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on the same day that we took the long hike at the Colorado Trail we also took this hike.
very steep and high and making me think i may have a heart attack.
from being out of breath and from the heights at the top.
i think i was so tired from the hike that i couldn't worry too much about the cliff my family was climbing on!

behind her? drop straight down to death.
but smile and don't think about it.
deep deep breaths.
i sure do love that kid.
he said over and over on this trip "I LOVE COLORADO!!"
and he meant it.

they were having so much fun jumping and climbing all around.


here we ALL are in one shot.
rare happenings for the Duerksen family.

we spent awhile shooting around on the basketball court at the bottom of the trail.
(remember?…where i won the game of around the world….i don't want you to forget that)


this boy eats and breaths basketball.



"no smiling. don't do it!  don't you dare!"
it works every time.

IMG_5616-9 IMG_5617-10

melts my heart right there!

even in hiking boots!

we enjoyed dinner on the deck watching the sun set into the mountain.
then played Whoonu.
it has to be the prettiest game we have ever played.  :)

two deer came up on the driveway again during our game!
so cool.
colorado is awesome.

the next day we went white water rafting but i have NO pictures of it.
i was trying not to be nervous.
i wasn't nervous to do it…nervous to put my kids into it.

and like it has been before…it was nearly dull.
nothing scary.
no reason to be nervous about it.
and the kids thought it was pretty cool (and not dull) so that is the point right?

have you gone river rafting?
were you scared?
or was it like the lazy river at a water park like mine was?


kim - I’ve never been to Colorado, but it looks beautiful! I just moved to Idaho a year ago, and I love it here! I’ve been white water rafting 5 times! 🙂 I love it. The run we take has class 3 and 4 rapids, an adventure for sure! I have never fallen out of the boat before, but my brother and his friend did (it wasn’t in a rapid, but on what they call “splat rock” where they bring the boat on top of a rock and slide back down) this last trip we took. He got stuck under the boat for what felt like forever but it was probably only 15 seconds. I was totally scared for him and he didnt even want to go on the trip. ha. But he laughed about it, and actually had a great time. Thanks for sharing your vacation pictures!

Sarah - Love the pics! Definitely great to see the whole fam! And Talby has a great jump shot! I hope she likes basketball because she might just be good at it! Rock Chalk!! ;D

Makila - The family shot took my breathe away. I love seeing an entire family in one shot. Love! Great pictures!

Mindy Harris - megan you are really hilarious! just hit my funny bone tonight. the pic of craig like the brawny paper towel guy, on the cliff, is precious. we have good Godly men, we do!
love all these pics. we honeymooned in colorado. have only been back ONCE (in 9 yrs) since. i miss it so!

Jeannette from Plant City - Colorado looks very similar to Jackson Hole, Wy…..we spent a week there this summer and it was beautiful!! Love the family pics, you are truly blessed. My husband and I went white water rafting down the Ocoee River in GA, same place they used for the summer Olympics in 2006 i think. It looked very scary and I was terrified at first but once we got going it was a lot of fun!!

Brenda - I can say also that i love Colorado. It is so beautiful!! My bro and sis-in-law live in Pagosa Springs. Every time we visit I always marvel at God’s creativity and power. How could anyone deny it? Looks like you had a great family time. You may have been out of breath from the elevation. I have suffered from that many times. Thanks for sharing your photos-it makes me want to get there soon.

Shannon R - Colorado is gorgeous. My MIL is originally from there are I’ve been once to visit. I hope to get back. I’ve been rafting only one time. My husband and I went when we visited my SIL when she was living in Uganda. So my first experience was rafting down the Nile River. Don’t worry it’s so rough crocodiles or hippos don’t live in that section. Crazy scary but very fun. Yes, I would do it again. I do have pictures of the last set of rapids. We had to take our boats out of the water and walk around them. Translated it’s called “The Bad Place.”

Lori H - The photos are beautiful, but the one of the straight drop down to death made me nauseous with worry! haha. You are braver than me.

emily - I went white water rafting with my husband and some friends in Costa Rica, the boat flipped four times in choppy brown water, it was the most terrifying experience of my life. It doesn’t help that I don’t really like the water either.

Jamie - whenever i see pictures of your family together i often remember when you shared your wedding photo at the altar and that you remember exactly what you were thinking at that moment. your prayer to god. he has been so good to your sweet family and he blessed your prayer that day. and you in turn have blessed so many people with your sweet spirit, your craftiness, and so much more. jesus shines through you!

Kristi - Love, love, love. I grew up going to my great aunt’s cabin in Colorado in the summers. That state will always have a special place in my heart.

Jennifer - I’ve never been white water rafting, but I bet it’s scary–especially the first time. Beautiful pics and it looks like you all enjoyed some wonderful family time.

amy jupin - i love the fam pic.
i love seeing more of lauren.
she’s gorgeous.
and craig’s dunk?

Alicia @ La Famille - looks like a fantastic trip! great way to end the summer.

julia - how about an airboat ride in the Everglades? Can be fun!

Janel - We have some amazing white water here in Colorado! Some of the most advanced rafting, class 5 which is expert only, are only 45 min outside of Denver. I have done class 4 and one 4.5 run. The last time i rafted the boat flipped once, but I was tossed out twice that particular day. The first time I fell out because we hit a rock just as our guide was explaining that the run up ahead is called the “terminator” and would be our first class 4 of the full day trip. He was explaining how we would maneuver thru etc when I fell out. We also had kayak riders to assist our boat because the river was treacherous, near end of season. I had to swim that run backwards head first. The water was running about 40 miles an hour and I could not turn myself around. The kayak dude stayed with me to the end of the run. I nearly died that morning. Scariest thing ever to happen. The end of the day the boat flipped, we all swam for our lives and I have never been again. Twice in one day and I wasn’t gonna push my luck.
But I am so glad I did love it once and I was good at it too. It is a rush for sure!
If I ever make it to craft weekend, I’ll tell you some more fun stories! Hint hint!

alyssa - My kids talk about our trip to colorado last year all the time. One of their favorites for sure. Ava said everyday we were there that when she gets older she will get married and move to CO…we’ll see. Such a good family bonding spot for sure.

Lisa M. - Beautiful pictures! So nice to see the one with all of you. It seems we don’t get to see the two oldest very often…so nice to see you all together in one picture! So glad you had a nice time…and yes, those cliffs looked VERY scary!!

happygirl - CO is so beautiful. When they were having the fires I just cried. Great pics. Your family is just… gorgeous. I’m a lazy river kinda girl, myself.

shauna - so great Meg!
what a fun trip!

Kristin S - So glad ya’ll loved Colorado!
Very fun to see your whole fam together too.
I love white water rafting but I also love tubing down a river. Chill. Fun. Relaxing.
You have one beautiful family, Meg.

Amy Griffin - You have a BEAUTIFUL Famliy

Stephanie - Gorgeous photos! So glad you had a wonderful family vacation!
We went white water rafting this summer, it was awesome! Level 2 & 3 rapids, lots of fun! You have to work hard through the rapids, great teamwork!

Jamie - Where is CO were you? I just moved to Denver and need some great places to explore! This one would top my list!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Looks like it was a great trip, and EVERYONE had fun! 🙂
Those are the BEST!
I know this is off the subject, but I have your BBQ Meatballs baking in the oven right now and that has me thinking… if you’re looking for some blogging inspiration, how about another Duerksen Family Recipe post!
My family always cleans their plates when I make your recipes! 🙂

Lisa - Ps- Colorado is very similar to here I live in the high desert of Oregon. Beautiful mountains, hikes, rivers etc. these pics made me remember how much I love where I live. Glad you had a great trip!

Lisa - 1. Love the family photo you got
2. Impressed with your husbands dunking skills
3. Loved river rafting (love anything to do with being on or in water) but was a little nervous the one part that had huge rapids

angela - Yes, I’ve been. And yes, I was scared. Lovin’ all your pics! So glad you got a family picture…rare for all of us!! Good times! Love it!

Sarah - I love Colorado too.
I went white water rafting there my senior year of highschool (the only and last time I’ve been) and I fell in. It was freezing, but not as bad as I thought it might be. 😉

the domestic fringe - Gorgeous photos! That one of you and your family is great. Glad you enjoyed Colorado. I’ve never been white water rafting. I’d really like to kayak. That’s my water goal.

Megan - We went while we were on our honeymoon (also in Colorado) and LOVED it! Super fun and not scary.

Melanie - Thanks for sharing!! Isn’t hiking the best thing to do as a family? Something about exercise, fresh air, and a common goal seems to get everybody in a good mood. . . at least for a while. Love seeing your pictures. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Heather R. - Great pics! We did go white water rafting on the Arkansas…so fun, and cold, and scary. I hope you guys enjoyed your break. 🙂

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