Masthead header


while i was on a run on sunday afternoon my girls found a turtle in our yard!

they named him Phil.

sean, talby and annie came up with a great plan to keep it in the area that we think is a trough for horses?
but honestly….what do we know?
i have seen Charolette's Web…the original….and that is about the extent of my knowledge of farm life. 

but the trough had probably a year or two of leaves in it and the week of rain made it a perfect turtle world! 
it's very wet and muddy. 

turtles are amazing little creatures.
so much detail on their entire body.

just look at that face!
he is an art project waiting to be made!
the lines and the colors….oh i love turtles.

sidenote:  one time when i was annie's age i had a box turtle i found and i went to the pool and asked my dad to watch my turtle in the laundry room while i was gone.  when i got home he told me it had escaped.
i believed him until just recently when i remembered that story and relaized i had been tricked.  turtles can't escape a laundry room!!  REAL nice dad!  

why would God put orange on the bottom of turtle shell?
it's so interesting!
there is probably some reason…..there always is.


then on monday i found another turtle in the middle of the road.
i pulled over and jumped out and put it in a big pot i had in the trunk, took it home and put it in with phil.
they can be buddies.

this photo is called Ode to Spring.   or maybe it should be called Ode to Allergies.     HA HA HAAAA.

craig mowed the yard on saturday.
it took all the time it takes to play all the avett brothers songs we have.

and last night i laid in bed at midnight with the windows open and i heard four things.
1. craig breathing
2. frogs
3. cows….or should i say COW…just one…MOOOOOO.  pause.   MOOOOO.  pause.   MOOOOOO…  repeat.
4. owls

i like this place.

my running….
i am at 86 miles.
i have 4 days left.
totally going to make it!!
a w e s o m e.
i would have LAUGHED IN YOUR FACE if you had told me last year i would be running 6 miles in march.
but i did it on sunday by myself with no one to make me finish but myself.
and Lance Armstrong came over my Nike+ thing on my iPod congratulating me.
i know it's just a recording but still it feels pretty sweet.

ok…WINNER for the elissa Hudson prints?! *********************************

Oh soooo many choices….it's gotta be, the Busy as a BEE print!

Posted by: Monica Williams | March 27, 2012 at 06:37 AM


send me your information Monica and i will hook you up with elissa!

aren't giveaways so much fun?!

don't forget to enter these:  ———————————————————————————————

enter to win a starbucks $100 gift card HERE.

enter to win a $100 gift crad to walmart from IHOP over HERE.

enter to win a $100 visa gift card from Hostess HERE.

happy wednesday.


DOMA - Ohhh! Such a beautiful photos! I absolutely love it! You’re kids are adorable.
I found your blog today but I’m sure that I’ll stay here longer 😉

Diane - My two bits regarding your turtle. Make sure your children wash their hands with warm water and soap after holding him. Turtles can carry salmonella.

bri epp - you should free the turtle because 1.) i believe in KS it is illegal to snag wild turtles and keep them as pets, but mostly 2.) it is what is best for the turtle.

Fat Cowboy - Free Yertle!!!

Faith - Dear Meg. HAVE YOU SEEN THIS???
The Color Run. Like your super fun color throwing photo shoot except while you run! Immediately thought of you when I saw it.

tina - When you write a blog, it’s out there for all to see. I think ‘hater’s’ is the wrong term. No one is hating on Meg! We love meg and that’s why we come here and comment. Nature and the eco-system is a touchy subject, especially in the past 10-20 years. We know more now, so we are aware of the effects on the environment. Animals are truly the most innocent creature’s on “God’s” green earth….so i can see how many people perk up there chests when something so innocent like this happens.
With all do respect to Mandy friend…it’s not just two turtles…because if 1000 reader’s view this blog and half of them would like to try the same thing…then that’s 1000 turtles which have been displaced and so on and so on.
No hater’s meg…just animal lovers 🙂 Your blog is awesome!

mandy friend - i’d have let my kids keep the turtles for a while too. sheesh. it’s a couple turtles for pete’s sakes! the kids memories of hanging with turtles for a few days far tops the ‘let the turtles go’ cries;) tons of turtles get hit by cars out at my mil’s place. you saved it…right?!:D
you’re awesomefor running. i always say i’ll run when someones chasing me with a gun;)

Sandy W - If you are going to keep the turtles just please make sure you give them a container of water large enough for them to get in and a way to get in and out. They do need water to survive.

Lindsey Jo - i had tons of turtles as pets as a kid. but mine were box turtles, unlike phil 🙂 if and when you let them go, you should write your phone number on their shell. it’s fun to see how far the turtle gets before someone else “holds it in captivity” 🙂

sue - Laura….Thank you.

Laura - I have to add my voice to the other “let the turtle go” people for a couple of reasons.
First, you may be breaking the law. You need to research the laws in your state in regard to keeping turtles as pets, as they can be quite strict. Certain turtles are endangered in number, so the laws are very restrictive. By the size of Phil, he is of breeding age, so you more than likely interrupted his attempt to locate his water source of choice so he could get his turtle groove on with the ladies.
Second, many turtles do not thrive in captivity. Their little constitutions don’t do well with a lot of human interaction/interference, so he may decline in health, thus removing another turtle of breeding age from the ecological system.
So, cool as he is, the right thing to do would be to let him go. If you want your kids to have more hands-on experience with turtles, locate a breeder in your area that specializes in turtles as pets. They don’t allow adoption of wild turtles and exclusively work with domestic pets.

Julie - I think you need to paint Phil’s shell! He would be the coooooolest turtle eva!

Meaghan - One hundred miles? Holy moly…. You are one amazing person. I can’t get over it, 100 MILES?!!!?

Maggie T. - Pi love the turtle! Such amazing detail, what an amazing God! Thanks for sharing….

Michelle B - Turtles are so cool! My neighbor used to have a turtle pond at her house and we would spend a lot of time there playing with them!
So when do we get a house tour of the new place ? 🙂

holly S - oh my there are a lot of haters on this post. I love your blog and all your pictures. You have a beautiful family and are a very inspiring person! Thanks for sharing your wonderful life with us on your blog.

cath w - Amazing. Someone voices an opinion that may not be the same as that of the blogger, and they are labelled a ‘hater’. It says ‘Post a comment’ not ‘Post a compliment’.

Christina - Congrats on your running!!
And your thoughts/comments on the turtle were awesome…I have lost my ability to wonder (as in, be in awe) at creation. Thank you!

Kathy P - you shouldnt move the turtle, you should put it back where you found it in your yard, or it wont survive. they are actually fairly fragile creatures.
the orange on its stomach is to ward off creatures if it rolls over on its back

sue - meg gave me and others the impression that she was going to keep the turtles. She never said it was just for the over night or till the morning and i think if she had made that clear we would not be discussing this the way we are. Having a blog is alot of responsibility and i don’t think she made it clear on what she was going to do with it. we are not haters but just like wild life to roam free.

Winnie - I’m sorry I didn’t read so much but the photos captivated me!!! You are a great photographer and the story is beautiful.

Tracey Garcia - Oh good gravy! I read through all the responses the the “save the turtle” folks seem a little over the top. ya’ll found two turtles, put them in a big trough, and are observing them. It’s not like you threw them in a pot to make soup! I have every confidence folks that Meg does not intend to make these forever pets. The turtles are not being tortured or mistreated and the kids are learning about them and nature. Yes, it is important for kids to learn about animals and their natural habitat. Yes, wild animals are wild and not pets. But the kids ARE learning and being respectful of the animals. They’ve kept them outside in a turtle friendly environment. Relax for goodness sake.
And Meg, I think your 100 mi is AWESOME!!!! Big congrats. Maybe I’ll try to walk a 100 mi in April (I only run if I’m being chased—-which I may be my the turtle folks after I post this comment)

Ashley - Love Ode to Allergies! I laughed.
As for Phil, isn’t it amazing how God creates us each so intricately?! I’m glad the kiddos are getting to see nature up close and personally. Country life is so interesting.
And BIG congrats on your running goal! I can walk or bike anywhere, but running is a feat. Kudos!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - HA! That is so cool!
We have a tortoise called Bubba. He’s pretty awesome!

Tracy Fisher - Congrats on your run! You go girl!!! I love your turtle(s) but can’t show my kids. We went to get 2 the other day at the stinky pet store. I kind of freaked out. Their legs had stripes on them and they looked like snakes. And I am absolutely terrified of snake. Left home without turtles and two unhappy kids. Oh well. LIfe goes on. Tracy

lisa k - Over the past year of reading your blog, you have inspired me to do many things. This past month I have decided to join you in running 100 miles in march, I think it is such a great personal goal that you cant cheat yourself out of, and I’ve been looking forward to going on jogs everyday now 🙂
Im at 82 miles, and congrats to you 86!
Thank you thank you for your inspiring, down to earth blog 🙂

Terri - Meg,
I read in your last post that your family went to the movies the other day. My husband and I did too. We went to see October Baby. I can’t tell you how good it is! It tells a story that sooooo needs to be heard! I am taking my daughters to see it tomorrow (they are on spring break). They are 19 and 14. It is necessary that they see it. Let me know what you think of it after you go. You won’t regret it.

holly - OK, so it seems like there are a lot of hater this morning….anyways, it is a water turtle. Phil has webbed feet. Land turtles are really dry and scaly.I had one when i was a teacher. not only did I take it out of it’s natural habitat, but I took him to school, kept him in an aquarium. He lived several years and got very big. Finally I had to let him go, so I did. Sorry haters.
congrats on the running! You will meet your goal!

Reese - Hey there- Love farm life and glad you heard the cow and the owl while relaxing in bed – nothing better than that! I am going to repeat what has already been said. You should let the turtles go. Totally not cool to keep them captive when they should be free and wild. You’re doing your children a disservice by letting them keep them and think that it’s OK. Maybe as an overnight but not as a pet. Hope that doesn’t offend you – that isn’t my intention!
Love your blog!

Georgia - So cute!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hmmmm, turtles??!?!…not really a fan but the girls look like they’re enjoying Phil and his buddy so when it comes to being a mama that’s what counts 😉 Congrats on your running accomplishment. Way to go MEG!!

Jacci - One more thought… judging from the photos, it’s hard to tell whether or not Phil is getting any sunshine. Because Phil is cold-blooded, he needs to be able to keep his temp regulated by moving in and out of sun. So, he needs both shady spots and sunny spots. The end 🙂

ktmade - Delightful! I had a little turtle when I was a kid that looked almost exactly like Phil but with a yellow belly. His name was Frankie D. He was with us for many, many years.

Jacci in Ohio - Okay… First of all, I really enjoyed this post! The pictures are lovely and
Phil is a looker 🙂 Now… About the wild turtles. It’s true, your turtles may be trying to mate or lay eggs right now. BUT it is most definitely NOT true that your turtles might need to “take care of babies” or “teach other turtles to swim.” God has made turtles to lay eggs and never look back. They do not care for their young like birds or mammals do. So no baby turtles are in distress because of your actions 🙂 Don’t you feel better already? 🙂 decades ago, when children were far more in tune with the creation around them, it was not at all uncommon for classrooms to teach “nature study” in the early school years instead of science. Nature study is hands on, focusing on close observation, and natural habitat. We approach science this way in our homeschool. We often observe creatures for an hour or two before letting them go exactly where we found them. Children that learn to care about turtles the way yours do are going to be far more likely to truly understand wildlife issues as adults than those that merely saw turtles behind glass and filled out some worksheet about their habitat needs.
Maybe this should’ve been an email 🙂 the only other things I’d mention are that Kansas may have laws concerning whether or not you’re even allowed to keep Phil and for how long. Here in Ohio, if we keep a wild caught turtle for longer than 4 days, it’s illegal to return it to the wild afterward. And the salmonella concerns are legit, but washing hands well is enough 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - Way to go on the running. That’s a really big deal… I need a running partner and more hours in the day… sigh! But that’s all just excuses. I just need to do it!

Kelly - So, does this mean you are starting your own turtle farm now?! 🙂

Tina I - Congrats on your running progress! What an accomplishment! I’m a long time runner myself…never speedy, just consistent, but can say that without a doubt, running has saved my life on more than one occasion. I wouldn’t be the person I am without it. Sometimes its hard, sometimes it hurts, but I never regret having gone. Hope you keep going!

happygirl - We had a turtle named Cynthia for FOUR years. Turtles are horrible pets. Don’t bring this one in the house. They poop A LOT. just sayin’. Awesome running. I am so impressed.

Allison - I lived in the country growing up so I know all about catching turtles. I caught a turtle and named it Sally, but my Dad made me put it back in the stream. I found another one a couple weeks later in the yard and so I decided to call it Sally 2. Very original for an 8 year old 🙂
Congrats on all the running. Someday I’ll make it there.

sue - You know your going to get alot of mail on this but please put the turtle back where it belongs. I know you have good intentions but that turtle has to teach other turtles how to swim. You know its the right thing to do .

megan - You should sell your photos. I’d buy an Ode to Allergies!

karen - very cute turtle. i would let the turtles go. your kids are lucky enough to have hundreds of wild ‘pets’ in the country. FREE THE TURTLES!!! lol!

Karen Gerstenberger - Your Ode To Spring photo is lovely – it deserves to be framed.
I have wondered the same thing about the inside of a clamshell that you wondered about the bottom of Phil’s shell: why would God make something so beautiful where so few would see it? I don’t know the answer, but those shells encourage me to believe that God cares about every detail, and loves and creates beauty for the sake of pure joy. Such extravagent love! God bless you, Meg.

Jen Brandt - Going to hit your running goal – YEA FOR YOU!!! That is awesome. Love Phil. Yes, he does have beautiful colors!

Mandy - Oh my goodness. I LOVED this post, it totally made me smile! I am a country girl who grew up on a big farm. Us kids always played with turtles and we never got sick. Also judging by the fact that I still see turtles out everywhere, it would appear that they didnt go extinct as a result of living on my porch for a week or two. Life is an adventure and I’m so happy that your children are getting to experiance the country!

Terrie G - I’m having a hard time reading your posts…they all make me cry.
I miss living on the farm….so many memories of our kids growing up.
And the sounds..I miss those the most at night.
we went to the farm to clean up last week and I took a good look around the place…
with my camera. It was probably one of the last times I’ll go there…so I reminisced…and cried.
A lot.
Happy Wednesday!
PS – You’ve inspired me to start walking…not up to running yet. 🙂

erin - phil is awesome!
and i hate to be one of THOSE people, but turtles can carry a TON of germs, including salmonella. i’d have a hard time denying my little one the chance to hold/touch one, but i’d also be inclined to scrub her hands down to nothing afterwards. just be careful! 🙂

Kate S. - You’ve openly admitted you know little about farm or wildlife, so why are you attempting to keep turtles as pets? They’re wild animals and you’ve unwittingly trapped them and are forcing them to live their lives in captivity.
I’m reminded of this quote: “God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.” –Jacques Deval.
Please let the turtles go. Your children can learn about turles elsewhere.

GB Jost - Never mind Meg, I found it! Sorry! GB

jeana - The turtle is gorgeous! God is amazingly creative, and just to imagine none are exactly the same?! Wow. Congrats on the running. I hate running, it always seems so miserable.. maybe I’m missing something?

GB Jost - Hey Meg, I would love to sign up for the $100.00 Starbucks give-a-way, but the link takes me to another blog entry! Love seeing Scott play basketball…GB

Rebecca - When you look at Phil’s most perfect design, isn’t it hard to believe someone wouldn’t believe in God?

farmhousemama - My kids found a painted turtle last weekend. We let them keep it overnight so that it could go to school for show and tell. Then we let it go back into the creek so that she (you can tell by the tail) could be free and happy… and lay eggs if she needed. 🙂 I agree with MaryMargaret. Wild animals are not meant to be pets. Glad your family is enjoying country life though!

Susan - Turtles have been on the move in our neighborhood lately…we have tons of creeks winding around our neighborhood…a couple of times I have seen one crossing the road and wanted to stop and get it for our back yard. I have two cats and worried about how that would work out. In my case the turtles are probably better off in the street!

Han - Go you with the running! Well done awesome lady!!
Our friend had a turtle called George – he regularly escaped under the fence into our garden – it was like having a pet without the responsibility lol. We’d pick him up and post him back under the fence or pick him up and take him for a walk round to next doors house lol.

Jana - Also, in our area (central Illinois) tiny painted turtles make a pilgrimage to our neighbors pond and it is a pretty remarkable feat! I am sure your children would enjoy that as well! Mine always did!

Jana - I think that is a painted water turtle and I believe that MaryMargaret is right! You unintentionally stopped the turtle from it’s natural instinct to mate or have babies! Please place the turtle back where you found it…..and let it go make more turtles 😉

Jenn - Yay for you on being so close to your goal! That’s awesome! And a BIG thank you, too! You have inspired me. I have three children and back in January lost a baby at almost 18 weeks. It was crushing. I’d lost two other babies, but much earlier in the pregnancy…because of that and the constant nausea, I hadn’t exercised in a several months…and I was packing on the pounds…and it wasn’t very pretty. And you have inspired and encouraged me to start running. I am only up to a mile and a half five days a week, but wow! I’m not dying at the end! And I’m doing it! And the weight is beginning to come off! And I feel so much better! And I never would’ve done it had you not been sharing about running. Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

deborah@applesinwonderland - @MaryMargaret, my little conservationist son (11) would love you. 🙂 There really is so much more to learn and appreciate from animals when they can be observed where and how they live naturally. Turtles are super cool. Your running has me thinking about running….it’s something. 😉

beth - That is a huge turtle! And the fact that you had a large pot in your trunk really cracked me up. I’m so glad you’re enjoying farm/country living! So, what’s next? Your own chickens? A little goat maybe?

Seriously Sassy Mama - I run in the burbs. Not like the country, but the sunsets are still pretty.

MaryMargaret - I know that I’m going to get some flack from this, but please, please put the turtles back into their natural habitat. You may have good intentions, but taking a turtle off of the road may be taking a mother from her nest. Wildlife is called “wild” for a reason, please don’t upset the ecosystem. If you explain that to your children, they’ll learn to respect that now and later in life. Sorry for sounding so preachy in the morning, but I’m a country girl that believes in nature.

Leah B. - I am pretty sure Phil is a water turtle. Probably why he has orange on his belly. Congrats on being so close to your goal on running.

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