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clean water at the farm!

we moved out to this house in the country 6 months ago now.
i don’t know if it has anything to do with being outside of town . . . or just being in a new town . . .
but the water out here did not taste very good.
my whole family commented on it.
also there was stuff . . . little white flakes . . . floating in our drinks.
it bothered me, but i didn’t want to buy water bottles so i didn’t know what to do about it.


so when PUR asked if i would like to try an Advanced Faucet Water Filtration System in our kitchen, i jumped at the chance!
i was thrilled to be able to try something to fix our water problems!

the box arrived, and we looked over the instructions.


it said it was an easy installation, and they were telling the truth!
it took craig about 3 minutes to install it on the faucet we already have here at the farm.

(this is probably the only time you will ever see my sink without dishes . . . enjoy it while you can!)


after it is installed water should be run for five minutes through the filter to get it running smoothly.
and now we can have clean filtered water all the time.


it tastes GREAT!
it’s easy to use for everyone in the family.
my kids have caught onto how it works and like the taste of the new water too!
suddenly . . . they are drinking water more than ever.
i can’t argue with that.
i want them to drink as much water as they can!


the PUR Advanced Water Filtration System comes with a built-in electronic filter life indicator that will tell me when the filter needs to be changed with a blinking light each time we use it.
thank goodness!
because i have to remember one more thing to do . . . it would not get done . . . ever.
so now it blinks a green light when it’s working, yellow when i need to change the filter.
and then a red light if it’s not working at all.
it says it will filter 100 gallons and last up to three months before i need to change it.

and when i don’t need filtered water . . . i can turn the filter off and just run water right out of the tap.


it’s working out great at our little country house.

and my big cups of water have never tasted better!

do you have a PUR Water Filtration System at your house?

Air Temperature Specialists San Diego - Sweet! You sink is well installed. Looking elegant.

Alison - Hi there Valarie…where are you guys located?

valerie - We JUST bought this exact same filter last weekend! I never thought our water tasted bad, but my daughter didn’t like it. However, at church last weekend a physician who is in our Sunday school class told us that our region has the second highest rate of brain tumors in the WORLD – after Chernobyl!!! He highly recommended everyone put a filter on their tap water, so we went out and bought it that day! My daughter swears the water tastes better and will actually drink it now, and I feel better knowing all those nasty toxins aren’t in there anymore.

sharron - we do! love it.

Sunny Haynes - YES! We would not live without one! We love it and as you said the blinking light sure helps me to remember to change the filter!

Cynthia - We use a Brita filter in in house which we have been very happy with. We looked into “Pur” in the past but many friends have said the system breaks easily? Please let me know!

Heidi Jo the Artist - No, but I think we need one!

Maggie - Everyone in my house has a bobble I used to buy TONS of bottled water and these have the filter built right in. I get the best deals at Kohl’s (when they’re on sale + a coupon!), but you can get them at Target too. We even have a baby bobble for the baby 🙂

Jocelyn Pascall - Here in Portland, OR we have pretty tasty water, but when I lived in LA I used one of these and it made all the difference in the world.

Molly - Yes, we’ve had one for over 12 yrs now. It’s worked great all that time. We recently got a new refrigerator with a filter system built in. There is also a filtered ice maker. The girls drink more water than they ever have now. They love filling it up. But, we still kept our Pure on our sink faucet and use it too. - Yes, but I haven’t changed the filter, in like, YEARS!!!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - We live “in town” and all the water is well water (treated of course) but actually tastes really good! Its not heavy with impurities nor over chlorinated. Not bad for “city” water!

tonya - i’ve looked at that a zillion times at target, but haven’t wanted to fork over the money…even though i know we’d ALL drink more water if it tasted better! thanks for the review!

Jo - I bought one of these from Brita and so wanted to use it but it kept popping off. Was the PUR one fairly easy to install?

alamama - I have wanted to get one of these badly. We can not drink our tap and am stuck buying bottled water. You make me want to get one. Hmmm… Love you blog BTW. I am a silent reader (for years).

Susan - I had one and loved it! I don’t have one anymore because of the type faucet I now have but I can get filtered water from my fridge…those filters are way more expensive than the PUR though!

Kat - We have do a PUR Water Filtration System at our house! We all love it in our house. I love the lights to remind me about changing the filter, my boys, 9, 6, & 3, know what the colors mean and will hound me if I’m slow about it. 🙂 I don’t think our filter has lasted 3 months ever. We drink mostly water and we use filtered water for our coffee. Love it!

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