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yeah…. i can't find my car keys.
so i am stuck at home.
i had plumbers waiting on me at the Craft House and had to call and say "um… i can't come…i am stuck at home"


i hate when i do things like that.

H A T E.

craig and i switched cars saturday – monday so can't even begin to know where they are.
i haven't had them since friday!!!

this morning at 6:45 i hear annie crying in the bathroom (which is right next to the wall by my bed..3 feet apart)
i get up out of bed and say "annie what is wrong?"  ( i am assuming it's about a hairdo)


i say all kinds of really helpful things like "why did you lock it?" or "just turn it"
nothing helps. 
several minutes go by…
she is stuck and i am sitting in the hallway, criss cross legs… cup of coffee….so tired.
i said "annie…i cannot do this for you.  there is no way to get this door open honey. you have to stop crying and try harder.  otherwise you are stuck in there and will miss the bus"
i am beginning to think HOW will i fix this? HOW LONG till i call the police? what will we do?
she is bawling…sobbing…super drama.
i am on edge.
it's very very early. 
i said "annie…keep wiggling it and maybe it will just unlock"

and then i said "have you turned it both ways? turn it left and then turn it right"


door opens.
and her face covered with tears
and then she starts laughing really hard out of embarassment.


early morning crying makes me want to poke my eyes out.


since i am stuck here in a MESSY house…i thought i would get a few things done.
i painted some chalkboards for the dining room here at the farm.

i will go put away my laundry.

i will clean up the hallway.

i could plan dinner.

maybe i will sew up my rainbow curtains i have been waiting months to do.

or maybe i will fall asleep right here on the couch.

that sounds like a really good plan…
a power nap.

don't judge. 


Hens - We have the same doorknobs– Ours always get kind of loosey, and both my husband and I have been stuck inside a room with a doorknob in the hand! Beautiful doorknobs, but not so keen on the functionality!! 🙂 Just in case, we keep tools to remove the door in each room!

colleen sullivan - When i even “think” about taking a nap, and hear the “i can’t do that’ voice that automatically follows in my head, I now think of you which allows me to at least “consider” it! Sounds like you’ve helped other moms do the same which is a significant contribution to the mental health of stay at home moms.I hope that makes you feel better about the keys.

recruitment cash flow tips - I love it. I wanna see the curtains.

Mary@FindingHealthyHope - oh, dear!
poor annie! 🙂
i would NEVER judge your nap. EVER. 😉

Tanya - BIG oy on the early morning crying… :S
I find it’s more common than not around here with a 3y.o. drama-mama.
Sometimes I go to be at 9 just so I can deal with it in the morning!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - No judgement here Miss Meg! Your story is so funny. I think that thought alot…”when do I call for help”? Reminds me of when my son was 5 and he got his head stuck in between the bannister on our staircase. Know wonder we are so tired 😉

Sue Linse - Hey Meg! Love this post. I had early morning meltdown today due to knots in the hair. And Josh locked himself in the bathroom when he was two and I was 9 months pregnant with Megan. I had to have the neighbor come and saw through the lock! At least Annie will now know how to get out of the bathroom. Hope you enjoyed your nap. Miss you…

ira lee - i need a power nap too!!!!! those are always a good idea, espically after a morning of chaos!

jackie grandy - Oh Meg! As moms, we can all totally relate. I’m ok in the morning when it comes to meltdowns because that is when I have the energy to deal, but come nighttime, forget it, I’m tired and cranky. It just reminds you that when we get nervous or stressed we tend to not see the way out of things, (like Annie in the bathroom) but when we get calm the solution shows itself. As far as the key thing goes, I was on my way to the acupuncturist yesterday and on my way I was frantically thinking of all the things I needed to get done and then all of the sudden, I forgot where I was going. Seriously, I was in the car driving on the same route I always do that leads me to everyplace I go, when I couldn’t remember for like 10 seconds what appt I was going to. It was scary!! When I got there my acupuncturist told me my pulse was stressed, no duhhh! I guess I need to slow down a bit myself and know that it will all get done and what doesn’t get done, is OK! I hope you ended up enjoying your day in recluse yesterday. Somedays God gives us those quiet days when we won’t take them for ourselves.

elissa - no judgement at all. early morning crying (or yelling or arguing or whining for that matter) makes me want to poke my eyes out too 🙂

Rach - LOL. I’ve actually fallen asleep in the middle of the playroom amongst the Legos trying really hard to listen to what the kids are saying to me. No judgement here.

Kate - I hope you had the Best. Nap. Ever.
This one time, Julia closed the bathroom door (she was 3) and then opened the drawer next to the door. There was no way to open the door, because the drawer was blocking it.
I was supposed to have my first my first outing after Nate was born – going all the way to the Chick-a-fil. It didn’t happen 🙂 Can you believe I still remember that?!

lauren - annie is adorable. always take the nap. always.
i have had a kid locked in the bathroom. had to leave kindergarten orientation early to go home and climb through bathroom window to rescue two year old.
i have lost my keys (like, really lost my keys) more times than i can count.
but all i want to know right now is this….can you paint that chalkboard paint on what looks like plywood without priming??

Sharyn Seim - My 5 year old daughter locked herself in our bathroom(in our 75 yr old house). All I could hear was her crying and saying over and over “I want to LIVE! I want to LIVE!” Ahh, motherhood…

tiffany gardner - You always make me feel so normal. I’m not sure what that says about either of us but I’m so grateful to check your blog daily. Thanks. xo.

ann - Hi Meg – we have an old bathroom door like that…and I’ve had to coach my 6 year old out of it! On a sidenote, I recently got stuck in an AIRPORT stall… with literally a foot under the bottom of the door that I had to sleuthly slide under to get out…you should’ve seen the people looking at me!! (I know, gross..a bathroom floor in an airport!) but you do what you gotta do! Hugs from Chicagoland!

Mindy - Oh the doorknob! Glad the tears turned to laughter and that bad mornings can turn in to better evenings. As for the keys I hope they turn up soon. I left mine hanging on the hook of the bathroom a week or so ago – in Target no less! I was in a panic but checked at the counter to see if someone had turned them in. The clerk asked me to describe them and then brought them back to me. Relief. I told her I was so embarassed but she said, oh it happens all the time. In fact that had three other sets. I guess we all have one of “those” days from time to time!

Kim - Can I say that I love reading your blog because you are the most real person on the internet? That is what I would have done – taken a nap.

jacki - oh my gosh, this is just do darn relative to a mother’s day! ya never know what your gonna get, and what pickles come our way. you held your patience with that locked door, i think I might have lost it just a tad! hope you got lots done with being stuck-hope it turned out to be happy housebound!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Judging? Never! I totally hear you. My kids had off from school today, but I (and 1 kid) still had to get up early because Brynn had some type of 4 hour leadership training for swim. I dropped her off and went to vote and realized that I was really tired and still not dealing with the early darkness very well. A nap sounds perfect!

Elisa - I can totally picture you in the hall trying to get her to open the door. I would be doing the same, although I may have layed down.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I had a rough day at school today. Seemed like the kids were all calling for my attention at the same time until I wanted to yank my hair out. Ive never had a day like this before.
I soooo wish I could take a power nap about now. But alas we have a Rotary pancake dinner/voting to still fit in.

Jenn - All I can do is smile and say….I hear ya, I’ve been there and I’m so glad to know you! Its truely amazing how many of us that live in all corners of this country experience the exact same things. Morning tears are the absolute worse….EVER!

Leadia Jarvis - Early morning crying/whining and key loss – two of my real “spirit killers”. They both happen far too frequently over here.

Dianne - I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who HATES early morning crying…and love that you’re not embarrased to say that it makes you want to poke your eyes out. Gotta keep it real 🙂

kate - i love the knobs on your doors!!! - Those old doors can be tricky, huh? We have similar hardware, thankfully the skeleton keys have long been lost so no one can lock them, ha. Although it’s be really to cool to have the original skeleton keys. Hope you find your keys by Friday so I can meet you at Craft Weekend! Yay!

Sara Torbett - Hope you find your keys! I hate losing things like this. Normally dear husband wants me to keep up with his and mine too, which makes it worse! I hope you got to sew your rainbow curtains, can’t wait to see them in all their happiness. 🙂 Do you have a favorite chalkboard paint?

Linda - Oh OH please tell me how you are making the chalkboards! I need to do that!
And there is no judging here! SOunds like a wonderful well deserved day. ENjoy the nap!

S. - I’ve been a total blog stalker for a while now, yours among others. Somehow, we feel like we know you, (us stalkers), through reading your blogs. I also know that you most likely want to keep certain parts of your life private, and I totally get that. Maybe you have answered this in previous posts and I just missed it somehow, but I’m not sure. I also know that you don’t always answer questions people ask, but…I’m very curious as to your living arrangements. I just adore your now “craft house” and wonder why you decided to move? Is this a permanent move for your family? Is your old home only for guests and craft weekends? Haven’t seen many photos of the country house, are you making it your own? I really don’t mean to sound rude, invasive or nosey, but like I mentioned, you do seem like a friend almost. I was very curious and a tad bit jealous, (for lack of a better word), that you could have 2 homes. 🙂
I absolutely adore you and your amazing blog, oh and Waffle!

Iris Brown - You are so refreshing. :)You had me a chuckle. Motherhood is so full of its challenges & rewards.

Maria - No judging here…I’ve been on a super laundry marathon for the last four days…settling in now and about to start my own little power nap…

roganne - oh my gosh. i have totally been in annie’s shoes and locking yourself in the bathroom when you are 7 (me) is a horrific experience. i will NEVER forget that day. on a side note, i can’t wait to see your rainbow curtains 🙂

Katy - I hope that you won’t let your lack of car keys keep you from voting today! Have your husband take you this evening if you still can’t find them- it’s a really important responsibility!

Cari - “Early morning crying makes me want to poke my eyes out.” AMEN!! Happy power napping! 🙂

Kelly - Can’t wait to see the curtains….

Terrie - ANnddddddd…there is no Parenthood tonight. That is a bad day!
Enjoy your nap…
I have no vehicle this afternoon, otherwise I’d bring you some cinnamon rolls & peanut butter twists.
Since, I’m stuck at home…
think I’ll sew or knit another Christmas stocking.
Hope the end of your day is better than the beginning!

Sonja - Judge you? I ENVY you. My kids are at an age that is pretty much incompatible with Mama napping. Tell you what – you go ahead and sleep 20 minutes for me on top of your own nap. 🙂

the domestic fringe - I thought I was the only one who had days like this. My son called to me from his room about two weeks ago. He couldn’t get out. The door knob came off on the inside. Thankfully the outside knob was still on. Sometimes I hate old houses, but then I remember I love them and it’s generally all ok.
But mornings are the worst. I am terrible in the morning. Cannot deal with crying before 10 am. True story.

Lori Austin - Poor Annie. Btw, LOVE that doorknob.
Poor keys.
Enjoy your quiet. 🙂

Angela Atkins - Definitely sounds like a day for a power nap. Go vote if you find your keys though. I just saw Contented Sparrow Megan’s list for Craft Weekend and can’t wait to see what you guys make!

Jenn - You have inspired me to curl up on the couch and watch the DVR’s of Hallmark Christmas shows. Yay!

Wendy - couch + ‘who’s got mail’ = 🙂

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