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my version of WIWW

Lindsey at the The Pleated Poppy has done What I Wore Wednesday for….ever.
i don't know how long.
and i have NEVER participated.
because i just don't dress that cute on a daily basis.  
maybe twice a week i dress nicer than my workout clothes/sweats.

and of those two days…i never take pictures.

so i thought….since i am all packed and ready for SNAP….nerves are much less anxious….thanks for praying.
i thought i would show my version of WIWW.

suitcase style.

 cardigan – Forever 21
tank –  Matilda Jane

jewelry  - Crystal B

 dress – Old Navy
cardigan – JCPenney

flower – Made4Adoption



striped top – Forever 21
denim jacket – Old Navy
white pants – Old Navy
Jewelry CATO



coral top – Maurices
denim jacket – Old Navy
pants – Dress Barn (moo) 
jewelry – Francescas
flower – Julie at Joys Hope 

here is all of it with shoes.  :)
leopard flats – target, red wedges – Payless, sandals – Maurices, sparkle sequin converse – Target

it's kind of like fashion plates.  
did you love fashion plates like i did?
i used to make outfit after outfit….and color them in with colored pencil.
 i think i still have some.
i have never had my girls play with them???
what have i done to them?!
i hope i can find them.
they need fashion plates in their life.


this is why i don't do WIWW.
it would be 5 photos of this….with different colored tanks.
i have a weeks worth of those capris.
i wear the jacket over and over.
 nice hair.

i will be leaving this "outfit" at home. 

and guess who i am rooming with at SNAP?
maybe she will school me on how to pull off WIWW.
i clearly need a lesson.

also rooming with Jeannett and Maggie.
 i think it's going to be loads of fun.
they can teach me about instagram and business-y things.
talk about a powerhouse room at the Spring Hill Suites!
how did i get in there???
i can't wait.
i am getting very excited today. 

although i am feeling SO guilty about leaving.
i am going to be gone for mr. duerksen's birthday.
the first time in….over 20 years!!!
that is huge.
i am a jerk.
it's really bothered me.
he says it means nothing and he doesn't care.
"it's just like any other saturday"
but to me it is a BIG deal…like i am tearing up just thinking about it!
i want to celebrate him on his big day.
i want to be there.
my kids are going to have to step up. 
they better be good and make it nice!

the guilt.

alright….i am off to run (treadmill…wind is too much today)
and then finish up all the last minute things like…new spanx…and travel size hairspray.
and People Magazine.


Erin - I loved fashion plates. They really need to bring those back!

Kristen Duke Photography - I LOVE all your outfits and I’m sad I didn’t see them in person, even though I was there at SNAP! LOVE that turq. chunky necklace, and love those sparkly converse! Also crushing on your running shoes! I link up to WIWW sometimes, and when I don’t my readers get bugged! I laughed with Lindsey about that–she REALLY has to keep it up!

Gina // C is for Cupcakes Baking Co. - Very cute! i just bought my first little cardigan today, looking forward to layering stuff now that I am down three pant sizes and fit in REGULAR misses sizes, adios plus! – and some jersey dresses from lands end, solid colors. They had a flower pin like yours , but were charging $20 – for mass produced! I KNEW I could find them cuter, for less and from a SBO online!!!
And those leopard/cheetah flats from Target? I had those, wore them out.
Have fun!!! Hope your event is as fun + inspiring (with this line up , how could it not be) as your suitcase prepares for it to be!!!

Shannon - Frequent reader, infrequent commenter. 😉 I just had to post and say how cute all your outfits are, I wish I could pull an outfit together the way that you do. I tend to get stuck in the same rut day after day. Solid shirt, some kind of pant, maybe cute jewelry? I’m inspired to go shopping thanks to you! 🙂

Kat - Totally love your outfits, especially those with pops of red or coral, that is very much my taste too!
I think you have done a fab job of putting them together!!
Go have a fantastic time!
I imagine Lindsay would be really lovely. I really like her blog too.

sandi - i found some fashion plates at a consignment sale… middle daughter loves them! so cool!

Bullymama - Great outfits, you really know how to accessorize…your shoes and jewelry are just enough pop to make a statement but not be overdone. I love it!! I used to have Fashion Plates and a few years ago my kids found the boy’s version, I think it is called Monster Maker at a yard sale…brought me back as close as I am going to get to Fashion Plates with 3 boys 🙂 Have a great time at SNAP…and when you are feeling guilty about being away for hubby’s bday remember that you are there for a greater reason than yourself and you will celebrate with him when you get back. My best friend just moved to Utah, I’ve got to get out there soon!

Kristin S - I seriously think I’d just hibernate in your room. What an awesome roomie group!!!

Alice H - Cute outfits and shoes!! Love that dress. I need to buy some more cardigans. I dislike my arms! And that is a great idea to pair them with so much stuff. Hope you have fun.

Laura - You are so funny-i love reading your blog!

cassi - Great outfits you have planned. Have fun. Someday I will make it to a blogging conference

Stacy - Fashion Plates – ah memories! I didn’t have them but my friend did and I was lucky she shared her set with me. Melissa and Doug toy company has a really great version, they are stencils, and the body shapes are real body shapes. Amazon has them here:

jen - converse please!!!!! {i really have to get to a target}

Jodi - Meg, I love the pictures you took of the outfits, gorgeous! You should totally post more like this.
And fashion plates was like my all time favorite toy as a kid. I might have to scour ebay for some now!

amy cornwell - I had and loved fashion plates!! Yay. They were so fun! (and I have seen them at Target and *gasp* my daughter didn’t want them. so sad)

danielle - Mine would be jeans + tank/shirt. I always wear hiking boots, no cute shoes. I did a little better while doing my 365 project. I never understood where all those people are going that they look so nice? I try and then I get cold or get food on it and just say forget it!

Mary - wooo!
those outfits are amazing! i totally wish i would have bought that old navy dress, but i was being grumpy that day! 🙂
have fun! 🙂

Krissy - You should do the WIWW more often! I love seeing what actually looks good on a normal person, since all I wear is jeans and tees. lol! I would have to say the 4th is my fave, only because I’m in love with your converse (and have been for a while :D) Have fun at SNAP!! It sounds like it’s going to be a blast!!! And dont worry too much about hubby…mine is like that too, but I really dont think it’s a big deal to them. Just have something good planned for when you get home, and you will feel much better. :))))))

Jill - Have a freakin BLAST Meg! I love your outfits even your work out one! 🙂

Yby5 - Love you!!As I write this sitting in my work out clothes I can relate. Your outfits look fantastic and so pulled together. You have a knack for accessorizing…you’ll be your own fashion plate at Snap!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - I love all the color! I need to step up my game…why are sweats just soooo comfy?!

Laura b - Love the outfits! Too cute. The one with the striped cardi is my favorite one. Wish I was going to Snap. Just found out about it a week ago and tickets were already sold out. So bummed! I know you will do great and can’t wait to hear all about it on your blog! Safe travels!

Kari - you look great in your workout clothes – reading the above comment i need some capris like those too for jazzercise 🙂

Wendy - FASHION PLATES ROCKED! Remember you would have to use the side of an unwrapped crayon when you lost the pink holder and black harderthanaregularcrayon thingy! I love the 80’s … 🙂

Katy - I love all of your outfits!!! I might have to go to Forever 21….thought I was way too old for that store!
BTW, where did you get your running them. I’ve been wanting some just like that.
Have fun at SNAP!

ko. s - Oh fashion plates!!! I loved those! Wow, what a flash back 🙂 Your outfits are toooooooo cute I’m actually saving that picture in hopes of duplicating them all! Have so much fun!!!

Katie Sellers - Your outfits are adorable, you will look so cute! I wouldn’t even be able to pull together that many cute “looks” with accessories for a trip let alone an average week!
Have fun!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I think I have that same turquoise bobble necklace 😉 so cute! Your outfits all look great. You look great too! P.S. I think you are married to a great guy like mine and he totally understands being gone on his birthday. He knows you feel bad. Just make it up to him when you get back 😉 Have a great time and please share ALL the details. P.P.S I will keep you in my prayers. You’ll do great!

Kerstie Pederson - Love the outfits…. and I L-O-V-E-D fashion plates!

Kristina - Love your ensembles! Have a great time away.

Tiffany - I love it!! You are hilarious and insightful, funny but reals. Have fun at SNAP!

Lisa - particularly love outfit #1. totally my style. 🙂 i would also feel guilty about being gone for my husbands bday. but it sounds like your man is really ok with it. plan something great when you get home! plus it does allow your kids to step up and make their dad feel celebrated!

Carrie - You are so cute! 😉

Amy - First…I’m so inspired I love the outfits! Second…find sweet meaningful souvenir for the birthday guy (for my love it means something chocolate:)) and third…I had fashion plates!! And I haven’t thought of them in about 30 years, thanks for the memory and have a blast at SNAP!!

Jess - I really hope you contine to post wiww outfits; your choices are sooo cute! The accessories and shoes really put them over the top adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Lisa A. A. - Adorable outfits! Laughing because I’m sitting here in my black yoga pants and gray wrap cardigan… my uniform! You’ll do great at SNAP; lucky audience!

Ashley - love all of those outfits, very cute!!
and hey, your workout shoes are pretty freaking awesome.

Kaylee@Life Chasers - you are going to look fabulous!
and don’t you love your nike frees? i live in mine. i would kiss them if they weren’t shoes.

tiffany gardner - Oh how you make me laugh! I would feel the same about not being with my hubby on his day too…you aren’t alone! I will lift you up that day! Wow…awesome roommates! (as if i really know them other than reading the blogs everyday!) Can’t wait to hear how it goes! Safe travels!

Mindy Harris - i really love the flowered dress and of course your joy’s hope brooch. thank you for doing this outfit post. it’s so cute! you SO CAN pull off WIWW…mine have always been awkward but i do them anyway… but only sometimes.
have fun at SNAP! i want to go next year, so so bad. sounds like you girls are going to have a ball. i’d love to be rooming with you and maggie. i love you both.
shawn turned 30 this week and i understand the hubbie’s bday thing. we act like it’s more special for me than for him. but he does SO MUCH for our family that i wanted him to feel special, and know that i was willing to “sacrifice” a girl’s night out to be with him.
safe travels!

Carrie - Thanks for the MOO after Dress Barn. I am convinced a man named the store. No woman would put in the name of womens clothing store.
My WIWW would be jeans and a tshirt. I work from home half the time and the rest is a small office with no dress code. It’s nice, except when I want to dress a little nicer and don’t have much to choose from. 🙂
As for Mr Duerksens birthday. I get the guilt, I can say I am right there with you. To me birthdays are huge and special. To my Mr., they are just another day. Know that you are doing something that will benefit you and your family this weekend. There is a purpose for you somewhere else this weekend. Mr Duerksen understands so try to be easy on yourself and have fun!

Victoria - I love the outfits, especially #4! Maybe I should secretly copy them. He he.
So glad you showed the shoes too. I never know what shoes to wear with different outfits.

Aby Gittings - Smokin cute outfits girl!! I love how different they all are…yet they all flow together beautifully! Is there ANYTHING you aren’t good at??? As for hubby… don’t beat yourself up. You can make it up to him when you get back!! I’m sure his pride in you and your accomplishments.. as evidenced by this trip… are all the gift he needs! Have fun!!

Jennifer - I love this post!!! Love your outfits!! Especially red/turquoise combo!!
I’m also impressed that you are still running!! You go girl! Is it getting easier?

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Have fun. I love the outfits but I’m very sad we don’t have a Francesca’s around here. They have the greatest jewelry! I should check online; I’m probably missing out.
Have fun on your trip! Your hotel room will not be one for sleeping that’s for sure:)

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I was looking for fashion plates for my daughter the other day…even though she is only 9 mos old. I can play with them until she needs them, right? Also, I could only find them on ebay. They have new ones out, but they don’t look nearly as cool!
Your outfits are very nautical, and I love that 🙂 You have such a great way of shopping at reasonable places and making it look like a million bucks 🙂

Laura Phelps - first of all…I don’t know what SNAP is, but I am jealous.
second of all…you have a lot of cute clothes. I have seen you on line AND in fabulous person. You always look cute. I happen to adore your work out attire. You HAVE work out attire. I work out in crap. You should see my sad sad closet.
third of all…THANK YOU so much for not posing in EVERY. SINGLE. OUTFIT. It creeps me out when people blog themselves in different outfits…not sure why…but it does.
have fun!
and no worries…I have BIG plans for Craig on his birthday!!!! HA!!!! no I don’t. but speaking of birthdays…mine is Tuesday, and if I didn’t live miles away and was sick with Lyme Disease, I would want to go to your craft weekend home for a craft BIRTHDAY weekend! with you and your margaritas!!!! maybe for my 50th???? 🙂

happygirl - You are stylin’ girl. 🙂

jen@thecottagenest - Well I think you just convinced me to go to Francesca’s because I love that necklace. I’m hoping you got it recently! Also what brand of capri workout pants do you like? I’m searching for some right now myself! Have a great time. You will surely look adorable!

Jenn - Love, love, love the outfits! You are going to look and be great!

Kerry - Awww – they all look great Meg! Have FUN FUN FUN!! xx

tina - Have a fantastic time!!! You’re going to look adrorable!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I totally look like you every day. I do not have any clothes otherwise. Guess I should go shopping. Have a great time.

Mollie - LOVE all your outfits! So cute! Have a great weekend!!

Karen Gerstenberger - Those outfits look great! I am a terrible packer, and that has just given me a good idea for making it easier. You could also sell alot of clothes that way – showing the options and all the pieces that would go with those as the core wardrobe.
You are going to have a wonderful time and you will inspire and encourage so many others. And I bet you will make it up to Mr. Duerksen when you get home!

Jess - You are going to look super cute, Megan. Praying for you. Have so much fun!

annie - You’re adorable! LUCKY you for rooming with all those gals! Y’all are going to have so much fun!!!!!!
Cute outfits!!!!

Sarah @This Farm Family's Life - You have an awesome sense of style!

Lori H - You are the cutest, and your outfits are great! I don’t think we have Maurice’s. Maybe you can arrange for a friend to come by on your husband’s bday to deliver a special gift from you? Then he would be feeling the love from afar 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I hope you have so much fun! Your outfits are adorable! I never played with fashion plates… Maybe that’s why I have trouble putting outfits together 🙂

BriBedell - You are adorable! I think now that I have had my third & last baby, I’m buying real spanx (not Walmart ones) until I get this tummy back into shape!!!

casey - SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna room with lindsey! The only two blogs I read are yours and hers! It’s like my newspaper everyday. Have an awesome time and I can’t wait to see pictures!
Super fab outfits by the way and LOVE the leopard flats!

Carla Grace - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything you put together!! When I grow up I want to be just like you. 🙂 I must check out 4ever XXI…their stuff is just too dang cute! Have fun!!

Lindsey - CAAAAAUUUUUTE outfits!!!!! You will look awesome! If I were to do the WIWW today, it would not be pretty. Inside-out long john shirt with kid boogies all over it, high-water jeans with holes, and my hair in a clippy on top of my head. HOT. NOT.

Megan - Super cute outfits. I’d love to hear what your favorite running clothes are, including sports bras!

air greenwood - first things first…I am SO SO SO in love with your blog & your sparkling personality! & you are going to be right in my state, less than 2 hours away!! I am SERIOUSLY SAD that I couldnt score registration to SNAP! By the time I had heard about it, it was sold out! Major bummer!!!
If you head to the marketplace, look for a vendor named Salty Bison! She is one talented and super lovely lady! Ive photographed their family & let me just say, for 6 kids, I have NEVER seen a couple more in love and refreshing & just all around calm!
Such cute outfits. I have to say, I own about 4 different pairs of the same black yoga pants and tanks as well. I wear them all daily, along with some leggings thrown in here and there. Im sure my neighbors think Im dying to be an 80’s superstar…its rather embarrassing to be seen chasing your neighbors dog back home wearing leggings, jogging shorts and a tank top. ha!
Safe travels!& at least dress comfy on the plane. 🙂
Oh & one more thing. Youre not a jerk for missing the mr’s bday. Although I am sure he would love to have you present, I bet he will also love just having a day to lounge and be a kid with your kids. It just shows how much he loves and supports you, to not make a big ol’ deal out of it! Plus, you can always make it up with a special “date night” when you return..any excuse once we have kidlets right?!

Julie - I gotta know what kind of running ahoes those are! So cute!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Did you pre-plan the nautical theme? WOW! You’re a layer maven. I dig it.
Have big fun!

Wendy - JEALOUS!! your conference and roomates sound amazing. your outfits are too cute! have fun!

Maria - Sorry for the much for auto correct!

Maria - By the way.l.i am constantly in workout gear…even if I don’t get a workout in that day…I do try and dress up for the occasional PTA mtg or lunch out though…

Maria - Cute cute cute! I love all the shoes and especially love the Francescas necklace…I need to go shopping. Have fun!

Tanya H - Such cute outfits! I hear ya on the birthday, sad!
I know…I keep thinking I want to play with WIWW…except…I can’t. LOL! 🙂 Of course it helps that I haven’t figured out the timer on my camera, and I don’t have a full length mirror, haha!
Best of wishes on your trip! You’ll be fabulous!

Gina f. - Your outfits are adorable!!! I love all the colors!!

Cindy - I looove the turquoise bauble necklace. And the MOO was funny about DressBarn.
All the outfits = cute! Even you in your workout gear= cute!!

kristy - I love the picture of you in your comfy workout clothes. That would be the majority of WIWW too. I do love the other clothes you posted too. This post made me smile!!

Angela - Love your style! So fun.

jacqui anderson - forgot to say outfit #1 my fav!! although those glitter converse are pretty sweeeeeet!! I need a target near me!!!

jacqui anderson - those outfits are gorgeous, thanks for inspiring to get out of my sweats for maybe one or two days!!
heading to old navys website right now!!

beki - shut up, you are so cute! i love your outfits. I have a serious deficiency in that department even though i am forced to get dressed in nice clothes every day.
girl, i am feeling the jerky guilt myself. i’m leaving on a trip in 2 weeks (to have fun with friends), leaving my poor husband to care for our 4 kids, including a 6 month old. i’m going to miss ma babies!! i’m already worried my baby won’t remember me when i get back. leaving is hard!!

Trish - you are so cute… you need no schooling on how to do WIWW… you just did it. Meg style 🙂 have so much fun. i am dying over outfit number 1. i love them all though. you will do awesome and it will be so fun to room with all those fun gals! have a blast

4 Fab Franklins - Love Love Love the outfits! Those sparkle tennies are so fun!
Have a great time.

Meredith W. - You look so thin! Congrats on sticking with running. It’s my favorite form of exercise, and I love seeing other women enjoying it too (or at least enjoying the results!).

Melissa - A room full of creative gals!!! I’d love to have a slumber party with all of you!!!!!
Your outfits are so comfy and cute. I need to shop with you!

lorel - have fun Meg – you will look so cute!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - My daily ensemble matches yours – black Target capris, tanks, and hoodies or jackets.
I Moo for Dress Barn too but always find cute dresses for date night/weddings there so I can’t knock it.
Everything is adorable – you’ll be very fashion plate-y.
I stil have my fashion plates and yes the girls love them and whenever they’re out I join in because I can’t help myself. If you can’t find yours just come over and play with mine!
Have fun at SNAP! I’ll be with you in spirit — you’re going to rock it! : )

Jenn Shock - Very cute outfits! I LOL’d at your “Moo” reference to Dress Barn. I hate that name, and refer to it as Heifer House in jest whenever I go shopping there.
And I too played with fashion plates and had completely forgot about them until I read this post!

jamie - i love all your outfits. you’re such a cutie. which outfit do i love the most? your everyday outfit! have fun at SNAP! i think you’re amazing….

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