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well…..we’re back.


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we loaded up and left for colorado on monday.
i am not a mountain girl but i can definitely appreciate the glory of it.



it was so awesome to get a break from the HEAT that kansas has had.
i LOVED colorado's weather.

the home where we stayed had deer everyday that came by to eat.
never in my life have i been this close to a deer.
it was pretty amazing.
and he reminded us all of waffle.  :)
they shared facial expressions.



we hiked around…this trail was not steep but a definite steady incline.
i was WAY behind my kids.
i couldn't begin to keep up with them.
except annie was with me…she and i were the same pace.




we had a sandwich break in a clearing.


a horse stopped by on his own hike.
oh my girls were thrilled to get to pet a horse!


isn't it crazy how beautiful it is?!  
God really rocked it when making Colorado.
no holding back here.
it's gorgeous.





and this is the point in the hike where i told annie i would pay her a dollar to not cry or whine.
i really did.
and it really worked.
she had just thrown herself on the ground crying "I'M TIIIIIIIRRRED!!!! I WANT TO GO HOOOOOOME!"
and we didn't know what else to do.
so we bribed.
and then she and i held hands and played the alphabet game through the forest naming things we saw in alphabetical order to distract the both of us the rest of the hike.


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when i made it to the car a good 10 minutes after my family…seriously…we went on down the road exploring.

we pulled off the road at an open spot to let the kids climb around on rocks.


                                                                 who is that man child?



i was trying to get a shot of craig and i but someone moved in on his dad.




the current was pretty strong and moving quickly…but not deep.
i was keeping a close eye on everyone of them.
of course…several of them slipped and fell down.
oh well.
good thing they are washable. 


i have always ALWAYS loved watching my kids play in water.
it is the best.
they lose themselves…they get silly…they fall in…they try stuff that is a little scary.
i was so happy for this 15 minute stop.

have you been to colorado?


Becky Fouts - I think you were close to something , to my way of thinking, a little more exotic than deer, that’s an elk! your family is just beautiful, thanks for sharing so many awesome experiences with us.

Lori S. - I live here in Colorado, coming from Iowa. The weather here is outstanding! I’m glad you had a fun vacation here in our beautiful state!

April R - <3 Colorado
we spent last summer there unexpectedly and we fell in love with it
you are right on - God sure did a spectacular thing there :)
thanks for all the pictures, so cool that you're family made memories there
btw, my son's 12 and we call him "man-child" too - feels like I blinked and he turned into one!

Gram - I love your pictures of my beautiful state. I was born here and have never lived or wanted to live anywhere else.

Dani - I love Colorado! We went every summer when I was a kid. I will never forget the first time I saw the mountains! We rounded a curve and there they were…. BEAUTIFUL! I agree God showed out when he made Colorado! Being from flat ole Mississippi, makes me want to see mountains every year!!

Pam - I LOVE Colorado. We just moved our youngest daughter out there….to live life as she says. I would move there in a heartbeat if hubby’s job allowed. I grew up going on 5 week trips every summer and we almost always started each trip by going to Colorado. I love to go into the back country down around Crested Butte and Telluride. I felt for Annie. I remember many a hike when I was young that I just knew I was going to die…all day long we hiked…to get to a lake and then back to the car. But glory how gorgeous!

Joelle - thanks for bragging on my homestate! I’ve had the opportunity to travel the US and Canada, and have also lived on both coasts…California and Florida and I have to say Colorado tops it all! Beautiful scenery, great weather not to mention culturally diverse. My last stint was 8 years in Florida before I convinced my husband it was time to rally the wagons and head West! I am so glad to be back…

Lori Austin - Fantastic vacation pics. Just beautiful! - After California, Colorado is my favorite state. Never get tired of the beauty. We just had three days in Breckenridge. That’s a place you should visit! We were to be there five days but had to make an emergency trip to CA for the funeral of a very dear friend. Such a big loss here, but heaven’s gain. And yes, I agree, God really rocked it out when he made CO. No pun intended!!!

warhammer space marine - This family is an inspiration. Not all family is given a chance to explore together a beautiful place like this. This will be a memorable vacation for a whole family. If we are so tired from the noise and pollution from the city, this is the best place to be.

Georgia - Awww i love your family, your such an awesome mum 🙂 x

Heidi of Operation Organization - we lived in denver for 3 yrs. loved every ounce of it. would go back in an instant if there was opportunity – hubby completed his masters degree there, then it was on to AR for the Phd, and now we find ourselves in MN. whew, maybe a vacation rather than a move would be just has good – ha! 🙂

Katie - Tell me, tell me how do you carry your camera with you so much, especially on that hike???!!! We went to the beach and taking my camera everyday there was a pain in the patooie! You were carrying extra weight with it compared to everyone else!! It takes a toll on me at least to carry my camera!
You have such a cute fam – just love your pics!
How do your kiddos do in the car on the drive? with #5 on the way for us the whole car/vacation/hotel thing has been on my mind – not to mention how in the heck are we going to get them to all their “activities” as they grow! Thanks for your blog – you give me hope large families can work!

Tracey - LOVE the pic of you and Scott!! You’ve got to print that one out for yourself!! We went to northern AZ and the Grand Canyon this summer and it was glorious, and the weather was WONDERFUL!!!

Lisa - We went from Vermont last year to look at colleges for my son. He decided at the last minutes to go to Universit of Vermont. Yahooooo! But Colorado is spectacular. He just loved Boulder!

Lisa M. - Thank you for sharing! I’ve never been to Colorado, but have heard wonderful things about its beauty. So nice to see all of your kids too. Looks like they were having fun!

Heidi Bohrer - Jen, we moved to Castle Rock from KS right at last Christmas! We live in the Meadows! Love it here!

Lindy Tade - Meg – long time reader her (taddietales from way back) and you are one of the few blogs that I still read, only because I went back to work and have ZERO free time. You always make me smile and remind me of the things that are important.
I am a blessed soul that is lucky to live in Colorado and enjoy her majesty everyday – my drive to work every morning is straight towards the Flat Irons and Boulder, so I see some pretty amazing views. But you posting photos and showing our beautiful state through another set of eyes makes me SO proud to live here and reminds me how wonderful it is. I am thankful that you have an opportunity to come and experience God’s Country in its finest glory.
Thank you for your presence and beautiful soul.

Susan - We are there right now! Escaping the Texas heat! We stay at a place called Fun Valley (near South Fork) about 30 miles from Pagosa Springs! I am overwhelmed with the beauty. We rent a cabin on the Rio Grande for a week each year! There are tons of activities for the kids too!

Amy - Our family just got back from a trip to Colorado. So many of your pictures and comments reminded me of my own family. I also had to bribe my youngest daughter to finish up a hike. She and I lagged behind and played 20 questions to keep her mind off the hike. And my kids loved playing in the mountain streams too! - We live in CO too! Love it! Favorite time to go to the mountains in the summer.

Terrie G - Miss Colorado! We have done vacation there many times.
This momma got a little freaked out the last time we went.
My MIL had been to the cabin – yes rustic, only 20 gal hot water tank,
old time wood stove…etc. – before us and said that there was a
mama bear standing in front of the plate glass window smacking at the
hummingbird feeder. Well, when you have 2 younger kids, no cell phone reception,
no phones, and hardly any neighbors…makes a momma nervous!
One of our best vacations though…I had crafts every day, hiking to the saw mill,
Baldy, Raspberry, the Cregs, Kids liked the crafts the best…no tv, so I kept them busy!
OH MY! Feels & looks like Colorado here this am!! Windows open & I just had Momma Deer
& her babies in my backyard!! Pictures downloading now!! 🙂

Cari - Lurker here…we just spent a week in Colorado. It is so beautiful there. Our plan is to get our kids through school where we live now and then move there. 6 more years to go!!!

Natalie - My family visited GrandJunction twice to watch my baby brother play in the Junior College World Series! It was 2 trips I will never forget, breathtaking! You are right, He didn’t hold back!! Now, you’ve got me itching to go…

colleen from alabama - Beautiful! Have only been to Colorado in the winter. Have been several times to ski and it is just breath taking. It is a Loooong way from Alabama and a little too expensive to fly all four of us. Wish we lived closer. It was fun to see Lauren. I always wonder what she is up to. I have a 12 year old first born daughter and i can imagine she would not be too eager for me to post her face or activities on a blog. 🙂 maybe just her but i always wonder if she and lauren are a lot alike.
ps… i hate to hike. Annie and i would get along just fine. I like to be outdoors but only if i am doing something besides camping or hiking. Don’t mind long walks in cool weather but much prefer level ground… or a mall 🙂

Ann Marie - I grew up going between my grandparents farm in Cottonwood Falls KS and Manhattan KS but live in CO now. Miss KS everyday! My entire family is still back there and hopefully one day I convince my husband to let us move back to KS. You actually took my Aunt’s family pictures on my grandparents farm in Cottonwood. Beautiful place.

jaxc - I was lucky to live in CO in the late 60’s early 70’s before the smog and building boom and when the movies “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” and “Paint Your Wagon” were released. I wanted to live in the cabin in the Molly Brown movie The foothills were wild and not filled with subdivisions. Every summer weekend we camped at Eagle when it was just a few houses. In winter we skied at Arapahoe basin when it was just a tow rope and cost a dollar a day, and Breckenridge was not quite finished then so was cheap for a day ticket. Saw John Denver many times when he was just starting out and we paid just around a $5 cover charge. I have travelled extensively and nothing has equalled the beauty and enormity of those mountains. They make the Blue Ridge look like hills. Hmmm, think I’ll plan a trip . . . .

Michelle From Australia - I landed at Denver airport in 1993 when flying between NY and LA. That is my only time in Colorado. I can only dream about how beautiful it is…..

Shannon C - OK – so I don’t know if I have yet to ever comment on your blog but read it all the time….and oddly enough, we were JUST on this SAME EXACT TRAIL last Saturday!! Kenosha Pass, right?! My kids played in the same teepee thing made out of sticks! 🙂 We moved to Colorado from Pittsburgh last January and I am still adjusting but just love the days we go exploring in the mountains (we live in Littleton). Our four kids (ages 6, 5, 3 and 12 months) can’t get enough of it out here!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Looks like a fun time and it was very beautiful. I’m with Annie. In my vocab HIKE is a four letter word 😉

mae - Going in a week and a half!! Woohooo!!!!

betsy - I was just in Denver, Avon & Vail (for a hike) at the end of July with my girlfriends. I’m definitely NOT an outdoorsy type of girl … but it is just so beautiful there … it’s hard not to fall in love with all of it! Glad you had a nice family vaca before the hectic school year starts again. 🙂

Jen - We just moved from Kansas to Castle Rock!Just for the beauty of it all!

elma - Beautiful pictures and it was good to see all of your kids!!!

Amy - Oh how I miss those mountains! We lived in the Sangre de Christo mountains for 18 months and then Colorado Springs for nearly 3 years. So much to do and see always! Glad you got some concentrated time away with the family 🙂 Just think of all those awesome memories you made!

Southern Gal - I hope to visit Colorado one day. We have the Blue Ridge Mountains that we love to visit on our side of the continent. 😉 When Rebekah and Jacob were little (6 and 4) we hiked up a long mountain trail. Jacob sped up that thing while Rebekah complained every step of the way. On the way down it was just the opposite. We couldn’t win for losing. We still love to reminisce about those sweet days.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Ive never been to Colorado but we’re slowly making our way around the US with our girls each summer. Last year we did New England(gorgeous!) and this summer we did Virginia(wild ponies on Chincoteague Island, then lots of historical sites). We’ve also been to Washington,DC, Gettysburg and Disney World.
All that to say, your pictures could make an amazing commercial for Colorado’s travel business. Great shots!(Annie cracks me right up…cuz Id be doing the same thing myself…and if someone offered me money Id jump up and run:))

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Haha! Dr.Quinn used to be my favorite show when I was younger!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - A is for aspen tree…love them!

Heather S. - Another KS girl and I’ve been to Colorado at least a half a dozen times in my life. I so love the grand beauty of it all, but when you get right down to it, I’m an ocean gal!

Stephanie - Went to Colorado a couple of times for ski trips as a teenager. It was absolutely beautiful! But like you, I am not a mountain girl. I prefer wide open spaces like in the plains and hope someday to live there again (we’re in Florida right now).

Carolyne - Thank you for sharing Meg – you captured Colorado beautifully.

Nikki - Ah, I’m tearing up here! I’ve been lucky enough to live here in beautiful Colorado almost my whole life, but next year the military will be moving our little family on. You’re so right, God rocked it!!!

Lisa - You’re not a mountain girl….wait, what??? lol 😉 You captured some GORGEOUS shots, wow! Simply beautiful.

Niki - Glad you made it back safely and had a wonderful time, Meg!! I know it was a well deserved break! One week until our vacation to South Dakota!! 🙂

Kristin S - Here’s my other observation. I say this EVERY time I drive across eastern Colorado and catch my first view of the Rockies.
Pretend you were one of the people on a wagon train across the country. You’ve braved the Mississippi. Survived what is now Missouri and Kansas and eastern Colorado. You see the Rockies.
What the heck made anyone go OVER those mountains? Can you imagine?
I would have settled in Colorado Springs. Right there with Sully and Dr Quinn.

Kristin S - You and Craig still look like teenagers. Crazy amazing.
I spend every other summer in Colorado in training with the ministry I work for. So thankful they chose that beautiful state!
Also, my mom lives in Colorado Springs and works at Compassion so I’m there at least once a year.
Not sure I’d want to live there long term but I sure do love to visit!

Shannon - It looks beautiful Meg! Poor Annie with all the hiking, good thing we parents always have bribery right 😉 Love the pic of the rocks in the water looks so peaceful and simple.
Have a great weekend

Leah - Gorgeous photos! Never been to Colorado, but now I want to. By the way, I’m so trying the bribe strategy for my daughter. I hate the whining!

Heather R. - Just moved this summer from Kansas to Colorado Springs. It is beautiful here. We’ve already been able to hot air balloon ride, hike, white water raft. Stunning. You are right God rocked it when he made Colorado. 🙂

beth - We live in CO, right smack dab in the Rockies! We’re transplants, like so many, but it is beautiful. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

Alisa - We went to Peaceful Valley Dude Ranch in Estes Park for our honeymoon. So fun! It is my only trip ever out west. (I’m a Georgia girl!) Loved your pics!

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