i had a paint fight with wendy and some friends at our GoPro reunion and wanted to try it with my family.
it was quite an experience.
it was the opposite of everything we have told them before.
which made it hard to accept your brother throwing paint right in your face.
or your mom!

annie was overwhelmed.
she was probably about two years too young for this.
she had a really hard time with paint on her face, on her mouth and near her eyes.
it was a lot for a seven year old…she did great for what we put her through.
tyler threw the last jar of paint on us all at the same time.
oh my goodness i sure do like that guy.
i told wendy i have always wanted pictures in the sunflowers.
even better covered in paint.
she ran into the restaurant and pointed to herself and said "oh yeah!!!! OH YEAH!"
she is such a goofy little girl.
cracks me up ALL. DAY. LONG.
i chose to wait in the car for our pizza.
thank you Blue Lily for a super FUN way to do family pictures.
my kids will always remember it.
and i doubt we will ever do normal pictures again.
this was too fun.
have you gotten on the Blue Lily photo schedule?
they go all over the world.
asia, coasta rica, new zealand, australia, holland, canada, london, NYC and all over the united states.
they even came through KANSAS!!!
family pictures are a way to freeze time.
a special treasure of your kids staying that size in your mind forever.
because you never know what a gift those pictures will be….your family right now….just as we are.
that sounds a little dramatic but it's the truth.
capturing your family together is important.
even if it's in a field of weeds throwing paint on each other.
Danielle - After seeing your post about the paint fight at the retreat I had my friend take pics of my family doing it! It was so much fun! They are actually younger 4&6 but it went really well, maybe because they are boys? I also did clear ketchup bottles intead so we could squirt each other! It worked great! Thanks for sharing a great idea!
betsy - Best. Family. Pictures. Ever!
Why did I tear up seeing all of your happy faces? That’s weird, right? Right.
Love the sunflowers & sun flare & all the bright colors.
Oh, and just for the record … I’d totally be crying with Annie. I won’t even carve pumpkins because I don’t like to get messy 🙂
Barbara (WA) - The coolest family portrait I’ve ever seen!!!
stacie bowers - you are an amazing and beautiful woman, meg!
i’m so glad i know you.
i hope our paths cross again someday.
these family pics are incredible!!
all seven of you will treasure them forever.
i totally agree with you in doing family pictures because life changes quickly.
much love, stacie
Courtney - I think this would be a DARLING Christmas card. We all need bright colors in the Winter 🙂 This would brighten anyones day! How fun!
Katey Deasy - Yes why do boys always have to tackle. Even my husband still gets in on the action. I don’t think they EVER grow out of it. Great photos. Thanks for sharing. Glad to see your older daughter. Been missing seeing her. She is so pretty.
Michelle - Your blog makes me smile 🙂
Lori - Oh my goodness, your eyes have always been so stunning. I remember Shane D. and I talking about them in the cafeteria in 2nd grade. (Weird that I have that memory but true!) And here they are still so stunning in a sunflower field. Beautiful photos! 🙂
April R - thanks for sharing these 🙂 how fun!
<3 the sunflowers and beautiful smiles and Annie's "oh Yeah!"
sarah j - I. LOVE. THIS.
your kids all look so tall and leggy!
Stacey - Love these pictures! Your family is so awesome! I especially love the pic of you & your husband…..looks like he’s looking at you saying, “I love you know matter what you look like!” this reminds me of my families experience at the color me rad run in Columbus, Ohio….so fun & great memories!
Jen Boyd - Entirely too cool!!!!
Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - I would so be just like Annie even though I’m just a little older than seven 😉 What great memories and they are captured forever. Such a blessing.
Angela A - Wonderful pictures of everyone together. Maybe next time everyone of the kids are going crazy you need to drag them all outside with the paint again and let them work it out. I guess that could get ugly (keep Annie inside) but maybe it would work?
Kristin S - As challenging as this was (I’m sure) to meet all ages and personalities, you’ll be so glad to have this memory and these photos!
I love it when all 7 of you are together. I’m sure you do too as they all get older.
Sabrina L - Awesome!! I love these…one day maybe I’ll be able to convince my family to do something similar! We had our first ever family photos taken about a week ago by Blue Lily in Detroit…I CANNOT wait to see them!
tiffany gardner - YOU. GUYS. ROCK.
Amber D. McNabb - That was awesome! Too bad the paint was washable. Your hubby’s shirt turned out great. I would have wanted to keep it and wear it for the memories.
Verna Lantz - That is fantastic! What a special memory for all of your guys, not just the kids. It’s the moments like these that make our lives wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
rebekah - Your photos are wonderful! We had the pleasure of shooting with Wendy just a week and a half ago. Waiting on the pictures is so hard!
Martha - This just makes me smile
Laura - Nov 5 with Blue Lily-Can’t wait! Thanks Meg and your paint pictures are amazing!
Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Beautiful and colorful — a perfect way to capture you and your family!! Love!
donna - I LOVE it. those pictures are priceless. You have such a beautiful family. I was lucky enough to get Tyler and Wendy to photograph my daughter for her senior pictures while they were in Michigan. I was hoping for a family photo session, but 3 of my kids are away at college 🙁 Anyhow, Wendy and Tyler are not only wonderful at what they do, they are wonderful people – we Loved them.
Jocelyn Pascall - Uhm…I love this SO. MUCH. You have a beautiful family and I love all of the colors. What a fun way to capture a moment in time.
christy - LOVE,love the photos! I was just thinking the other day that I have next to NO pictures of me & my son together, let alone one with my husband, son & I. I need to get over my body image issues & just.do.it. Thank you!
Shelley - The most beautiful family pictures ever, seriously looove them! Your smile is as lovely in person as it is in photos! I Sooo enjoyed craft weekend with you, Kimberly and all the others. Can’t wait to do it again!! xo Shelley C
Kate - i’m seeing them in nov and I can’t wait! You are so beautiful Meg. love your face.
Ashley F. - SO much fun!
Karen Gerstenberger - I love this idea…and I believe that Annie will love these photos in a few years.
What a great batch of photos you have there.
I finished my thrift-shop table – the first thing I have spray-painted, due to your inspiration. I put beach glass on the top, and would love it if you would hop on over and take a look. It’s on my new blog:
Thanks for inspiring me, Meg!
Jenna@CallHerHappy - It reminds me of that Modern Family episode with the muddy family picture. It’s the messy moments we remember most 🙂
Trysha - Fun!! I love your family. 🙂 It’s so awesome to look at your kids and see which one looks like you or Craig.
We’re having family photos done this November. We’re definitely not a “sit Dad on the ground and everyone crowd around him” in our matchy-matchy outfits family. We’ve picked out our super hero shirts and have us a Big Bang Themed shoot ready to go. I really think picking the right photographer is a HUGE deal. It’s more than “that person takes pretty pictures”. Those are the photos that you look at everyday in your own home.
Helen Wall - Love this. And love your family. When did sean get so darned big?!
Helen Wall - Love this. And love your family. When did sean get so darned big?!
happygirl - It is so good to see your WHOLE family together. Sweet Annie and your compassion and understanding for her inspire me to be kinder to people. Great pics and it looked like a lot of fun. Cool that you can convince your family to do these things.
Tiffany - What a cool mom you are!
danad@hotmail.com - What a unique and memorable experience!
And if your Lauren gets any more beautiful, you’re going to have to lock her away! 🙂