Masthead header



how was your weekend?

i had a little time away with the mister but it was very little.
i was Mrs. Duerksen at several work events instead of chillin' together….staring into each other's eyes…whispering i love yous….yada yada yada.

but we were together.
and that's better than apart.

we got some work done on the crafty craft house.

he painted lauren's old room…Behr paint called Ashwood.  
loooove it.


 i spray painted a bunch of stuff.


and i recovered a lampshade from the thrift store for the gray room.
i painted the base pink.

i signed up for a 10K in june.


i read five more pages in my book….that's why i don't read.
it's so hard to get time that is QUIET enough with no interuptions.
and nothing that is begging to be worked on.
but five pages is better than none.

thanks for all the encouraging comments on friday's post.
i just had so much swirling in my mind that i HAD to get it out.


my lunch today.  
it's yummy.  
i ran the four mile route today….tried to get out of it.  :)  
but my friend was waiting and made me come.  
i am so glad she did.
salad makes the run feel worthwhile. 


getting ready for the next Whatever Craft Weekend!  SO MUCH FUN!!!

swag is coming everyday….like Jenny Doh's book called Hand in Hand.  


fabric from Jennifer Pageneilli of Sis Boom!  i LOVE her colors!!
isn't that such a pretty pile!


sometimes when waffle and i are home alone….he doesn't hear me coming anymore.


oh….what a dork.
i found some very nice things on pinterest this weekend too…… 



i would love to make this.  (i have that lampshade and similar lamp….now i just need the big letter.)


strawberry crumb bars…..i am dying to try these!


i would like to live here…..


this is a tea towel!!  it makes me want to paint!

i could go on and on….

but i have more spray paint to do.
hankies to iron.
curtains to hang.
needing a shower.
and we are out of toilet paper and milk at home.

dang it….i just remembered that i forgot to put dinner in the crock pot!! 


have a GREAT monday today!



holly - Love that big letter M. i just cut some letters outta the cheapo mdf tv stand my teenager leaned on and demolished. whew it was a workout with my little jigsaw but they turned out cute. Call me a pansey but next time i think i would use regular wood.

Alicia D - im just drooling over all this! so cute.

Tiffany - Love that ashwood color, I’m all about muddy/putty colors. But do tell why u choose the enamel spray paint? I think I noticed that in a photo before. Craft weekends are the best craft invention since blogs, this coming from someone who only gets to see the photos, one day I’ll be there.

Lauryn - Love the room color. Picking the color seems to be the hardest part for me. I’ve been ready to paint my living room for ages but I’m afraid I’ll have paint-choice-remorse!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - i love ashwood. i love waffles. i love that tea towel!

Amy S - Just ran my first mini marathon with my friend. Nice to know someone is there with you. You can do it!

Seriously Sassy Mama - The molding in your home makes me swoon. Oh how I dream of having an old home. Oh well. Too bad I work all weekends. I would love to get crafty!

the whyte house - i was sent a photo of you with mrs frazee from the mister’s work, from the very excited daughter of mrs. frazee. lol. bowling, i think it was? i laughed when she sent it. 🙂

Sara Torbett - I have the same fabric you covered your lampshade with! Love. 🙂 I haven’t been brave enough to do anything with mine yet though-lol. You have me craving dessert and bright colors! CUTE name tags for Craft Weekend too! So much fun!

amy - Love, love, love the lampshade! Do you ever post any “how to’s”? I have a couple lampshades that could use some sprucing up and would love to know how to do it!

Gemma - Waffle is hilarious!!!!

Gina // C is for Cupcakes Baking Co. - so excited to see glimpse of the next craft weekend… it’s a thrill to be on the waiting list – it’s kind of like being a child in December all over again.
love the new pain! My main rooms in our home are all shades of grey. only the guest/homeschool room, the girls bedrooms and two of the bathrooms are not. i LOVE grey. it’s PERFECT for pops of happy color.
i am about to do the girls’ bedrooms over. while i – and they – LOVE color, the youngest 3 are having a hard time winding down and falling asleep these days, so i am thinking a calming oasis type of redo is the cards for them. 4 girls – 2 rooms – it’s always a challenge to make them pretty, feel spacious, relaxing and like each girl had their voice in them! i’m sure i will be blogging about it…

happygirl - Our dog can’t hear us coming anymore, either. Sad, but sometimes so funny. I’m still so confused. Do you have two houses now? Enjoy those snacks. They look so yummy, but since I can’t run like you do, I can’t eat hardly anything. 🙂

Leah - I’m sighing because my name would have been on one of the Craft Weekend badges. But alas, it wasn’t meant to be this weekend.

Gayle Kantor - meg when will you show inside shots of the new house on the farm?

Lorie - The s’mores look delicious and all of the color in that house…LOVE!

Lea - Since you started out as a blogger and have evolved into a small business owner…has this new challenge been easy? Is running the craft house what you expected it to be? What type of business license is involved with the craft house? Do you advertise outside of your blog? Is the business paperwork time consuming? Just curious as to what all is involved with this new venture. It sounds like a good idea..just wondering how challenging it is and if you find it to work well with your family life. You seem happy so I assume all is good.

Ashlyn - I am into lampshades – so noticed that instantly – and love how it turned out!!
But, of course the peanut butter s’more dealies REALLY caught my eye. I am having the hardest time not eating junk – but naturally it is all I am craving ; (
Good for you with all the running!!!

Erica - I made those strawberry crumb bars. Followed the directions exactly except I forgot the egg. They didn’t need it. They were delicious (and the crust stayed together without the egg.) Next time I want to substitute half rhubarb (and add a little more sugar.)

laura b - That lampshade is fabulous. YOu will have to post a picture when you finish painting the base. Cany anyone send you swag?

Suzanne - I love the lampshade you recovered! The fabric is awesome, and I bet the pink base takes it over the top. The pb s’more things and the strawberry crumb bars look sooo tasty!! Have a great day, Meg!

karen - the big M looks like foam core

Laura Phelps - my head is so all over the place that all of this made so much sense! perfect reading for me today.
a little fabric…a little waffle…a little forgot the dinner…
just my speed.

ko. s - All I can say is WOOT WOOT! What a happy monday post to read! I did a 4 mile loop this morning and the hubs called at lunch and suggested another run together this evening…..sometime I dont like that I “hired” him to be my coach!

Jen Brandt - I couldn’t find Waffle’s head at first! I want to live in that house, too. Love the new color in Lauren’s old room. I’m supposed to be outside doing yard work, but dropped my girls off at the neighbor’s to play, hubby’s not home yet, I have the house to myself, and I’m tired from work today = would much rather sit in my quiet house and see what you’ve been up to! 🙂

Jacci - i love waffle. the end.

Lindi G - Happy Monday to you also!! Looove the color you chose for Lauren’s old room!! Love color with white woodwork!! Are you in pinterest…if not, you so should be!! 🙂 sooo many things to pin and do!! Hope your week is wonderful!! I’m a really longtime follower…just never commented!! 😉

Lisa M. - Oh Meg, I love your blog! I already printed out the recipe for those strawberry crumb bars and plan on making them for dessert on Thursday. They look soooo good! Wish I had your dedication to run. I run. I just do it sporatically. You’re starting to inspire me (after almost 2 months:)!

Rachel J - All I have to say about those recipes is OMG! Especially the smores with peanut butter. And that Waffle! Haha! Don’t even get me started, he’s too adorable! 🙂

Courtney Walsh - So fun. Sent some stuff your way…hope it arrives in time!! LOVE that lampshade, girl!

Dani - Ok I may have to try Peanut Butter Smores (with soybutter due to daughter’s allergies!. Oh those look so yummy. I am planning on doing some spray painting this week. Fun colors for my home! Can’t wait!

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