Masthead header

i vlogged.

i repeat myself.

and roll my eyes.

but i am aware of it.


by no means do i think of myself as an expert on any of these subjects.
i am just giving my thoughts on questions that some of you asked.  




thank you for watching.

do you think it's weird to hear my voice?

i do.




Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - I watched this while my kids were napping. Immediately after watching it I closed my laptop and took a nap on the couch. I needed it. Badly. Thanks for the reminder!

Heather - Yeah. What she said. Except Toronto instead of California. I think you’d make the most wonderful friend. Thank you for being you, for your blog, for being here, for the eye candy, for always keeping it real.

lisa currie-gurney - love hearing your voice. 🙂
hugs from my heart

Wendy - Meg-
I love your style all around! I love how thoughtful you are. i love your laidbackness! Also, you look great! Thanks for the vlog.
Your blog is still my number 1! I think that is because you are always yourself and I never sense a certain formula. Thanks for always sharing your heart. I still dream of doing what you do.

Sarah - You look so pretty (I love your lipstick) and sound so professional-now I really really feel like I know you in real life! 🙂 And love your answers-all of them.

Lesley - So stinking’ adorable! Just makes me yearn for craft weekend all the more!

Lesley - Absolutely stink in’ lovely! This only makes me yearn for craft weekend even more!

Courtney - Love your blog and love to get to HEAR from you! You are gorgeous. Keep up being you!

Kasey - I have never left a comment here before, but I have visited your blog for a while now. I love to come here and see all the crafty cuteness you are up to, I love your photography, and I think you might be the most inspiring decorator ever (I’m not sure you’ve ever done anything decorative that I’ve not completely wanted for myself- hehe!!) Thank you for your willingness to share and inspire- I think what you have going here is awesome! Oh- and I want to move to Kansas just to be close to your wonderful barn store that you always visit…I think that might have been where Dorothy was wanting to go when she was clicking her heels together and saying “there is no place like home”.

Michael Kors Crossbody Bags - Ho, tiu video estas bona amuza oh

Lisa Q - you are just so stinkin cute! thanks for being so real….I think that’s why you’re so adorable…you’re so relatable!

Katie - Do I spy a teeny tiny globe behind you? 😉

Tiffany - You are seriously the cutest thing ever. This was adorable!

Beth - I like your vlog and hearing your voice. Also, you have great vlog presence — good eye contact, etc. It felt like you were looking right at me. Not in a weird way haha.

Janine - You are adorable! Thanks for the Vlog. It is always nice to put a voice with the face 🙂

mum of all trades - Your voice is not at all like I’d imagined! Really enjoyed this and hope you do them more often.

jennyonthespot - Since we aren’t neighbors, this is the NEXT BEST THING. 😉

Lindsay R. - Love your vlog!

Sarah - You are adorable! Vlogging is so fun, it’s nice to hear your voice. Thank you for being such a great blogger!

Belinda - The Lattimore Acre - Oh Meg…. you are lovely!

Jenn - Love your voice, love your blog and that you are real just like the rest of us. I know that’s why we all gather here almost daily to see what’s up!

shauna - i love your voice.
i love naps.
i want to come over right now.
i also want to take a nap.
i am annoyed that kansas is so far away.
why did God think that was a good idea?
to make california and kansas so far away….
i feel like reedo and craig should have therapeutic talks about dis-organized women with no schedules.
poor babies.

Jenny B. - Fun fun! 🙂 It’s not weird to hear your voice now, but it was a little the first time I watched one of your videos. I had imagined you talking faster in a higher voice. Not sure why… but that’s just what came to mind when I read your posts. Probably because that’s more how I talk. I think we probably imagine people talking like we do for the most part – until we know how they talk, of course. 😉

Michele - You are adorable!! It was like sitting and chatting with an old friend! 😉 I am with ya–naps are so important!! Especially for new moms. When the kids napped, I napped!!

Brooke - oh meg…you are awesome! I agree with you…schedules don’t work for me either. Can I just say, it was cracking me up how you would start by stating a question…then prop up on the chair next to you. Loved it. Felt like I was sitting across from you at the table. I loved knowing where you were. I hope you are having a great week. I am a big fan of your vlog. What a good video editor you are (those fancy words…wow..!) Your hair is so cute too. Makes me want to cut mine again!
Oh, and I wake up crabby from naps. i wish I didn’t…because I want to nap!

Lindsey - Awwww I loved this vlog! Thanks for answering questions!

Lee Ann - I love hearing you! It makes me really want to be your IRL friend! We’re totally opposite – but that’s ok. Just because I have a schedule for EVERYTHING doesn’t mean I can’t be a little flexible 🙂

Michelle - LOVE your blog! I try to “check in” every day and see what Meg in Kansas is up to! Nice job on the vlog! 🙂
I hope to someday make it to Craft Weekend!!!
You are adorable, Meg!!

northern cottage - you are just WAY too cute! thank you!!

mama lola - awesome vlog! yes, strange to hear your voice, as i thought you would have more of an accent… i’m from up north in canada, so i was surprised! regardless, great advice, love the cardigan, love the blog.
p.s. i don’t think you’re an OLD mum, just EXPERIENCED! big difference!

Becky J - You’re precious!
On naps, glorious naps: I’m pregnant with #3 and I still nap every day. My oldest is over the nap but me and #2 are very consistent, reliable nappers. 🙂 I plan on napping every day I can until my kids no longer can handle it! Or until they join me again for nap time. I SO want to get picked for Craft Weekend but my #1 fear is: will I get enough sleep???

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - Yay for no schedules! You are adorable! xoxo

megan - loved your vlog! you did a great job and i feel like i should have had a cup of coffee while i watched you…it was like really sitting and getting to know you. so sweet…keep up the good work and thanks for posting!

Anne - See ya! You’re so cute!! Thanks for the vlog. You rock.

sara @ it's good to be queen - so fun! love it!!

Sophie - Thank you for this nice chat !! How I love your accent ! For me, French girl, living in the North of France, I am much more used to the English sounds ! So it’s a very good exercise trying to grab all the words and meanings !
Love your blog and pictures ! it’s so colourful, bright, alive !! dont stop please ! hugs

susan barnett - So glad to put the voice with the face now.Love your blog!Love your photos of
life in the country, especially the sunflowers.

elma - I just love this!!I love putting a voice to the pretty face!!! Love your blog~!!!Thanks for sharing!

Lisa - This was fun! Thanks for being brave enough to Vlog – that has to be kinda nerve-wracking. I think you’re so blessed to get to have a Craft House – I love the decor and all the color and creativity that flow in that house! Thank you for holding the Craft Weekends – what a gift you are giving others, to share your creativity and your ideas and encouragement – I think the world is a better place for this. And I think you follow your own advice very well – your blog entries always seem very natural, and you blog about what you want to blog about, whatever comes up at the time. I REALLY enjoy reading your blog! Thanks! [And we Kansans don’t have accents . . . do we ? 🙂 ]

Jessie - Love your blog! You are so cute and comfy looking…well put together. Where do you buy most of your clothes??

Liana - Love it– you are too cute. Thanks for sharing!

mollie d - It’s nice hearing your voice, and to see you live, you’re so pretty!

Jill - you are AWESOME, Mrs. Duerksen!! : ) And I love your blog…all the colors, the craftiness, the realness, your coffee mug, Kansas. Keep up your great work! XO

Lisa M. - I loved this! So nice to hear your voice. And you. look. beautiful! So vibrant. Must be all that running 🙂
Thanks for sharing!

Heather R. - Thank you for blogging. 🙂 And vlogging.

Amy M - It was strange to hear your voice, but it made me smile. You’re even cuter than I imagined. 🙂

Kelly - Today is my fourth anniversary! My sweet husband (after changing our two year old’s poopy diaper – I told him that was all the anniversary gift I needed!) 🙂 went to get a nutella latte for me. So yummy! And I enjoyed it while watching your vlog this morning while he went to work. Nice to “have coffee” with you this morning. Kelly
p.s. I’ve bought several new glass Christmas balls at garage sales/estate sales lately and I’m getting close to ready to fill glass jars with them and have been thinking of you.

Ruby - Thanks for your sharing.
Love your blog, love your sharing.
I always can get some interesting crafts, ideas, and the ways to live from your blog.
it’s totally different from eatern life.
I love to visit your blog, and i am so happy you keep it constantly instead of FB.
Love you using pictures and words to share your life with us. you make it lively.
Thanks a lot.
Of course, love this vlog,too.

Heather - I adore you and your blog 🙂 Thanks for inspiring me! I hope that one day I will be able to turn my creative passions into my career. I love teaching, but I’m finding that I’m less and less able to be creative in my work…

Renae - Aww, it was great to hear your voice! Thanks for doing this, it was fun. By the way, you definitely need to do more fashion posts. You’re so stinkin’ adorable!

Lynn - So fun to see you’re every bit as real off the cuff as you are writing your blog, which has become a perfect coffee break for me with being a work-from-home mom. This little “vlog” makes me feel like I just bumped into a friend by the coffee pot and was happy to take a little longer to catch-up. Thanks for sharing – I really enjoy your sunshine-y style 🙂

Julie - Your vlog was darling. You did a great job. Loving the watercolor picture behind you!

Toni :O) - You are awesome and beautiful inside and out and I’m VERY PRO-NAP as well..HOORAY for NAPS!!! WOOT WOOT!! Has anyone ever told you that you should do a toothpaste commercial? Seriously, you have like the best teeth!! I love your blog, you inspire me to be a better mom and I love the colors, your blog just makes me happy, like that photo of the paint on your wall behind you in your vlog, totally cool! Have a blessed day and thanks for being YOU!

jackie grandy - Awesome vlog Meg! I feel the same way about hearing my voice. I tried to do a set-by-step video on how to make my favorite kale salad, and I cringed when I saw myself and heard my voice. I said, “you know” and “like” way too many times. My daughter videotaped me and we had a chuckle watching it. Someday I will get up the confidence to post one of my videos, but for now, they will be family videos.
BTW, you’re a natural in front of the camera and your joyful spirit totally shines through!

mary - Thank you for your answers. I am a “new” mom of three 4 and under, amen to sleep. I also struggle with a schedule. My Sister in law lives breaths schedule and I keep trying to be a little more scheduled, but it never works. I think it has to do with the creative side of who we are.

Lori Austin - Loved “hearing” from you. 🙂
Wore that same cardi yesterday.
A fun post. Oh and your jewelry is awesome!

Christine - You are so cute. And inspiring to young moms (like myself). It’s a breath of fresh air for someone to say its okay to not be able to do it all. Or act like they have it all together. Although, you sure do look cute and put together!

Denise Spillman - You are beautiful inside and out!!!

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - This was great! Loved it! Thanks!

amber - so fun to hear your voice! 🙂

Jen - Cute outfit, great background, honest answers, and…you have great skin! I enjoyed it.

Dani - That was fun! You have an accent, but that comes from someone with an extremely prominent Southern drawl! I want that picture behind you! Love the colorful paint! So vibrant!

Jessica @ MyArdentLife - You are so cute! I haven’t taken the time to watch any of your other videos but I did this one and love it! I always hate when I “hear” someone’s voice in my head and then find out it’s different – but yours was an improvement on the voice in my head! 🙂 can’t wait for the next one!

Denise V. - You are just as cute as can be! Yes, it is weird to hear youf voice but it is better than the one I had in my head for you so WIN! Keep on doing what you do because I really enjoy it!

anita - Just adore you….love your style, personality, makeup and everything. It makes my day when you have posted. Thank you!!!

Alicia @ La Famille - hahaha….just read shannon’s comment about chelsea handler. i totally see it!!! except, i think you’re cleaner AND you don’t make my ears bleed and make me want to go to confession. soooo, good job MEG!!
love it when you vlog! (just typed flog…NOT THE SAME!) anyway, you’re a super cool part of my day…thank YOU!

Kerry - you’re a darling. and I LOVE your voice 🙂 Go Meg! Kerry x

Becky - I liked hearing your voice, after having spent time with you in person 🙂 Reminds me of your lovely self and your lovely house and the wonderful weekend we had.

Kate - It is soooo weird to hear your voice. And fun.

Lesley - Noooo! It’s not weird hearing your voice. Love it a lot and think you should do them more often!

Hannah Lesley - I just think you are really cute. Love the outfit, hair, jewelry…love it all!

Tracy Fisher - Love your voice. Just how I imagined. And love your necklace. I have the same one… Lisa Leonard? Love it. Okay, said Love enough. Keep up the bloggin… it makes me smile. -tracy

Mary - ok.
this was totally great!
loved hearing your voice, and just hangin’ out, even for just 8 minutes!
such adorablenesss here.
i love your laid back, honest, realness.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Your hair. Love.
And I can’t stop thinking: Chelsea Handler. Minus the blond hair. And all the bleeps. And the short guy.
Nappers unite!

Tami - I totally expected yiou to sound southern. even though i know you are from kansas. ( my husband is from iowa so i should have known.). I guess because i am a southern girl I think everyone should have my accent. Lol. Great job.

Tiffany - I totally agree Amy! With everything except the nap part… but I’m not pregnant! 🙂

amanda - i am so glad i’m not the only anti-scheduler. my husband is WAY into schedules and he’s always saying he wants to fold laundry on thursdays, and deep clean the kitchen on mondays and i’m just thinking, “noooooo! what if i want to knit something on thursday or go somewhere on monday?!?!” ha! i just need space to do what i need to do when i need to do it – i hate being tied down to a certain chore at a certain time – yuck!
unfortunately, i’m also a homeschooler and two of my kids thrive on schedules. it nearly kills me, i tell ya what.

Tiffany - I agree. 🙂

amy jupin - heeheee…
vlogging is funny.
just watching made me feel so nervous.
i’m a total dork.
you did a really great job!
but the whole time i kept thinking, i really love your bangs.
mine have been growing out but i’m sick of them.
bangs are good!
(and you thought you had ADD??!?!?!)

Tanya H - you’re adorable! 🙂

Tania - I LOVED it! You are such a cool, relaxed, honest, REAL blogger.
I am classroom teacher. How about a craft weekend just for teachers? I’d love that!
I follow your blog just to look at pictures of Waffle 🙂

Erin - It’s fun to hear your voice. Your “voice” in your writing style comes off the same in real life speaking so that’s fun! But I would agree that it’s weird hearing your own voice, I never sound as good as I do in my head . . . way different!

Meg - Love it! And I’m a pro-nap new mom… Haha, I want a bumper sticker 🙂

Cory - I love your blog. My dad lived in NW Kansas for years, and it was where I spent a lot of my years. Then I lived in Kansas for a couple years and passed through Great Bend, Beloit, Newton, and lastly Emporia. I miss Kansas so much. I will always carry it in my heart. I wish my dad was still with us so that I had a real reason to go back. I have a question about the craft weekend and I have not seen it answered yet, and am not sure anyone else asked… so, do people sign up for craft weekend together? IE:Friends, Sisters, Cousins, what have you… and if they do, if people are chosen at random, and not necessarily in order (maybe I have that wrong??), how do they seem to make it to craft weekend together? 🙂 I mean, I like that they do, I just haven’t seen where that is something that is an option. :)Thanks for answering in advance. 🙂

nicole i - you are so lovely. i am so grateful i stumbled by your little blog world a year or so ago.

Laine - I already adore you, but if it’s possible, watching this made me like you more, lol. =) You made me laugh out loud when you said you had “ADD qualities”…I am SO there with you, haha. These are all great answers and was such fun to watch. I hope you do more! 🙂

Shara - It’s NOT weird to hear your voice! It’s actually kinda nice! Love all the questions and your answers! I love your unique life choices and your confidence in where you are and why. You and your man following the Lord and guiding your family.

Ana - That was fun to hear and see you. I really love your blog! Thanks.

roganne - this is totally awesome 🙂 props to you for doing a vlog because i would never be able to stand listening to my own voice on mine! also – that is not what i pictured your voice sounding like 🙂

Diane - I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for sharing!

Diane - I love reading your blog and seeing what you’re creating! Thanks for blogging 🙂

Kathie M. - Love it. Keep up your wonderful blog! I look forward to it all the time!

Kristin S - Oh, cutie patootie you! Great vlog. Certainly worth the 8 mins of my time and muting the debate.
Love your heart.

Julie - You’re so cute Meg!! 🙂

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Well, you are just the cutest thing ever. I think I admire you so much because you are so real. True to yourself and not trying to out-do anybody. Can’t wait to meet you at craft weekend next month, and see the awesome craft house with my own eyes! xo
PS..I nap with my kids almost every day! Do we nap at craft weekend too? lol 🙂

Kristin S - Off to watch… need a debate distraction and this is perfect!

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