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christmas cards

do you send christmas cards?
do you write a letter?  how many do you send out?

my dad's side of the family always ALWAYS has a family letter.
each family writes a page(ish) about your year and turn it in by thanksgiving so then at christmas each family gets a packet with the entire family's summary of the year…a photo of everyone…and then someone has been appointed to write a story about something that happened in the family history (lots of writers in the family) so that story is stapled to the front of the packet.

it really is a lovely idea and fun packet to get.
everyone's page is there and the photos are in a plastic sleeve all together.

but…. i just can't get it done by thanksgiving.
i gave up a few years ago.

BUT i always send christmas cards.
i used to send a letter and a picture…. now it's just a picture.
but it's better than nothing.

are you one that sends just a photo of your kids without you in it?
why do you do that?
your friends from far away that haven't seen you forever…. they want to see YOU… not what your kids who they never have met look like again.  
they miss your face.
and when they open a card from you with YOU on it… i bet you anything they say "AUWWW i miss her!!" 
so… get behind the camera this year!  no matter if you lost those 10 pounds or not.
your friends miss you and your pretty face.  i promise.


i chose my cards from this year!
i went through their site and looked and looked for the perfect card to work with my photo this year.
these were my top 10 favorites…

red & turquoise together makes me happy…

i loved the font on the Joy to the World….
this was different and made me feel like painting….

you know i have a thing for polka dots…

i love the circle shaped cards!!
this one would be so pretty if your picture was all in the neutral tones…

wood grain and turquoise… this one i LOVED so very much.
 houndstooth? yes please.  this is a great simple christmas design.

pink and green and a big bold stripe…AND a scallop edge????  so close to the perfect card for me.

i went with this design.
because i heard the baby came with it.

but you will have to wait until christmas day to see what picture i chose.

i have good news for you!!

MPIX.COM is giving away a set of cards
to one of my awesome readers today!!! 

leave a comment today telling me your christmas card tradition at your house….

and i will draw a winner thursday so you can still have plenty of time to address your cards!
thanks mpix!!

you are my fave! 



Karen B - I send a card with a letter inside. Sometimes the pictures are in the letter, sometimes the picture is on the card. But, I always buy a card. I’m not a newsletter sender person. It has to be with a beautiful, spiritual, Jesus’ birthday type of card. I’m always in the picture. Usually we sit in front of the tree and I run to jump in.

Eva Scott - It seems like every year we do a funny card, then the following year will be a serious card, then funny, etc. This year it will be a funny card. 🙂

jessica crosswhite - i love cars period. RECIEVING ANG GIVING them! we usually use our family photo from that year in a card and print off other photos to put in card 🙂 everyone <3 's it...they get to see the kiddoz and have the prints till new ones next chrisymas 🙂

Kami - Christmas cards are my favorite thing ever!
I want one of yours! And I wan to send you one. Can I have your address? I’d love to send you one!

Erin - I try to get the word Joy in the card somewhere

pam - i used to write letters. and then it changed to just photos. and then the photos would sit in the drawer unmailed until January. 🙂 this year it is email…unless i win. hahahaha.
but the weather outside is frightful…because it’s so VERY HOT here! and it doesn’t feel like Christmas…

Abby - Since I LOVE to receive cards I feel like I have to send them! I just got our family pics back from the photographer and can’t wait to see them on our cards!

Jamie - love it!!

Heidi Schneeberger - I usually do a Photo Collage Christmas Card…More meaningful to me than just a regular card, and then they have photos of the kids.

Becky - When my preemie first was born, I couldn’t seem to take her picture without her crying… and then, to put the picture on the card, it got stretched, so it was really a terrible card, but I wanted to get a picture of her out to everyone, and well, my husband was not so happy with me for that one…so I haven’t done one since…Now, I am still working on getting my 3 girls together to actually take a picture of ALL of them to put on a card. Was also wanting to start a photo ornament tradition… Love that MPix has it all… 🙂

Melissa - Our Christmas tradition is having the kids open up one present each early- on Christmas Eve, they always get a pair of new pj’s! My family did this when I was growing up and we loved it!

Diane - We have our first grandchild this year, so we will be sending out cards for the first time in over ten years! And guess who we used? MPix! : )

Vera - I do a picture card (the whole family including ME!) I wish I could hand write a personal note on every single one, because that’s what I WANT to do and think one should do, but with over 100 to send I just don’t have time.

Heike - My mom spends the weekend after thanksgiving getting all the kids’ critiques on the photos, then we vote via email and she orders them! For my own, I usually take a picture in front of my Christmas tree!

Melissa - The last time I attempted Christmas cards, they went April! Better late than never. However, I really need to try it again since there are all these cool sites out there like MPIX and Snapfish, etc….I’m sure they will make it SO.EASY.

Sarah G. - My card tradition has always been to make a homemade card with my daughter’s picture included. She has even helped me with the card the last few years so I’ve enjoyed this time with her! This year I’ve decided to simplify my life and use my favorite photo printer (mpix!!) For my holiday card!! Can’t wait to design this week…with the help of my daughter of course;)

Genie Taylor - I try to write a creative Christmas letter each year but the last couple years have been hit and miss. I try to include pics of of the while family however that had been hit and miss also. Every year I think I’m going to get ahead of the game and get cards fine in Nov. but it never happens. Free cards would definitely give me a jump start! Happy holidays!!

Liz Fox - Took some pictures at Thanksgiving when my college-aged daughter was home. We used MPIX for her senior pictures; excellent quality. Great looking card options!

Heidi - we do a card with picture and a top 12 for the year. We go through pictures from the year to help remember the top 12 things that happened throughout the year. Ideally we have one from each month of the year, but sometimes there is a month where not a lot happened and another month where we have a hard time choosing which things were the best about a certain month.

Shay - Family update letter including at least one photo….

Joy - We always send out a picture card with our family on it. This year we haven’t taken our picture yet. If we don’t get it together by the weekend I forsee generic cards, but I’d rather send a picture card.

Tracy Fisher - i haven’t sent out a Christmas card since our daughter was 2. She is now almost 16. that card didn’t even have our youngest in it. he is now 12. it has become a joke with our friends. my family doesn’t seem to think it’s that funny. i don’t know why. i always take a fun photo. but when i go to pick out the card i can’t decide. then they always seem so expensive. then i can’t find everyone’s address because i am unorganized. i wish someone would just do it for me. i would choose the pink and lime striped one. it seems so happy. i have been stressed lately. im in need of some happy :). -tracy

Karen - My favorite Christmas tradition is driving around to look at lights after Christmas Eve service. 🙂 It’s so peaceful and pretty!

Alison - I sent out 105 Christmas letters and family pictures this year (I come from a big family). I do it almost every year, even though most of those same people are my friends on Facebook or see me regularly. Normally I only include a picture of my daughters, but this year a friend took a nice picture of our family, so I included that instead.

Michelle W - My Christmas card tradition is a family photo. We have such a large, extended family (and a 2 year old) it is hard/time consuming to do much else than sign a card!
PS – My two favorites from your list are the stripe/scalloped edge…. and the wood grain peace dove. In case you needed help deciding. 🙂

betsy berre - with a 4yo, 2yo and 1yo…my favorite tradition: eating an early dinner and quick bath and pjs…then cruising the neighborhood with their lovies looking at lights.

Stephanie - We go up to the snow every year on Christmas Eve and take a family picture…so our cards are usually more like New Year’s cards:)

brandi - We send out cards to our family and close friends every year.

j - I think tinyprints is really the best for these type of Christmas cards.

Amber - We have been through alot of changes over the past three years, so we haven’t got a set tradition for cards. I love sending them, but usually decide on what is the best priced way to go. We’ve done picture cards, cards with pictures inside, and cards without. I’m still deciding on this years’, guess its time to get moving!

crystal - I always do a photo card, sometimes I’m in it, sometimes I’m not! If I win the contest, I will make sure to be in it this year!

Jennifer Shultz - We ALWAYS send a photo card, I usually send pics of just my kiddos but since the pictures turned out so nice this year I included myself, my husband, and even our dog 🙂

Melissa - Mass on Christmas Eve with snacks & drinks following.

K Cocca - We always open gifts one at a time, youngest to oldest, so that the magic of giving and receiving lasts just a little bit longer.

K Cocca - We always open gifts one at a time, youngest to oldest, so that the magic of giving and receiving lasts just a little bit longer.

di - Annie said she wanted a baby for Christmas…hmmm, I’m sensing a theme here:) Wait til you see mine this year – major CHEESEY factor. My tradition = Done!!

Cheri - Our Christmas card tradition…..ummmmm…is that it is usually in January!

Steve Bensing - I carry on the tradition of my parents and do a family letter each year. The collection of these becomes a family history. I use a lot of photos to tell the stories. These letters are included with a Christmas card. I send them to friends and family who want them. Now that my parents are gone, I’ve picked up their Christmas card list and now send our card and letter to my parents’ friends around the world.

Denise Huff - I have on the past sent out cards but I just had a baby and sent out thank you cards with pictures of my two girls. I Since I’m on maternity leave, unpaid, I didn’t think I should spend the extra money on Christmas cards.

denise@victory rd. - the circle card is darling.
our christmas cards have morphed into ground hog’s day cards. phil is fine getting some recognition when his overlooked day comes round. jesus is cool with it cause he because he doesn’t like me to be insane. 🙂

Suzanne Vest - I usually try to get a good picture of my three kids and then design a photo card. Noting spectacular but I am always pleased with the outcome and I am always proud to show off my wonderful kids!

Julia - My boyfriend and I just moved in together so it’s time to start a new tradition. This year’s card will include a picture of our new house!
juliajalexander (at) gmail (dot) com

Jenny - We send a family picture to friends near and far away!
I would love the chance to win some cards!!!!

Ronnie - We first started sending photo cards when our granddaughter was born in early Dec., kind of like a birth announcement/holiday card. So much more meaningful than a mass-produced card!

elizabeth - We love to coordinate our outfits. Since I am the only girl, I have to be flexible! One year we all wore Batman shirts and took the picture at the Christmas tree lot. It was so fun!

jackie @ marin mama cooks - Thanks for this great link Meg. I was tired of ordering cards from the same company year after year. I love this site and they have such great designs. I’m going to order my cards today! I can’t wait to see yours!

Mindy Rice - I started sending photo cards a few years back. Sometimes just the kids and sometimes the whole family. Photography has become my hobby the last year, so this weekend I’m going to play around with my camera and hopefully capture something creative!

Wendy O. - Now that we have kids, we do either a photo card or a card with a 4×6 photo enclosed. I also do a letter each year. Some years it’s better than others. And I always make sure to write a hand-written note on each one, and I hand-address each envelope. Because I think letters are a bit generic, I like to personalize each card by writing something personal to the person/family I’m mailing it to.

Jena Jenkins - I send a photo card every year, sometimes with a letter — and sometimes just with good intentions. 🙂

Valery - I never really had a “tradition” when it comes to sending Christmas cards but this year being my baby girl’s first Christmas I plan on sending out Christmas cards with pictures of her on it from this year and on.

Nahry - I make a card every year with pictures of the kids and a family photo if I can get everyone to look at the camera! I send a Christmas letter each year as well. It takes me forever to write, but I seem to always get a lot of family who look forward to the letter to keep them up-to-date when I can’t talk to them all the time!

Stacey - MPIX ROCKS! My christmas card tradition is to design them myself, but this would be a lot easier on me 😉 - I used to do a Christmas letter and loved it, but as time went on I moved to just sending cards with note and they are always late. That’s what makes my card special. It comes a day or two after all of the hustle and bustle. I usually get a couple of phone calls because of it and we laugh because it is expected:)

Leslie - We always used to send cards with photos of the kids. I don’t think we even had any family photos taken ever. I am going through a divorce so it has been a rough couple of years and I haven’t sent out cards since I’ve been struggling financially. This year, though, my daughter turned 18, my son 15 and the realization that they will be on their own very soon prompted me to get some. I chose a card through Mpix with just a minimum purchase so we will have to pick and choose who gets them. But I wanted to make sure I got them this year.

Charity Ketscher - I usually send a letter filled with all our news of the year and also a Photo card. Sometimes with just the kids, but last year I set up my tripod and tortured my husband and got a photo with all four of us in it so send out 🙂 A family tradition you asked? We ALWAYS make special Christmas goodies from family recipes!

Dana Banana - We always do a Christmas photo card. I should do a letter, but don’t. 🙂 Do people really want to know that my daughter plays flute in the band? Or that our 8yr. old lost 3 teeth this year? Oh well. Anyway, can’t wait to see your family photo card!!

Jada Brooks - Every year since my children were born I have sent Christmas cards. This is the first year the entire family will be pictured on the cards. So excited, but stressed, because I can’t find the perfect card. And the holidays are right around the corner. Yikes!

Katie C. - I’m just starting the Christmas picture card tradition this year! I’m pregnant with our first child, so I finally feel like we have a picture that people actually want to see… haha!

Dana Banana - We always do a family pic. I should occasionally do a letter, but don’t. Can’t wait to see your Christmas photo!

Alicia - I usually use pictures of the kiddos and/or the pets. We always think of a cute picture idea. The year that I was preggo with my 1st we sent out a sonogram pic with a little santa hat on my little peanuts head. I would love to win the set of cards I am working on this year from MPix!!! LOVE THEM!!!!

Jaime C. - I LOOOOVE Christmas Cards. We do a card with a family photo every year. We also display all of the cards we receive!

Heather Russell - Well I’ve been married to my husband for 7 months now, but we’ve been together for 3 years. I would like to start our first Christmas married with Christmas cards to our friends and family! Our family is spread out all over, which makes the holidays difficult since we can’t be everywhere. We had planned to go see his family in Ohio but since he works Christmas Eve night for UPS there is no way we will make it. A Christmas card and a phone call will be the closest thing we have to being there with them. We would love to win these cards to start our tradition and help send a little smile to our loved ones!

Dixie - We usually do a family photo card – some years I photoshop the kids into oversized presents or things like that and then always have a Christian message for the Holidays. I am having a hard time this year as 2 of my 3 children have moved out so still brainstorming ideas.

MIndi Flynn - Love, love, lOVE to send out photo cards with pictures of my kids. I generally send out a letter wirh family updates but this year my 5 year old, who is just learning to write, wants to do the letter. Couldn’t be more thrilled! Would love a set of perfect cards to send!

laura - Christmas card tradition is a yearly review so a pic a month! LOVE Mpix

detta owens - I love Mpix! I have always sent a letter and a card. When the kids were little, we did family pics or just kid pics. Now the kids have kids so its just me and the hubby

Jessica Anderson - MPIX is my fav!!

Amanda K - I’m hit and miss with Christmas cards. We’ve been married for 11 years, but I didn’t feel like I had anything to ‘report’ before we had kids! My oldest is 5 and I’ve been trying to get better, especially since we have two kids now! Last year I did great putting together cards and pictures and sending them early. This year, I have a picture to send from our vacation, but I’ve been lacking inspiration to put the card together to send. Thank you for the motivation to get our faces out to our loved ones!

Laine - We always try to get all of us on the card (extra 10 pounds and all, LOL!) All of our family is far away and they love it. I’ve never used mpix before but those designs are awesome! I absolutely LOVE getting Christmas cards and I think it’s kinda sad that so many people are getting away from that. I think last year we got 2. TWO! So we stick with old fashion tradition of sending cards, which is usually just a photo card. =)

Whitney R. - I’m a dork, missed the “card” part. (I think it may be Christmas shopping
brain.) We send a photo card each year & I was actually planning on using MPix. 🙂

Whitney R. - One tradition we do is get all the kids pjs & an ornament for the tree on Christmas Eve. We did the ornament thing when I was little. The idea was to use those ornaments to decorate our tree when we grew up. Great idea although my mom still has them,lol!

Leah - I send out a Christmas card each year, but I’m never content to just send a standard newsletter, so I have to jazz it up. Last year, I made my yearly update look like a Pinterest board. The year before, I made it look like a sewing pattern. We’ll see what I do this year!

Melissa Hermon - I typically send pictures but no letter- used to send letter but no time!

Iris - We send out Christmas cards each year-with all of us-extra 10 or 20 lbs included. Even when I was single (which was until I was 31) I sent a photo card out. I love getting photo cards and why let marital status stop you? Your friends want to see YOU no matter marital status, weight, or the overtired Mama eyes that are hard to hide. I always want to do a letter, but never get to it 🙁

Megan - We started with a letter and photos and 12 years later we’re down to a photo card!

Barbara - I have tried to send out a card each year. Really and truly. And for sure I always had good intentions! So I guess I’m saying I’m a hit or miss kinda Christmas card gal.
Thanks for the opportunity to have no excuse this year, Meg. - THANK YOU! For calling out those who ONLY send a pic of their kiddos! Personal peeve! Our tradition is to send a card-if we can, the last two years, it was too much. But I love to sigh sweetly at friend letters…and laugh at the braggy ones! PS You have driven our photo needs to MPIX, they should give you a fat check, ’cause I am sure I am only one of LOTS AND LOTS!

beccy - My Christmas Card tradition is to wish/intend/try (depending on the year) to send out Christmas cards, and then to feel guilty that it never happened. :o). Now that my kids are bogger and I am getting a grip on life again, I feel like there is a real shot at it happening. Now to find all those addresses…. Thanks for all the great links and shopping you have had on your blog! Love having more great choices!

Mindy W - It seems my pattern has been one year with the whole family, one year with just the kids, the year after that no card at all. But I’m changing it up this year. Already have the pic, just need to find the card design and order- stat! This would surely help. 🙂

Deb Meyers - ha! what’s funny is only TWO of the MPIX examples feature parents in the photos! MPIX needs to listen to Meg, and maybe feature some parents with 10+++ extra pounds.
Merry Christmas, Meg!

annalea - we don’t have a consistent tradition. i prefer to send out a photo card with a letter. BUT that doesn’t always happen. i guess you could say i consistently send out after-Christmas cards. since i am usually late. 🙂

Gretchen - Nine years ago when my first was born I started the 4×8 photo card. My friends and family love getting pics of the kids every year. I have a special album I put out every year with all the cards. My kids love it.

Lydia - Christmas card tradition? We usually call them Valentines, becaue that’s when they finally go out!

Victoria - We put red ribbon on the back of our front door to make it look like a GIANT present. I teach my kids that our home is a present from GOD and that our friends family pictures, that we tape to the door, are one of our MANY blessings we receive from HIM!!
Love the selection and would LOVE to win a set of cards.. Haven’t even started… Sigh!! 😉

Naomi Williams - My mom used to have us make Christmas cards for family members by cutting up old Christmas cards we had from the year before and gluing parts of the scenes and words on to construction paper and card stock.
Totally cheesy at the time but we loved it, and with all the trends towards upcycling and vintage looks, it would be a fun project for people to do these days…

becca r. - i love to put all the cards together for one year and hole punch, then put them together on a ring with fun ribbons. they are more fun to look through than in an album. 🙂

Lisa M. - One year one of the pastors at our church asked what type of Christmas card we send. Is it celebrating Christ’s birth? The real meaning behind Christmas? This has stuck with me ever since. I’ve taken the opportunity every since then to choose a card with the message of Christ. I have always been one that takes my time picking out my Christmas cards. They have to be perfect! And after our pastor challenged us with that statement, for years I was always disappointed in the Christian cards. They never looked as pretty or “Christmas-y” to me. But as my walk with The Lord has grown, I have realized that those cards are even more beautiful because of their message and really, how much more Christmas-y can you get than the birth of our Savior?
I used to buy Lang cards and put a wallet family picture inside, but the past two years I have had a family picture taken and scoured Etsy for the perfect picture card. Once again, I found a beautiful one this year and am so pleased with the outcome! The shop owner on Etsy liked our picture so much she asked if she could use the card she made us with our picture in her shop! So cool!
I cannot wait to see your picture this year! We have to wait til Christmas Day?! Really ? 🙂

Caroline - We hang up all the cards we receive because they are all so beautiful! We only receive a handful of photo cards but those tend to stay on the fridge for the whole year! They are so special!

Natalie - ooh, beautiful cards! We send a photo card each year. Baby’s first Christmas we sent a card with just his picture, and each year after that we’ve done a card with our family photo, our dog’s photo, and a photo or two of our little one. No letters… maybe when little dude gets bigger or if we actually go on vacation or do something notable one year. 🙂

K - Family photos are the best:) so fun to try and get the perfect one.

Kt - As the kids have gotten a bit older, they love to send funny family photos. Brings and extra smile to those who receive them 🙂

colleen sullivan - picture of the kids… never parents…. save them every year and love to look back at them! now that the kiddos are older…. 11 and 13… its much tougher to get that pic but i still do it .. no matter what!

Brittany - We do a photo card with the kids or a multi-picture card. I am usually rushing and waiting until the last minute to get them there by Christmas but hopefully this year will be different. 😉

Rena - I love hanging out all of the cards we get from some pretty ribbon and tiny clothespins and then I leave them up for a couple of months. It’s so hard to take them down when our friends and family’s faces bring so much cheer to our house.

Jennifer Davis Wood - You know I have to tell you, I’m not a fan of the picture card. I can’t stand them up on my mantel and I do not like throwing pictures of my friends kids out! I prefer a traditional Christmas card. I think everyone’s kids are super cute but… Anyway, I guess I’m a little weird like that 😉

Sheila P. - I like to send a picture card. I rarely do letters, mine either seem too braggy or too boring. I like to receive letters though.

Bailey C - We send a photo card like these (only not so fabulous!). Every other year it seems my husband and I make it on the card, otherwise it’s just the 2 boys.

Dee - I have made my Christmas cards for the last ten years or so…card stock and stamping and embellishments to boot. But this year I was thinking about the exact point that you made in your post…photos help connect, and I miss seeing my far-away people, too! I love getting their photos, so maybe I should send my own!

April R - always a card – sometimes a picture. I think that’s just because I am always the one taking photos so I am not usually in them! Need to make a better effort on that because I totally agree with you about the “just the kids” photos!
I want to “see” my friend’s smiling face! I have a pretty red box that I keep all those photos and cards from friends in and it’s a treasure to me.
Thanks Meg! Merry Christmas!

JeanniePage - I try to do a picture of my sons, and this year I may try to include the two dogs! And I have a couple of those card holders that I hang so I can display the cards we receive – I love to do this and so do my sons.

erin j - My parents never did Christmas cards growing up so I’m having difficulty getting into the tradition. We’ve moved around a ton in our married life though and have loads of people I’d like to keep in touch with so we need to get with the program.

jamie - oh i’ve been lazy for the past couple years. i’ve written a letter before. loved doing that. and just sending out regular christmas cards. LOVE the chance to win this giveaway!

Carolyn - I rarely send out cards. I often will work on a letter or a picture, but then never get around to actually ordering or sending anything. Those MPIX cards are adorable! If I won this I would have no excuses!

Elizabeth - I generally capture a picture of my kids (2 sets of twins) and then attach it to a handmade card. Some years they are dressed all nice and prim and proper and some years they are making silly faces. I send what I snap — that’s really more honest than trying to pretend they are perfect little angels!

Jill Trecker - We do a card with pictures and a letter! I saw an idea for doing a top 10 list instead of a letter. Although it’s December 5th and is it written? Nope :>)

shar y - I usually send out cards with a photo of my two standard poodles. (Before he passed on to Rainbow heaven, my weim was in there as well. I like to come up with something different each year. But your comment about putting myself in has given me pause for thought. Maybe I will do something daring this year! Thanks for opportunity!

Carla G - Woops, didn’t realize I was supposed to leave a Christmas CARD tradition. Scrath that earlier comment. Here goes again! When we bought our 100-year old home nine years ago, a friend gave us a front porch swing as a housewarming gift. I took a picture of my boys on that swing for our Christmas card that year. I have done that every year since, and it’s so fun to see how the boys change and grow each year. This will be our 10th Christmas picture on the front porch swing.

Carla G - Our kids always get to open one present on Christmas Eve. And it’s always pajamas! After they open their pjs, they put them on. Then they leave milk and cookies with a note for Santa. Then my husband reads The Night Before Christmas (and I take pictures). Even though our oldest is 12 (going on 17!), we still keep the tradition!

Rebecca - We send out a Christmas card every year – but no letter. I can never seem to get that together 🙂

Maegan C - My family never sent out Christmas cards but I always love getting them! I love seeing what long lost friends are up to and they make great decorations for the house!

Ann Marie - I love sending out Christmas cards! It’s one of my favorite things around Christmas! This would be perfect to win since I haven’t started ours yet

Katie D - We do whatever can get acomplished that year. Sometimes it is a picture card, sometimes a letter, sometimes we send it out by email. Thanks for the chance to win.

amber - I haven’t sent cards for a couple of years. I’ve been wanting to send them this year. Usually, we send a photo card printed at Walmart or Target. These mpix cards are gorgeous!

Kayla - I write a Christmas letter every year where I try to straddle the “aren’t my kids great” verbiage with the “this is really what happened this year” verbiage. It is a lot harder than it seems! We stopped doing pictures because it got expensive.

Becca - Christmas cards are hit or miss from us, some years I get them out and some years I don’t, I wish I was more organized.

Deb A. - I TOTALLY agree. Parents really should be in the picture. That’s what we send. Now that my boys are 17 and 18, I usually pick a family photo from some time during the year….thank you for the chance to win!!

Julie - i am the one it is up to to decide if we do cards or not, what company, who to send to, photo or not, etc… all. me. yikes. so depending on my level of busy that season, we something do cards, sometimes we don’t. yet to see what will happen this year, but these cards would help for sure!

Kelly Beugler - I always send out a photo card with EVERYONE’S picture in it BUT I do love to receive photo cards with letters!!! I know it’s a lot of bragging, but I still love it LOL! Christmas cards are one of my favorite parts of the season : )

Rebecca - I send a photo of the kids every year. I think about sending a letter, but that hasn’t happened yet. We got a puppy this year. Do I include him in the picture this year????

tinaehb3 - I always send out a photo card, although I was a little sad this year our dog would just not cooperate…I laugh because I always set the camera up and take the pic. myself and I always wonder if the people who get them realize how much I’m really sweating in the photo?! lol !!!

Kari - We usually do a family photo for our Christmas card in early December – my kids are teens and hate having their pictures taken so it’s always chaotic and loud with lots of complaining from the kids, LOL! But, it’s still always a fun tradition.

KatieD - Love sending a picture card. We have done that every year. Sometimes with us and a few without.

Loni - I love picture cards! Letters are a bonus. I don’t love my picture taken, but I love us ( family!).

melissa erin - i TOTALLY agree. parents really should be in the picture. 🙂 it’s a downer when they are not. 🙂 always. always. always send a picture card, and never a letter. 🙂 that’s how i like it…thank you for a chance to win!!

Eleanor - Ever since my mom got divorced, we stopped doing christmas cards. I think at first she was embarrassed to send out one without him in it… and eventually we just lost track of sending one out.
I have a daughter now and a small family of my own, so I would love to start a new tradition of sending one out for my new family!

Shaun - We always have to include the water in some way! We live along the shoreline and the water is a big part of our lives. But mid-shoot…we always ask “why are we doing this?!” as our dog can’t bear to be by the water without being in the water!! Makes for some good outtakes!!

Jessica - Since having kids it has been hit & miss on the Christmas cards…BOO! I love receiving them though & seeing families change & grow throughout the year!

Sue - We always send about 100 cards – it is something my Mom always did, and it is so important to my husband -since he is originally from Prince Edward Island and still has extended family there, he wants to stay in touch. Even if it is just a brief note on a photo card of the kids. Okay Meg, you are right the adults should be in there too -and we sometimes are. So far this year I have a cute photo of the kids picked out, but don’t really have love for any of the family shots. Need some time with Blue Lily.

GretchenP - i always send photo cards.. love the tradition 🙂 thanks for the giveaway!

Robin Anderson - I haven’t quite figured out my “tradition.” I’ve tried a letter, pics of the kids, both, and have attempted a few family photos with us all in them this year. I at least got in the pictures this year.

Kim - Before I had my daughter, I used to make my Christmas cards every year…yes by hand, all 150+ of them! One year I made the mistake of making them bigger than normal and had to pay extra shipping! Oops! So yeah, since we’ve had her we do pictures and letters….until last year, we just did pictures. And it’s looking that way again this year! Time people, time! 🙂

ginny - I always send a photo card and they always go in the mail at the very last minute. Sometimes just a day or two before Christmas! I figure better late than never. 🙂

Elizabeth Ann - No tradition. Usually a pic of the kids 😉

Jen - I always make homemade, from scratch, cinnamon rolls for breakfast on Christmas morning. The smell of cinnamon baking in the oven on Christmas morning will always be our scent of Christmas. 😉

Melissa Bishop - We feel the same about sending a family photo. This will be our 9th family photo Christmas card! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Rhonda - My tradition is to put a picture of the boys on it… you are right… I loeave my husband and I out : ( I will include us on the card this year. We usually write a letter summarizing our year and that goes along with the card… I need to get on the ball… running out of time!

Eliece - We send out a photo card each year. It’s usually one with just the kids but not always. It just depends on the photo and style of card. I do try to be in a picture from time to time so they know I was there and not just the photographer. Merry Christmas to you!

Jack and Verna Collier - We send a photo card of the entire family…so fun 🙂

the lovely one - we send a photo card each year…. it’s a great way to have distant relatives see how the kids have grown!

BriBedell - I send a picture out every year (since we’ve had children)!!! This year I made them with our fall family photos & picmonkey!

Emily H - Pilsbury cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk on Christmas morning!

Maddy - We make decorations out of our Christmas cards from the previous year.

Christine - Usually just a picture of the kids…..but this year you have inspired me to put a picture of the whole family!!

Mallory - Photo with our furbabies — hopefully soon it will be furbabies and real baby lol!

Lachalledm - I send a family photo with us all and a home made hand made card . It’s just the way I roll. Always about the details.

emily in mo - it’s just me and my hound dog so i send a photo card of the 2 of us! its kinda fun and at least the dog is cute!

Jill - I usually do a letter. My husband helps write it even. We either send a photo card with it or 1-2 4x6s. Our list of friends and family is close to 200 to send out. But, this year, it may end up being just the photo card route. I am running out of time! I love getting photos and letters from our friends and family.

Zoe - I manage to get cards in the mail almost every year… and that is so true about using a pic with the whole family in it – I am always tempted to just do the kids, but I always like seeing the ‘big people’ in the cards we receive. And since I haven’t even taken our Christmas card picture yet (waiting to finish a red and white quilt to use as the background!), maybe I will make sure we’re all in it. Anyway – fun giveaway!

Jennifer - I’m so NOT squared away enough to write a letter to include with our Christmas cards. I wish I were. 🙂 We always send out cards though….I love doing that. I’ve ordered from Shutterfly in the past, but the last two years I’ve ordered via TinyPrints. Never heard of Mpx…will have to give it a try. I’m especially excited to send out our card this year because we just adopted our precious baby daughter and have our foster son (who we hope to adopt, too). Our family has grown from a family of 3 to 5 in two months! Super excited to share our family pic via our Christmas card. 🙂

Kimberly - My parents never sent out Christmas cards– too much work and not enough time! But, in my own family, I am trying to at least send a card with a photo each year– partly because I want to watch us grow and change over the years. (I always save at least 1 Christmas card for myself!)

alise - I always stress about my card. usually just the kids but have sent the whole family. in the end I always love it!!!!

Keriyoung2001 - Well I don’t have a tradition with Christmas cards, but now that I have had a baby I would like to start one!:)

Allison - We always send picture cards, and I haven’t been in one of them since my oldest was a baby! I’m going to change that this year though – thanks to you. 😉

Amy - I usually send cards with just the kids. Last year was with all of us. Good advice and perspective about including myself and my husband… Never thought of it that way. Too late for this year, already did the pics but I will remember that for next year!

Laura - i gave up on cards last year
i know
boo hoo
nick doesn’t share this laziness with me
he likes cards
and while i love GETTING CARDS…
I just don’t have it in me to pull it all together and SEND cards
it got too stressful…the picture taking!!! good grief! so many fights!!!
now…if I WON a card…then i would be all for it….!!!
a free card would probably get me moving on it!
because I am poor…and unmotivated…
but if i do end up sending a card…honestly?
i think it would be a picture of mary and baby jesus 🙂
because I love Mary
she is my homegirl
between blogs and IG..everybody has seen my family!!!
enough of me!
no one wants to see me!!! HA
not enough people see Mary and Jesus….

Emily W. - Since getting married five years ago, I have made an effort to send out Christmas or New Years cards every year. They are always the Sams/Costco ones with a picture. Easy. However, every year when I go home to Austin for Christmas, the first thing I always do is read all the cards at my parent’s house. I love, love, love seeing everyone’s faces and seeing their creativity.

Sarah Syhakhoun Photography - This is only my second Christmas as a married woman, so we just started our tradition. We like to have a photo card that we send out, but this year I want our photo card to include information about our year, so it’s half-photo card / half-letter all rolled into one colorful, well-designed bundle

Tanya - I always sent picture cards every year. It’s the kids and I on our own now and I’d like to start again. We missed a few years 🙂

Mindy - I ordered my cards from TODAY! Really! But it was a picture of just our 3 girls, not with my husband and I. I tried, but the photographer that took our pictures in August still doesn’t have my files to me! Picture cards, every year, no letter. Really love your blog!

Jill - I always send out a picture postcard of me and my dog, Jasper. I always have him dressed up real Christmasy and cute. Sometimes I get them out on time…sometimes they’re lucky if they get them by New Year’s. 🙂

Joy - I send out a card with multiple pictures every year that represent the last year. Sometimes I include a letter and sometimes I don’t. I love the concept of a family packet of letters and photos, but it would be difficult to get everyone in my family to go for that! 🙂

Lisa Gifford - I always send cards. I make my cards and if I don’t send them out, family and friends squawk! I sometimes send a letter-depends on if it’s been a good year or a bad year. This last year wasn’t the best (we lost my Dad this past spring) so I will just wish everyone a bright and blessed new year.
Last year I sent out New Year’s cards – loved that idea! 🙂

Melissa S - picture cards – of the kids

Tracy - I make goofy cards every year and you better believe I’m in the picture. I make my husband be in it too. Last year I even had Mr. T in my Christmas card picture posing with me & my family. We’re cool like that.

Kimberlee Jost - I ordered our cards from Mpix and they came last week!
LOVE them.

Michelle - Going through the Xmas card basket after school was one of my very favorite things growing up. When I got home from college for the holiday break, that was one of the first things I’d do. For years when I was single and childless, I was always happy to see my girlfriends “stay in the picture” with their families. So when I got to send MY first family card in 2010, you can bet my husband and I are in there. This year we’ll be combining a Xmas card with a birth announcement – twin boys arrived yesterday! xoxo

Nikol - I absolutely love receiving x-mas cards. After x-mas I cut the pictures out and put them in a scrapbook album. I have about 15 years worth of cards. I love to bring out the album each year and see all the families change and grow. We always send Christmas cards. Some years it is just the kids, some years the whole family – this year you inspired me to do a family card.

Katie N - I like to send out a family news letter with pics in it but it depends each year on the money!

katie - we usually do a flat card with a photo on each side (i try to make one side JUST the photo so people can keep it up all year without seeing Christmas-y stuff) and then a letter with it.

Kristi REDISKE - My tradition is a picture card with a small note in it. I have done cards with my kids for 30 years, my husband and I have only been in a few of them, but now we put our kids grandkids and us on them, don’t want to stop the tradition, it’s so fun! I also use mpix, love them and hope I win this because I haven’t ordered yet and it would give me the incentive to get it done.

Kimberly - I do not usually do Christmas cards, but since I got married I have been thinking maybe I should. I love the photo cards, but since we do not have children I thought it would be silly sending a photo card of two grown adults.

jennifer - Mine changes year to year. Sometimes it’s a Thanksgiving card, sometimes it’s Christmas, sometimes it’s New Years and sometimes it’s every other year. Depends on what all is going on and if I’ve got a picture to use. Sad, but true. 🙂

Trista - My card tradition is sad its only about every other year because I usually can’t get it together, but I will say I do love getting them from friends and family.

kat - I generally end up doing something in Feb or March 🙂

Janna - I’ve always sent a pic. Last few years I’ve done the letter. There’s nothing that makes me happier than getting my friends and families pics WITH a letter!!! So I decided to start writing one too. But I just don’t feel like I have it in me this year to do the letter:( And I still don’t have pix taken. Poo!

Michelle Rotner - I have sent out Christmas cards every year since I was 16, I’m now 38 years young. I start my search in October, I love, love, love it designing and playing around with the templates. I always have to bribe my kiddos to get through the photo session, who doesn’t? We save all the cards we get every year in a big basket that we occasionally look at through the year. It’s so fun to see babies become little boys and girls and then painfully trudge through the teenage years. The circle of life- all through Christmas cards.

kristina abel - Eek! I need cards… we’re doing our pictures on Saturday and it’s a tight turnaround but I’m excited every year for it. I always try to do something fun and creative for our cards… they are sent all over the US to all our friends and family and I love sending them, and recieving them. I love happy mail!

Aby Gittings - My tradition is to try my darndest to get around to it! Sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn’t. It’s actually looking good this year!!

jodi - We did a card the first year (or two) our now 6 year old was born and then just fell off the wagon. Christmas is one of the busiest seasons for our family biz, so it just never quite comes together…maybe one of these years we’ll get back with it!

Angela Atkins - I usually send out a photo card–sometimes with all of us and sometimes just the kids. So far this year, nothing. I did start looking around at our pictures from the year to see if I even had one I could use of all of us.

tonya - i had always sent out cards…sometimes with all of us and sometimes with just the kids. UNTIL i went back to school 3 years ago! 😉 i miss doing them and look forward to getting back to it once i’m finished!

Melissa - i use to send out cards, but haven’t in a couple of years. maybe i’ll win and send them out this year!

Michelle - I send Christmas photo cards to our friends and family. With all the phoo cards we get, I put them all on a binder ring and hang from a hook in our kitchen. Each day, we flip to a new card and pray for that person or family.

Rachelle - We always do a card, every other year with more details (letter).

Stacey - We have the tradition of sending out a funny/creative card every year…..the problem is it gets harder and harder to think of something each year!

Anne - Thanks to Facebook, the people on my Christmas card list see plenty of pics of me. Our Christmas card only has the kids on it and, again, thanks to social media and keeping in touch regularly with people, a letter isn’t necessary either.

Lora Inman - A couple years ago I started taking the photo cards I receive each year and hole punch them, then add a book ring. I take them out each christmas and add to it. Fun to see the changes each year

ikarentee - I have wanted to do photo cards but never have gotten around to it! I always send cards. I handwrite the name(s) of the recipients inside and always include a personal note in each one. I am not a big fan of the computerized letter that gets sent to everyone, but do enjoy reading what friends have been up to over the past year. I keep the cards/letters from the previous year so I can read them prior to writing a note. I like photo cards, but agree with you that the person sending it should be in the picture!!

Heidi - Lots! Food and looking at Christmas lights!!!

Amanda Kay - We send a family picture card. BUT I also really like doing something fun with the cards we receive. Growing up we put them all over our cabinets. This year we’ve adopted that tradition…I just love seeing all the faces of everyone we love. Makes me feel so thankful!

Denise W - I send cards every year (I try to get them with a snowman on it) without fail to everyone – most with a note written in each card. My husband thinks I single handedly keep the post office in business – but come on, who doesn’t love fun mail? 🙂

Alisha - Oh, I always dream of sending out cards, but I never get it done. I LOVE getting them so I agree that my friends would love to get them from me too. 😉

Cathy Shealy - WE do a picture card usually with just the kids, at least that’s the way its’ been since we quit doing professional photos at Christmas. This year I have a good pic of the family at the pumpkin patch that I’ll probably add to the card. If I don’t get cards out for Christmas we will do a New Year card or a Chinese New Year card for our travel group from our adoptions from China. We don’t do letters.

Tere - I do cards….sometimes they get in the mailboxes towards new years, but I do them 🙂

TonyaElise - I send a photo card with the whole family. And I send a TON of Christmas cards. My husband used to try to get me to narrow down the list because we spend a small fortune on postage, but now he just rolls his eyes and holds his tongue. It makes me SO HAPPY to get Christmas cards in the mail, so I just can’t help but send them out. And my one quirky thing is that I have to hand address all the envelopes – recipient and return address. No labels or printed envelopes – it seems so impersonal. I hand-write all the addresses and I list each member of the receiving family with the address, kids’ names too.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - hmmm…I just typed out this big comment and then it didnt post:( I wrote to say that Im always behind on sending out my own cards but I reuse the ones we’ve received from friends the previous year to make our gift tags for the coming year. I re-read them and we look at everyone’s pictures. Then I get out a paper punch, pick my spot on the card and punch away, making unique gift tags. Its nice to be able to use the old cards as opposed to just throwing them away.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Im always lucky if I can get good old fashioned cards with handwritten messages inside passed out to our closest friends and family during the holidays. Its just something Im never on top of.
I do, however, save our cards each year so that we can go back through them the following year on the day we decorate the house and tree. Its fun to look back through and see pics of everyone from the year before. Then I use the cards and a punch to make our gift tags for the year. I blogged a silly little tutorial about it last year and its one of the biggest draws to my blog. I hated just throwing the cards out so I thought of a way to use them after we’ve enjoyed reading them one last time.

Peg Glanzer - I send a picture of the Whole family – our kids and grandkids and my husband and I. It goes out after Christmas because we take the picture when we are together at Christmas or New Years, whichever the case may be. I like the picture to be current! I LOVE getting picture cards from my friends at Christmas.

Cortney Hardy - We usually do a Photo card. No letter. This is the first we did only a picture of the kids. We ran out of time to try to get a decent one of the whole family. Maybe next year. I too believe your friends want to see a picture of your face. Its fun. I have heard great things about mpix but have yet to order any pics there. However, if I win, it might be worth the effort to try again at a whole family shot! 😉

Tiffany Clark - We send a photo card (with a whole family picture!) and a kind of letter. We do “The Clark Family ABCs”. We list out the alphabet and think of something to say about us for each letter of the alphabet. It’s fun to put together, and kinda tricky sometimes. 🙂 Each year I wonder if people really enjoy getting it or not, but each year I have so many people tell me that they loved it and look forward to it each year.

Lisa - I love love love getting and sending Christmas cards! Unfortunately this year I am so so so behind. I don’t even have a picture of my family. Yikes! Gotta get on that! Might have to send a New Years card instead! Or an Easter card if I need more time! Haha!

Kim - We always do a picture…usually just one of the kids. But I also love getting a regular ol fashioned christmas card too! I’d love these designs! We haven’t done our photo card yet…hint hint : ).

Ashley E - I try to get the cards out by Christmas. Some times it ends up later. And sometimes I send Valentine’s Day cards. It depends on how organized I am! 🙂 This year, it’s Christmas!

Anne - I take all the grandchildren’s photos (14 and counting) and put together a photo card for my mother to mail out – it is difficult getting them all in and there are more children to come !

Holly - A photo card with a list of quotes heard ’round our house during the past year. With three kids under 10, their quotes generally tell our story pretty clearly!

Rachel M. - I usually send out about 40 cards with a picture inside. But last year I didn’t do anything at all. And it felt great:) We are planning to get a family picture taken this week, so we’ll see if I make it into a card or not.

Sandy - Do people really still send cards…I know, I know!! I just don’t make the time for it. I really, really should!!

Dani - Hanging my head in shame here… I haven’t done Christmas cards in YEARS in fact it has been 12 years b/c the last ones I did were when my oldest was born. I always take a picture to make one, but just never seem to do it. If I win this I would definitely surprise some people this year!

Melissa - I’m never in the picture I send but now you’ve got me rethinking it!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i always send christmas cards…although this year it’s looking iffy since we haven’t taken a picture yet! aaahh. life is so busy! i love receiving christmas cards. we set them out in a basket so we can look all through them the whole christmas season. then when christmas is over, i cut around the photos and put just the photos all over my fridge, replacing last year’s pictures. 🙂

Kate - If a baby comes with it, I am going to mpix right now!!!

Karen - We send cards…just a pic. We throw all the cards we get into a bowl and at dinner we pull one out and pray for that family. My kids love this tradition and it’s a reason to hang on to all the cards. I never knew what to do with them until we started this tradition. LOVE mpix. Still need to order cards. Pick me!

Michelle Z - I send a photo card every year. This past year, we went to the Grand Canyon, and I had big, BIG plans for the photos that I’d take for this year’s card. Then I settled into my seat on the plane and remembered that my camera was on the front seat of the car back in the parking garage.
In my continued disappointment, I still haven’t chosen a picture I really like to use for this year’s card, and I told my husband that maybe, this year, we’ll send Happy New Year cards.

Liana - My tradition is to think about the card for months…then finally order something a few days before (or after) Christmas and rush to send them out.
Love your advice, though– I will be in the picture this year!!

julie f. - i SO agree with your sentiments about the WHOLE family being a part of the picture! thanks for putting your thoughts out there… maybe people will listen to you 🙂

Annie - Those designs are all so beautiful! I always just send out a photo card, so winning this would be great!

donna - oh it’s so difficult for me to gather up my six kids in one place at one time and actually have them look decent enough for a photo!!! so far this year i have not taken the picture – i think we will have to meet at a halfway point between our home and the 2 colleges my kids are at over this weekend!

Melissa Shepard - ha ha funny about the 10 lbs!! I do that! I just can’t ever do a summer pic for cards… has to be winter!!!!

angela - I send a family photo card every year which now includes the kids and grands. It gets harder and harder every year to get everyone together! Next year there will be seven children under five…..oh dear! Going to my mailbox for cards is one of my favorite parts of December!

Gina - I am one of those who does not like to be in front of the camera so we send a photo of the kids. The past few years my husband has chosen the card design and he has done a good job of it!.when I had 2 and then 4 kids I would mail them Dec. 1st after spending Thanksgiving weekend taking/or choosing a photo and addressing envelopes. Lately it seems we mail,them out the week of

MegM - In the past, I usually send out a family picture but last year I didn’t like the way I looked so I just sent one of my boys. That might be the case again this year too if I”m have a bad hair day again.

andrea - I’ve sent cards one year the first year we had a baby and have failed ever since I always have good intentions and this year would be perfect since we now have two four legged family members and our family is complete, feeling a little guilty

Southern Gal - Since my two oldest children were 4 and 2 I have sent picture Christmas cards. I love going back and looking at how they’ve grown (23 and 21 now). But now I take the picture of my children, my son-in-law and my two granddaughters. I never get in the pictures. We’ll have to see about changing that next year.

Siew - I used to be really, really good at sending cards but now I’m lucky if I even get our annual calendar done (presents for aunts, uncles and grandparents). I’ve really been meaning to try this year. Honest.

Amy M. - My sweet husband has done our Christmas letter as long as we have been married. He tells a little about the whole year and includes pictures. I love that all of them tell our life story! So fun. We did add an actual photograph a few years back too.

Jennifer - We have a family tradition of always getting a cocoa or coffee (for the parents)and going for a ride to look at Christmas lights. We play Christmas songs,and our kids almost always fall asleep! It’s very sweet!

Camey - I totally agree, I want to see my sweet friends’ faces!! You are preachin’ to the choir. I try to take a fun pic family pic every year…think this year it’s going to be us holding mustache’s up to ourselves and the quote will say, “We whisker you a merry Christmas!”.

Linda R. - We send a family photo with a letter. But we only get it done about every other year. I’m not always that organized! And you’re right about getting in the picture. My husband hates getting pics with only people’s kids in it. So we sure won’t do it to anyone else…even though our kids are way cuter than we are.

Jacci in Ohio - I totally STINK at cards!! Like, really, really bad 🙁 In 12 years of marriage… I think I did it ONCE. Isn’t that awful??? But, this year, we were on it. We took a photo over the weekend and I’m ALL set. I was planning on using mpix, so this would be GREAT!

Kim Y - We send cards and photos of the kiddos, they are much cuter ;0)

Jody - I know, I know, I always hated just seeing friends’ kids – but now that we have kids – we do the same thing!!! I can’t get it all together to look decent for a photo too – ugh!!! So pathetic, I know!!!

Kim Y - We send the kids picture 😉 they are much cuter than we are..

Sam Andrews - We send photo cards. Every night at dinner during the holiday season, we open the Christmas card s we received that day.

Angie - We do a newsletter and this year will be our tenth edition.

angie - i always send a card with a picture of my girls… the last several years i have used individual pics of them… i’m excited this year because i had their pictures taken together for the first time professionally since they were 2 and 6… they’re now 6 and 10… merry christmas to you and your family!

Rachel Spin - We try to do a photo card, sometimes we do a 4×6 photo inside a card, sometimes we do a letter & photo & card. I think the separate photo allows the receiver to keep it out past the holidays or even frame it if they want to.

Karen Gerstenberger - We do send photo cards. I have wondered if it was time to stop that yet, but Gregg (usually Mr. Thrifty) says, “No.” So we choose the photo from all the ones we took during the year, and then they are printed at Costco. I have a system for labels, and this year, I listed our “Top Moments of 2012” rather than writing a letter.
If I had known that David was going to go SKYDIVING in Switzerland last weekend (while he is studying abroad), I might have chosen one of his photos instead of the tame, on-the-beach-in-Canada pic I used. But that activity was a complete surprise to us! I’m still giving thanks that he survived. BOYS!

lora - We started sending out Christmas cards the 2nd year we were married. we send a photo card with a family photo. And yes, we all are in it, not just the gorgeous toddler.
I usually write a quick note to faraway friends and family on the back.

Jenny B. - I used mpix this year for my Christmas cards, and just received them yesterday. They look AMAZING! I am so happy with them! AND they were way cheaper (even without a coupon) than the company I used last year. AND the quality was WAY better. Win-win! I love digital scrapbooking, so I uploaded my own 4×8 design. I could not be happier with them! I am in the pictures. 🙂 I agree with you – I want to see my friends, not just my friends’ kids.

Lori H - Our Christmas card tradition is spotty, to say the least. Some years I get them out, others I don’t. It all comes down to getting a photo in time. Now that my kids are older, they want a say in which photo we use and do they ever agree on it?? NO. And like you said, I send a photo of the kids, no parents. But you are so right, I enjoy the ones with the grown-ups more because I miss them! This year we are behind already so maybe I can get a photo of all 4 of us. Thanks!

Jennifer - I am one to send a picture of just the kiddos, but I have been inspired to jump in front of the camera this year 🙂

Kim - We always send a photo card of our children. My husband & I are included in the family photo about every third year, along w/ a letter.

Brantlee - We usually send out photo cards but haven’t gotten around to sending them the past two years. Maybe this is the encouragement we need to get it done!

Melissa - We send a card and a letter. But if I don’t get on it I won’t be sending anything. 🙂

Deborah - Some years I send them and some years I don’t….what a terribly inconsistent “tradition”, huh? I hope to send a picture Christmas card this year…..and I am a HUGE Mpix fan!!!!!!!!!

Jen - I’ve been working on a card on their site since the last post that you included them in! They’re so great. I can’t decide on just one.
I sent a photo-card and letter one year. Then that was too much. And I realized that I read the letters that came from a few people, but mostly just skimmed them.
And Amen! to including yourself in the photo! I’m actually looking at a design that would have a picture of our whole family on the front – on the back it would have two pictures with just our boys – perfect! All the family that could care less what we look like get to bonus pictures of the kids:)

Hannah T - I usually do a photo card with no letter. But I am feeling lazy this year so it might be just a regular card:)

Jolie - I send a card and a letter, and I make the hubs and I smile too! I love to see my friends, so it is important we are in the picture too! I keep them every year, and I figure when I’m like 80, it will be fun to look back at them;-)

Shelly Clark - I love sending Christmas cards, I always, always have. I use to have a Christmas card signing party the night before Thanksgiving, where I would invite my girlfriends over and we would all work on our cards. I would pull out all of Christmas stamps, and bags of confetti. We would listen to Christmas music and eat fudge and drink egg-nog. The goal was to start working on your cards so that you would finish them over the long weekend and mail them out December 1st. I always loved this tradition. As the years have gone by, it has been harder to keep the tradition, but I still love the act of mailing cards, and I try to write something in every single card. I broke down this year and featured the whole family in the photo and not just the cute 10 year old. In these days of FaceBook only greetings, I so want to keep the tradition alive.

Cass M - Sending out Christmas cards is honestly my favorite tradition of the year! Biggest stress? Getting a good enough (for me!) photo!! 🙂

Julie H. - I have totally gotten out of the habit of sending cards but I REALLY want to again!

Patti - Photo christmas card with all of us on it. I gave up on a letter yeeeeeaaaarssss ago! It’s enough of a challenge just to get the photo cards done. Still working on it….

Elizabeth Van Kort - i don’t have a tradition, but would love to start one! my hubs and i are expecting our first little one, so i know that i really need to start this tradition now!

Allison - I’m terrible at sending out cards. We never get our family pictures done in time. Those are some really cute designs!

Meg - Never used to send Christmas cards but we had a baby last year and that changes everything doesn’t it? I like your advice about getting out from behind the camera… I would love if we get some cards this year where we can actually see our friends instead of just their kids… So I will follow that advice too!

Happygirl02 - My husband and I started our family very early in our relationship. Because of this, we’ve always made it a priority to carve out time for ourselves to keep our marriage healthy. Something we’ve done ever since our little ones were born was to open our gifts to each other on Christmas Eve. We light candles, play music, and exchange gifts. It’s a sweet time that we both enjoy. Then, Christmas morning arrives and we have crazy fun opening family gifts!!
Merry Christmas!

Lisa - We always send a picture of all the kids, but never include my husband or I! I think you are right we need to change it up this year and make sure we include ourselves in the picture!

Maria - We love to send out a family photo but it’s getting really hard with kids getting married and moving away…this year it might just be a pic of the house with a “Merry Christmas from our home to yours”

kim - We usually send a photo card that has the nicest picture from the year of our family and then individual pictures of our 3 kids. (We’ve never had professional pictures done so we just choose whatever pictures we think capture our kids and us the best from that year…the closest “professional” picture we’ve had done of our family was one that our mutual friend Jess took of us during last summer’s vacation to the coast of Maine…have you ever been there? you should, and stop by to take our first ever professional pictures!) 🙂 This year we’ll just send a card and a picture of our family, unless of course I win these lovely mpix cards. 😉 Merry Christmas!

Cathie W. - Sadly, I only sent them out when I was single and my cards included a pic of my dog. One year she was dressed as Santa. Another she was tangled in sparkly garland. Each year she had a ‘SAVE ME!!!’ look on her face. Now that I’m married and have kids, I’ve had intentions of sending cards with pics of our little family, but have never done it.
Someone above stated they sent cards out at Valentines…I really like that idea! So much less stress and pressure than during the Christmas season.
Well definitely have to consider that!

Holly Drown - Each year, we sent a Christmas card that is either a photo card or has a photo in addition to the card. A few years ago, we also started writing a family letter to send with the card and photo.

Heidi Henderson - I use to send cards with pictures of each kid, now I am lucky if I get the cards out. Would love to do picture cards as I have never done them, and everyone is…

Missy - I love to send out photo cards – I get coordinating outfits and wrangle a friend to take our picture. I haven’t yet done it yet though…..

Diane P - I have been including a picture of my kids’ visit with Santa with our cards every year. Every year they look that much bigger sitting on his lap!

Catriona - In the UK, most people buy packs of charity Christmas cards where a percentage of the sale of the cards goes to a particular charity. I have never seen American-style family photo-cards here; when we were little we used to get some from American family friends and we thought they were really funny! I only send Christmas cards to family and friends that live far away, not to people we see all the time, and I prefer to buy cards that celebrate Jesus and God’s love for His world. We hang all our cards up and then cut them up for gift tags and decorations for the following year. I love them!

Jennifer - Christmas card and letter, lots of work but so worth it 😉

Heidi Henderson - Well I use to do pictures of each child with a card and all, now it is just a card I never have time for a picture and it just all gets away from me… ugh would love to will and do acctually picture cards, as have never done them.

Kirsten J - Yes I always send cards. Sometimes my husband forces me to. Sometimes I feel it, sometimes I don’t. And I hate when he makes me feel guilty for not sending one. So I force myself, I guess. And you’re right about the whole “who are these kids?!?!?!?” thing. *sigh*

Lisa Lichterman - I always send a picture card! I love them! & now that we have our little Oliver (he is 9 months old) I am SO excited to send out our card this year! He has stolen my heart 🙂 Happy holidays!

Tracy - My Christmas card tradition is…nonexistent 🙁 Ever since my twins were born (my 3rd and 4th kids), I’ve never sent a holiday card. Life is so busy. This is JUST what I need to kick me back into the tradition!

Sarah - I love to take my own picture for the cards even though I get professional pictures taken every year, I think it makes them fun!

Karina - I usually send out photo cards but I’m not sure what I’m going to do this year. I just had a baby a few day ago so I don’t have any current family pictures. Maybe, I’ll just send a picture of the babies. Everyone loves babies, right!?

Meredith - We just put our boys on our cards and we send out approx 75. I send to all the family, even if they do not ever send me a card. I think it is important. I picked out a few of the cards that you did as well, when I went through last week.

Terri Lynne Barrington - We always make silly faces for our family christmas cards. The playfulness makes me happy and helps send the message to have a ‘merry christmas’.

Audrey - We’re hit and miss…a couple years ago we sent out a Valentine card instead of Christmas. 🙂 This year, we’re on after an impromptu family photo shoot on the bed!

Christie Smith - I always try to send out christmas photo cards, but I’m really bad about writing a letter.

Larissa - We usually do a photo card with our family in the pic dressed in holiday garb! It’s usually a stressful session, but we make it! I haven’t made mine yet, so would love to win!

Jacqui Warren - I send a picture each year – usually with EVERYONE – including the dog! Need to get on it for this year!

Amanda - Sometimes I send cards with no pictures…sometimes I don’t send anything. But this year I have already decided to do the picture card because we’ve never done one 🙂

Amber B - we usually take our Christmas card picture in the summer while we are on vacation 🙂

jaimie - Since having the kids, we send out a non-traditional pic of them.
Happy Holidays!

Janelle Shultz - for our family card i get a bit more lax with each passing year it seems. however, the past 2 years i have made our card instead of having them printed. i usually include a letter but have not done that for a couple of years…i always feel like i type up the same ol thing! i might have to do a favorites list or something to that affect. the year i didn’t—> i was told by many that they missed it! just all really boils down to the time i have. 🙂

Cathy - Some years we send and some we don’t. Only once have a done a picture one and I truly did love it, just never seemed to do it again. This year I just have cards to send.

Maria - We usually do a kids only card…with all our friends on Facebook I feel no guilt for not putting us on there since we post on there all the time. 🙂
We got a great shot at Disney world this year for the picture we chose…getting ready to get them done, so this would be perfect.

Lisa - I used to make my own cards and send out a photo of my boys (last year was a family photo) This year, no homemade cards and maybe no photo! Unless I win some cards from mpix…. 🙂

Charlton - I send out homemade Christmas cards and usually try to write a little note to that particular person. I figure between the blog and facebook, they know what’s going on with me, so I don’t send a letter.

Kathleen - I send out cards with our family picture and usually include the dog’s picture too ! I used to write a letter and send it with all of the cards, now I send letters to just my great-aunts and a few cousins that we don’t see very often. I do enjoy getting letters and photo cards in the mail this time of year !

Tiffany - U are mean. I haven’t sent a card in maybe 4 years and before that, yep, just the kids. Dammit. I gotta get it done this weekend, guilt on my heart. People need this face in their lives, with lip gloss of course. ha!

Chelsea - We try to get a card out every year with all of us in it. Still working on it for this year….thinking we may switch the card to a black and white so I don’t have to try to have everyones outfits color coordinated 🙂

Kimberly Dial - When my boys were growing up, our family sent a letter & a snapshot but then they grew up (sniff, sniff) & a regular store bought card was what I sent but then … the grandchildren came (insert “Hallelujah Chorus”) & now we send a Christmas card (which I have always made at Walmart) with all their pics on it. You make a good point about including a pic of yourself along with the kids … I mean really, these days with all the pics on social media, everyone already knows I haven’t dropped those 10 lbs! 😉

Angela - We send out an ecard designed by my husband and iPhoto. 🙂 But I suppose, if I won, I could be coerced to send out an actual card!

Dena - I send a traditional card with a picture collage in it.

Alisa - I send a Christmas picture and a letter and every year it stresses me out, but it is always worth it.

Katie G - I have never done Christmas cards, but would love to start!

Amber P. - I try to send a card. Try being the key word here. I like to include a picture because I like getting pictures!

Amanda - Busy years, my Christmas card becomes a Happy New Year card. :/
If I win I promise to use a photo with me and the hubby in it, too ’cause I’m one of “those” that only does my Christmas card with my children.

Kari - I have the desire to send cards, but it never gets done. I mail out two and hand deliver the rest. Mostly because I wait until the week before Christmas to even start thinking about cards.

Amy M - I always have good intentions to send out Christmas cards but usually get too busy. This year I’m determined to do it. I want to do a picture card with my boys and I. Two dogs, a horse, and me…that should be a fun photo shoot! 😉

Betsey - Usually, we shop the day after Christmas for next years cards…Papyrus. But, this year, we have a new little guy that I can’t wait to send out Christmas picture cards! Yippeee!!!!!!!!!! and so much easier. Last year I loaded our entire address book into the computer and now have labels to make things even speedier! Super fun!

Cynthiaj - I meant “Kramer’s”. Anyway you get the gist.

Tina Jacobsen - I always send cards! I love getting them and sending them!! I usually send picture cards!

Cynthiaj - These are all very sweet. However. Am I the only one who cringes at “Jensen’s” or “McGregor’s”?… Misused apostrophes are my pet peeve. It’s the editor in me I guess.

GB Jost - Ok…we save all of the Christmas cards that we get from year to year. Then instead of using gift tags for the christmas presents, we cut the “picture” part of the card (unless it is a photo) and use that picture as the gift tag! Fun! GB

Shelley C - I will this year, if I win!

jill - We used to do lovely letters. Now it’s a quick pic of the kids and a nice card. It makes me feel a little lazy. 😉

Robin Canter - My Christmas cards must always have kind of glitter on them. I love it when I get this kind because glitter ends up everywhere and it looks so festive!

jen - i send out about 60 to 70 cards each year with a letter and picture. this year there will be two picture as one is a gag one…but it will be only of my kids – i am so NOT photogenic! ha! one year i was in it but that’s was the year we go pictures done but you never know….happy christmas to you!

Kristin S - Yes, yes, yes!
I’m in a weird spot, though. I’m in full-time ministry with a team of ministry partners who support me financially. And, I’m single. It feels beyond weird to send a photo of myself every single year. Just me. Wah-wah. I do always receive kind words about my photo.
My biggest pet peeve? Christmas cards/photos with JUST the kids. I want to see you, my friends! I love your kids, but I like seeing entire families together.
I’m also a big sap who loves to flip through the previous year’s cards on December 1st before adding new ones to my bucket.

Kate - I agree with you that family and friends like to see the adults, too! 🙂 Even before we had a kid, my husband and I would send a photo card of the two of us to our family and friends. Our parents and grandparents ate it up. 🙂 Now it’s even more fun to have our cute son in the photo, too.

Jane M. - The week before Christmas I dress up the kids in front of the tree. I then proceed to yell at them to smile and stop making goofy faces and please look at the camera. Ahhhhh, good times!
I will get in the picture this year,I promise!

beth - I waffle (ha!) back and forth. My ideal is to get out cards WITH a family (all of us) picture in it AND a letter. But sometimes I don’t get ANYTHING done. But this year I’m determined to do it all!

Juanita - I always send out a photo card. Except I skipped last year. But this year is the first Christmas with our little girls so of course I had to get back on track. 🙂

Jen L. - We have no tradition! Was thinking of sending out a photo card this year though!

Ali - My husband is an artist so I “commission” him to do our card each year. Some years it’s a simple illustration and one year he did a select few screenprints of the nativity story. We don’t send a pic of us with the card, but I hope to remedy that soon! With just two of us, our self-timed photos aren’t always the best…. 🙂

Heather S. - I send out a picture card every year. It usually has several photos on it, collage style. I include pics of our family, just the girls, etc. This year I couldn’t find a.single.picture. of our whole family. Not one. That must be rectified. As soon as hubby returns from Honduras (putting in a well) we will go get professional family photos done. So, the card this year is a collage of our vacation to the Florida coast – with *warmest* wishes for a Merry Christmas!

Analia - I LOVE giving and receiving photo cards like these! They are not so expensive and that means a lot to us since my husband is going to dental school.

Jana - We always make Christmas cookies!

Jackie - No real traditions at our house yet but since our little one is almost 2, I feel like next year will be a whole new story once he figures out what the holiday is all about!

Aimee - My Christmas card tradition is to wait too long to get started on them and then to frantically get them done in time. Haha. I’m one of those who just uses pics of my kids though.

Laura @ BTB - We make ornaments with old one’s that come in, including pictures of friends and family. We’ve sent them out before, but it’s been a few years. This year is a new year. We’re sending them again!

Hilary - I usually send out a christmas card with a photo of the entire family – but this year we might just be sending out an e-card, to save paper and postage!

Laura Wilder - Seriously this is what happens every year- Get super motivated in like October, pick out paper, try to make them in November, forget, go hard, miss my December 5th deadline (self imposed), not like the cards, try to find last minute store bought cards that perfectly convey the message of Christ without being too overwhelming, find the box of unsent cards the next October. 🙂

April - Christmas cards are the one tradition we DON’T have. Every year is riddled with good intentions to get the cards ordered but it’s never happened. Now that our family is complete (newest addition born in June) – I NEED to make it happen this year!

Beth K in CO - I send a picture card every year – except one year where I got the cards done, but never mailed them. Oops! I try my best to get them done by early December, but that rarely happens – usually by the 20th they are all in the mail. Thanks for the chance to win cards from mpix. I love mpix!

AmandaK - Love mpix! I’ve totally been eyeing the round cards too!
I have GREAT intentions every year, and in the hustle and bustle of school Christmas programs, church Christmas programs, shopping, parties, banquets, and family Christmases, I usually don’t end up getting them done. 🙁

Janet C - I have good intentions of sending cards, but some years time gets away from me. Like this year. Is it really 3 weeks until Christmas? Sometimes I send Happy New year cards if I miss Christmas.

Lennie Jackson - Those cards are amazing!!! Thanks for the chance to win. I always do a picture of the kids for Christmas….maybe this year my husband and I will squeeze in the photo :)!

stephanie - Oh yay! Thank you for the opportunity!
I have been sending out Christmas picture cards for a LONG time now–like since 1998. One family that my parents have known since before I was born has always sent them a picture of their whole family at Christmas (before the days of Christmas picture cards) and I always thought that was the neatest idea, so I have done it almost every year.

Stacy M. - Normally we take a picture on Thanksgiving to put on our card. This year we didn’t get it done. I have no idea what will end up on them this year.

Erica Haude - usually just a picture, but this year we moved and so I’m actually considering writing a letter to update people on life. we’ll see if I get that done!

chantelle - I used to be good about sending picture cards that my husband would format and print for our families… but since our separation, everything has been so out of whack. And I’m not good at formatting. At all. This year I have been REALLY BAD about taking candid photos of me and the boys, but I really want to send a one page letter with a note from me and the 8 y/o, and then maybe a super cute drawing from my 4 y/o. Your tradition of writing about a fun story from this year is excellent. Thanks!

holly - I have been very random with getting out christmas cards in the past, but i just got married in august and want to muster up the effort to get out a picture card this year!

Lisa B - I’m the same about wanting a FULL family shot from friends and family!
I’d say my family’s tradition is one of good intentions . . . 🙂
If I win this, it will happen for sure this year!!!!

Jessica - I always send out cards. Lately, they have been picture cards with just the kids. My tradition is that I am notoriously late getting and sending my cards! I have sent them as late as Christmas Eve. I still haven’t taken the picture yet! Egads!

Erin - I have no tradition…but I’m trying REALLY hard to do it this year!!!

Nellie Jane - Well, this is only my second Christmas as a married woman, so I haven’t really figured out a tradition for myself yet. Though I definitely want to send out something this year! But my family loved getting cards and pictures – after Christmas was over, we would collect them all in a basket and each night each of us girls (there are five of us) would pick out a card and pray for that family. It was a beautiful way to finish off the Christmas season. 🙂

Hannah S. - We always send a card… picture card. I would never get them out if I wrote a letter too. I am about to order mine from Mpix!

Kacie - Mom always used to send a letter and pictures (the best was the year that she included what we wanted to be when we grew up… and my sister said, “A race car driver with Colin (our brother) in the backseat waving a flag!” Priceless.
Now that we are all grown up she just includes a couple bullet “highlights” on the back of the picture.
Which I have also adopted for my little baby family.
Christmas cards are the best. I love going to the mailbox this time of year.

Lori Austin - Typically a photo card, but sometimes I go with an old fashioned hand
written card with a photo inside.
Btw, hope your week is looking up and Miss Annie is feeling better.

Suzanne - I do the picture thing for our cards. Simple works best for me, or no cards would ever go out!

Karie - My goal is always to do a picture and a letter. Some years, just the picture has happened. Hoping to do both this year!

Alice H - I love the idea of the family letter thing! Usually I send a picture of all of us. And I try to get them out by December 1st but this year I didn’t get any ordered 🙁 thanks for the giveaway!

Stacy - We send photo cards every year so everyone can see how much our family has changed!!!

Annie Pickle - we send out copies of vintage postcards! (and a photo of the kids to relatives!)

Rae - I send cards every year and I LOVE getting them. I leave them up most of the year so I can revisit them. So much fun. I LOVE getting mail and this feeds right into this!

Staci A - I usually send a photo card of the kids.

Sharla - Photo card and letter. I keep thinking I’m not going to do the letter, but I love it when I receive letters so the tradition goes on! Love your family packet idea

Kristi B - We almost always send a Christmas card with pics of our family. - Jim and Shirley Goering got us onto writing Christmas letters. But we include lots of photos on the letter. We send out to about 60 families I think.

Molly B - We always try to send a picture card of the three boys, since we live so far from family

rachel - I’m gonna start that Christmas Card giving this year! So excited!! 🙂

Susan Allen - I love to send cards with a picture…but we moved right before Thanksgiving last year and I didn’t send out any cards in 2011. This year I’d love to send out a photo-card that shows our family by our fireplace and decorated mantel. I love receiving cards/pictures/letters, too. It’s so fun to see & read what family & friends have been up to over the year! Merry Christmas and God Bless! Susan A.

Amy Moran - Wow! I love these cards, especially the color combos. I’ve never heard of MPix. I typically order from Shutterfly. I really like the photo you chose, and would probably select the same for our photo this year. I have framed photos of my cards, from the last tree years, on my desk at work.
Every year, except one, since my girls were born, I have sent photo cards. Receiving cards from my friends is one of my favorite parts of Christmas.
Thank you for sharing this post.

Lisa - We’ve been sending Christmas cards for years. To receive them, you really have to send them. 🙂 We usually try to come up with something unique for our picture (one year my baby daughter looked like she was hanging inside a stocking with us standing beside her by the fire – my husband is a graphic artist!) This year I have no ideas, and with things being tight, I’d love to win this give away!

Terri Fretwell - I send Christmas cards. I am always late when it comes to wanting to do the picture cards like the ones from I would love to be able to do that this year! It is an awesome giveaway. Thank you both! Merry Christmas!!

Heidi - Bwah ha ha! Christmas cards? Most days I can’t pull it together enough to take a shower. Christmas cards are out of the picture. (Although, if I won, I most certainly would take a shower and a picture of me with the hubs and the kiddos!) The only year we’ve sent out Christmas cards was the year we lived in Hawaii and we kinda wanted to rub it in everyone’s face by sending them a card with a Hawaiian postmark. We’re thoughtful like that.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - We send a picture. . all of 5 kids and me and hubby. . I agree with you, your friends want to see you too. We also send one of those typed letter. . we try to keep it short and we think interesting. One year we simply did a list where we each shared our favorite things from the year. One year we each filled in the blanks: thankful for _______. dreams of ________. and will always remember from 2012_________. I also write a handwriteen sentence or 2 to my loved ones. . to make it more special. I did a whole post on that. . on how to make sure you Christmas card is their favorite if you want to check it out:
Oh I could go on and on. . I love Christmas cards.

Jenny - If there is one thing I’m a bit obsessive over at Christmas time, it’s my cards! I always have a deadline in my head, they have to go out by a certain date! A December mailbox is such a happy mailbox, isn’t it?

Christine - I used to send a Christmas card to my grandparents every year as a child! Nowadays, I usually send a card to a friend who lives in another city. Merry Christmas!

Kribss - I tend to send cards to those we don’t see on a normal basis but I’ve gotten lazy. Now that we’ve moved- this would be a great way to start sending them again!

Gretchen - I send a picture of my son most years. Just a candid from vacation or sometime throughout the year. I may be on the card this year since we had professional pictures done.

karen brown - i stopped sending Christmas cards a few years ago so we could use that money towards Advent Conspiracy ( but we live in boston and our family is spread out all over the country. it would be wonderful to send them again…with a pic of coarse!

Amy May - We love to dig out the Christmas movies and watch one a night until Christmas. I try to buy a new one every year.

Shawn - I just usually send a card…last few years have not even got that done. All the designs make me happy. Merry Christmas!

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