Masthead header


i have been loving using my phone to take pictures.
it's convenient and nice to capture little moments that don't NEED a big camera.
i think i need to apologize to Droid.  i thought your camera stunk….i have changed my mind.
i still wish i had an iphone but i don't need it and i think that this is working out just fine.

i love the square shape and all the frames and filters! 
and it is a happy place full of happy people.
i love all the chit chat that goes on too. 

you can follow me if you'd like…. @ meg duerksen.



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kimberlee and i are setting up for craft weekend all day today.

i have to get a ride to the craft house because last night i left my car keys there!
i think it's safe to say i have a few too many irons in the fire this week. 
but by tomorrow it will all work itself out.
happy thursday. 

AllenCarlos - Seeing little items of your lifestyle every day creates me satisfied. And I 100% didn’t remember you have a Android. You are rockin’ the gary. Eat many cheesecake for me.

Alice Nakles - Love all your photos!! I was just wondering where did you get the “Annie” pillow? I love it and wanted to get one for one of the girls I nanny for, it would make a great birthday present. Thanks so much!!

Kelly - I cut my hubby’s hair too. Kelly

denise@victory rd. - cutting hair outside…been there done that. it’s the only way.

Sarah - I think it’s Annie jumping off the diving board, right? Well anyway, that one stopped me in my tracks and my stomach went into my throat… I don’t know why … I guess cause I never jumped off a diving board that high until I was much older than her. She’s a brave little one.
Love each of the shots.

garage equipment - I love the way you set up your weekend. You looks like having fun and full of activities. I hope I can have a great weekend like that with my family.

Alyson @EisleyRae - I love following you, so much fun. Your kids are the cutest. The succulents are just gorgeous. Hope you’re having another amazing weekend at craft weekend.

Tanda - I know you are reading Kisses from Katie so I thought you would enjoy my post today. 🙂

Heather F. - Love the homemade menu. My kids used to do that, but their restaurant was a little cheaper 🙂

Jamie - Following on the Insta…I am completely in love with IG. I have been on for almost a year, but didnt really find my groove until 6 months ago or so. Its the best!

Christina - I can’t believe you took those with your phone…especially the action shots! They’re so great! I have an android too…it takes terrible pics though!

Chrissie Grace - these pictures make me happy…
I hope one day I’ll be at Craft Weekend with y’all 🙂

Heather in Ohio - Love your blog & love that you are on instagram! Thanks for sharing your life! How do you do the instagrams with multiple pics in 1 frame?! Love that!

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - I love following you on Instagram! I locked myself out of the house this week without car keys, the kids had not eaten lunch yet and the girls got out of the van and locked the diaper bag inside! My husband had to drive home 45 min to let us back in! Not one of my finer moments 🙂
Hope you have a great weekend!

Lorelei Eurto - sometimes i DO think my morning coffee is worth $200. 🙂

roganne - i can’t believe that your kids jump off of the TALL diving board! they are so brave!!

tina - just joined instagram myself… started following. i was lucky enought to upgrade my phone after having my old cell phone for a little over four years. the guy at the phone place told me i had a dinosaur of a phone, lol!!
p.s. i’d love to figure out how to do the collage….if anyone has any insight i’d be very thankful 🙂

marcie - I understand your “too many irons in the fire” comment. I did a post a few weeks back about how I came home to find the mayo on the counter and the Mod Podge in the fridge 🙂
Your craft weekends look like so much fun!!

Kerstie Pederson - Is that Annie jumping from the diving board!?! Oh smokes… I wouldn’t do that and I’m 38, ha ha ha!

beth - I’m so glad you mentioned Droid– when I got my phone just a few months ago, there was no instagram for Droid and I haven’t checked since. yea for instagram! and yea for you mentioning it! 🙂

seriouslysassymama - Happy Thursday! All I have done is run errands today. A fw more to go. A few more to go, and we will be done. I am so ready to get my house put together after the move. Almost there. Your younger daughters remind me of my three girls. Sisters are the best!

tiffany gardner - wish i could be crafting with you all! happy weekend!

sandee prince - already a follower 🙂 because i love your positive attitude on life!

Kelly - Are you reading Kisses From Katie? I just read it the week before last and have been turned inside out by it. (if that’s not what you’re reading, I highly recommend it :))

Liberty - What are you reading?? Looks good…

Jessica Johnson - Seeing little pieces of your life every day makes me happy. And I 100% forgot you have a Droid. You are rockin’ the gram. Eat lots of cheesecake for me.

Jenn - I can’t wait to come to craft weekend and meet you ladies someday! Have fun setting up today :). And send some of that Kansas sunshine my way would ya? Woke up to 32 degrees and frozen tomato plants this morning! What the heck? Happy (almost) weekend to you!

Sharla - Is that your vertical garden?! So pretty!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Have a great weekend! I’ll be lifting you and Kimberlee up in prayer with the new group of lovely ladies!

Melissa - The prices of your daughters’ food menu were cracking me up!

Lauryn - Good grief… Talby is such a beauty. Every time I see her, my heart melts and feels at ease. She has such a peace to her… I love her, as I do all your children 🙂

april - I follow you on the gram and love all your happy pictures, especially the margarita pics…..ahem. 🙂

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