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my day without internet

i couldn't decide on the gym or the country yesterday.
i chose the country and .5 miles in i knew it was a very bad choice.
the wind was awful.
and my legs just couldn't do it.
i ended up running 1.5 and walking 2.5.
i kept thinking "man…i can't beleive i ache like this after i had that advil…not good"
i was feeling worried.
got home and sat down….there was my advil.
ha ha ha.
i never took it.
no wonder.
nothing serious….more about the lady business than my knees.
but the wind was the real killjoy.
dumb wind.
you stink.
go away.  
the end.


i did 6 miles today.



this dog lives next door.
she really likes my kids.

she is high energy.

she is very happy.

and a total spaz.
she is growing on me.  

waffle sure loves her….mmm-hmmmm….. you know what i mean.
but he had his waffle cone surgery long ago so at we arent going to be dealing with farm puppies.

(oh but wait….farm puppies sound cute…i am now conflicted)

tuesday, or as it shall now be called My-Day-Without-Internet, was GORGEOUS…the weather was unreal.
i asked the girls to go for a walk with me because the sound outside was ALL frogs and birds.
not kidding.

frogs croaking EVERYWHERE.
like one of those "sounds of the outdoors" soundtrack CD.

so we went searching for frogs.



talby found a turtle shell!

she came so close to catching those little bitty frogs.
but none were caught that day.

then my girls found our neighbors and begged to collect eggs again.


we had french toast for dinner…with farm eggs.

then out of nowhere sean and i were the placed as judges of a fashion show/beauty contest.
on the front step.

he asked them to give a speech on ending world hunger.

sean's scoring was a riot.
"i like your creativity"
"i like the rainbows…good use of color"
"nice hairband, didn't i buy that for you for christmas?"

he and i got bored and went to play h.o.r.s.e. during an wardrobe change.
the fashion show came to the barn.
then they decide to play basketball with us…..sean wasn't excited about that.

most of our basketballs need airing up so there wasn't a ball for annie.
it was almost 8:00 so she couldn't hold it together anymore.
to hold off more tears i suggested we go back inside and make brownies.
she gladly accompanied me in.
we made a cake on accident because i didn't look at what box she chose.


while it baked talby and annie read books to me.
which means i sat down and fell fast asleep on the couch until they were done and said "MOM wake up!"
i have problems.
reading books out loud…myself to them or them to me is like taking a tranquilizer.
i am O U T within two minutes.
i don't mean too do it but i can't fight it.

so they woke me up after four books
and we ate warm cake with melty betty crocker frosting.
and chocolate sprinkles.
and since i had my little nap i was up until 1 AM.

that was my long day without internet.

i guess it wasn't so bad after all.



AshleyAnn - I want to come collect eggs. I do not want to come collect frogs. I want to judge a fashion show with Sean too.
FYI..I have to enter my info each time to leave a comment on your blog too 🙂

Honeybee Mama - oh yum. what a delightful day! i wish i lived on a farm and near turtle shells. and i think i have a boxed cake mix in the cupboard that may need to come out after friday night leftovers tonight! you’ve inspired me!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - “ONE”


Talia - Sounds like a great day!

whitney f - So, I have been wondering, Was there ever a winner for the 31 Bits giveaway?? I never saw anything on it.. and was curious to see =]

se7en - Totally love your days in the country – you just sound like you are on vacation – and it is so contagious!!! Gotta add – nothing on earth puts me to sleep faster than my kids reading to me … flat out unconscious in seconds!!! What is that…!!!

Denissa - Totally cracking up..loved this post! Loves the fashion show and that your son was the judge, so cute!
I really hate when the lady business messes up my runs..NOT COOL!
The neighbors dog is too cute 🙂 we have a spaz yellow lab, she’s my running partner.

Katie Lockhart - I must say that I do hate you a little for your 6 miles, but I realize you are human with the 1.5…and I will rock that 2 miles tonight and add to it when I can. I kind of use your running to hold me accountable. 🙂

Kelly - Sounds like a lovely internet free day. I think we should all enjoy one of these every now and then. The bare foot fashion show is a riot!

Aby - sounds like farm / mommy / memory heaven!!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I just spent the past three days in the country at my parents house on the lake. it is so relaxing. I went three whole days without internet. I blogged, facebooked, played on pinerest, all on my little iPhone.

shauna - i wanta come over

Michelle From Australia - Meg!!! Annie’s rainbow dress? It is FABULOUS. Any idea where I can find one online? Remembering I live on the other side of the planet that is 🙁 My daughter will be 9 in June. And has already chosen that she will have a RAINBOW party. Inspired by her Mummy suggesting rainbows after reading your blog one day perhaps?????

Lori Austin - Your internet free day sounds like a winner. The wind…not so much. Warm cake….winner!!

Mindy Harris - u.r.hilarious.

Susan - The cake looks yum! I am on the same sheet with you and reading out loud. We homeschool so I make my daughter read out loud early while I’m still having coffee! Really!

Sarah - I LOVE this post – and pictures of your “country” girls in bare feet – what a lovely day!

Jules - Ha! Was the porch pavement cold on Annie’s feet? Check out her feet in the 1st picture! too cute!

Lindsey - It looks like you had an awesome day! Very fun! Also, good job on running 6 miles! Makes me want to get off my bum and go running!

mae - Sounds GLORIOUS!

Kristen - What an awesome day! I do have a question about the farm house…how far is it to Target or Walmart?? I’d love to live in the country but I not sure I’d be up for driving an hour or more to my staple stores!
We are totally strapped for cash, so we try to do little things for the ones we love. Baking treats, or sending little gifts like $5 Starbucks gift cards, or $10 iTunes gift cards are some of my favorites. We also ask our friends to join us for meals, or offer free babysitting when we know they could use it. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Amy Bogan Griffin - I click on the spot abourt Waffles cone surgery, ROFL that made me laugh out loud!!! too cute!

Heather S. - Honestly, I covet a day without internet. Mine was down for 10 days in November and while it was inconvenient, I loved the freedom of knowing I didn’t need to *get on the internet* to do this or that. Lovely! Sounds like you had a wonderful day Tuesday. And yes – it WAS gorgeous! 🙂

Leah - Sounds lovely! And why are kids so grumpy when we take a nap? My daughter gets so mad if I rest my eyes. Sorry, I just don’t have the energy, kid.

happygirl - LOVE spring and tadpoles and farm fresh eggs. The world is WAKING UP. 🙂

Mandy - Sounds like a fabulous day, wtg on the 6 miles!! AND…that cake looks amazing!!

Lisa M. - Sounds like a great day! I can be wide awake, but if I start reading a book out loud to my son, I just start yawning away. It’s weird.

Marianne - Maybe I need a few days without the internet- sounds way better than my day! That turtle shell is awesome!!

Vonda - Love it when you make me laugh(out loud)is the best! Especially when it’s about Waffle! Looks like your family is having fun at the farm! My kids love to get the eggs from the chickens at my parents too-they ask every time:)

karen - it’s amazing how much time the internet takes up. i’m obsessed. not good!

Cheryl E. - Can I just tell you that I LOVE your sense of humor? Your blog makes me laugh EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.
Love it!

christy - Sounds like a great day to me & what a great ending, warm cake! It looks like everyone is adjusting to the farm very well, especially Waffle! 🙂 Enjoy!

Mantha - What a great post i really enjoyed it !! and that dog, she looks as crazy as waffle lol .. i bet they become best buddies 🙂
Have a great day Mantha xx

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