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i have been working on blog stuff… shop stuff… craft weekend planning.
it's been more of a working week than i wanted.
oh well.
it's pretty great work so i will stop complaining. 


i was planning out the next set of pillows to be made for my shop.
i have a lot more fabric than i knew….
they are going to be SO CUTE!!

coming SOON in the shop… LOTS of PRINTS.
8 x10s and 11x14s…


also in the shop…. BIG CANVAS WRAPPED PRINTS!!  woo-hoo!

i have rainbow hoodies….

and bunting….


and pillows and MORE pillows.

and even some vintage stuff….
IMG_9407 IMG_9409

i will be SUPER HAPPY to get it all up online for you.
it's coming VERY soon.

like… days away.

so exciting!!!



ok… i TOTALLY forgot to tell you about how you can be a part of Jess's Joyful Life Library Project.

                  Cora's birthday graphic

here are words from Jess on her blog:


SO…. there is only one more day to donate and be able to be entered in her MAJOR AWESOME GIVEAWAY!

Read all about the details for Cora's LIbrary and the entire Joyful Life Project HERE.   AND HERE.
it's really special.

and i am so slow… i am going NOW to purchase my books to donate.

please join me.


Courtney - I’m excited for your shop! I’m super excited for your shop! I wish you had prints that were 4×6 or 5×7 though.

tara - can not wait til your shop opens. the end.

Michele - When? When? When? Anxiously awaiting news of the shop being open!

Stephany W. - where do you buy your beautiful fabric? i love all of it!

Gina - I refuse to make my own bunting because I know that anything you make will be ten times better! Can’t wait!! - I am so excited for the shop! Congrat!

Beth Anne - So are you saying that I can buy my own Watercolor canvas photo?! Because I seriously want to steal yours every single time it shows up in one of your photos!
So gorgeous.

Kristina Abel - Well… there goes my tax return!!! I’m buying a new couch and NEED some of those pillows for it and my bedroom. Chip chop… can’t wait!!!

Julie - Can not wait for the shop! I was just thinking of sending you an e-mail to ask if you would ever consider selling prints of the paint box. Yippee!

Sarah - CanNOT wait for the shop!!!!!

Jaime ♥ Raising up Rubies - Meg! all of your product is just so so beautiful! makes a crafty girls’ heart go pitter patter 🙂 heehee ♥ Happy Monday!

jack - Can’t wait for the grand opening!

Rachel - Ohmylord… pompom trim. I’m a goner!
Love all the color – I needed this smile for today!

Stephanie - Please tell me the hoodies are in adult sizes!!!

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - I so want one or two or three of those rainbow hoodies. Love the gumball machine canvas. It looks like the gumball machine looks 3-D.

Janelle - I was one of the lucky ones to get a rainbow sweatshirt for my daughter during your last sale. The little squirt lost it at school. I was heartbroken! So torn now…should I try to get her a new one? Or teach her a lesson about responsibility?!

Adrienne s - So so so EXCITED!! I was just fawning over your bubble gum and paint print thinking about emailing you about them. Anxiously waiting for the shop to open!

Barbara (WA) - I laughed aloud when I saw the photo to accompany “i have a lot more fabric than i knew….” 🙂 Please give us a heads up when you have your new things on etsy. I am eyeing that barn photo. Thanks!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - too excited about the canvas wrapped prints and the larger 11 by 14 prints. . .love the bubblegume machine and the watercolors and the globes. . oh me. . .such a teaser of a post. . . I hope I do not miss the sale this time 🙂 Blessings on your hands and creativity as you work. . .

Katy Jo - SOOOOOO excited for the shop to open! Who needs paychecks??? Cause all of mine is going to that wonderfulness!!!

erin - oh em gee. i am pumped!!! i have been looking for something comparable to your canvas prints for almost two years. i have even emailed you about them! i really, really, really hope i’m able to get them. thank you so much for having an amazing store!

beth k. - I have missed your sales in the past due to work or other obligations, so am excited to do some shopping this year. 🙂 I am new to this, so was wondering how you pay for it? Sorry if this is a dumb question, just not sure. Thanks!

notmothert - can’t wait for the watercolor paint set canvas to hang above my daybed, and a few of your pillows!

Lisa M. - Can’t wait for your shop to open! So much fun stuff!

Linda - SO excited for your shop! Last time I was on vacation and totally missed everything. Can’t wait!!

Sarah Wolfe - Oh, and very excited about the prints especially. What a great idea to sell them 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - You’ve been busy! Please don’t tell me you’re sewing all that in your spare time or I’m gonna feel really lazy 😉

missy - Oh how I wish to have all the source info for your yummy fabric choices!!!!

Mrs. B. - I really want one of your prints or canvas pictures for the red brick wall in my kitchen…

Heather Simnitt - Can’t wait until you open up your shop……plans to make several purchases!

Tiffany - My, you have been busy! You will have one of the most happy etsy shops ever with all of those goodies!

Felicity - Oh my, I can’t wait to get my hands on a rainbow hoodie! Are they in adult sizes?

Organic Aspirations - Lovely!!

Chrissie Grace - I can’t wait for that watercolor print! I’ve been drooling over it forever! 😉

Kristin S - Yea for shop additions!

jamie - i so need an 11×14 of the bubble gum machine and paints! you’ve been a busy girl. on a totally random side note: the hubs ran his second 5K last weekend. first one in the freezing cold snow. i was so nervous. he said it was super hard to catch his breath, he coughed A LOT after the run, and he was very tired and sore all day. his first 5K was in much warmer weather {thanksgiving in alabama}

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