on saturday morning we hosted Lauren's volleyball team for brunch.
the seniors take turns hosting team meals and it was our turn.
lauren helped make the eggs, kimberlee cooked cinnamon rolls for me and we made it all work.
they were very polite and sweet.
it was a very enjoyable morning!
they all said goodbye and met up at their sub-state tournament.
they won easily!
they were pumped up and full of confidence.
i love to watch a team play like that.

this was when they hit the last point to win the tournament.
so excited!
********************** W I N N E R S ***********************
just the seniors.
this was lauren's last game in this gym.
growing up is always bittersweet.
we will REALLY miss watching lauren play volleyball.
we are so proud of her out on that court.

their student fans wanted in on a picture too.
annie and talby have been to more volleyball games than we could count.
they were proud of lauren too!
last year they got 2nd place…. so it should be exciting!!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - She’s so gorge.
Kallie Brelsford - I remember those days! Going to state was such a great experience! Good luck to your daughter! Either way, it sounds like she had a great season!
Wendy - Awesome 🙂
Barbara (WA) - Of all the great things close to your heart in this post, what I noticed was your fabulous huge table!! Love it!
Jenn - Aw, I love those pics of Lauren and her team mates! Especially love the one with her sisters. Good Luck at State!!!
Rachel Reeves - Meg,
I reading this and all I can do is wonder what it is like to watch your little baby girl stand in front of you, pretty much a woman. I don’t know what that is like as a mother and look forward to it/dread it. How cool and also bittersweet it must be to look at Lauren and remember her as a small little girl and now she is just several footsteps away from being independent and on her own.
I would love to hear how that feels for you-as a mother-and how you deal with the wonderful joy and also the mothers heartache of watching your child grow up….
Oh-and congrats to her team! That is awesome!
Carol S. - Chills. So great. My son played varsity vball in Chicago area last four years, and is now playing club volleyball in college. So miss those games and hope to hit a college game soon. It’s all good, enjoy it and it’s okay when they keep going on. Lucky girl to have such talent and great memories. Good luck this weekend!!
amy jupin - i love seeing lauren on your blog.
she looks beautiful, and dare i say, even smiley in these pictures!
fun happy stuff.
Stephanie S. - Lauren is so beautiful! I’m happy for her team!
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Awww congrats to Lauren. She looks so beautiful and happy! Can’t wait to see where her path leads her as she graduates next year. Keep us posted.
Lori Austin - Fantastic! Good luck at State!!
Lisa - That is such a big deal!!! Congratulations!!! Cant wait to
hear how they do. Ps. It MUST have been the breakfast you served! 😉
Trysha - Lauren has HOPS!! Dang! Congratulations. Good luck at State
Wendi - Wooo Hooo! I can’t believe she’s a senior 🙂
Heather - Go Lauren!!! I know you’re respecting her wishes by not blogging very much about her, but it’s great to see her here when she does pop up. I love her sparkly gold headband! 🙂
Wendi - Wooo Hooo! I can’t believe she’s a senior 🙂
Heather - Go Lauren!!! I know you’re respecting her wishes by not blogging very much about her, but it’s great to see her here when she does pop up. I love her sparkly gold headband! 🙂
Tami C - That’s awesome! Congratulations on a job well done Lauren. (Love the name BTW, it’s my daughter’s middle and my niece’s first.)
Karen Gerstenberger - Congratulations! What a way to go in your senior year! I somehow didn’t connect that she is Katie’s age. Wow.
Molly - wooohooo! coming from a small town in iowa i totally get how big of a deal this is!!!
Kimberlee Jost - yay, Lauren! So proud of you!
Tiffany - Oh wow! Good for her and her team! They look like a powerhouse! Have fun watching and cheering… excited to hear how they do!
Michelle from Vegas - Awesome! Good luck Lauren and teammates. By the way the gold hairbands rock!
Lisa Q - Congratulations!!! Such exciting news! Keep us posted! Let them know there’s a blogland cheering squad pulling for them!
Tracy Fisher - congrats! how fun is that?!!! -tracy
alicia @ la famille - yeah!! i get excited just reading. i LOVED playing bball. LOVED that feeling of a big win. so exciting! good luck, lauren!!
Carrie Lea - So awesome! Brought back memories for me! Good luck at state!
I guess it just registered to me where you lived. My granny (great grandma) lived in Lyons, my papaw grew up in Chase, and we made that drive at least twice a year, often more, I remember going through your town! She passed 15 years ago and I haven’t made that drive since then.
sarah j - goooooooooo lauren! xo
tonya - that’s awesome!!! your girl’s got some serious ups! good luck at state!
Dawn G - Exciting stuff! So many “lasts” senior year, but so many “firsts” to look forward to!
Chris - How exciting!! Good luck!!!
mollie d - My step daughter just won state softball in Missouri. I was amazed how into it we all were, it was so fun…and bittersweet, she’s a senior also. But all the students made the trek to cheer them on and they made it really special for the seniors.
roganne - that’s so awesome! congratulations and good luck at state! here’s to a win!
Sheila P. - Way to go Railers!! Congrats! Those Duerkson girls are gorgeous!
Jennifer Andersen - Wow! That’s a lot of tall girls! I thought your daughter was tall but the girls on her team are even taller!
Dani - Good luck! I want my daughter to play volleyball, but she only wants to sew…. which is ok too!
Emily - Growing IS bittersweet. Geez-that brought tears to my eyes for some reason. Good memories!!
Amanda - So fun! I went to a tour of the high school that day and watched the games for a bit. I didn’t stick around to see Lauren’s game but I saw you walking in as I was leaving.
Sharla - Brings back such wonderful memories – I love volleyball. Good luck at state!
Kate - I’m pretty sure it’s cause of the cinnamon rolls.