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a little lisa….


ahhhh…… Lisa Leonard ….i just LOVE her shop!!

Keepsake-Bowl_01 DevotedBracelet_01

she has a beautiful selection of jewelry & gifts making it easy to pick something perfect for the special person in your life….even if that special person is you!!

you could shop today for Mother's Day!
the mothers in your life would be so in love anything from Lisa!


today Lisa is letting me giveaway TWO gift certificates!
to be entered you need to sign up for her newletter …..that's it!

it's on the bottom right corner of her shops front page.
it will take you about 8 seconds…maybe 9.

then shop around.
find your favorite items…..then shop for your mom….your sister….your friends…..

then make sure you leave a comment here that you signed up to receive lisa's newsletter.

and i will pick TWO winners later this week!

thanks LISA!!

(and surely you read her blog don't you?  well if you don't yet…YOU SHOULD!!  it's lovely.) 



Dotti Terhune - Just signed up to get the newsletter -hoping to get the “deer” necklace for my daughter who used a deer theme for her firstborn’s nursery. Thanks for the chance to win.

Amy P. - I signed up! Love her stuff.

el - I signed up. Lovely items.

crgw - what a FUN give away! LOVE her style & yours! i signed up!

Alice C. - I adore Lisa! Been signed up for her newsletter for a while now.

alphabetmomma - Awesome jewelry!! She has such talent! (So do you!)

pam - i LOVE my necklaces from Lisa Leonard! all the way to africa!
they hold up even in extreme sweat environments and the salty sea breeze. they are awesome.

Keshet - i’m signed up and love her stuff!

Christy - Love her designs! I’m signed up!

Molly B - I love Lisa Leonard. I have been getting her newsletter for awhile now.
thank you!

Sarah - I’m all signed up! I love the family crest necklace.

katie - i would seriously love ANYthing in her shop. love everything!!! necklaces, bracelets, bowls, etc, etc, etc…

kathleen - I signed up for her newsletter! thanks for sharing!! fingers crossed I win! and i love your blog and your home(s)

Michele - I’ve had my eye on the petite family crest necklace and would love to win a gift certificate šŸ™‚

Katie Q - Signed up for the newsletter. Love that Lisa Leonard!

Julie - I signed up! How in the world do you pick just one? I sent a link the the website to my husband and told him to take his pick! Mother’s Day AND my birthday are both in May! I’m crossing my fingers!

Caroline - Signed up! I LOOOOOOOVE her stuff! So cute!!!! I actually already bought my MIL’s Mother’s Day gift from there, but need one for my Ma…or for me! šŸ˜‰

Jamie C - I’m signed up. Love her stuff!!

Mary - oh, you KNOW i signed up for this!!!
thank you!

Krissy - I signed up! I love her stuff and her blog. She did the WIWW too! lol!

Lindsay K - I was just on her website the other day looking to find another charm to add to my necklace for our baby girl coming in August! I love all of her stuff!

Angie B - signed up! such cute stuff!

Routhie - Signed up, but not without some goodies in my shopping cart! I don’t give Mother’s and Father’s day presents every year, but this year will be good. šŸ˜€

danielle - Just signed up!

Jordan Huie - Signed up! love her shop! Know so many ladies who would adore her stuff.

Holly Law - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I would love to have her “this is love” necklace!

Cary - I signed up!!!!

Kelly D - Signed up! Thanks for the giveaway, love LL!!

Mshaniuk - I signed up for her newsletter. My favorite is the itty bitty hearts necklace. Thanks for the chance!

Lisa - Just signed up for her newsletter, love all her stuff!!!!

Suzanne - I signed up for her newsletter a while back. I love her jewelry. I love wearing her jewelry!!

STACSMIT - I am signed up. I love her stuff, it’s so creative and beautiful

Shelly Primm - I already receive her newsletter! I have been shopping with Lisa for 4 years now! In fact, I buy my girl’s teachers a “Lisa Necklace”. Teachers fight to have my girls so they can get a necklace at the end of the year! šŸ™‚ Thanks!!!

Melanie - I already get Lisa’s newsletter AND I do indeed read her blog! I also have a few pieces of her jewelry…love, love, love! And would love MORE pieces! šŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance. xoxo

Becky J - I am signed up already as well for her newsletter…love her designs!! Blessings

Hannah S. - I’m already signed up for her newsletter. Love her stuff!

Gretchen - Signed up for her newsletter. I love her stuff, but have never had the chance at any before (um, well, except for when you have a giveaway)!
I like your title: “A little lisa”. I’d like to add to that:
A little lisa is a lotta love.
How’s that for a motto?
Although I would love to own a piece for myself (husband and child, are you reading this?), if I won, I definitely would buy a piece for my mom for Mother’s Day. She deserves it more than me. She rocks — in every possible way. - Well, I signed up but Iam afraid Iam not lucky enough to win out of the 473 other people that also did… oh well, it is worth a shot!

melissa@joyineveryseason - i signed up for Lisa’s newsletter … and love every. single. bit. of her stuff. not kidding. i want one of everything :o)

Cindy - already signed up!

Ali - I signed up!

Rachel K - I signed up šŸ™‚ Love her things!

karen brown - love her stuff! already on the newsletter list. šŸ˜‰

Kristin Fleck - i signed up šŸ™‚

Sharon B. - Already signed up!!! Love Lisa’s jewelry and would love to win and get more!!!

Cortney Hardy - Just signed up. I really would have to ponder my decision. It would be very tough. I am expecting our baby #3 and have been wanting a ‘mommy’ necklace. Dropping big time hints to Dad, and having the boys rehearse what to tell Daddy to get Mommy. Shameless, I know. But really, really want one!

Ellen J - I signed up!! I LOVE her products! So pretty!!

emmeline - already signed up! šŸ™‚ thanks for the chance!

rebekah - I signed up for the newsletter.

Mae - Signed up!!

Amber - Signed up! LOVE her stuff!

Melissa Hermon - I am already signed up! I love her stuff- wear one of her necklaces almost everyday but could always use another:)

Lisa - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Thanks for the introduction.

naomi - I signed up! LOVE me some Lisa Leonard!!

air greenwood - I have been signed up a while now & love her blog as well! She has an amazing talent & upbeat spirit! I would absolutely love to win, I think I would buy something for my sister in law getting married in June.

Erika C. - I can’t decide between these two… my treasure necklace & through my lens necklace… I LOVE them both!!

Jessica - I signed up! Love her stuff!

Heather - I just signed up for her newsletter…hope I win, but if not, the 15% off sounds good, too! I love the cross, and the keepsake bowl for my sister.
I read through LL’s blog, too. It is lovely and I bookmarked it!
Have fun at SNAP!

Melissa Morrill - I signed up!! I looked around to see if I saw something my mom would like, then I decided that I wanted everything! šŸ™‚

Keisha - Wow! beautiful! all signed up for the newsletter!!

Megan B - I LOVE her stuff. I just signed up for the newsletter (I can’t believe I never saw that little box before.) Thanks!

Wendy - I signed up for the newsletter. She has such wonderful things…love, love, love them!

Helen Shields - I drool regularly on this site and love Lisa’s to so was very grateful for the chance to win! Signed up for the newsletter straight away šŸ™‚

Trudy - I signed up for the newsletter. Love everything she does…she has the right touch.

Abby Gossard - Super cute stuff! Can’t wait to see who wins! šŸ™‚

Amber - Signed up, her stuff is fabulous!!

Talysa - Long time subscriber. šŸ™‚

Jamie - I’ve been getting her newsletters for a while now – I just love her stuff!!

Amanda C. - I signed up! LOVE the connected heart necklace!

Julie - i’ve signed up to receive her newsletter in the past. i would love to buy that little dish!

Holly Drown - All of her designs are beautiful! I just signed up for her newsletter.

Shannon - All signed up and now following her blog. Her designs are wonderful.

Jennifer Anderson - I signed up! love her jewelry and her blog!

Susan C. - I’m getting This is Love necklace. Heard about her on JoysHope blog!

Karin - I signed up! Love Lisa’s stuff!

Sarah - I signed up for that lil diddy a while ago – gotta love lisa!

Stephanie C. - Love Lisa! Signed up for the newsletter.

nicoleigh - I signed up. I too love her things. Can I have one of everything please?!

Denise - I’ve been following her for quite some time and LOVE LOVE LOVE her jewelry!!!!! I have several pieces on my wish list!!! IF only my mother wore necklaces and bracelets, but she doesn’t. BUT I DO AND WOULD LOVE LOVE LOVE TO win!!!

Amber L Peters - I hope it’s not too late to enter. I subscribe to your blog via email but i don’t get your posts until the next day. šŸ™ I am signed up to receive Lisa’s newsletter. I love all of her stuff! I would love the family tree necklace though.

Amy - Winning this would rock my world for 2 reasons: 1) I have never won anything in my whole life 2) I really want to get something nice with my kids names or intials on it but since I have 7 kids that is a investment that has not been in the budget lately.

Vicki - I am all signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! I would definitely do a happy dance if I won a $50 gift certificate from Lisa’s shop–I am a huge fan!

Tonya - I am signed up! I love her jewelry and all her home goods! I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from her a few years back!

Meg - I signed up a couple months ago – and ordered myself a beautiful necklace : ) She has so many beautiful things!

Tiffany - i heart LL!
i signed up for her newsletter.
i really love her pennant banner frame šŸ™‚

julie - i signed up! beautiful stuff, beautiful blog!

Carrie - Signed up for her newsletter!! Love her blog :)!

Jill - Oh wow. I love her stuff! I want one for me, my mom, my best friend, even my favorite waitress at our favorite cafe’! šŸ™‚
I signed up for her newsletter! I did not know she had one Meg!
Have a glorious day!

Carrie - Signed up — beautifully, talented lady!

Ruth V. - I signed up! Love her jewelry!

Gina in Louisville - I signed up for the newsletter. I just love that cross with the flowers. I immediately thought of daisies. It is sooooo sweet.

Kara - I signed up! Her jewelry is beautiful…

Kate - I adore Lisa…I get her newsletter, follow her on fb, read her blog…yea, I am obsessed! šŸ™‚

Amy Sytsma - I signed up for the newsletter! Teeny tiny initials or the tiny twig necklace! Love!

Sarah - I just signed up for her news letter. I love all her things but, there are two necklaces I’d really like to have.

Kari - I signed up for her newsletter. I love the Tiny Twig necklace.

Virginia Bibler - all signed up! such lovelies!

Kerry - Whoop Whoop! signed up šŸ™‚
I LOVE that necklace with the camera and heart on it!!!
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous x

Tammy - they are so pretty- love the simplistic designs. I signed up.

Tara - Don’t know how I wasn’t signed up already, I am on that site often…maybe a little too often šŸ™‚

Amanda - I just signed up! I love Lisa’s shop — everything is so beautiful!!!

Deanna Winne - Signed up…love everything!

Shaun - All signed up! Love LL!!

Deb - Signed up! Two great blogs!

Emily Eversole - I love Lisa’s things, & am all over being on her newsletter. I love her Devoted Bracelet, & Autumn’s Song bracelet, & Connected Hearts necklace, & pretty much everything else in her shop.
Thanks for this chance, šŸ™‚

Katrina - That was easy. Love her jewelry. Love her blog.

Jane - Oh I love Lisa Leonard. I have signed up for her newsletter and love reading her blog – gosh she is creative!!

Deb @ Home life simplified - I signed up – I have coveted her stuff for years – one day I will treat myself!

Kat - I signed up last year as I just lurve her jewellery!
I would love to chose something just for moi!!

mandy friend - ~done! yay!~

Amanda m. - I’m signed up! Love her!

Mary Beth - I signed up. I’d love to win.

Kendra - I happily signed up for her newsletter. I can’t believe I hadn’t already done it one of the many times I have dreamed my way through her shop.

Susan - I am signed up for her newsletter, Yay!! I love her stuff & her Mom necklace is so cute!
I hope you have a Happy Mother’s Day.
Susan : )

Kate R - Oh I love her stuff! And love her blog too – so inspiring šŸ™‚ They would indeed make perfect mother’s day gifts – I’ve been looking for an idea and you just made it quite clear for me. Thanks! I have just signed up for the newsletter – am surprised I wasn’t already!

Lela Pohlmann - Beautiful jewelry! I signed up and am keeping my fingers crossed!

Amanda K - Love her work. I signed up!

Alisa - I have signed up. I have been dreaming of a Lisa necklace for age. I love the open circle one and really want one with my kiddos names.. but I have also just spied the tiny twig necklace and LOVE it.

amalisa - I signed up and I’ve always loved her little bowls

Christine - I signed up. Love her stuff!!

Lisa S - I already subscribe to her newsletter! Bought a few of her decor pieces for Christmas and love them šŸ™‚ and I just sent my husband several links to the necklaces I want for mothers day and our anniversary šŸ˜‰

Carol - I signed up! Love her jewelry.

Elliottsurf - I already get Lisa’s newsletter and have ordered many many gifts from her shop. My favorite is the open circle bracelet. I have been giving it to friends who are turning 50 and have Lisa engrave the circle with some loving words as a momento of the big celebration. She is so easy to work with and the gifts come packaged in nice little kraft boxes with polka dot ribbon. It can’t get any easier than that! I would love to get one of the little bowls engraved.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Jeannette from Plant City - i am already signed up for her newsletters, hope that counts šŸ™‚ I have 2 necklaces from her collection and would love to add more!!!

Jenn N - I’m already signed up and receive her newsletter. Love, love, love her designs and have a few but would love to have some more. She is always creating new and beautiful items.

Alise - Consider me a new subscriber! I lot Lisa’s shop. Everything she has is so beautiful!

Kari - oops-newsletter-darn pregnancy brain.

Molly - I signed up! now I am in love with everything.. i need some bridesmaid gifts and she has perfect stuff!

Kari - I didn’t know she offered a website-what a fun surprise! All signed up!

Angie G - I signed up for the newsletter – she is amazing!

Robin - signed up! sweet!

lindsey - i’m all signed up! love her work and would love to give a give to my Mom šŸ™‚

Beth - I’m signed up! Thank you for this giveaway!

Amber Rae - Im all signed up for her newsletter!!

Capricious - I already read her blog and get her newsletter! Love her family tree and jumble of charms necklaces! So fun! I have my fingers crossed!

Laura - I already get the newsletter! I love her!

Vanessa Hayes - Signed up! Love her stuff. Love her blog. Just ordered a gift for my God daughter!

Kirsten Parr - I’ve been hinting for TWO YEARS now for the Sterling Silver Family Tree necklace……*fingers crossed!* GREAT GIVEAWAY!!!!

Kirsten Parr - I signed up for her newsletter! I LOVE her jewelry! *fingers crossed!*

Ani G W - I signed up! All of it is so beautiful!

Kelly - Just signed up;) have always wanted a Lisa Leonard necklace!

Jess - I’m already signed up for her newsletter. I love EVERYTHING in her shop!

Jenny - i signed up for lisa leonard’s newsletter! such beautiful pieces… lovely.

Jenni - I just signed up! LOVE her stuff!

Christie - I just signed up. I love anything Lisa!

Laura - I love the wand! I signed up!

Deb A. - I signed up for her newsletter and I think I’m going to have to treat myself to an early Mother’s Day gift šŸ™‚ Love, love, love her stuff. Thank you for the chance to win!!

Erin - Signed up! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kim Elks - i’m all signed up! i have been reading her blog for a long time and just love checking it everyday…yours too šŸ™‚

mollie b. - Love Lisa’s stuff, have a necklace, but would love to shop for Mother’s Day!!

Molly L - I already receive her newsletter and I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Jennie P. - Love Lisa Leonard’s stuff! I never win anything, so I usually don’t even try. I couldn’t resist doing this though, so I signed up for her newsletter! šŸ™‚

Ana Hogan - I am signed up! I love her collection. For this past Christmas, I bought my mother the brave love necklace. There was just enough room to write all 6 of her kids’ names. She l~o~v~e~d it. šŸ™‚

Nancy Kirkendoll - SItned up …so love sun droplet necklace and everything!

Tiffany - I’m signed up! The jewelry is all so beautiful!

allison - All signed up! I have loved her stuff for ages – but I have yet to take the plunge.

LibraryGirl62 - Read her, receive her newsletter, LOVE her stuff…but can’t afford it! I would love something to hang on to as my nest empties this fall. Maybe the Brave Love or Family tree or Heartstrings or…I better stop!

Leanna - Already signed up for her newsletter, love, love and more love.

Katy L. - I signed up and i liked to visit her blog. What beautiful things !

julia - I signed up. I’d get the “True Friend” bracelet for my mom.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - I signed up! That camera necklace is so sweet!

Vicki - I’ve begun the signing up process! Waiting on the confirmation email or whatever that business part is. LOVE the Autumn’s Song bracelet and the You’re the Cream in My Coffee necklace. So cute!

Jenn - i receive her newsletter! love her!

Julie King - Hi Meg. Thanks for sharing the link to Lisa’s shop. AMAZING! This momma would love to wear anything she designs! Julie K.

Katelyn - I signed up for her newsletter. Her stuff is so beautiful!

Heidi - All signed up! Love Lisa’s work!

Roberta - I signed on up! I love all of Lisa’s pretty things. Hard to pick a favorite but I’ll go with the Through My Lens necklace.

Trish Brenneman - Signed up for newsletter and bought some earrings! Neat sight!

Connie - I love her stuff, I hope I win!! I signed up

Jennifer Hill - I signed up!!!! Beautiful jewelry!!!!!

Aby - I signed up! I love her stuff!! Thanks!!

Brooke in WI - Just signed up and took a look around her shop again. I needed the reminder to see all of the new things that she has created! Love the camera necklace!

Amanda - I signed up! And thanks for leading me to her blog – how cute!

Diane - Signed up! There isn’t a single Lisa Leonard piece that I don’t positively adore. šŸ™‚

klucas - I signed up! Love her work!

Amanda Eudy - Of course I signed up! I love her stuff!

Susan - I signed up. Pick me! šŸ™‚

Chelsea - Love love love everything she creates! And now I’m on the mailing list…woohoo!!

Shea - Just signed up! Thanks šŸ™‚

Marianna - I signed right up for the newsletter. Have admired her pieces for quite some time!

Tiffany - Such beautiful work. I signed up. šŸ™‚

Arlene - I just signed up– so many beautiful things!!

Rebecca - Signed up! Hope I win šŸ™‚ .

dellie - i love the love cupcake toppers – she has such a vast range now šŸ™‚

Brook Hayes - I just signed up to receive Lisa’s newsletter. I love her stuff!

Rachel B. - Signed up šŸ™‚ She has such lovely things!

Oona Nicholas - I already am signed up for Lisa’s newsletter, I love her blog too. I was actually just there before coming over to visit her!!
You two girls are awesome.

Megan - I signed up to receive her newsletter =) Love love love her.

courtney moerschell - Love her blog and her jewelry and I signed up!

Karla - I just signed up for Lisa’s newsletter.

Heather - I have signed up for her newsletter; sub beautiful jewelry with wonderful sentiments!

eapawsat - I signed up for the newsletter and have filled my cart. I sure hope i win to offset the spending!

Lee Miller - I’m all signed up : ) Just love her stuff!

Jenna B - Oh my goodness how adorable! I signed up for her newsletter and would love to buy every single thing in her shop!

jen - Signed up! Already have a necklace with the jar of hearts and my kids’ and husband’s name but I would love to have something else!

katie h - i signed up! cute stuff šŸ™‚

Stacy - already signed up:) I just had a new baby and would love a family necklace:)

Sarah Andersen - Just signed up on lisa’s site! Love Love her jewelry! Would love to get owl and tiny initial necklace! Never had the chance to buy anything; a little out of our budget:( thanks so much for the giveaway Meg and Lisa!

Marla Rae - I did it. I signed up. I hope I win!

Jenna - love her stuff too.
i signed up!

Jen - signed up…and dreaming which I’d pick…for me, my mom, my daughters, and so on…so many beautiful choices!!

MyLinda - Signed up for the newsletter! I love Lisa’s necklaces and I would love to win one of those gift certificates!!

Amber - Already signed up šŸ™‚

Tracy - I’m signed up!

Chelsea - I signed up!

Stacey - Oh my goodness, I would love to win!! I signed up so please pick me, pick me! šŸ™‚

Malissa - I signed up. I love everything! I want a necklace with my children’s initials.

Mary Ann - I signed up for the newsletter! I love Lisa’s work and have hinted for the past few years that a necklace (or whatever) would make a lovely Mother’s Day gift. My husband never got the hint, so last week, I went ahead and sent him the link to her website. Maybe this year …

Maria - Signed up!

thearthurz - I already get her newsletter. LOVE her stuff!!

Stephanie Carroll - I signed up!

Nicole Q. - I love it all. I signed up for the newsletter! Pick me!! :))

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I’m signed up. And my birthday is Sunday. Crossing fingers…

Kristina - I signed up for her newsletter. I adore the camera necklace as well as the shaped by grace necklace…loooove them! I may have to break down and buy on šŸ™‚

Jodi - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Love, love, love her pieces. Would be so happy to win!

Laurie - I’m all signed up! I received a beautiful necklace from my family for my birthday….I want the collection! šŸ™‚

Kimber-Leigh - i’m signed up! what a wonderful giveaway! lisa’s stuff is amazing…i gave my mom a bracelet and it’s even more beautiful in person!

Carolyn W - I signed up!
I have admired Lisa’s jewelry for a long time now, but just started reading her blog last week. At which point, I realized she lives in the same small town I do! And even more, her kids go to the same school as mine! Which means I have been walking by her every morning and never even realized who she was. It’s a small world. šŸ™‚

Halley - Love Lisa’s beautiful designs and have been reading her blog for almost 2 years… signed up for her newsletter. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Penni McNamara - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! I have followed Lisa over the years and love her items and her blog (especially her outfit contributions)! I have observed, by visiting your blog now and then, that you are a kind & very giving soul,…so thank you for hosting this contest!

stacy - Signed up and ready to win! Whoo Hoo! Love Love her stuff.

Julianne Brimner - Just signed up for her newsletter…love all her stuff

tara - i am signed up for her newsletters. love her stuff!

kaye - Love it all! Have given several gifts from her shop and the recipients were delighted

Christyn - I’m already receiving her emails. You’re right, both her blog and her work are lovely!

Camm Taylor - Done. Signed up. Love everything!

Robin Riley - I signed up! Can’t wait to put a few things on my Mother’s Day wishlist. šŸ™‚

Georgia - I have been signed up to her newsletter for about a year! I love it, the jewellery she makes is so lovely! I love the ‘Love birds’ necklace she has, its cute. xx

tara schaubert - already signed up! she’s so wonderful. =]

Kim - I’ve been on her newsletter list for ages. Love her jewelry! Thanks!

Jill B. - I am signed up. Love her style. Love her blog. Thanks Meg!

Christy K - I’m all signed up! Love everything in her shop! Thank you for the opportunity! šŸ™‚

Blaire - I signed up for her newsletter and made a purchse for my mom for Mother’s Day. Just incase I do not win. Though I would still love to win! šŸ™‚

amy m. - I signed up! I would love the round necklace with all of my kids names on it!

Lori H - Lisa is wonderful! I am signed up for the newsletter.

Karin - all signed up šŸ™‚

Jennifer - I love Lisa’s jewelry! I think my current favorite is the family tree necklace…or maybe heartstrings…

Monica Kerr - Just signed up! I love the keepsake bowl!

Melissa - I love Lisa Leonard too. I have been coveting the molded heart bracelet forever! And her new pewter line is sweet.

shara - oh, i just LOVE her stuff. i keep hoping someone will buy me something. (hint, hint, hubby for mothers day!!!) but winning would be even BETTER šŸ™‚
signed up for her newsletter!

Shabnam Rodosta - All signed up. Love, love the Family Tree neclace!

Ashley - I signed up!

Jenny L - I signed up for her newsletter! I love her jewelry! So pretty!

tina - I’m all signed up! Her stuff is so simple and beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Marcie - I just signed up! LOVE everything in her shop šŸ™‚

Beth - I am signed up! I love, love, love Lisa Leonard! And love to read your blog:)

amaree davis - Signed up! šŸ™‚

Anna Marie - I am signed up. I really love that new cross/daisy necklace!

Amber Fussell - I signed up for her newsletter! Love her jewelry and would love to get my mom one for Mother’s Day!

alyssa - I signed up. love all of this stuff. hope I win!

Alisha - I signed up and LOVE the twig necklace and the camera necklace!!

Courtney R. - I am signed up for the newsletter. Her jewelry is gorgeous!!!

suzy - I signed up! Love her stuff! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Heather E - signed up for the newsletter! love EVERYTHING in her shop, she is amazing!!!!

Kristin M - I can’t remember if I have signed up before so I signed up again! I have one necklace from Lisa and I wear it all the time. I love the stuff she shows in her WIWW posts on her blog!

Caroline - signed up and here’s hoping! I adore her stuff, would love a necklace with my 3 daughters names…..Thanks!

Donna - I am signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! I absolutely {heart} her shop…..spectacular stuff šŸ™‚

marie tere - I already get her newsletter and have bought some of her products. I love me some Lisa too!

Melissa - I signed up- I love her pretty jewelry!

jen - lovely things – didn’t need to ask me twice to sign up!!!

jenni - Love Lisa’s work! Signed up. Got an open circle bracelet for a friend who completed an Ironman on behalf of Celia a couple years ago. Would love to get keepsake bowls for our parents, who helped with so much of her care for so long. Would also kind of like to have a necklace for myself – treasure or hope or whooo… šŸ™‚

Cristina - I love her stuff! I signed up!

Stephanie campbell - Oh wow. Her items are gorgeous! I was just on Etsy last week looking at family tree necklaces and she’s got one! I love it. I hope she could fit all my seven kids on it! I signed up for her newsletter also.

Katie Sellers - I signed up for the newsletter. I love the the family tree necklace. With baby #3 on the way I would love to have a symbol of our whole family!

cassie o - i’m torn…the new mother in me wants to get a sweet necklace about my darling little girl, but i’d also love to get something sentimental for my mama for mother’s day

kimberly - Signed up. Thanks for the chance to win! I could buy a pretty gift for my mom…maybe myself…maybe both!!

Bree - I signed up. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Melissa Poling - I signed up for sure! I love all of her goodies! Blessings to you!

Jennifer Schmitt - Signed up! My favorite is the sterling sweetheart tree. Adore it. Sigh…

Sherry - Signed up!!

casey - D.O.N.E & Done!

Chantel - I signed up! I didn’t realize she had more products, so I’m very grateful for your post. I adore the Whoo Do You Love wall hanging and the Keepsake Bowl, both for my son’s Autism Self-Contained Special Education teacher. What better way to show gratitude than a Lisa Leonard gift?!

Heidi - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter… and spent a little too much time over my lunch break looking around. Some many wonderfully cute things to choose from!

Caitlin - I signed up for the newsletter. Love her stuff!

Megan - love her style- her work- her words of wisdom….you can tell she is a great mom!
Just signed up for her newsletter.

Christy - Huge fan of Lisa’s !! I am already subscribed to her newsletter and I follow her blog. I have been crushin on the through my lens necklace and the vintage frames necklace.

carole m. - can you ever peek at her site and NOT find something that you just MUST have? nope.
i recently ordered the necklace with the two deers on it (maybe it will arrive today!)because i love watching the deer in the woodsy backyard of my new house. i think the little birdy one should be next because i like watching them too!
thanks for the offer!!

Jill M Pierce - I already receive Lisa’s newsletter and get the insiders info on special discounts. I have a few necklaces from LLD. Her pieces are very good quality and beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.
BTW Meg, your blog is awesome!!

Hillary Marchman - Love her style! Signed up for the newsletter and headed to buy myself a birthday present, perhaps!

Megan - when I saw this blog title in my google reader, i was hope you would say giveaway!! šŸ™‚
i am already signed up for lisa’s newsletter and have been receiving it for a while now! šŸ™‚

Elizabeth C. from Kansas - Yep! signed up. found a great wedding gift idea as well as New Mommy-to-be gift idea. Either way, I will be happy to get the 15% off. Thanks for spotlighting her!

Tricia - I’m signed up. And I adore her work!!

lisa - i just signed up for her newsletter and sent my husband a very OBVIOUS hinted email that i want one of her little tag necklaces with our little boy’s name on it …. with hopes of adding another little name in the relatively near future šŸ˜‰

shannon - All signed up for the newsletter. Her stuff is too cute!

Iris - I also signed up for the newsletter. Love her pieces.

jodi - I have always loved her stuff! I just signed up for her newsletter. šŸ™‚

Amy G. - Signed up! šŸ™‚

Kirsten P - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Her jewelry is beautiful!

Megan P - I’m already signed up! I love her products and i read her blog too! šŸ™‚

Abbi - I can’t believe I haven’t signed up for her newsletter before now! She’s wonderful and creates beautiful pieces.

Tracy H - I signed up….love her stuff!

Cindy - LOOOOVE her shop too! I’m signed up for her newsletter and my fingers are crossed.

Crystal Swoverland - Love Lisa’s stuff, have been eyeing it for awhile! I just signed up for her newsletter! YAY!!! Her stuff is AMAAAAAZING!

Heidi DeGroot - I love Lisa’s designs! I signed up for her newsletter. I would like the linked hearts necklace and my sister-in-law would really love the twig necklace. Going to check out her blog too!


Christie - I get Lisa’s newsletter! Love ALL her stuff!!!

Christy P - I’ve been a Lisa Leonard fan for a LONG time and do follow her blog! Now I’m going to get her newsletter, too! Hooray!

Aimee - I signed up!
I’ve loved her family tree & jar of hearts necklaces for ages…

gina marie - I signed up šŸ˜‰ Thank you for hosting this give away. She has the most amazing things!

Annette Kuusinen - I’ve been signed up for quite some time. I’m lucky enough to have a few pieces already. Though I’m thinking that the pewter bowl would make a nice gift for hubby’s birthday in a few weeks.

Jenny - Love Lisa Leonard!! Still don’t own anything for myself though, ordered several gifts though! I am already signed up for her newsletter, does that count??

Rhonda Fendt - Thanks Meg! I am going to order something for my Mum and my sister for Mothers Day! They will love it!

Kristi King - i’ve been signed up for her newsletter for quite some time now. love lisa’s things! have the “mama” necklace and LOVE it!

Denise - I’ve been signed up for awhile, too! I’d LOVE to win!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I signed up for Lisa’s newletter! I love her pieces. I might have to buy a mother’s day present for myself.

Short, Sweet Season - I’m signed up! I am currently waiting on a bracelet from Lisa to arrive in the mail, but I would love to order a necklace too. Such a lovely shop.

Samantha - signed up! Love her stuff! Maybe someday I will be lucky enough to get something!!!

Melissa - I signed up for the NL last week. Oh how I would love to win! Her stuff is Bea*U*ti*ful! I really wat a necklance w my babies names on it!

marita - just signed up for her all her things!! esp that necklace with a camera on it..awwww:)

Lisa - I signed up for her newsletter! Love her jewelry and her blog! šŸ™‚

Trinda - I’m signed up and hope I win!

Rae - I signed up! Stamped metal is so quirky and I love the look of it!

Andrea - I am a long time admirer of Lisa and her work, and am signed up for her newsletter. I’m loving her new designs, especially that beautiful this is love flowered heart necklace. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

giving - Thank you for offering this šŸ™‚

Teresa - Just signed up!
Oh I hope I’m one of the winners! I’d love to get my mom and sister something from her site!

Jen Allred - I’m signed up! It’s been awhile since I got a new Lisa piece, thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Michelle Rotner - I signed up! I love her talent, her website and her blog. I’m longing for the two heart necklace…heavenly!

Michelle - I just signed up! I have some great ideas for Mothers Day now.

Shelly Foster - I receive her great newsletter! My fav piece right now is “you are my sunshine” necklace . Would love this for my bestie who is going thru a very difficult season of her life .

Regina - I signed up for the newsletter and know it will be wonderful! Also, thanks for reintroducing her blog to me. I used to read it and had it bookmarked, but then our computer crashed this past December…so today, I realized that I hadn’t read her since then. Glad to have her back! šŸ™‚

Gretchen - Hello meg. Signed up for the newsletter AND spent time looking at her beautiful family on the blog. L.O.V.E. her stuff!!

Tracy - I signed up for the newsletter!

Julia - I signed up!

Aimee - I signed up for her newsletter! Last year I got the open circle bracelet for Mother’s day. This year I want the connected necklace. Its so pretty, I must have it!

amber - Signed up, love the jewelery!

shaunna - I love lisa, her blog, her shop, her sweet little family. she is amazing! I signed up for her newsletter! fingers crossed!

Molly - I signed up! I love Lisa’s designs.

Maureen - I already get her newsletter. Does that count? I’ve been loving the tiny twig necklace.

Shelly - I signed up for her newsletter, love her stuff!

Tina Jacobsen - I’m all signed up and LOVE it all!!

Kate W. - I signed up!

ang - I’m signed up and love everything.

Michele T. - I signed up for her email!! I love Lisa’s designs. They are so beautiful!

Lelia - Love these! Yay!!! =)

Juli - I just signed up for her newsletter! The jewelry looks fabulous!

Melissa Lynch - I signed up…lovely!

Heather F. - I signed up. I knew about her products, but never knew about her blog.

Amanda - I’m already signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I love drooling over all of her pretties. Right now I’m loving the cute Mom heart necklace… might need to strategically leave the webpage open on my husbands laptop for him to find šŸ™‚

Robyn - all signed up!!

Amber - Amazing stuff! Signed up

Anna - All signed up! I would LOVE any piece of her beautiful jewelry!

Sonya - I’m already signed up, does that count? I LOVE me some Lisa designs! I have several pieces already and have a wish list for more! šŸ™‚

Emilee - I receive her newsletter!!!! I would totally love to win!!! This is my first yr as a mom and I know my husband would love to get me the “mom” necklace to celebrate šŸ˜‰

Heather M. - Signed up! Thanks for the chance to win!

MH Toth - I signed up for her newsletter!

Monica - I love her things! I’m all signed up!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - The sterling faith hope love necklace is beautiful!

jacqui anderson - I signed up šŸ™‚
my favourite is the Whoo Do you Loove necklace!!

Brandie - Done, lover everything she does!

Lauren - I love it, I know what I want to get my mom for mother’s day! I signed-up for her newsletter. šŸ™‚

Jennifer K - I signed up for her newsletter. I absolutely love her stuff!

Kelli - I get her newsletter! I would love to have or to give someone a gift from her shop – it’s allll so beautiful!

Jody - Love Everything. Signed up.

megan - i signed up!!!! i love the “this is love” necklace!!!

Donna O'neil - I already get her newsletter! Thanks for the giveaway!

Michelle Gallimore - All signed up. LOVE HER!

Shar - I already receive her newsletter. Have for a long time. I have several of her pieces and have also given as gifts. Would really love to win a certificate! Thank You!!

Jodi - Just signed up to receive Lisa’s newsletter. Beautiful jewelry! Would love to receive a necklace with my children’s names on it one day.

Kristina - I love her designs and sentiments. And I just signed up for her newsletter.

Kerry - All signed up! Love her stuff!

Sara Torbett - Signed up! Love Lisa’s blog and creativity šŸ™‚

Liz - Signed up for the newsletter!

Whitney - I signed up!

Diane Pierce - Wow, she has amazing designs! I signed up for her newsletter and even if I don’t win I think I’ll give the husband a hint for Mother’s Day!! šŸ™‚
Thanks, Meg!

Deborah - I signed up. My sweet hubby got me a Lisa Leonard necklace for Christmas (after a million hints, of course :)) and I love it (in fact, I am wearing it today). I would love another piece from Lisa Leonard!

the.mrs - LOVE this! Did you send my husband a memo? šŸ˜‰
(I signed up for the newsletter.)

Jennipher B. - I signed up for her newsletter…I love all of her stuff! I always daydream about buying myself something but then the mommy guilt hits and I think the money should be spent elsewhere. I think this Mother’s Day, whether I win or not, it is time to treat myself!

Sarah - I signed up! So many things I am loving…hmmmm…what to ask for?! or treat myself to?!

SoCalLynn - I’m signed up! I love that You are My Sunshine necklace. I used to sing that to my youngest daughter all the time. šŸ™‚

katherine brewer - I’ve signed up ~ LOVE her stuff!

Michelle - I just signed up! Love her beautiful jewellery! Thanks so much!

Michelle - I am a HUGE Lisa fan and LOVE her jewlery and her blog!!!
I have written a post-it note with a “hint-hint” to my husband about the heart bracelet that Lisa always is wearing on her wiww. I would LOVE that bracelet for Mother’s Day. And, yup, I am signed up for her Newsletter!

Joanna Holcomb - I’ve been signed up for a while! I love her new cross necklace!

Ashley - signed up! love that birdie necklace.

Amy Bogan Griffin - Signed up for the newsletter, I have been wanting a necklace for a super long time!!!!!

danett - I signed up and I can’t wait to see who wins. She rocks!

Alice H - It took me 4 seconds šŸ™‚ thanks for this giveaway. I love that necklace in the middle at the top of your post with the two hearts interlocked.

Brittany - I signed up a while ago, just love her things and keep dropping hints to hubby-dear…maybe this is the year! šŸ™‚

lacey poag - so HaPpY to have signed up…love both of your blogs!!!

Annie - I have signed up. Her stuff is truly amazing!

Tracie Mayers - Signed up!!! Love her simple designs, but so pretty.

Sara H - I signed up! Don’t know if I’d buy something for my mom or myself though! Hmmmmm…..tempting šŸ™‚

amanda - signed up! and i totally read her blog!!

Amanda - I signed up! Love her!!

Nicole - I love all of Lisa’s stuff! I’m signed up!

Linda Garcia - I am a subscriber! Really enjoy her pieces. Love your blog!

Cindy Singer - I am already signed up for her newsletter!! I love her jewelry!

Elizabeth - I would love a daisy chain bracelet! And I signed up for the newsletter!

katey - All signed up. I love her “faith hope love” necklace. Awesome. Thanks farm girl.

Jennifer - signed up….love her designs!

annie - I signed up! I want one of everything!!!!!!

Lynn cole - I love Lisa lenard! I want it all lol just sighned up for the newsletter.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i signed up for the newsletter.
i have one of her necklaces and i ALWAYS receive compliments on it…from men and women alike, which i find funny that even men will notice it. šŸ™‚

Emily B. - Love Lisa’s jewelry! Already get her e-mails šŸ™‚

Jody - I receive her newsletter…LOVE her things….how could you not?!

Jolee - I love Lisa Leonard!! I’m signed up to get her newsletter.

Kristin S - Yes, I receive Lisa’s newsletter and love every single piece of hers I own.
I have my eye on that floral cross pendant. So pretty and classy.

Leah - I love Lisa Leonard! I signed up.

Melissa - I signed up for her newsletter! I love Lisa. She’s a sweetie!!

Lisa Q - I’m officially signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I read her blog as often as she posts. Thanks for sharing!

jackie - Signed up for the newsletter, and this Mama would love a little Lisa!

tiffany gardner - Yes!!!! Yes I read her blog…yes…I’m already signed up for her newsletter and Yes I LOVE her jewelry! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some Lisa Leonard love!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey - I signed up! I love her work, and I also love her blog!

Siobhan - Signed up:)

Jennifer - Signed up! Everything is beautiful!!!

jerusalem - I signed up. And I adore everything. Sigh.

Christy - Just signed up for her newsletter and browsed around – and I want everything! Seriously, tough, the “thank you” bowl would be perfect for my mom – just her style, and a little gesture to let her know how much I appreciate all that she’s done for me throughout my life, and how much I treasure it all the more now that I’m a mom.

Jen - I’m signed up for the newsletter… Hooray! I L.O.V.E. L.L.

Sarah - All of her things are so pretty! All signed up!

Ellis - I signed up for her newsletter. I LOVE her stuff!

JustMommer - Just signed up, so many pretties!

Tami - I’m signed up. I love, love, love her stuff. When I was pregnant with my 5th child and totally crazy because I was so sick, I received a gift bag full of baby goodies in the mail. Later (much later) after I was looking through it, I found a $50 Lisa Leonard gift card…expired. I could have kicked my own butt. So I hope I get another chance.

Toni - Just signed up!!! Love her stuff!!

Ronnie - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I absolutely love her pieces!

jennifer b - I just signed up for her newsletter. I have followed her blog for forever!

Angela - Signed up now!Angela

Brooke - I have been signed up for awhile. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lisa’s product and am really hoping for some mothers days swag from her shop šŸ™‚ pick me pick me

Amy - I’ve been getting her newsletter for a while now, you introduced me to her site. LOVE her stuff!!

Amy - I am signed up! Lisa’s jewelry is so beautiful!! I would love to get a necklace for my sweet sister who is such a wonderful mom.

Wendy - I signed up … LOVE her stuff!

Betsy - I just signed up!!! Why am I just now doing this? I love her stuff!

Marlie - Signed up!

Yolanda - I definitely read her blog and subscribe to her newsletter. Her work is fabulous!

Liesl - Love her stuff, love her blog and her newsletter:) I’ve given away her stuff to several of the special ladies in my family but would love the chance to buy something else!!

Lynda M. - I’m signed up šŸ™‚

Kristi Ferrand - after all this time of you mentioning Lisa Leonard’s shop, I finally popped over! WOW, I am so glad I did, I am going to make a wish list to forward to my hubsy!
I did sign up for the newsletter as well!

Laura - Love Lisa too! Nopt sure why I haven’t signed up for her newsleter until today. Thanks.

keely - just signed up!

Jena Selph - I gladly signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! Thanks so much for a chance to win such a lovely gift!

amy - i am already signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. if i won i would pick out a necklace for my sister for mother’s day. Lisa is so talented–and generous!

Alicia - I love Lisa Leonard Designs…just can’t really afford it. I signed up for her newsletter!

Danielle - Done. šŸ™‚ Love her jewelry!

Gemma - I signed up! I really love the open circle necklace…very simple but pretty!!
Gemma xXx

Ashley - I signed up for the newsletter! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her shop! Everything is so unique and lovely!

Megan - I love her stuff, she is my “go to” when I need a gift for my Moms or friends!
I am most definitely signed up for her newsletter šŸ™‚

Jennifer - I’m already signed up for her newsletter and read her blog. I have some of her jewelry and it’s LOVELY! Jen

Anne - I signed up!

Melinda - Signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for introducing me to her jewelry, it’s absolutely beautiful!

Grace - Signed u :)! I love her stuff too… LoOOOoove it! No I will be reminded about her shop and always have little cute gifts for the others!

Sarah - I’ve been signed up for a while now…love her shop and her blog. In love with the family tree necklace! <3

Wendy - I signed up! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mrs. B. - I signed up.
Mrs. B.

jenw - signed up – love her work! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

tinycandi - I signed up.

Cori - signed up šŸ™‚

Dianne - I receive her newsletter~

Cathy - I’m signed up for her newsletter. I love her stuff!

Cara L - signed up and hoping im one of the lucky ones!

Tracey W - I signed up…. Love that tiny twig necklace!!!

Shawna - Signed up. Love it!

She Loves Life - Signed up and Fingers Crossed šŸ™‚

Julie - Love Lisa Leonard’s jewelry! All signed up!

M. B. - I signed up. Love her blog and her creations!

Jennifer - Love her stuff. I had no idea she had a newsletter. Just signed up. Thanks

Amber - Signed up. I have been wanting one of her pieces for a long time…..probably will get something for myself when the new baby arrives in June!

Lisa - Love Lisa’s creations!!!
Can’t decide which item my family will be ordering me for Mother’s Day…..

stephanie - I’m on her newsletter list. : )

Rachel J - I signed up!

Vonda - I signed up, I signed up!!! Oh picking just one thing will definitely be difficult!!! šŸ™‚

Tiffany - I signed up for the newsletter and am definitely going to order the little dish that says “Thank you for all you do and all you are” LOVE IT!

Meg Pitts - I love her stuff!!! I get her emails!

Tonya S. - I have been signed up for her newsletter for awhile!!

Sharla - Just signed up – love everything of hers! Hadn’t seen the flower cross before. I really like that!

AmandaK - I’m signed up! Lovely stuff, can’t decide which necklace I like best… There are several!

jamie - of course i already get lisa’s newsletter. and visit her blog every single day! hurray for gift certificate giveaways!

Tiffany - all signed up! everything is truly lovely.

abigail - I signed up. I’ve been drooling over her jewelry and hinting to my husband that I would like a necklace for a while now.

Kit - I already get her newsletter! I would love to get the plate/dish that says thank you for my son’s teacher. She has poured herself into him this year and last…I’m completely indebted to her.

Stephanie S. - I signed up! I love all of her jewelry!!!!

Laura - I signed up and her jewelry is beautiful! Thanks!

Lori Austin - I’ve been reading her blog, but never signed up for her newsletter. Just did! šŸ™‚
Love her stuff, but don’t own any…why??!!
Mother’s Day – need to send some links to the hubby. šŸ™‚

Meagan - Yay!!! I love lisa! I’m signed up for Lisa’s newsletter šŸ˜‰

Mary Ann Fisher - Her stuff is all so Beautiful… just signed up šŸ˜‰ Hope I win!

G. - I’m signed up for Lisa’s Newsletter. I’ve always wanted a Lisa Leonard necklace! Thanks for the chance to win! šŸ™‚

Jessi Caddell - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! šŸ™‚ I’m picking something out for my mother and my daugher!

Megan Kilgore - Yeah. I love her jewelry. I signed up!

nicole - Signed up…and decided I love it all in the process! happy tuesday!!

theresa - LOVE her jewelry! I’m all signed up too! šŸ™‚

Samma Michelle - I just signed up!! LOVE the Sterling Faith Hope Love necklace but honestly it would take me some time to choose because they are all so beautiful

Jen B - Hello! I just signed up for the newsletter. I WOULD LOVE to win and get my mom something for Mother’s day!!!!

Meredith Welborn - I get her newsletter! Love her jewelry…have only given it as gifts. I’d love to have a piece for myself.

megan@contentedsparrow - hey girl, i just signed up. that engraved tree stump necklace is so gorgeous. love to you today, meg.

Jen - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I love her designs!

Adrienne - I do get her newsletter! Thanks for the great mother’s day gift idea!

Paola - I love everything in lisa’s shop. I sing uƱ for her newsletter so please count me in.

Trish - i’ve been wanting some lisa leonard jewelry for a long time now!
hope to win šŸ™‚

Amy - I signed up and found a wedding present! I love the cake/cupcake toppers and I feel like it will make a lovely shower gift! Yay me!!

Jen Calcott - I signed up and I think I’m going to have to treat myself to an early Mother’s Day gift šŸ™‚

Michelle Lanning - I already receive her newsletter! I have been dying to get my hands on that cross! It is beautiful! Thanks for the chance.

michele fry - Been gettting her newsletter for a long while. Love all her stuff…..would love to win!!!!

Gretchen - Love her stuff. I won the gift certificate you gave away last year! I love the necklace I got from her. It is perfect! good luck to all who enter!

Marsha - I signed up for her newsletter, I love her jewerly!

Katie - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Her products are great! Thanks for the chance to win.

Dani - I did it! Her work is amazing. The LOVE cupcake pics are too cute!!

stephanie armstrong - signed up šŸ™‚ crossing my fingers !

Katie G - Love her products – this will be perfect for Mothers Day for all the Moms in my life!!!!

Jamie - I signed up for her newsletter long ago and just LOVE looking at all the new pieces she comes up with!

Kristen - I’m signed up!! I love her too! Her work is beautiful and I love her style too. Also, I didn’t realize you lived where the tornados were…I’m so glad you are okay! I can imagine how wonderful you are at keeping everyone calm!

Angie Rathbun - Signed up! I love her style. Her blog looks great. Thanks!

Anne-Marie P - I signed up! Have looked on her website many times!

mary - love lisa’s things
i have one necklace already
and i am all signed up!

Kristi Barrett - I love Lisa Leonard! Thanks for the chance to win!

tricia - i have been signed up for her newsletter for awhile now:)

Kara K - I’ve always loved her designs since I saw here creations. They are thoughtful and simplistic, but elegant! I’ve been following her blog, but now am subscribed to her newsletter!

Heather - All signed up!!! I’d be honoured to wear something of Lisa’s. I’ve been coveting her goods for years. šŸ˜‰

catie - i signed up!

Renae R - I do love her stuff…I am already signed up. Hope i’m still eligible! Glad you guys are okay after Saturday…I had to cancel my husband’s surprise birthday party earlier in the day because I didn’t want anyone to be anxious about being away from their kiddos with the weather so unpredictable! God was looking out for you.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I was a lucky mama last year and got something from her. I love stamped metal. I signed up for her newsletter.

Kristi Rediske - Ok-I did it-I signed up for her e-mail! I love her jewelry-I sure hope I win the gift certificate-I think I am the first comment-surely thats a winner-HA!

Nicole - love lisa! all signed up. šŸ™‚

Megan - I signed up for her newsletter! I love me some Lisa Leanard!

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