all the little details of Craft Weekend are part of the fun for me.
the flowers….the food….the fabric…the quilts….the colors….the music….i love the details.
our sponsors send fabulous swag for each of our guests.
i love working with all of our sponsors!
we had several new ones this month too….so fun!
craft supplies make me happy.
it's a fact.
jenny and mari went above and beyond with their aprons.
they were the last to get a sewing machine so they had plenty of time to just keep adding and adding.
patience pays off…their aprons were quite amazing.
but i always love every apron!
we took our field trip out to bearly makin' it and the Mill. (i call it the barn but they call it the Mill)
they were preparing for the arts & crafts fair that is every 3rd weekend in september in hillsboro & marion, ks.
THOUSANDS of women come to these small towns to shop for treasures and crafts
and most of them end up at the Mill too.
can you blame them?
that is THIS WEEKEND…september 15 … should go if you haven't ever been!
it's REALLY fun.
i always end up shopping IN THE PHOTOS!
thinking "i didn't see that white canvas basket….i wonder how much that costs….."

there is something for everyone…even the girls who have to fly home can find smaller items.
we couldn't resist a photo shoot on the red and green doors.
they were so colorful…begging to photographed!
it's hard to get four faces in a self portrait on your phone!
we filled up kimberlee's van with very little room to spare.
each time we take our CW girls out i think "they got the best stuff" and i thought it again this time too!
when we got back from our antiques adventure these girls were so ready to craft!
they were starting before me! :)

we even got to paint with our hands!
i loved getting messy and working on something new.
michelle was encouraging and inspring.
painting is very therapeutic.
i kept these girls busy all evening with several other crafts too.
they worked hard!
lots of color.
they were committed!
this Craft Weekend was our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
we celebrated an awesome year working together.
we both really and truly LOVE our jobs.
this was what time i went to bed on saturday night.
2:47 AM
but knowing that everyone felt satisfied with their projects and could sleep well is a good feeling.
mari and cathy with their finished canvases.
i wanted to take a picture of everyone holding theirs…and i forgot.
too much going on at the end to remember i guess.
i hope we have kimberlee's cinnamon rolls at CW forever.
or at least that i can get kimberlee to make them for me forever.
they are unreal….soft and fluffy with thick yummy frosting.
they are HER OWN recipe and they are worth getting up for after going to bed at 2:47.
and seriously…ALL the food Kimberlee prepares for us all weekend is wonderful!
i am blessed by her thought and time and love that goes into every meal….and especially dessert.
jenny with her loot from the barn and her crafts…she made her bag and her word.
they made plenty of headbands.
we covered wire with strips of fabric and bent it into words or letters.
this was addicting.
we decorated the wood bunting sent to us by our sponsor SayHello Shop. (you need these at your house!!!)
they each painted the back with chalkboard paint and then decoupaged fabric to the opposite side.
i was LOVING these!!!
and the aprons….
they are all just so GREAT!!!
brooke….i am sorry again that i missed your apron.
it was beautiful!

heather from canada aime from oklahoma
brooke from georgia shara from virginia
rebecca from georgia cassie from missouri
shelley from california jenny from oklahoma
cathy from oklahoma mari from oklahoma
michelle from oregon alyssa from kansas
this poor little man that walked by just as we set our timer….he was very confused by us!!!
michelle and alyssa were like super hero helpers!
everything done before asking….meals came together easily…dishes…cleaning…they were such a blessing!
whatever craft weekend has become something kimberlee and i couldn't have imagined.
it's a time of refreshment. it's a time of inspiration for people who thrive on creativity.
it's an encouragement for those who have missed that side of themselves for awhile.
it's a way to meet new friends. it's a safe place to be yourself.
it is so much more than i thought it would be.
i just wanted to make crafts with women.
and here we are a year later….80+ women served….feeling like God has given us an awesome opportunity to serve HIm by serving these women with a time of refreshement and creativity.
they can go home feeling inspired, pampered and ready to be their best.
it's pretty cool!!
to get on the Whatever Craft Weekend wait list…..first READ THIS and then email to get put on the list.
the list is very long BUT we chose by random number so you never know when you could get picked!

hope you have caught up on your sleep and have had a great week!!
Felicity - You’ve inspired me and I start my craft night in 2 weeks! eek!
What wire did you use for the words?
Big hugs xx
Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I wanted to pop back in and let you know I was inspired by your fabric wrapped wire art and did something on a smaller scale with our youth group girls. I just started a youth craft night with them and this was our first project. They LOVED it!
I blogged about it here.
Thanks for the inspiration Meg:)
Penny Smith - OHHH! I think I am really hoping we get to do the wood banner next month! So darn cute!!
Making me even more excited for next month! 🙂
melinda quinn - i am soooooooo wanting to come to one of your workshops….when and where is the next one? peace, melinda
ps…i agree people building is hard! my last one just flew away to college this fall and i am haunted by all the mistakes…broken promises and wasted time! my only saving grace is that love covers a multitude of sins. keep up the good fight!
Jill - Does Kimberlee SHARE her cinnamon roll recipe? I looked for it on her blog but either missed it OR….it is a VERY BIG SECRET????????
Kristina - It’s just always gets better and better! I’m glad the list is very, very long so hopefully one day I can sign up. It is on my bucket list!
DanaD@BoysMyJoys - I know these are two polar opposite thoughts, but…
-I loooove Kimberlee’s shoes!
-Even though I’m on the list, I’d love even more to come to CW as a helper! That’s more my love language. So, if you ever need another set of willing hands, you have a volunteer right here! 🙂
Christel - Wow, I love your aprons!! You have an amazing job!
Eva Scott - Would you consider doing a tutorial for the headbands and the aprons? Pretty please!?!?!
northern cottage - i love your job too! I feel so blessed that we get to glimpse into the creativity and the color and the fun and the love obviously present! thank you girlie!
beki - Yep, you have my dream job 😉
Amy @littlefora - I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to be coming to CW in November! I have been plagued with morning sickness for the better part of 10 weeks now, and i’m treating CW as my reward for getting through it (for the 3rd time now!) Can’t wait to meet you and KImberlee! xo
emily anderson - i want to come!!
mainly because i want to see your craft weekend house. i’m sure the pictures don’t do it justice!
Jamie Van Nuys - there is so much happy going on in this post! I love all of the colors and patterns 🙂
Emily - I want to go to this someday… When my youngest is a little older I plan to put my number in! I would also LOVE to do something like this where I live!!!! How did you start?
elz - I’ll admit that every time there is a Craft Weekend post I get really jealous! I can’t wait for my number to be called; and I plan on bringing an extra huge suitcase for all the fun. Love those letters, what a great new addition.
Melinda - I know Shelley! We went to high school together. Such a sweet girl. I hope I can make it some day!! Happy Anniversary!
Jessica - Loving the wire words! I think it would be a great craft for my daughter’s upcoming birthday party! What gauge wire did you use?
Flower Patch Farmgirl - It’s so fun to watch your life become even more of your dream. And I can’t stop loving your hair. And I want a roll. And you’re probably still awake right now…just like me. haha.
melodee@polkadotnotebook - you girls are just adorable. I wish I could just step through my computer screen and be in the craft weekend…I love the pics from it all! so inspiring, so cute, looks sooo fun!
Tiffany - I still feel like I’m in dreamland thinking about my turn coming up soon. Every CW post just gets me more and more excited! You have found your calling! Thank you for blessing other’s lives with it!
Kristin S - So fun to see the faces of the women for whom I prayed!
Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love how the wire letters turned out – that was a really cute idea instead of making the necklaces! xo
Mary Jo - Wow! Looks like so much fun! Were Becky and Robyn from Canada twins?
Anne - Wow! Every time I see one of these posts, I cross my fingers and hope that my name will get drawn next! What an amazingly fun weekend it looks like y’all had. I love, love, love the fabric wrapped wire words! Are they wire hangers, or thinner gauge? The link to Jenny’s page isn’t working for me. What’s her blog, please? I love her green pants! So fun!!
Shara - You SHOULD love your job!!!Fulfilling your calling, what an amazing way to serve, thrive, and give! Thanks again to all you wonderful ladies who made the weekend such a time of encouragement and inspiration! Even on a limited amount of sleep, it rocked!!!
tania - I would love a tutorial on the fabric headbands! They are adorable!!!!
tania - pleeeeeease do a tutorial on how to make those fabric headbands! So cute!
Georgia - I will come to craft weekend some day… I just need to save up the money for a flight from the UK! i am wishing on fate that when i have the money i can come… *fingers crossed* x
Brooke - Meg, it was so fun. Just an amazing time to hang out with other amazing women, with amazing food and fun crafts. The house is DREAMY! I wish you could come to Georgia and arrange all my stuff to be as AMAZING as you have done in the craft house. Maybe your next job should be to style homes…for people that have your amazing style!! I’m glad we were able to be there for your one year anniversary. Such a great weekend.
I hope you aren’t trampled by the 50,000 craft hoarders coming into Kansas this weekend…. And, you should love your job! You are great at it!
Brooke - Mari’s pants were Matilda Jane. You can find ones like them here.
I was at craft weekend this weekend, so I checked them out 🙂
Sarah - i would love to have your job too! infact i’ve toyed with the idea of hosting a craft day (i’m a youth director at a church so i can’t committ a whole weekend at this point) up here in northern mn. do you have any pointers/tips?
Linda - I love you job too.
What an amazing thing you have done.
It makes me happy even thousands of miles away!
Kati - I’m loving those wire fabric wrapped words!
Tiffany - I love your job too! What fun 🙂 And Mari’s pants are too cute. Happy Anniversary Megs and Kimmie!!
Robin Canter - wired words with fabric? to die for. Love the craft weekend posts and cannot wait for my number to come off that waiting list.
Michelle Z - I just came to ask the same thing about Mari’s pants. They look like soooooo much fun!
Lisa M. - I love these posts! It’s so neat to see all that was made and I LOVE those aprons!!
Just wondering, Meg…do you ever miss living in the craft house?
Angela A - Happy anniversary! You and Kimberlee do an awesome job. I love the wire words. What size wire is that–does it matter?
Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Oh my goodness… where did Mari from Oklahoma get her amazing gypsy pants. Would love to know!
Everything looked to happy and colourful. So fun to stop and look at all of it. I really do find it all very inspiring. I think its time I try sewing again. Haven’t pulled out my sewing machine in years. Loved it all!
stephany - Someday my number will be picked. 😉
Looks like a fabulous time, as always.
Happy one year anniversary!!