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hey there…

i started writing this last night…..


i am eating a bowl of cocoa pebbles in bed at 12:30.

i just packed for Craft Weekend…ironed my shirts…filled my bags.

i am ready to get this party started again! 
we took a long-ish break over the holidays.
i miss kimberlee!

annie had appointments today about her arm so we did that all morning.
then i ran to hobby lobby for CW supplies and other errands.

i took a sweatshirt back to american eagle for sean that was too small.
i spent 15 minutes deciding which one… picked… paid and left… only to discover when i got home that i bought THE SAME SIZE I WAS RETURNING!!! 

so lame.

sometimes i am such a ding dong.

the cashier's look makes so much sense now when i said "it's too small." and then bought the same size.
i wish she'd spoken up.

i made lettuce wraps for only myself for dinner.
and ate them standing over the pan on the stove.

i did yoga from a dvd i got at the grocery store.
as soon as it started i thought "what was i thinking? i didn't even read the box?!"
it was fine.
a lot of breathing… i liked it actually.
i feel all stretched.
misson accomplished.

i registered for the half marathon in april.
paid real money.
i figured it would help motivate me.


and then i fell asleep.


now i am here with kimberlee.
we are getting everything ready…catching up on life and setting up.

how is that for a random laundry basket?
the ninja….awesome.  
rainbow knives…. gift from my mom for christmas.
and my favie boots ever.



swag is ready to be sorted out… love our sponsors!

i have about 24 hours to make this space pretty.
with all of this….

so i have to quit writing and get busy.
it is time to crank up the music and WORK!


Alana - It’s a 31 bag – I was able to send this one to Meg and a few other treats for one of her previous Craft Weekends. Let me know if you’d like more information.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love the prep photos too. And the rainbow knife set, loooove!

kathy - Love that you have a Thirty One bag!! I sell Thirty one! Great great Christian company.

Brittany - LOVE LOVE LOVE those cute little bird coat hooks!! Where did you find it? (“put a bird on it!” – Portlandia) 😉

Stephanie - I adore the “Live Simply” sign from the swag photo. Can you please tell me where it is from? I searched for a similar one on etsy but couldn’t find it. Thank so much and I hope you had a fantastic craft weekend! -Stephanie J.

doveboat - I just love all of your photography and can’t wait to see the new haul that you all grab at the antique hop this time!

Victoria - Love all your happy colors! Those knives are awesome.
I am so sorry about your Grandmother’s passing. So happy that you have such sweet memories.

Lisa Perry - Can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re done!

Katey Deasy - Have a great time!!!! I love that you are on Instagram so I almost feel like I’m there at craft weekend.

Kris Saia - When I read your posts, I’m always curious about your craft house! Did you live there for a while? Aren’t I nosy? 🙂

karen peachey - I am in need of a set of colorful mugs!! Can you tell me where yours are from? Target has some on sale this week, that look close..

Gina - Great pictures!! Would love to be at CW someday!!

Sallie - my name is on the list! someday… watching the pictures both before and after and following your blog! love how women continue to connect with each other and how you use the talents and things God has blessed you with, Meg and Kimberlee! Have a blessed weekend!

Mary Jo - I love how colorful everything is! And I want that large colorful bag…

Lennie Jackson - I LOVE that polka dot shirt hanging with the black sweater! You have to share where you go it!!!!

Jill - Have a great weekend. I miss you girls!!

Ileana - Who sells it?

Lorraine R. - You make everything so colorfully happy <3 I love it!!!! I would LOVE to come to a CW - it really looks like a crafters heaven and/or haven, whichever!! haha Can't wait to see pics of the weekend!!!!
Oh and I love that Live Simply sign!!! It's my word/phrase for the year!!!!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Fiesta Ware. . . I am wondering how sharp the knives are. . do you like them, Meg? Good qualiry? - I am sorry to hear aut your Granmother but your post was so lovely about her. It made me think about life and relationships and time, what is important, what’s not. and little things that are big things….special things. Thank you for inspiring us with your blog!

Susannah - Awww… I hope someday to be able to go to craft weekend. Another blogger I read just said she was going this weekend. I’m sure you will all have an amazing time!

Tiffany - *sigh* I miss CW, the food, the fun, and all of the amazing women there. It seems strange to say I miss you and the other women since we only spent a few short days together, but it’s true. 🙁 Those ladies are in for such a treat!

Jennifer - Target has a block set of rainbow-colored knives and I think of you every time I walk past it! I’m glad to see you have one (yours looks even nicer).

Jen T. - Isn’t that large utility tote one of the best things ever? I have one (black and white polka dots aka “Happy Dots”) and use it All. The. Time.

Tonya - i can’t wait until my name is drawn for Craft Weekend.
I want to go in such a big bad way.

Talia - I love following your blog and all your craftiness. 🙂
I’m looking to get into sewing, how do you know what is a good machine to purchase or start out with? I want something that will last me for a while.
thanks for the help.

Ashley E - Aghh craft weekend!!! Sooooo wishing I was there with y’all again. Had such a great time! 🙂

Siobhan - Target!

Emily - I LOVE the polka dot shirt; where did you get it from??

Alicia @ La Famille - how exciting!! have so much fun!!!!!
ps: i ran that omaha marathon that you signed up for. not my best time or anything…but such a good feeling to do it. gooood luck!!

tinaehb3 - craft weekends always look like sooooo much fun !!! 🙂

Stephanie Talty - I can only imagine the experience Craft Weekend must be because each time the pictures leading up to it and then the recap pictures are amazing!!!

CathyC - I so miss this!! Have a great weekend!!!!!

happygirl - I don’t know where you get all your energy. You are AMAZING!

amy jupin - oh my goodness, how i miss you.
and i’m so so sorry to hear about your grandma.
she looked like such a lovely lady.
why aren’t there ladies anymore?
real LADIES, you know what i mean?
my grandmom was very much a lady too.
anyways, give kimberlee a hug from me.
i just know y’all are going to have a blast this weekend.

Juliane at Modern Mural - Loving that outfit! It looks like you’re having a blast. All the colors, all the possibilities for crafts and artworks for the wall and for that amazing space: so great!

lauren - seeing your pics makes me smile a different smile now that i’ve been there in person….it’s a smile of knowing that the pictures truly don’t do the EXPERIENCE and the fellowship with such great PEOPLE justice – and that 12+ more ladies are about to have their minds (and hearts) blown wide open!
ENJOY THIS WEEKEND sweet meg & kimberlee!
and….THANK YOU….once again, for sharing your gifts with all of us 🙂
take care!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - in my mind craft weekend stopped with our group;) it should have anyway. how can it go on without us there….waaaaaaa!

Jen - Love your blog Meg! I want the wall color you have in the craft house entry way (olive green). Do you happen to know what it’s called?
Have a great craft weekend!

Melissa - My mom aunt cousins and I so need to come to a craft weekend!

Leadia Jarvis - I want to come back. Need a helper?
Looks like you are geared up for a good time.
I gave up dairy and grains a long time ago, but Cocoa Pebbles and Capt’n Crunch were my late night vices 🙂

tiffany gardner - one day…
and hey… you will be running through my neighborhood for that marathon! my kids run in the kids marathon every year. I will be cheering you and my brother on for the race. Yay for you!!!!!!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I think I drooled the first time I saw that mint dotted shirt in the store. But then when the only size left they has was XS I wanted to cry.
And as for the Ninja? Yet more tears. It was on my Christmas list this year. But I’m still using a blender that’s cracked to make our daily smoothies in.
Oh well. Life is good-even without polka dots and Ninjas:)
Have an awesome time this weekend! (I saw that Lindsey’s coming…’bout time!:))

Kathie M. - so much fun!! 😀 Love it! I always love seeing your craft weekends and wish I could do something like that here in Washington!! 😀 It would be amazing! Can’t wait to see the pictures after this weekend!

Shannon - All these pictures are so happy! Have fun this weekend and looking forward to hearing all about it 🙂

Ko. S - Soooooo awesome! Have a wonderful time with those luck ladies!!!

catie - what a great post! which half marathon are you running in? i’m doing the prarie fire half in may (i did the fall one, first one ever!), but i didn’t know there was one in april!! i’m also going to do the see jane run half in september and possibly the fall prarie fire? not sure yet. and if i can run a half marathon, you sure can girlie!

beki - Ah, so fun!! I wish I was there 🙂

Gale - I looked and this and realized I’ll be there in about 24 hours!! I’m so excited to have been chosen – and terrified at the same time.. LOL And since I still have no idea what I’ll wear, I’m glad I got to see your clothes – and now I still don’t know what to pack! Good thing I have tomorrow off to get ready and go shopping!! 🙂 I wish everyone could come – but I guess doing it every weekend might get kinda old for ya’ll! So excited!!!!

Aby Gittings - Oh my. I sooooo wanna come to Craft Weekend. Sigh.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Still completely in love with your home. Love the yellow boots.

Dina - I want to live there…surrounded by colors…I could be your housekeeper…I live in Wichita…it could work ;-)…visit my kids on the weekends…hmmmm…. 😉

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - I love that teal and polka dot shirt! Pretty!

Kristin S - I am itching to get that polka dot shirt from Target. I wish it would go on sale.

Regina - Saving every darn penny in hopes that my name is drawn again this year. Hate that I couldn’t make it in November. Happiest 2013 to you and your family, Meg. Wishing you health, happiness,and all that you hope for this year! Thanks again for sharing your life with us! Cheers!

jenny - everything looks so fun! Wish I was there.
Have a great time! 🙂

Shari - I have to know who makes that knife set? I WANT IT!!! 🙂

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