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color blast.





































how did you like that?!

a BLAST of color for your day.  


how is your creating coming along?

i made one thing for two days.
and it turns out that even when i WANT to be creating all day…. i remembered i actually have things to do.
like work… oh yeah… i have a job. 

but i still made time to be creative and will keep at it all week.
and i ran on monday and tuesday!
can i make it tomorrow too?
i think i can.
i think i can.
i think i can.

Stephanie Wilson - Your pictures are the perfect eye candy for Monday. Thank you for your blog, it inspires me everyday.

Charity - Oh my. Where did that fabric map come from? Have we seen it before? Will you please tell us how to make one…so I can make it this weekend!? Thanks for all the color!

Hollis - I agree with Stephanie! Where did the “you are my sunshine” board come from?? I am in love!!

Stacy - Loved the blast of color! =)

kristin - I’m not sure how you manage so much wonderful color without it ever looking tacky, but you do! You really, really do have a gift. Thanks for sharing!

janelle shultz - i think this is one of the prettiest posts i’ve ever seen in my whole life! amazing collection of pictures & can i come live there 🙂 ?

Whitney - This made my day! I want to hide in your craft house forever. I can’t wait until we have a house that I can decorate with cheerful, happy colors and rainbows!

Lori - Loved it!

Amber D. McNAbb - WOW! Definitely a much needed burst of color! And I really need that mirror. Where did it come from? Did you make it?

Emma Kate - These pictures are GORGEOUS! They make me so happy!

emily - love love love the fabric map! such a great idea for a map!
would you be willing to post where it’s from? or how you made it? would love to try! (emphasis on TRY – still a new crafter!)

Katy - happy happy happy! 🙂

Julie - Yeehaw! I think I’ll pin every pic so I can look at them again. You and I are color soul sisters. I dream of winning the craft weekend lottery someday. And love the map with flags – so cute!

marnie - What a darling blog. We were drawn in by the image of the Wonder Dog. We’re getting our first doodle this summer! Our first dog ever! Your blog makes me smile…and we love the LORD too!
We’ll be back for more smiles.
Peace from Virginia.

Shelly Clark - Can I say that your photos just make me happy? I mean, it can be a photo of a mug on a counter, and it will make me smile. I think I am the most colorful of all my friends, but then I look at you, and your home, and I think, wow, my life is so plain. Thank you for bringing the sunshine every single day.

stacie - thank you, thank you, thank you. i needed that color blast! i’m so so ready for spring and this last month of pregnancy with gray days is hard!! xo, stacie

Katey Deasy - I see someone from my city on your pin map came to Whatever Craft Weekend!!! I wonder who it is!!!!!!! Been on the list since the list first begun. I know I will be get there one day and I can’t wait! Thanks for the awesome colors today. Sure needed it.

Shelby - This brought a smile to my face! I miss the craft house and as I was scrolling down I was remembering every bit of that weekend. It went way too fast!!! You inspire me!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - happy, happy, happy, happy, happy. 🙂 thank you so much. I am grinning from ear to ear. color is so happy!!!!

kerry - Awesomeness!!!!!!! That totally made my day! x

Shannon - I love it! Color Color Color it’s pure happiness!

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - Awesome color to a gloomy snowy day. Thank you!

Gina - Awesome photos!! I want to live in these photos! Have a great day!!

Tracy - This post certainly brightened up my day 🙂

Danielle - Beautiful! I love your eye:)

Anj - Thanks meg!! Cheerful, colorful, uplifiting and definitely inspiring creative juices… definitely needed that today!! Good job! 🙂

Linda - Thank you Thank You thank you for the beautiful world of color!!!! I really needed it this morning! This is what make this my favorite blog. It somehow always manages to feel like a great big hug!! Thanks again for what you do for a total stranger! Have a sunshine day!

Jen - Thanks, that was fun! I loved the color blast, it’s a great pick-me-up for a snowy cold day. I don’t always put that much bright color into my home, so I like to see it virtually and enjoy it that way!

Gretchen - You took me to my happy place. Thank you!

Jeannine - This post is so inspiring! I want to spend all day drinking coffee and creating.

sally - A job? Did I miss something? Or are you talking about raising your family and keeping up your home…which IS a full time job?! 😉 I love all the color!! Makes me want to add some to my neutral/white house. 😉 🙂

Mary Jo - The fabric map is awesome!

happygirl - That blast of color is just what I needed on this gray, rainy day. 🙂

Stephanie - I’m a “save the best for last” kind of girl. In my list of morning blog reading, yours is always last. This type of colorful post is what I love to see just before starting my work day. Lovely and inspiring. Thank you!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love the fabric map. What a great idea.

jeannett - this made me so happy!
love all of your color.
miss you!!!

Melissa - Love all the color! So cheerful especially in the dead of winter and blahness

Mary - happy!!!
i need to come to that happy place like, stat!

deb - Thank you and please continue to blast away! We just received another 8 inches of snow, on top of the 15 inches we already had on the ground. This was the perfect antidote! You have such a gift to see the “ordinary” in such an extraordinary way.

Jackie - All of that color makes me smile!

Lisa M. - What awesome, amazing color! What’s even more amazing is that it all came from the Craft House, right? I’m sure that makes for a very inspiring weekend for all your crafters! I especially loved the gumball machine picture with the globe in the background.
And yay for running! My business and my husband’s business has been so busy there has been no “me” time, so running has been put on the back burner 🙁 I am going to do 5K in April (nothing compared to a 1/2 marathon, I know) so I need to get out and start running again!

Beth - LOVED it! Meg, your blog is so inspiring. Thanks for the time you put into it. Loved this blast of color. I will go back to this post again and again. Have a beautiful day! You brightened mine.

Lorraine - It’s wet and completely gray here!!! I NEEDED THAT COLOR BLAST!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!
You are making me crave bright, fun and happy colors!!! I tend to go for the warm and creamy tones of life, but you are changing me!!!! :))))) I like it!

Allison - Love all the colors. So much better than the 11 inches of snow outside of my window.

Lori H - It is sleeting outside my window so the color is so welcome this morning!

Connie - Here in our home, we refer to your blog as “Color Therapy” and it is always good! Thanks for sharing your color 🙂

Gina - You can! I know you can! I have been reading your blog for a long time and I have witnessed your determination.
I love the color blast. Amazing photos that just made me happy. Enjoy your run!

Kate - I loved every second. Have I ever told you you are the MOST colorful person I know 🙂 Hugs!

jack - This cheered me up on a dull and grey morning here in England!

Jessica - Loved this post! so happy and cheerful 🙂

Patty - Gorgeous photos. Love, love, love all the color!

roganne - I NEEDED THAT. your creativity is so inspiring that i want to craft right now! also…you need to come and decorate my home. those colors are so uplifting my heart is shouting with joy!! thank you.
p.s. i love your style.

Penny - Not sure if my previous msg came through. I didn’t put in the right blogspot name. It’s PS

Penny - Beautiful color! I cannot wait for spring. It’s nice to see at least a couple of you out there are still blogging! I was re-visiting an old magazine, which I do a lot, Flea Market Style, Summer 2010. You were one of the blogs listed, and I am just now finding you. I hope this comes through from my blogland to yours. I can’t wait to come back for more beautiful color! Thank you, Penny

Robyn Farmer - I loved it! You always cause me to question my loyalty to all white and neutrals.

Lisa - Is that a map made out of fabric!!!??? LOVE IT!

Tiffany - I love your creative eye and all those blasts of color through your craft house. YES, I got to craft today! It felt so good! Thankful for a snow day and a little one that took a 3 hour nap. Now Olivia has a new pouf pillow for the reading area of her room. Super cute, and it felt so good to create!

Heidi of Operation Organization - LOVE! i’ll move right in! 😉

Stephanie - I love the “you are my sunshine” board…did you make that or is it a “find”?
Love your happy home 🙂

Shannon - I loved all the pretty colors in this post! Thanks Meg for the burst of color today 🙂

Lori Austin - Happiness!

Kristin S - Can I just move in to the craft house? Pretty please?

Stephanie Talty - Wowza!! LOVE all the color!
Thanks for spreading some cheer on my Tuesday evening!

phyllis - Happy shots!! Pinned the top one. Thanks 🙂

Heather Simnitt - The USA quilt. Love. Like envy love. Like if it wasn’t a horrible sin I’d be plotting a way to steal it from you.

Diane - The map! That fabric map! Did you make it? Will you tell us how?… Or where it came from?

Laura H - Booya!! Getting up off the floor now!

Kathy - um, can I come live at your house? or can you teach me how to inject my house with a big ‘ol blast o’color like this??!! =)

Helen Wall - Love this! Especially your USA quilt thing. Why have I not seen this before? Love your happy craft house!!

Helen Wall - Love this! Especially your USA quilt thing. Why have I not seen this before? Love your happy craft house!!

tinaehb3 - I loved the color blasts 🙂 I’m trying to knit a scarf. Only my second project since trying this….it’s definitely going to take me more than a day 🙂

Angela A - Thank you! I love your blasts of color! That’s what brought me to your blog. I worked on a quilt and finished it today. I have another one waiting behind it, but I think I need to add a few blasts of color at my own house, and work out a better system to take quilt pictures outside. And go to work.

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