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just moved in.

we are still loving the neighbor's chickens.



the kids keep asking when we are getting OUR chickens??
i think….why should we get chickens when the neighbors already have some!
if some one would build me a coop and tell me how….i might consider it.
but then what do you do about the dogs?
and what about when we go on trips?
it's just easier to enjoy the neighbor's for now.

but look who just moved in across the street from my front door!!!

this is LITERALLY the view from my front door.  (say that like rob lowe…)

i went out to the fence to see what happens when cows live across the street.
they saw me.
and just kept eating and slowly walking side-by-side-touching-non-stop in a line got closer and closer.


i knelt down and covered my face with the camera but still right out in the open on the other side of the fence.
the fence is barbed wire so i wasn't hiding.
they seemed very curious about the camera.
when my face wasn't covered they would get startled and back down a little.



especially 109.
we were about two feet apart.

eating but keeping an eye on the crazy camera lady…..


they were all so close together it made ME feel claustrophobic!  

i love the grass stained knees!
what a show off you are number 132.

my driveway….with cows.

the spirea bushes bloomed last week.

and another sunset picture.
the cows would be on the left side of the road….our house on the right.


this is my outside area that needs work.

my mom said "i thought you were taking a break?"  
i guess maybe i could take a break from gardening….but i doubt it.
i was planning on doing some kind of gardening out here.
this little space is SCREAMING to be worked on!
i don't think i can leave it alone.
after SNAP i may have some time to work on it….if i decide to.

this past weekend we had such a beautiful night that we decided to have a campfire.
with s'mores.
behind the barn.



it was pretty much a perfect night.
you can see the whole sky filled with stars when you are out here.

pretty amazing.

i may even agree to do some tent camping in the yard this summer.




btw….i just made it to Utah.
it's going to be very fun!!! 
bring on the bloggers.
or maybe i will just go hide in my room instead….i get so weird about big groups of women!

i can do this.

deep breaths.

smiley face.

i need to go find more deoderant.
i am sweating.


maggie - Meg i have said this before but admire you for your move and though you have not shared the details, i know it is awesome! I love that you have cows and chickens, i am a total country girl stuck in suburban california…one day, maybe God will bless us too with a move to a slower paced life…for now i enjoy your pictures.

Mary - LOVE the cows!
what a dreamy view! 🙂

Emma - My 2 year old loves the cow pics. Thanks for sharing.

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - My sons are on my lap chatting in my ear about your cows but they request to see a bull, haha. SO glad to have met you. You really put life in perspective in our short chat. I can see why my sis is obsessed with you..

marci - hey meg…it’s snap ugly crier gush girl.:D
you did an awesome job…loved meeting you.
sorry about the ugly crying. you ARE awesome.;D
i am going to email you so watch for me ok?

melody - I live on a dairy farm so I HAD to comment! 🙂 Although we have Jersey cows…:) You know the brown ones with the big soft eyes? 🙂
Your pictures were awesome.

PrairieJenn - Chickens are far easier to take care of than even our cat and dogs! You’d be surprised. Love your photos and the new house. And take your time…work on the front when you want…if you want. You’re in the country now, girl. Things move at a different pace:) Enjoy it!

Chris - I super love your cow pictures. So funny how they stayed so close together in a line. And the grass-stained knees…I love cows.

Suzanne - Cows! I feel especially close to number 109, now that I know what the inside of his nose looks like! My father-in-law has chickens and my kids love them… they freak me out!
Have fun at SNAP – you will do great!

Michelle - I had to show my two children your pictures! They laugh at me because I take my camera with me when I walk and have been known to stop and take pics of the neighbors’ “gorgeous girls”–cows and “cuties”–goats. (named somewhat mockingly by my teenage daughter as I had to stop for yet one more picture!)
I love spring with all the farm life and flowers surrounding our home. So thankful to all the farmers. As for chickens, we are on our way to having our own small flock–I am very excited.
Good luck at SNAP. You will be awesome!

Antonette - Oh my gosh. You are LIVING my dream. I would looove to live in the country again. …Now how can I make that happen for me? Hmm…

Diane - I absolutely LOVE all these pictures.

jen - wonderful as always and you are going to be brilliant this weekend. head held high, deep breaths, shoulders back and remember…smile when you enter the room, it relaxes others and lifts the features of the face! good luck.

Stephanie - Living in the country is the best. We love our chickens and we have a huge variety so that we not only get brown eggs…we get speckled ones and blue ones. We have outside rabbits in a large enclosed area since we live where mountain lions and bears wander through the creek nearby. Animals are wonderful to have because they teach our kids responsibility. I barely do anything with the animals. 🙂 Enjoy!

Tami - Get the chickens. My girls are awesome. We go out of town a lot and we have a dog who loves our chickens. Super easy pets and we always have fresh eggs.

Jen Brandt - Love the pictures of the cows, Meg. Made. my. day. Thank you so much! Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!

Krissy - I love love love your cows!!!! Especially Mr. 132. That tongue is just crazy!!!! You’ll be great in Utah, I’m sure everyone will love you!! :o)

Gemma - Amazing! I love the close-ups. Cows are so pretty.
You are so lucky!
Gemma x

Benay - Good Morning! The Lord brought you to mind when I read this today, so I thought I’d share:
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will PERSONALLY go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you or abandon you. Deuteronomy 31.6
Blessings to you as you bless others!!

Linda - Havign smores in the cool of the evening is a sweet time with family! Lovely place.

elisa - I am loving your farm life. 🙂 My neighbor has chickens. I love them. She has two labs- they leave the chickens alone- sniff them. I get eggs from them. But now I feel guilty every time I eat chicken.

amy cornwell - Love it! I’m so jealous still 🙂 You’re so blessed!! Awesome.

christy - Love the pics! Farm life is treating you well.
I promise you chickens are as easy if not easier than taking care of Waffle. I have 2 adults hens & a new girl, she’s only about 6 weeks. I live in a large metro city in the burbs &! We have a coop, built by us (under $100), I took 2 storage boxes from Big Lots, cut openings for their nesting boxes, gives them some pine or straw, chicken scratch & a water container ($8-10) as the feed store. Mine free range & go to the coop @ night. I have 2 cats & 2 yellow Labs, they could care less about the chickens. The chicks rule the roost & even hijack food from my boys (dogs).

Katie - The cows are fabulous you lucky girl!!

Mindy Harris - people adore you, megan! you will do great!
i wish i could go to snap.
i love the last pic of craig and annie. so sweet.
are the cows reall stinky?

Kelly - Just pretend you are hosting all of them like at a craft weekend! Then you won’t feel nervous. You’ll know you’re about to welcome them to a wonderful experience!
I love the cows!! Kelly
p.s. thanks for saying the name of that bush. I may just have to plant one. I love them. Any downsides to them?

Jenna@CallHerHappy - #109 is litrally the cutest cow I’ve ever seen! (I like to spell it like that cause that’s how he says it!)
Also, I get nervous around big groups of women too. Prayers!

pam - oh man! it is letting me leave a comment. 🙂
i love the sunsets…
and the moo cows. makes me really miss home…
you are an awesome photographer.
miss you.

Laura Phelps - I am not sure what weirds me out more…a group of cows, or a group of women bloggers!!!!
I think the bloggers 🙂
the cows are actually adorable.

ko. s - How fun! How lovely! How much I dream of a house like that!
Have fun at Snap! Don’t hide missy, you’ve got sooooo much talent to share!

casey - I love the 132 cow picture! I hope that is going to be framed in your house somewhere.
Also.. “More deodrant!!” I know, right?!! I’m the same way! I get nervous and the sweat and I’m not even hot! And then I get even more nevrous because I worry that I have pit stains or something and then end up sweating more! It’s vicious cycle!

Kerry Wiebe - That is the same view but from my screened in porch!!! You are going to be great sister!! Just remember you rock! Love YA!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Kelly - All I can think of is Meg turned Pioneer Woman. 😉
What a great place to call home!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Thos pictures of the cows are beautiful! It would have scared me to have them so close, good for you, brave one!

Kristi Thomsen - I love, love, love the cow pics! Especially #109!

April R - (lol Angie!)
Meg, have FUN at SNAP! 🙂 Be awesome 🙂
ok, you were probably just being funny about the deodorant thing
but for anyone out there that might not know there’s the wonderful Rx: Drysol.
It’s a summertime, public speaking time, humidity busting time friend.
You put on at night, wash off in the morning,
u don’t need the regular stuff, AND you don’t use it everyday.
It works.
And people who have to be around me are glad it does.

Sarah - Awesome.
Love the cows.
Love the campfire.
Love that barn.

Angie - Do you feel like PW taking pics of all those cows for your blog? lol
Maybe Mr. Duerksen could dress cowboy for you someday. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - LITERALLY 🙂

Jess - Look at you! You are a true farm girl now. 😉

Kim - Love, love, love cows. They are so funny. And their eyes are so kind.

jen - i just love, love those cows and wow your new home is awesome! not something you ever see here in so. ca..just beautiful. but i am for sure bonkers over #109 how could you not lay one on his nose! he is so sweet! love your blog… it’s so so fun!
have fun in utah

Shar - Have a good time at SNAP. And, then when you get home, your front garden would be perfect for an herb garden!
And, the cows and chickens will be asking for a family photo once they learn your talent!

Lisa - What a peaceful new life you have now. I’m happy for you;)

Theresa McCabe - omigosh SO BEAUTIFUL! great photog 🙂

Amnah - Not gonna lie, I miss seeing pics of your old house, or should I say “the craft weekend house” now. But I’m falling in love with your country home. Very cool.

Dian Olivr - loven the chicken and cow and sunset pictures. the thing is…will your kids still eat chicken if they have live ones in their yard? i know they wouldn’t eat their very own! but, will they make the connection? just a thought! have a blast at snap. i know you will!!

jamie - seriously love how you call the cows by their numbers. once you discover their personalities you should name them! you’re super fun…

Dina - I want chickens SOOOO bad! One day my hubs is on board, the next he isn’t…we live in Wichita… the city says we can have up to 3. I can handle that:-)…maybe sneak in a couple more;-)
And cows…cows…my fave animal ever! I should live on a farm but my heart is too fragile for that…ya know what I mean? My farmer friend told me the lifespan of a laying hen…2-3 years:-(…and the way they die…you don’t even wanna know! Have a fantastic time at SNAP!:-)

Sara Torbett - We live on a farm with cows! We love ’em. Our evenings are often spent checking the cows. My 10 month old especially likes them 🙂 the BEST is the new little calves! They are so playful and frolick everywhere. Not so smelly and “manure-y” yet either. 🙂 praying for your conference! You’ll do great!

happygirl - I love your new home. I’m confused, did you move and I missed it? Thanks for sharing the pics.

Julie - I am having cow envy! We would looove to move to an area just like yours, but alas, the housing market is preventing any movement for us. I long for only the sounds of wildlife in the evenings. Keep sharing pictures…I look forward to them! Hmmm..I wonder if my subdivision would frown on chickens.

Amber - I will totally build you a coop. I mean that seriously. I only live 2 hours away. Maybe we could work out a swap of some sort or a discount if my name ever comes up for a Whatever Craft Weekend spot. I have several sets of plans and I’ve been thinking a coop would be a fun project for a while. That and I really wanted to design one after the Williams Sonoma Agrarian collection came out a couple of weeks ago.

sue - What is SNAP in Utah ???

nicole - Oh, these pictures are making my heart sing!
I have been in need of a farm fix the past couple of days.
Since I don’t know when I’ll get to the family farm next, I did the next best thing…. I shared some of my Instagram pictures on my blog.
But man, these pictures are doing my heart lots of good!

Terrie G - I heart #132 and that tongue sticking out!
Just wait until you get a wiff of them in a strong wind when you are ready for a ‘fresh’ breeze in the house….that part of being on the farm I don’t miss so much.
Girl…you will do fine in that crowd of women!
If you get stressed….just pretend they are the chickens or the cows…I mean that in a good way… LOL!! 🙂

Jill - Oh I LOVE it! I love snapping pics of cows – they are bit stinky animals but they are SO PHOTOGENIC!

Shelley - Since you’re a bonafide “country” girl now, I must tell you that you live on a road, not a street-lol!!
And, I can practically smell #109.
Do you want to smell my pigs?!? I can get a pic for ya!
Enjoy your country living 🙂

tiffany gardner - YOU CAN DO IT! (or God can do it through you!)
Wish I were there to hear you!!!

Kimberly - Ha! Great post! (And I think you’re jealous of ol’ #132… not many people can do that! Although my husband can… TMI?)

Cindy - You made cows look so happy! Great pics!!!

Kristen - Get some chickens!!! Maybe your neighbor with the chickens can take care of yours while you’re on vacation. We have a farm across the street that grows strawberries and has chickens…best eggs ever and my kids are obsessed with the chickens.
Whenever we pass cows my husband loves to yell “I won’t eat you” that’s all I could think looking at each picture (he’s a vegetarian).

Karen Gerstenberger - Those cows are adorable – so sweet, with their big, dark, trusting eyes. That tongue! Eeek.
As soon as I saw the chickens, I thought, “They look as if they are wearing bloomers” – you know, big Scarlett O’Hara bloomer-type-underwear. Too funny!
Your new neighborhood -and animal kingdom neighbors- are simply lovely.
Have a wonderful time in fellowship with the other bloggers. I feel the same way about big groups, but you are there for a purpose, and He will carry you.

Meg Carter - Meg! What perfect timing?!?!? This post was meant to be. This weekend I was planning on starting 2 paintings. One of cows and one of a chicken! These are awesome reference photos for me. The paintings are for our first little girl on the way, for her nursery. Yay!!! Jumping for joy!! It is a sign that I am supposed to start NOW!!! Thanks Meg, for the inspiration and help you did not even know you were giving!!!! I will be sure to show you the paintings when I am done!

Jessica - you’re so lucky!! My boys would LOVE it there!! I look out my window and see houses… houses and houses. BUT if I drive for about 15min I’m in NYC!!

jacqui anderson - meg, wait till the cows start running with you!! when we were on the farm and i would run down the road beside the cow paddock/field they would run along the fence line with me and wait till i was coming back and then turn and run with me again!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Cows are pretty cool!

Leah - Beautiful pictures. Can I move in? Love the cows.

Amanda - Oh, beautiful cows! A dear old friend of my mom’s called them Meadow Ladies.

Marilyn - Aww… aren’t cows great!? I rode one when I was about 8. Well, I rode it until the lady across the road called my gramma and tattled. It really was different from a horse!

Sharley McMullen - Love love your blog! thanks for the wiww tutorial inspires me to go shopping which I really “don’t love”.
on a different note, I noticed the flower from Joy’s Hope, I’m SO SAD I can’t get on her blog anymore, my computer says it is blocked because of a virus. Do you have another address for Julie’s ‘new’ blogspot? would be ‘forever grateful’ if you do and would share with me
ps I’m Don Beverlin’s cousin in Calif.

Dani - Chickens and COWS…. man you are in the country! Miss my country life as a child.
Have fun at SNAP. You are an amazing lady and will be wonderful! You know all your readers already love you, so you shouldn’t be worried!
Prayers for your nerves!

Carrie - Such beautiful pictures! Can’t wait until you share the inside of your home, but that probably won’t come until winter, as beautiful as it is outside. 🙂
I’m weird around big groups of women too. Well, big groups of people actually. 🙂

Holly - I love the cows!

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