Masthead header



                                                      wall of hay bales.                                  my crazy front seat….all the time.

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                                   lunch with my mom at chipotle.                                                my favorite fabric store.

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                                     the fabrics i came home with.                                                                      hello dog.

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                             my kansas road on a cloudy morning.                                      bunting for a friend's wedding.

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          annie's "Hocket" at Camp – a house and a rocket!                                                     late afternoon snack.

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                        talby made it home from camp…YAY!!                       my family loves to play Farkle…i do not.

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                                                     more basktball.            swimming pools, the smell of cholorine & sunscreen!

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                                        a pink and turquoise house!                                    father's day with a few of ours.

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                                  homemade ice cream is YUMMY!                                                                          sunrise.

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                          10 minutes later in the same sunrise.                                                   starbies to wake me up. 

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           picked up my parents and drove them to illinois.                                                crossed the mighty Miss.

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God sent me a special guy to fix my truck in missouri.                                                    chicago traffic….. gag.

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                 arrived at my great aunt's home of 34 years.                                                                  her address.

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                        my aunt and her son….60+ years ago.              her quilt that i wanted to sneak into my suitcase.

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                  wore my red flower and beads for my aunt.                              appreciated The Land of Nod's decor.

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                              i had to learn how to haul a trailer.                                            it was a BEAUTIFUL day.

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           amazing scenery the entire drive back to kansas!                              crazy trailer full of special treasures.

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did you see that sky today?  talk about blue!?  #kronk                                                  got my mom home safely. 

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one last giant ice coffee to get me the rest of the drive home on which i saw almost NO cars…..sweet.  


so that was a not even a week of my instagrams!
i am totally addicted.

i love getting to see what my friends are up to all day all over the place.
i love instagram.
what's not to love?!!

are you on?
do you do the daily challenge?
i can't commit to that.

do you have a favorite app to use along side instagram?
share it please.




Kara D - just getting caught up on my favorite blogs and was so tickled at your kronk hashtag! was one of my favorite movies in high school, my best friend and i could recite practically the whole thing and yeah… we were REALLY cool 😉

Theamicks77 - I’m MommyAngela3 on Instagram (and Twitter). Have only had my iPhone for two months & am SO addicted! I love the photoaday challenge!
I just got diptic ($0.99) app today to be able to put two or more photos side-by-side, and also phonto (free) to add text.

Theamicks77 - Ooh, thanks! Cool tip on holding down someone’s name. I wish more people realized you have to type people’s name.
I have a question you may know the answer to, since you’re savvy with IG and the 4S.
I have my 4S set up to alert me with a sound when I get IG notifications, but the sound never plays. It works with texts and other things, but not IG. Any clue?

natalie@thesweetslife - i second the comment re: diptic–it’s great for photo collages!
i’m thesweetslife if you want to follow 🙂

Mandy - Loving all the app suggestions & new instagram friends!! I do the photo-a-day challenges, even though I may not get to every day’s challenge. I look at the challenge in the morning and think of it like a scavenger hunt for the day 🙂 I’m mandyblackburn. See you on there!

Patti H. - Instaframe is a fun app.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i’m addicted as well. it’s my fave. i love phonto and pic frame apps to go with it. 🙂

Jenny - what is the name of your favorite fabric store and where is it?

Ashley - I love, love instagram!! I’ve followed you, too. I’m @lrmama. The thing is a serious addiction, I tell you. I love the filters. Snapseed is pretty good, and I even found a version on the pc. I’ll have to look that one up for you sometime.

Jessica - I have been dreading the smart phone upgrade (which is happening soon as my “antique” flip phone is dying) and can honestly say that instagram is the only thing I am looking forward to using!

katey - Okay now I have a post it note full of all these apps to check out to embellish my instagram addition!! Love it! My user name is SO original! kateydeasy

Priscilla - I love following your pictures on instagram…I use diptic, its a collage, editing app and it will download right into instagram, it might cost .99 cents but totally worth it!

Kimber-Leigh - i love instagram too 🙂 my only “trick” is that if i don’t want a photo to go to my instagram feed (for whatever reason), you can set your phone to airplane mode and use instagram…it will say that it has “failed” but a copy is put in your photo album but not published to your feed once you delete it in the app! loved when i discovered this!
and i loved the peek at the land of nod…i’ve always wanted to see one of their retail stores!

sandy toe - I love it just as much!
sandy toe

Sandy - I have a single digit following on instagram. Come follow me @oSRMo Meg, id love to have you. I too love instagram because it’s so simple to use. I’ve found that following along with others sharing their “happy” inspires me to be “happy”.

Kate - I just found Phonto. It looks super fun and I’m looking forward to learning it!

Erin - I’m new to Instagram and love it! Love following you. KSgirl72 my new Instagram name. 🙂

Ashlyn@Pinecone - My car looks the same and I always need a caffeine fix :)!!

Mary - I LOVE instagram. I use “Collage” A LOT because I take a lot of photos and I like to collage them and post as one. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - So sad to be so behind in the times…no Instagraming here. I don’t own a cool phone 😉 Probably better for me though because I know I would be addicted to that too and then my family really wouldn’t get my attention…HA! Love seeing your pics though. So glad you were able to spend time with family and remembering your special aunt. Hugs, Valerie

ko. s - I love seeing you on Instagram! My husband will ask who a picture is from and I casually respond, “oh, Meg.” He rolls his eyes and kindly reminds me that we really aren’t friends. Hurumpf! 🙂 Nevertheless is fun to see all the beauty and joy in your life of course in the most non stalkerish way possible!
As for other apps. I love using PicFrame with it. Multiple photos in one post can tell a great story.

jessica kiehn - I can’t do Instagram because it’s just ANOTHER social media life sucker:) Haha, but really. I don’t commit or sign up for anything that I would check several times a day because I don’t want to raise my little ones seeing me check my stupid smart phone all day to see what everyone else is up to. My life is cool enough without it:)

betsy - I’ve been doing my daily photo blog for 4 years, and this year, almost all of my pictures that I’ve posted have been Instagram pics. I’m on & love it … @betsymck. I have 28 camera apps (I went a little crazy when I got my 4S), but consistently use Instagram, Diptic (to make a collage), and Percolator (which uses your pictures and turns them into pieces of art). I also have LEGO Photo, which I think kids would enjoy. It takes your pictures & turns them into a new photo made out of virtual Lego blocks – cool!
I don’t do the daily photo challenges on IG, but I do think an important part of being on is following other people and commenting on their stuff. I always like when I have comments, so I make an effort to return the favor. You can also use common hashtags like #fromwhereistand, #clouds, #Kansas, and #(yourhometown) to find others near you.
Don’t forget to those of you on IG … when you want to reply to someone’s comment, you need to type their name so they get a notification that you replied to them. You can hold down someone’s name & I will automatically “mention” their name in your comment. I didn’t learn this trick until I’d been on IG for a few months!

Brooke - I just became an instagrammer 😉 I lovvveee it!

allison - I’m on instagram … @amazingmommy

Dana - I am on and I follow you. 🙂 I love the fabric! I haven’t gotten into too many apps that got with Instagram – I use PicFrame sometimes!

Sarah - I love Phonto for adding text and Camera+ for editing! 🙂

Colleen - I’m a huge fan of instagram!!!! so much fun. I like Picframe as you can easily insert photos into a collage and then post a few in one picture frame. I also like label maker.

Hanah - Ok so I read your blog and love color just as much as you. It’s a crazy addiction! And I’m making rainbow quilts for my girls. And everytime I see them I think … Man I really want to show these to meg. Ha ha! You’d love them. I love reading the happy on your blog. Thanks for sharing!

Grace - Nice!!!
I just found this web page with plenty of DIY projects.
I thought of you and I am sure that you will re-use some ideas with your girls! Thank you for your blog… love reading you!

Amber - I love postagram (postcards with your instagram pics-so fun) & postal pix (they print them & mail them to you).
Hope your weekend is going great & thanks for sharing your beautiful aunt’s story with us this week…she seemed like a fun lady!

Jill - I would LOVE to Instagram but I do not have internet on my cell phone and I “only” have a Kindle Fire so no pics come from there. *sigh*
Oh well, at least I get to enjoy all my friends pics on it! =)

Heidi - Fun!
I counted yesterday and I think I have 18 camera apps. It’s embarrassing! My favorites are Camera+ for their camera and quick edit; the camera lets you choose the focus spot and choose the exposure spot separately so it makes tricky lighting situations easier.
For editing I love love love the rainbow filters in Snapster. They’re super fun! I also like PicFX and Pixlromatic for editing. Lenslight is fun for fancy lighting, but you can add basic bokehs in Picfx.

doveboat - my phone crashes almost every time i try to use Instagram, 🙁 but I am still trying to figure out how to use it…I use my iphone to take pics almost every day now, so would love to know about the daily challenge and the couple of apps listed by the others here sounds great – Snapspeed, Phonto, Diptic, Picgrame, Labelmaker, lemeleme, Pixlromatic, PicFix, Pic Jointer, Camera +, Line Camera – you all are soooo creative!

Heather - Love the handwritten “eleven” address label.

Lisa B - What is the daily challenge? Is it on the iPhone app?
Thanks for sharing your life with us!!

Sarah - That fabric store looks like heaven.
I love that quilt too. So happy.
I love instagram, but i too can not commit to the daily challenge thing.

Cindy - Well, aren’t you and your mama beautiful!and twins! 🙂

Kimberly - Line Camera is a good one for adding text & fun frames.

Stephany - I am addicted to Instagram, too.
You can find me @homeisablog.
I don’t use any other apps with it…just straight up Instagram.

Angie - Oh wow, you have been one busy lady! I LOVE looking at all the Instagram pics but I can’t figure out how to use the darn thing LOL

LibraryGirl62 - My front seat is the same way…God Forbid someone wants to sit there 🙂

Ann Williams - no instagram here, but love your coffee addiction! me too!!

lucky penny love - Love instagram!! Although I only do photo editing on it. I’m afraid of how much time I would spend on it if I started to follow others! How does one juggle blogging, Pinterest, and instagram? I love Pic Jointer for collages and just starting using Camera + for added variety in photo editing. And I do a Friday Wrap post on my blog weekly and link up with InstaFriday @ It’s fun to see what everyone else has been up to and to have a place to document the week’s activities (little things that might not get shared otherwise)!

Lane - I LOVE instagram as well! I just started using it and I can’t stop!

Starla Witzki - I’m @starlawitzki…love Instagram!

Sheryl - I love Annie’s Hocket…Camp Invention I take it? 🙂 I work CI every year at our school…ours was 2 weeks ago. My 2 daughters (8 and 10 ) LOVE it!!!

Lindi - I’m @auntdidi and I’m totally addicted!! So much better than Facebook! Here’s the apps I love!! PicFx and Snapseed are great editors; Phonto is perfect for adding text; maskingtape and labelbox are like virtual washi tape!! Love!! Diptic is fantastic for making collages as is pocframe! The daily challenges are fantastic…takes a little remembering that first week, but after that it’s a total habit!! So glad you’ve joined!! Love seeing more of your awesome pics!! :). Happy Sunday!!

Deborah Lee - I love Instagram!! These days I try to limit my time on there but sometimes there’s photo that just has to be taken … You know how it is 😉
My favourite app is Snapseed, and Pixlromatic is rapidly becoming a contender too 🙂

Mandie Starkey - picfx <3

Dana - Wood camera app for editing- it’s great!

Jachel - I’m @jachel, and addicted as well. Trying a daily challenge, but I’m a few days behind. Love peeking into people’s daily life.

Denise - I love that you called Starbucks “Starbies”! We call it Bucky’s. 🙂

Keri - Heyyy! My nickname is Kronk! It was like you did a special shout out just for me even though that isn’t me! 🙂

lauren - lol… where to start…. Snapseed is great. Love the “drama” effect. Phonto is great for adding text.You can even download fonts from your computer to your phone. Diptic and picframe are great for collages. Labelmaker is fun. lots of cute tape looking labels. lemeleme is another one i like too 🙂

Talysa - Frametastic. 🙂

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