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Craft Weekend 2012 was an absolute knock-it-out-of-the-park SUCCESS!!!!!!


this group of girls was A W E S O M E.
we had so much fun…they were excellent crafters….they were funny….they were kind…

they were such a treat.

more pictures to come but for now i have a big day.
first thing…. SLEEP.
second thing….my husband is off work today so we get to have a date…IN THE DAYTIME! sweeeeet.
third thing….it’s talby’s birthday today so i need to wrap her gifts & make her special dinner. 

she took donuts to school today for her class.
it’s going to be a great day.

i hope yours is too.

if not…take matters into your own hands.
go to starbucks.  
or barnes & noble.
or watch modern family on hulu.   
paint your toenails.
read your bible.
take a nap.
draw a picture.
get in a super hot bubble bath.
read a good book.
think about your blessings….corny i know..but it’s true!!!


mondays don’t have to be bad.


okay… im back to bed.

ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzz zzzz   zzZZZZZ z zzzz z zz zZZZz zzzzz zzzZZZZZZ z z z z z z 



Melissa - your craft weekend looks amazeballs. love it. I definitely want to do this. With my mom. I am going to have to tell her about it!!! Seriously…amazing.

Missy Connell - Everytime I see the pictures from Craft Weekend.. I keep hoping that someday my name will be drawn.. meanwhile I will keep reading the posts.. and hoping….

Wendy - hApPy BiRtHdAy TaLbY! Hope your day rocked!!!
PS … my girls love Krispy Kreme too & they are not zombies. 🙂

Becky - there we are! love that picture SO much!!! what a blast. hope you rested up:)

jennyonthespot - Gosh I think you are one of my very favorite people.

karen - oh my gosh…krispy kreme are sooooooo bad for you!! i know it tastes delicious…but so offending to our bodies. and then we wonder why our kids are walking zombies….i’ve been guilty…but no more.

Bethany - Thank you for such a wonderful weekend! Even though I was functioning on little sleep today, it was all good because of the refreshing time that I had with our fun group this weekend. Lots of great memories!

Angela - When thinking about my blessings today, you and Kimberlee and your Craft Weekend awesomeness was at the top of my list. You made the weekend an absolute blast! It’s funny – everytime something would go wrong or be a nuisance today, I’d just let it roll off because I was so de-stressed from a great weekend with an incredible bunch of ladies! God really used you to bless me in an big way and I’m very thankful for that.

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Love this picture! SQUEEZE! I took two naps today, and now know why you often times sleep til noon the day after Craft Weekend. You wore me out girl! 😉 Hugs!

Tanya H - Counting blessings isn’t corny, its mandatory! 🙂
Day dates are the BEST!!

Tiffany Clark - This made me smile so big for so many different reasons. I got home from CW last night at 10, was up this morning at 5:30, had a full day of teaching, and a full night of conferences. Busy, but so happy all day long with the thoughts and memories of CW dancing around in my head. It made it a good day. YOU made it a good day. Thank you. 🙂

April R - I’ll second that 🙂

Heather - Found you via Farm Girl Paints post today. I blogged today about something very similar. Cool how God works to help us see our worth and to be thankful. 🙂

Jessie - Aww, Sunny!!! She is one of my dearest friends and I am so happy she was able to have such a wonderful experience (despite her travel difficulties). Meg- you really do make a girl’s dream come true!!

Kerstie Pederson - NOT corny at ALL! 😉

Sara Torbett - Love the happiness of this Monday post!! So much color and cheer in the CW pic……I second whoever said to watch The Middle (Sue is my fave. on the show. Hilarious) What are you doing for your date?

Juliane - Looks so fun! Glad you are having some good times. It’s always so important to be refreshed and inspired to make your art. Great tips to keep your heart afloat.

Dani - Well… I didn’t know I share a special day with Talby! Happy Birthday to you sweet girl! Hope you have had a great day!!

tiffany gardner - had a super tough morning this morning… thanks for reminding me of all i can be thankful for….

jacki - Wow those craft weekends look dreamy. I’d want to jump into that blue bed. But really, enjoy this rest now afterward and I am sure realize the countless joy and blessings given to all those women who come to your home for such a time of retreat and creativity. What you do is so very unique really.

Lisa - As always, can’t wait to see your Craft Weekend post!

mommyjulia - looks like a fun group of crafting ladies! i thought ashley & little one were going to be there so please excuse my last dorky comment. i musta gotten mixed up somewhere 🙂 happy monday! and happy birthday to talby!!!

Kambria Hunter - I see the bee-u-tiful sunny haynes! you girls look so happppppy!!

Tracy Fisher - I love your craft weekend photo (can’t wait to be there… maybe next year… fingers crossed), the sweet birthday photo (mmmmm… donuts), and the advice for the day. I think I will take it! -Tracy

April - Today, I am choosing to be happier than a bird with a French fry! Thank you for a fabulous weekend!

jackie grandy - You’re right Megan. Let’s be thankful for the little things. I’m thankful that my kids are off from school today and that it’s beautiful out, so we can bike to lunch! Oh, I am also thankful that I slept in till 7:30 this morning. AWESOME! What a treat to wake up to sunshine instead of darkness.
Speaking of great shows, we LOVE Modern Family, but have you watched The Middle or Raising Hope? Those are both hilarious as well. We just finished season 1 and 2 of Raising Hope on Netflix.
Have a great Monday.
Jackie 🙂

Kimberly B - You got me started singing “When you’re worried, and you can’t sleep, count your blessings instead of sheep…” from White Christmas. 🙂 Happy Monday!

lovely little whimsy - i followed along on IG and it looked like a fantastic time! rest up 🙂

Mary - SO fun!!!

Kelly - Megan! You are great…. I absoutely can not wait to meet you in February!

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