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tornado alley

we are ok.
there were tornados in kansas this weekend….LOTS of tornados….but not at my house.
this was one about 8 or 10 miles away.
craig and scott saw this one on the video driving home from scotts game. (which i was not at because i was in the basement!)

they did not make this video…it was just someone driving in a severe weather watch…that seemed surprised that there was a tornado!  whatevs. 


that's kansas though.
every year.

i was in the basement with my other kids…telling them it was fine….relax….it's going to be fine.
my little girls worry.
i try to just be very calm and hope for the best.
we were watching HOP and i didn't mention the sirens.
then Scott came running in and yelled "I SAW THE TORNADO!"  and they were done for….
they ended up sleeping in my bed.

thanks for ALL the emails asking if we were okay….so sweet.

i am so thankful that EVERYONE is ok.  


now…the winner for LuciusART's wood block City Print.


NYC is my favorite city in the US, so I would want that- but I live in Joplin, MO and I would love that too! Maybe I need two…

Posted by: Carrie | April 12, 2012 at 03:41 PM


email me Carrie and i will hook you up with Kevin!!

thanks for entering everyone!!!




i am trying SO hard not to be nervous about the SNAP conference this week.
lots of prayer here.

i am going to be spending extra amounts of time with God the next few days getting a clear vision of what HE wants me to share in my session.  
i am on a panel with Jeannett and Ethan about "Using Your Blog for Good."

i know, i know, I KNOW that God is able to take away these fears and nervousness.
He can and He will.
because HE brought me to this….God gets all the glory….i have to share that.

so….here's the deal.
if YOU are going to SNAP and YOU see me…PLEASE say  hello.
i think i will know 3 people that i have met in real life.
out of 300+ people that makes me feel extra nervous.
it's hard to leave your kids, husband and home and go some place NEW with lots of people.
at least it is for me.

so i promise to wear a big friendly smile and fill your ear with lots of chit chat if you promise to say Hello.


so many decisions. 


i did get some new shoes….maybe too many shoes.
i WISH Payless Shoes would be sponsoring me…but they are not…..BUT THEY SHOULD!

i just always seem to find great shoes there all the time.
i did a little online BOGO shopping.
just for me.

i think the glitter flats are my favorite.
but it's a hard choice.
the red wedges are REALLY cute and comfy and come in several colors.
even yellow.
and i LOVE the little yellow flower sandals too.
shoes sure do make me happy.
i am a dork. 


ok….have a great monday!

i just got back from a run and i feel like today is going to be a good one.

thank you God for that.



maia - hey meg…you’ll probably never read this…haha…. but i wanted to show you these 2 things because i think you would love them!!
super fun flats by the way!!

Krissy - Im so glad you’re okay!! The tornado that hit Wichita was only about a mile from my mom, so I was freaking out. A little. (And im 24. haha) Anyway, i love ALL of your shoes. The silver sparkly flats are my fave. :o)

Hanah - Ok so I read your blog all the time. And although I am not going to snap. I do live in Utah. If you are lonely (which I doubt you will be!) you can always email me and I’ll come down and say hi! I’ll keep you company!

cindy g - Use your nerves of steel that Springtime in tornado alley must give us at the conference. You’ll do great!

Lisa - Have fun at SNAP! Remember, all those 300 people are your friends already, you just still have to meet them face to face. They’re not coming to hear a lecturer, they’re coming to hear . . . whatever! 🙂

Cheryl - HA! I just bought those same sparkly flats at Payless to wear at my wedding in May 🙂 Those are AWESOME!

Cari - So glad you are all ok! My husband works in the aviation industry and he was telling me about the damage at their site in Wichita. I was being a good wife and listening intently, but as soon as he was finished I said “I wonder if Megan is okay?”. Lol! He had no clue what I was talking about and I had to fill him in! 😉

Amanda - I am so glad to hear you and your family are safe. The midwest sure got hit hard. I’m in Missouri, but one of my co-workers parents are in Salina, praying for everyone affected by the storms. By the way, cute, cute, cute shoes! I would have a hard time choosing too! 🙂

Terrie G - My Dad was 1 1/2 miles from that Tornado…and my daughter’s family was close to the one in Salina. It was a late night for me…I had family near almost all those tornados on Saturday! So thankful no deaths…but praying for those hit.
You will be Awesome this week! Who wouldn’t love you?! Just be yourself… 🙂
Love those yellow sandals!

Jacci - Prayed for you here, too 🙂 Thankful you’re safe and all is well! We live in a part of Ohio that gets its fair share of tornado warnings. I gre up here. I probably have gotten too used to them at this point. I stand on the front steps and look at the sky when the sirens go off! Unless it’s really freaky outside… then I head downstairs. Glad you’re okay! Have a great time at snap!

Lisa - Isn’t it strange how we don’t really even “know you” but I checked the weather channel and your blog all weekend to make sure your family was ok?! So glad you are all safe. Have fun at SNAP!

Linda Keaveney - So glad that you and your family are safe…
We had CRAZY strong winds today, here in Southern Ontario..
Apparently the tail end of your storm…
Break a leg at SNAP!!
Linda :o)

kami @ NoBiggie - Hi Meg!
I’m so glad you and your family are all safe and okay. What a scary thing to deal with every year.
I will be at SNAP, and I’m excited to meet you! You will be awesome on your panel…I just know it!

Shann - Hi Meg!
My sister and I both were talking about you this weekend. You know…since we know you and all. 🙂 When we heard about the storms, we both instantly thought of you. Then, I said a prayer for you and your family that God would keep you safe. So glad that He did.
p.s. love the yellow sandals

tinycandi - I’m about 20 miles southwest of Wichita. We actually went in the basement for this one…usually it doesn’t get to that point. Luckily the tornado jumped back up into the air and went over our town before coming back down and heading to Wichita. We were lucky. But my heart goes out to all of those who were in the path. It was a pretty crazy day, that’s for sure.

amy jupin - i am so glad y’all are ok.
last night (for the first time in a long time) i was grateful for facebook.
kimberlee fb’ed that she was ok.
so relieved.
tornados are scary and way too real for me to handle.
now, as for snap…you are going to be just fine.
i have faith in you!
when you feel the nerves creep in, just keep reminding yourself that you are not alone.
He will be with you.
He will not let you down.
it’s going to be so great.
and with sparkly flats, it usually is.

Michelle From Australia - The tornadoes have been making news here in Australia 🙁 So glad you are all ok.

Dian Olivr - glad you all survived with everyone and everything intact! i live in alabama and we’ve had our share this year and last…the anniversary of our really bad ones is in a couple weeks…the bad stuff was only a mile or two from where we live. it terrorized my grandchildren who spent the day in the hallway of their schools. thank heavens for our safety. and yours too. bless

Sheila P. - People who are in cars that close to a tornado should not be filming it from a moving vehicle. Tornados move incredibly fast, up to 250 miles per hour, and can change direction at any moment. In this situation, they should have put the camera down, pulled the vehicle over and laid flat in the ditch until it was over. Sorry to sound like a public service message, but having lived through a tornado, it is just not safe. If you are at home, go to your basement, preferrably the SW corner. Don’t stand looking out the window at the tornado. That is how people get injured and killed by these storms.

sandee prince - Dont listen to my sis. I am not OBSESSED with you but I do enjoy gettin my MEG on every morning! lol.
Glad you guys are safe from those scary tornados. Come to AZ sometime if you ever want a nice boring life 🙂 Good luck at SNAP! and if you run into my sister (LollyJane) punch her in the arm for saying I am obsessed with you!!

Georgia - I would be scared to death if i had to live with Tornados!
The wizard of Oz scares me enough! haha
Glad your all safe. xx

Sarah - Jealous. I wish we had a basement.
Texas homes need basements.
I have always been a little more fearful of tornados than normal, but have gone to crazytown since one hit half a mile from my home a few weeks ago. home alone with kids trying to be strong and fearless for them is no fun.
I was so glad to hear back from you and know that you and your family were safe.
Don’t be nervous you’ll do great.
Cute shoes.

Sara Torbett - Glad you and your family are ok. I was also thinking of you all! Such cute, happy shoe choices! I may need to re-visit Payless! 🙂 I pray you will have the perfect words to share at the Snap conference. Be yourself! That is the most beautiful thing to God and others! 🙂

Gale - I, too, am in Kansas and hate tornadoes – but am used to them after living here and Oklahoma!
Love all the shoes – and my hubby works for the Payless corporate office so I am sending him the link to your post and asking, “Why don’t they sponsor my invisible friend, Meg?” (that’s what he calls all my “blog friends”.. LOL. I don’t think he gets it!)
We went to Marion KS on Saturday despite the tornado warnings and had a lot of fun – definitely will be going back. The shop looked so big in your pictures and it was so skinny.. LOL.. but lots of good stuff! The lady said, “Why are you all so crazy about globes?” when I asked if she had any 🙂

Kim - I’ll admit that I was praying hard for you and your family! Glad you posted and that everything is all right. I admire you I would be freaked out scared and screaming..

amanda - praying you get a clear word of what to share at the blog conference! love to see how God uses women and blogs for His glory!

Kelly - Glad your family is all OK! You’ll do awesome at SNAP. You have more confindence than you give yourself credit for!
And my vote is for… all of the above. My advice….see how many shoe changes you can make during your stay! 🙂
Have a blast!

Patty Palmer - I’ll see you at Snap! Meg. Can’t wait to meet you!

Tracey Garcia - I vote for the glittery flats and the yellow sandals. LOVE!!! Now I want to go to Payless.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Thanks to God for keeping you guys safe! You are one strong mamma keeping calm for your kids. I don’t know if I would have been as cool as you 🙂

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - Hey Meg! First off, GLAD you’re all okay! We lived in MN for a short 6 months and after 2 tornado warnings, we moved back to AZ cuz it scared the bajeebers out of us!! (:
We’ll be at SNAP. Well, one of us (we’re twins that run our craft blog). I’m SUPER excited to meet you…our older sister is obsessed with you and talks about you all the time, LOL.
I’ll be sure to come say HELLO! And you’ll do a great job speaking. Good luck, girl!
XOXOX, Kelli

Laura Phelps - Nick was born in Kansas. He is SO SCARED of tornadoes.
My girls would be scared too.
glad you are ok.
sad I didn’t win!!!!!!

Laura Lee - I was thinking of you this weekend as I saw the news. Glad you are all ok!

Kim - Glad you are okay! The kids practice tornado drills at school, but they are not a common occurrence here. My kids get scared too.
Just wondering – are you watching Mad Men? Haven’t heard you talk about it.

Trish - glad you are okay! storms are scary! have fun at snap you will do awesome. how do i know? because of your attitude and your willingness to let God have the glory! love you and i will say a prayer for your nerves this week!

happygirl - I am so glad your family is safe and sound. I was praying you would be safe. I’m still praying for the families that were hurt and left without family and homes from this HORRIBLE storm system. I believe God is good. It was hard to remember that while knowing many were hurt so badly during this weekend.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I was listening to the reports this morning on the news and actually thought of you…and a couple other Kansas bloggers I’ve met. Glad your family is safe.
Love your new shoes:) You’ll do fine at Snap. Have a great time!

Kerry - OMG! So glad you’re all ok….. that is just SO hectic! We only see that kinda thing in the movies 🙂
LOVE all those shoes. ALL.OF.THEM…. I so wish I was going to Snap… So I could meet you and possibly steal all your shoes.
Kerry x

Rachel J - Over here in AR-kansas 🙂 we get bad weather too. We missed the REALLY bad weather and just had some bad thunder and lightning. I hate all the spring weather with bad storms. I worry too. And hide under my covers in bed when the hubby is away during the week and think- oh dear, what was that?! Is that the train sounds that tornadoes make? And then I remember that God has got it all under control and I fall asleep, snoring like a baby. Hah! Love the shoes Meg! Sparkly ones are my fav too!

Lori H - When you get nervous, think about how God sent you to AFRICA! Much less familiar and farther away. And how much you loved the trip and how much good you did. And then the conference should seem like a SNAP! (haha, sorry, couldn’t resist the play on words). You will do great! I wish I were going and could meet you. Boo. Have fun! Prayers for you, for sure.

Brooke - Praying for courage! You are going to do GREAT at the conference. Just think…..your blog is popular FOR A REASON. People love reading here….you are honest, sincere, funny, entertaining, inspiring. What you share here comes from what is inside you….and that is exactly what you’re taking to the conference! Be you. It works well for you. 🙂
HEY!! GUESS WHAT?? Ever since I started reading your blog I’ve had a love affair with Waffle. Yesterday my boys, who have wanted a dog for-ev-er, got a female Golden Doodle! They are beyond themselves. 🙂 She is a cutie pie. I’m pretty nervous about surviving puppyhood, but she is growing on me!!!
Thought you might like to know that Waffle is inspiring some Doodle love in the blog world. Ha!
Have a wonderful day, and praises for safe habors from the storms!

Sierra - I’m so relieved to see an update from you. I have been worried about you and your family all weekend. Glad you’re okay!! 🙂

Annika - I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live in an area where natural disaster could strike at any given time. I am glad to hear you are fine!

amy cornwell - I’ll be there – can’t wait to hear you speak! See you in a few days 😉

Han - The sparkly ones!
My penpal is in Ellinwood, KS. I emailed him yesterday morning as the news switched on in the b&b our friend was staying in – he emailed back yesterday lunchtime and like “Yeah don’t worry we’re all good! Thanks for caring though”

Lindsey - I am glad you are all safe. Good luck speaking at Snap! I am sure you will be wonderful!

Aby - Thank God ya’ll are okay!! I thought about you all weekend! I kept checking your blog to see if you’d updated!!! So glad you did this morning!!! GOD IS GREAT!!! And as for the conference… you will be maaaaaa-velous!!!! No doubt!!

CathyC - I am glad you posted that you & your family are alright following those tornados. I have been watching the news and was worried.

Jennifer - Thank you for the update. I was thinking about you when we heard the news about the tornados. So glad you all are ok! Ok, those are seriously cute shoes. Love the yellow ones!

Leah - I’m so glad you all are okay. My sister and her family live in Iowa and they had crazy weather too. We just keep praying and thinking good thoughts for all you mid-westerners.

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