R but i did listen to that song on my first date with mr. duerksen)

yesterday i wore a skirt and flip flops.
we woke up this morning to a blanket of ice.
it was wrapped around everything in site.
kansas is going off the deep end!



these are icicles!!
icicles on every branch and leaf and blade of grass.
and it was still raining.



i took all these pictures in my yard while i waited 20 minutes for my car to warm up enough for the ice to melt off the windshield!
SOMEONE took my ice scraper this morning before she left for school even though she got her own ice scraper in her stocking this past christmas… a NICE one with a fur glove from eddie bauer!  

the ice was so thick over all the windows that i couldn't see out AT ALL.
this was my view from the driver's seat out my front windshield!!!



and if you have never experienced an ice storm…
it has a very weird sound.
it seems quieter because of how the ice must absorb sound? maybe 
but then all the branches and bits of ice touch together when there is wind and it makes a crackley sound.
and then big tree limbs fall off all over town because of the weight of the ice on old heavy braches.
very exciting!  

for now… we have power so that is good.
this happened 8 years ago when annie was a new baby and we lost power for 8 days!
so i am hoping this ice junk (even though it's pretty) will be all melty by tomorrow.

besides… i have running to do!
that little 13.1 mile run is only 18 days away!

i wish it was 18 days ago.
i am ready to stop thinking about it.
i want it over! 


i put bbq ribs in the crockpot this morning.
then drove very slowly to the craft house for a hot bath because the hot water was out at the farm.
for reals.
the washing machine is broken too.
a tree limb knocked down the fence in the yard.
and the glass in the back door shattered last night.
AND for some reason this storm makes everything smell like the lagoon in the back. 

so yeah… a hot bath was happening no matter what.

and now a blanket and a movie?







Tracy Fisher - hi. i swear there was a full moon. our fence just fell down too. and one toilet is not flushing and one sink not draining… and i’m leaving on vacation at 4am tomorrow (sigh!). good news is i got my computer back… 748 messages to return by 4am. i think i will take a HOT BATH!!!! hugs, tracy fisher

Karen Gerstenberger - My friend MB in KC tells the same kind of weather stories – spring, then winter, then spring again – all in one week!
Your windshield view looks like the surface of a lovely pond.
I hope you continue to have power, and that your hot water is restored soon. Power outages are NO FUN – we’ve had them due to high winds – but they are survivable if you are prepared (and even better, have a wood-burning stove).

tinaehb3 - Confession…. I like to watch “The Vanilla Ice Project” show on DIY 🙂

Leslie - Your pictures are SO cool – love the pine tree ones at the end! We don’t get this in CA so of course I think it would be neat to see in person 🙂

Carrie - I have a 1/2 marathon on 5/12 and I also want it done!! I am racewalking mine and I look like a freak of all sports to be talented in, argh! I also just agreed to work an extra day at work for the next month and then remembered about this race, I guess my training schedule just got harder!

elisa - Pretty pictures, I hope it warms up there soon. You can move here to Arizona where were in the 90’s. Already too hot.

kate@stillroomtogrow - we woke up to 4 inches of snow in wisconsin. we have not had a warm sunny day in about 6 months. it is brutal! i am from missouri, so i’m used to the random warm days to get you through the winter months. on a positive note the pictures look pretty.

Katey Deasy - You make me laugh.

Tracy - Awesome that you remember hearing that song on your first date! It’s the little things.
Beautiful photos!

Kristin S - The ice on the grass needs to be blown up and added to your shop. Beautiful

Angela - Fun times 😛 Beautiful pics meg!!

Lisa - Wan’t the ice beautiful this morning, with the sun shining on it – the trees and shrubs looked like they were made of crystal. The crabapple trees with the small red berries were just beautiful! Enjoy the Lord’s fine art, for it is already melting off and we’ll be enjoying springtime weather by tomorrow, with an awesome weekend on the way!

Lindsey - Love the title – my two year old and I jam out to that song almost daily (and nightly – will it ever stop? Yo! I don’t know) The ice pictures are gorgeous, but glad we don’t have that here. Yuck-o.

ranee - i ran a half marathon last fall and it was so great…i was kind of unsure and dreading it beforehand as well, but trust me, you will be so glad you did it and i can almost guarantee you’ll at least consider doing another one when you’re done! 🙂 sorry about that junky ice, i am sick of winter too…hopefully the bath helped!

Valerie - Meg your pictures are stunning 😀

Tiffany - Ug, so sorry for you that you are having that yucky weather. Here in MN we are getting hit with snow! Like a foot of it! Rediculous. On the plus side, you got some KILLER photos. Such talent you’ve got, girl.

Andrea - Oh Meg…yuk…once you break the flip flops out it’s tough to go back. So sorry….I think so many of us are ready for winter to get out… showed up late to the party and doesn’t want to go home!!!!
Hang in there!!! hope the bath did some good!

Michelle from Australia - We live in the sub-tropics. We are the same latitude South of the equator as Tampa, FL is north of the equator. So I know nothing about ice storms, ice scrapers, snow or anything related to having 4 distinct seasons. Just another reason I hope to one day get to Kansas…..

Kla - We are having the same weather in Oklahoma as well! I love the picture of the prickly tree covered in icicles!! Hope you guys stay warm and it warms up again soon!

Kristi - Wow! Glad we dodged that! Hard to believe ~ it was absolutely beautiful last weekend!
Missing you and the craft house!! xo

valerie - Hahaha BEST title ever… When you hear STOP do you immediately think
a.)STOP collaborate and listen, OR
b.)STOP in the name of love, OR
c.)STOP (insert disco lights here) weee ohhh ohhh STOP weeee eeeee ohhh ohh
Good times either way! I love your blog so entertaining!

Susan - These are truly beautiful. Sorry about the weather glitch, but at least you’ve captured its glory.

Janna - Commiserating in Nebraska. I had just done a yard walk-through noting what was finally coming up Now it is all covered up with sleet and a fine layer of snow. Needing a refund on spring!!

Stephanie - Ahhhh…Kansas weather. Next week you will have a tornado warning, no doubt? Still, I loved KS when we loved there. LOVED. His used to happen in OK too, when I was there. It was beautiful, but kinda scary.

Karie W - Oh I remember those ice storms from when I lived in Missouri…

Southern Gal - Wow. We were in the 80’s today which makes me concerned that we may skip spring all together this year.

Amy @Lucky Number13 - the joys of living in the midwest : ) i am in illinois… shorts and flip flops for the kids yesterday, rainy and chilly today– but no ice here, so that’s good. i do love the changing seasons of the midwest, don’t get me wrong, but just kinda wish they didn’t all happen in the SAME week!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - This makes me appreciate that all we had was some rain and cold. Keep warm!

Rebecca - Sorry to hear about ICE in APRIL!
Would love your crockpot rib recipe. Would you mind posting it?

caroline - That was s crazy ice, glad we didn’t get it here in Topeka! About the only fun thing about ice is your pictures 🙂 ha!

Sarah - Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen ice quite like that. It’s nutty weather here too, but nothing like that. Near 80 yesterday, high 30s to low 50s for today. Not a fan.
Hope you all stay safe and warm!

Susan - This has been crazy weather in TX too. We are in Fort Worth in the 40s but yesterday it was 29 and snowing in Amarillo and 106 in Laredo. This has so far been a psychotic spring! Stay warm and dry!

Nicole - oh my goodness! I’m glad you’re family is safe & sound!
I think I remember the storm from 8 years ago. What we thought was lightening turned out to be power transformers exploding all across town.
here’s hoping & praying it all melts away soon!

Sara Torbett - Oh my word, I hope you enjoyed your bath, blanket, and movie….all those other little inconveniences are just too much! I will say though, your “deep end” looks so beautiful still…..the chippy paint of the chair with the ice IS rather beautiful, don’t you think? But then chippy paint makes everything better. 😉 Sending warm thoughts your way!

Linda - WOW those pictures are amazing. I’m glad you have the craft house to take refuge in!

Gail - Got to love Kansas, agree it is pretty but am ready for Winter to be done. Believe me the last week or two of long distance training is the hardest. You are just done and want to get the race over. But after the race, you will be amazed on how you feel about yourself, like you can deal with anything. I am so ready to be able to run in shorts and a tee instead of layers of clothes. Come on Spring, I know you can do it.

Terrie - I’m getting ready to go out & see if I can photograph some cardinals against the icy backdrop.
Isn’t this weather the craziest!
And with all this ice…I never even thought of that for a title!
Now, it will run through my head for days! LOL!!

Marsha Kern - I live in KC so I know exactly what you are talking about! Our weather can change so fast in the Midwest!

Mandy - Same weather here in Iowa! Isn’t it lovely!?
That was sarcasm….:)

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