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what to do when my two girls have two boys over to play?
barbies and littlest pet shops are out.   
so i sent them hunting.
frog hunting.


our neighbors have a pond to explore that is full of all kinds of creatures.

and their dog is so sweet.
he just walks along calmly and quietly.
besides waffle….i'd say goldens are my favorite king of dog.

i just wish they didn't shed so much.

it was a team effort to catch the teeny tiny frogs.
and for the most part they were all being quiet to try to be sneaky…..mostly.




she has leaves in her hair.  :)
they are smiling because she asked me the password to get through her stick bridge and i said "i don't know" and she said "the password is butt"  HA HA HA
oh the comedic mind of a seven year old….so original.

all in all they caught 9 frogs, one earth worm, found one shell and one large egg shell from an animal we were unclear about…they said "it could be a bird or a snake!!?  probably a bird."
the frogs are about the size of a nickel or quarter.  
these are the frogs were hear in the evenings at bedtime (….like i have on video here.)



after the boys' mom came and we showed her their treasures we put them all back in the pond.

i am pretty sure that this is going to be the best summer we've ever had.
i can't wait to see what the farm has to offer all summer long!!

as i drove home last saturday down the dirt roads with the fields bright green and the clouds covering the sunset
i was a overwhelmed with strong feelings of complete grattitude and joy.
i thought "i can't believe i get to live here"
i have wanted it all my life but didn't think it would ever happen.
as a spazzy teenager i used to say "i'm going to marry a farmer/cowboy"  
in high school i took an AG class because i thought it would be easy.  
my class went on a field trip to a farm and there were cows ON their lawn…like next to their cars and house.
and they smelled like cows.
and they were muddy and poopy….and snotty.
i remember that moment crystal clear.  
i declared "i changed my mind.  i do NOT want to marry a farmer/cowboy…i just want to live in the country"
because apparently i thought ALL farmers/cowboys had cows on their lawns and that was a deal breaker.
and that my AG class needed to know these important details about my future husband.
that is the mind of a frivolous over reactive 15 year old.
dreams change at a moments notice.

17 years later seeing mr. duerksen out in the country on his "horse" …..i think i have the perfect cowboy for me.
full circle moment.


happy wednesday peeps.


shea B - I’m catching up on my reading and just saw this post. So lovely. I know your kids will love living out there. And if I had to guess, that is the leftovers of a turkey egg. Very cool!

Lori H - I didn’t grow up on a farm but we visited my grandfather’s farm a lot so we got our chicken, cow, barn cat , wandering the in the broom sage, playing in the creek fix! My mom and her siblings kept the farm after my grandfather passed and I still love to visit, especially when 23 + of us pile into the little farmhouse for Thanksgiving dinner. Priceless!

jeana - I love your how your dream is now reality. God sure does outdo himself! It’s funny that your post is about this. I’ve had a dream ever since I was a little girl…and it came true..official on Tues! I’m absolutely on cloud nine. I’m so happy for you and your family!

angie - Love reading about your country adventures. Your kids look so happy and content.
Btw we have a golden retriever and a golden doodle and the doodle sheds way more than our retriever! Not quite sure how that happened! They are my favorite breeds, too 🙂

Lisa - happy. thanks for the fun.

Tracy Fisher - I let my kids get pollywags (sp?) last year at the Little League fields with their friends…. I’m actually not sure what ever happened to them… except that I hear frogs croaking all over our neighborhood… all year long… sorry neighbors. haha. Good memories of when I was a kid doing the same thing.
And by the way, I love Craigs horse!

Missi at Havoc-to-Heaven - What a great post! The landscape is so stunning. You are a lucky girl to live in the country. I have always wanted a farm with funny animals like fainting goats, alpacas, donkeys. I think that would make me giggle everyday.

Heather - Oh, Meg. Everything about this post leaves me with a big grin on my face, and slight envy in my heart. Okay, maybe more than slight, but not enough not to still be smiling. 😉
My grandparents were farmers and I have such very fond memories of my time on their farm. If I could move to the country without making my life ridiculously complicated I’d do it. But for now I’m a city girl who spends time in the woods as much as I can.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - You are brave. I’ve never touched a slimy frog. Or a worm. And I have a son. Looks like this is what I have to look forward to, better get over the fear!!!

Katie - I’m so glad for you that you’ve found your “home”, part of my childhood was spent growing up on old farm land. It was so educational and full of exploring and adventure. I want that for my kids one day, hopefully we’ll make it. I want mountains, country, creeks and a pond, and fields, throw in an old farm house and a barn, oh and a garden that tends itself and I’ll be one happy chick! I do want one cow, for raw milk. Oh dreams! Anywho, I love your blog, but I’m not one for commenting and my reason for commenting today would be to inform the kiddos that the egg they found belongs to a goose. I’ve seen them around our parts lately as well!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Look at you country girl! Living your dreams, so great. Love your story of your “cowboy”. I can’t help but think of Little House on the Prairie when you post. I always loved that show and still do. I have them on DVD. I mean who lives with a pond in their neighborhood? Not me in suburban LA. You are a lucky puppy. Enjoy your new country life. You are blessed.

Kelly - Gotta love a city boy on his “horse”. Too funny.. but I can so relate!! I’m sure he loves riding on all that open green space, too. Wild and free!! 🙂

happygirl - I love frog catching. It’s fun to play in the country and not be stuck in the apartment or townhouse. Fun to have a password and fun that they let you tag along and capture the pics. 🙂

Suzanne - your beautiful daughters look like they have taken to living in the country….too cute!

Prairie Jenn - The country is the best place to raise your kids!!
Glad you’ve come around to liking it;)

Jenn - It’s amazing to me how life always seems to work out the way it’s supposed to in the end….sometimes it may take a bit longer than we expected. But that’s okay. I guess we’re more fateful for it when it finally happens. So happy to hear you and your family are loving the country life so much. My hubby and I grew up in the country but have lived in the city for years. We bought 5 acres in the country this summer and are so excited to build and move there. We’re going to have to wait a bit longer though before that dream can come true….until then, we’re having fun planning and preparing for our big move. 🙂
Love all your pictures in this post….

Megan - You are fueling my fire for wanting to live in the country!

Londen - I think you’re right about having the best summer there, looks like so much fun! Our six year old explorer would love it! Be tick aware while out in the woods…we found one latching onto our dauthers scalp! We were only in our suburban back yard which freaks me out.

Lisa - I’m a bit jealous but feel torn. I would love to live more in the country but am afraid it’ll be so much driving. To and from the store, practices, friends homes. How has that part been? Or are you guys not too far away from everything? We are looking to buy and looked at a house further out but it just felt too far away from everything. I’d love to hear how that is playing out since you have a large family with sports, activities etc. 🙂 PS-Your pictures do remind me of why my heart wants more country…room to explore, the beauty etc. (sigh)

elisa - This was an awesome post. Those frogs are so stinkin’ cute. Way better than my spider. Which I didn’t kill. Spiders eat mosquitos. Or however you spell it. I too am enjoying a more rural life- although I do wish I had a barn.
And “butt” really is a good password. 🙂

Laura Phelps - my dream at 15 was to grow up to be a famous actress, living in NYC.
Well…I married an actor.
And I am train ride from NYC.
good enough 🙂
love the tiny froggies. so cute.

Tanya H - LOL! ME TOO! The part about wanting to live on a farm, taking Ag Bio at 15 becuase it would be “easy”, deciding to never, ever, ever, marry a cowboy, but still wanting to live in the country. haha!! I love the pictures of your new area, and all the fabulous adventures your kids get to have!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh this post makes me so happy. this is my dream. so very happy for you!!

Becki - That little bridge over the stream is amazing! It reminds me of where I grew up! (We had no bridge though- just a “crick” as we call it!)

Kerry - What a clever idea to send them frog catching, and those froggies are just minature-too cute!
I live in the country too, and also feel so so blessed 🙂 x

Suzette - I’m married to a city boy engineer with a nature boy son and a shedmeister golden named Lucy. We live in the burbs in CA but were right on the edge of the country. I wish we’d nudge a little more into the country but I don’t think it’ll happen. I’ll just have to live with one foot in each place. Oh, and with my newly turned 13-y-o son, the password would definitely be p – n – s! Why are adolescent boys so fascinated by it?!

virginia - goldens are my fav! i have one named flapjack, and the shedding was driving me bonkers. one day at the dog park a guy was telling us all about furminator shampoo and conditioner, and i am not kidding, it works! little to no shedding & i bathe him about every six weeks. btw i named him flapjack to be like waffle, but not to copy :0)

Di - You didn’t tell me Katie had a twin!? Love the pics…what a blast! and the password? hee, hee…know you were laughing too!:)

Tracy - my husband has a ‘horse’ just like your hubby’s! He LOVES it!!
My kids are going out right now to check the creek and see what’s going on with the tadpoles 🙂

Pamela Gordon - What a fun time your kids are having! I’m so glad you and your family are getting to enjoy the farm/country life. There is so much to see and learn isn’t there? Just think of the millions of kids that don’t have any idea where our food comes from. A trip to the farm should be included at least once in a child’s early years. We live on 2/3 of an acre in the country and I wouldn’t trade it! Blessings, to you and your family. Enjoy!! Pamela

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - I love this so much. I teared up reading it! 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - Too cute! I dream of living in the country.

Gretchen - We have our house on the market because we are making our dream come true, too! Moving to the country!!! I totally get it! 😉

Jacci in Ohio - Ha ha… Ok 🙂 you’re doing GREAT with the transition. I’m truly thankful and happy for you.
Glad it’s been so good for everyone! That the rental really will be a time of rest… A break for you. Love the
Little froggies!

Lori Austin - I love this post and you are really making me rethink living in the country. 😉

Kirsten J - So cool – I really wonder what that egg held?!?!? I grew up with a creek in the woods in my backyard ( and love that my folks still live there, so my kids can play ) – and we’d capture water skippers and minnows for our pets. I only wish I had pictures of me and my brother playing in that creek – reminder to self: take more pictures this summer when we visit Meme and Papa.

Sara Torbett - I said I would NEVER marry a farmer and I did. Including cows that sometimes break into the yard and all. And I love every minute of it. 🙂

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Hahaha…love the full circle comment. I always said I could NEVER marry a farmer or a military man. I married a teacher. Now that we’re both teachers we have the same vacations=BONUS!
We’re into so many different hobbies though(beekeeping, making our own food, ice cream, honey,etc…) that my sister in law says she thinks we’re trying to be Amish. I just tell her to back off. Everything is better homemade:)
Love the frog pics.Country life is the best! You can always drive or fly to a big city for that kind of life. But the quiet country…there’s just nothing like it.

Melksham Mum - Looks like a lovely day. Glad to see you released the frogs, the pic of the frogs in the jar brought back memories of E.T.! Lovely pics x

gina - Glad to see you guys have the right kind of “horse”. 🙂 My dad has worked for Excel for YEARS.

Jen Brandt - Meg, I work for a park district and I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the term “Nature Deficit Disorder” but it’s a growing problem in the US. I applaud you for getting your kids out in nature, letting them get dirty, and letting them learn and grow. As you know, it is SO GOOD for them.
Love the “password”. 😉

Terrie - Best years of my life were in the country!!

Peggy in TN - Keep Manhattan just give me the countryside!

Shelly - I live in the Flint Hills of Chase County and I thank God everyday for our little farm and all that we are able to provide for our two kids. We truly live in a beautiful place. Your kids will thank you some day for giving them such a fun place to grow up.

Elizabeth - Ahhh! I love it! I grew up in the country but not on a farm and it was a BLAST! We spent all summer playing flashlight tag with the kids that lived near… the best!

Talysa - I DID have the privilege of growing up on a farm..snotty cows and all…and let me just say this: YOUR KIDS WILL THANK YOU FOR THIS ONE DAY!!!
Best memories of my life were hot summer days picking watermelons out of the garden, finding a shade tree, and digging in. Or setting up “store” under a big oak tree and using the leaves as money. Or catching fireflies at night. Or how sticky I was every single night…baths were not optional.
You did a good thing friend. I’m envious. I am in suburb hell and hate every minute of it. I did marry a city boy though. 😉

Holly - love it!

christiejayne - What a beautiful place to live! So much fun!

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